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Horrific bus crash in Korat leaves 4 dead, 25 injured, driver flees the scene


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When oh when will the Thai government wake up and require all buses fitted with speed limiters, to stop this daily carnage.

And what will SPEED LIMITERS DO?????????

I just bought a new car more or less latest electronic equipped, it also has a speed limiter set at 120kph and the RPM RED ZONE set to CUTTOFF the fuel to the engine, I figured Ah finally the car manufacturers are getting on the job. Then after in-depth reading the owner manual being a retired rotating maintenance equipment engineer with 50-years in the profession to my great amazement I come across the section how to thinker with the DEFAULT settings including the SPEED LIMITER how to set it higher or even how to disconnect it altogether.

Contacted the Dealer and asked, "WHAT GIVE". The dealer answer, "If the manufacturer doesn't give this info the buyer or her/his "friends" will get into the system and while trying to figure out how to temper with the SPEED LIMITER they will in the process cause damage to the other electronic setting(s) many of which having to do with WARRANTEE. Sort of like APPLE and its iPhone being forced by Barack Hussein (Muslim name) Obama forcing Apple to install a backdoor in the iPhone so the Washington clique can get in to the info in the iPhone. More and more "We the people" are moving into the American New World Order era . Are you getting it????

Pre-digital tachos, I could de-limit a whole fleet of trucks in a day........I doubt it is much more difficult now - however the EU coaches are all limited and have tachos......in Germany you can be done for speeding purely on the evidence of your tacho...I think this is still different from one country to the next in the EU, but at least we know for sure how fast, how long how hard and by whom the vehicle has been driven...for a whole year.....

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R.I.P. and speedy recovery to the injured

I said it once and Ill say it again dont take the night busses, better yet dont take the bus any bus in Thailand.

I doubt if buses are actually more dangerous than other forms of road transport in Thailand, despite all the media attention - however ill-informed - they get.

In EU coach/bus transport is statistically TEN TIMES safer than travel by car.

Edited by cumgranosalum
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It is so sad.

Out of interest how often do brakes" fail" on long distance coaches in Europe/UK/USA or on cars for that matter. My guess would be hardly ever, even if they are poorly maintained. Many of these buses are Mercedes. They should all be recalled if there is a design fault. As to the drivers and bus companies I think prosecutions for murder and manslaughter should be initiated. As I have said my family not allowed anywhere near a bus or a minibus. Not much I can do about a Mercedes travelling at 200kph except later on have the Luk Nong take care of the driver.

It can and WILL happen if someone without proper training drives a bus... which means 100% of all the bus drivers in Thailand. It's called "brake fade"[1].

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brake_fade

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Passengers said they heard the driver shouting that the brakes had stopped working. However, when emergency services attended the scene, the driver had already fled and police are currently searching for him.

The four men who died were reported to have been killed instantly such was the impact of the collision. The other injured passengers were transferred to Maharat and Nong Song Hospitals.

The driver of the truck which was loaded with asphalt said he was turning onto the weighbridge when the bus struck his truck.

How did a driver who fled the scene make a statement???

What are you talking about ?

It was the bus driver that fled the scene , not the truck driver !

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Perhaps what the authorities need to do is take all public service vehicles off the road until they have a licence that says they are safe to be operated on the public highway. No licence no job/income. Yes I know its inconvenient, so is death and leaving the job to others has not worked so a shock is required.

Seat belts to be fitted, working and in use or passengers get a fine.

Checked and maintained on a regular basis with who is responsible for the checking and work.

Spot checks of public service vehicles.

Well thats a start, some in the Land Transport Ministry can now get a good idea bonus and do the job they are paid to do.

And keep a log book duly signed by the person who does the inspection, reminding him that he will be held responsible if there are any failures with brakes etc.

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It is so sad.

Out of interest how often do brakes" fail" on long distance coaches in Europe/UK/USA or on cars for that matter. My guess would be hardly ever, even if they are poorly maintained. Many of these buses are Mercedes. They should all be recalled if there is a design fault. As to the drivers and bus companies I think prosecutions for murder and manslaughter should be initiated. As I have said my family not allowed anywhere near a bus or a minibus. Not much I can do about a Mercedes travelling at 200kph except later on have the Luk Nong take care of the driver.

How often in those countries do you see buses travelling at 130 klm per hour

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Perhaps what the authorities need to do is take all public service vehicles off the road until they have a licence that says they are safe to be operated on the public highway. No licence no job/income. Yes I know its inconvenient, so is death and leaving the job to others has not worked so a shock is required.

Seat belts to be fitted, working and in use or passengers get a fine.

Checked and maintained on a regular basis with who is responsible for the checking and work.

Spot checks of public service vehicles.

Well thats a start, some in the Land Transport Ministry can now get a good idea bonus and do the job they are paid to do.

And keep a log book duly signed by the person who does the inspection, reminding him that he will be held responsible if there are any failures with brakes etc.

Only if it can be proven that the inspection was crap. Because if the inspection was done properly then it's the drivers responsibility.

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"The police said the 18-wheel trailer with asphalt loads was at the rear of a number of trucks waiting for weight checks at the station when the bus rammed at its rear."

and more poorly planned highways with trucks lined up back onto the "highway". like the u-turn lanes and the line of cars stopped in the fast lane waiting to turn right.

That is the scariest part about driving in Thailand. I've lost count of the number of times I've just managed to slam the brakes on when suddenly coming up behind a U turn queue in the RH lane.

It's absolute insanity but there is an obsession with putting U turns every few hundred metres on highways in this country.

If tyou keep having to do that, you should seriously question your suitability to drive in Thailand.

Yep! i often wonder why people just have to drive in the fast land all the time, serve the fool right.

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Perhaps what the authorities need to do is take all public service vehicles off the road until they have a licence that says they are safe to be operated on the public highway. No licence no job/income. Yes I know its inconvenient, so is death and leaving the job to others has not worked so a shock is required.

Seat belts to be fitted, working and in use or passengers get a fine.

Checked and maintained on a regular basis with who is responsible for the checking and work.

Spot checks of public service vehicles.

Well thats a start, some in the Land Transport Ministry can now get a good idea bonus and do the job they are paid to do.

And keep a log book duly signed by the person who does the inspection, reminding him that he will be held responsible if there are any failures with brakes etc.

Only if it can be proven that the inspection was crap. Because if the inspection was done properly then it's the drivers responsibility.

That is the reason for making him sign the inspection log book .......silly man !

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I spoke to a minivan driver recently who speaks almost fluent English.

He told me he drives between Korat and Buriram 5 times a day. Each trip takes 2,5 hours PLUS a 30 minute break between arriving and departing. That's 15 hours a day. Then, at the end of his shift he has to clean and wash the minibus. Let's assume that takes an additional 30 minutes. That's now 15,5 hours per day working/at work. That leaves him 8,5 hours/day to sleep/rest/unwind. He works 28 days per month!!

I belive that that's the main reason for so many of these accidents. The drivers (bus, minivan, lorry, etc.) are simply exhausted. No human being can work these hours month after month without their concentration drifting.

Pay them more so that they DON'T HAVE to work those kinds of hours just to make a living.

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^^^ I work 23 hours a day, 7 days a week, never missed a day in 23 years. I carry plutonium on my pedal bike through the mountains of nepal. kids now are soft!!! this guy can easily get in one more trip!!!! help the farang!!!!! sure, a few don't make it, but many do!!!

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I spoke to a minivan driver recently who speaks almost fluent English.

He told me he drives between Korat and Buriram 5 times a day. Each trip takes 2,5 hours PLUS a 30 minute break between arriving and departing. That's 15 hours a day. Then, at the end of his shift he has to clean and wash the minibus. Let's assume that takes an additional 30 minutes. That's now 15,5 hours per day working/at work. That leaves him 8,5 hours/day to sleep/rest/unwind. He works 28 days per month!!

I belive that that's the main reason for so many of these accidents. The drivers (bus, minivan, lorry, etc.) are simply exhausted. No human being can work these hours month after month without their concentration drifting.

Pay them more so that they DON'T HAVE to work those kinds of hours just to make a living.

You believe everything he told you?
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R.I.P. and speedy recovery to the injured

I said it once and Ill say it again dont take the night busses, better yet dont take the bus any bus in Thailand.

I doubt if buses are actually more dangerous than other forms of road transport in Thailand, despite all the media attention - however ill-informed - they get.

In EU coach/bus transport is statistically TEN TIMES safer than travel by car.

And do you think the same determinants making coach class travel in EU safer are valid in Thailand? For example, are the drivers in both places normally professionally trained, conscientious drivers? Are the vehicles driven of the same quality and maintained Similarly?
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Yet another horrific bus crash in Thailand - Driver flees the scene?

The driver of a passenger carrying vehicle, anywhere in the world, is responsible for the safety of the passengers. It is the driver's responsibility, if able, to contact the emergency services and assist where necessary. On this, and so many other occassions in Thailand, the driver has seen fit to scarper, obviously due to the fact that he was either high on yaba or full of whisky. When are these cowardly excuses for human beings going to receive punishments to fit the crimes? By fleeing the scene, he should be considered guilty on all counts and sentenced accordingly; once the tom-tom drums get going, there is a strong possibility that other cowardly human beings will be more likely to face-up to there responsibilities.

Yes, I know, it'll never happen. TiT!

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"The police said the 18-wheel trailer with asphalt loads was at the rear of a number of trucks waiting for weight checks at the station when the bus rammed at its rear."

and more poorly planned highways with trucks lined up back onto the "highway". like the u-turn lanes and the line of cars stopped in the fast lane waiting to turn right.

That is the scariest part about driving in Thailand. I've lost count of the number of times I've just managed to slam the brakes on when suddenly coming up behind a U turn queue in the RH lane.

It's absolute insanity but there is an obsession with putting U turns every few hundred metres on highways in this country.

If you're having to 'slam on the brakes' in such a situation then you are driving too fast and not looking far enough ahead at the road conditions.

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Just woke up. checked thaivisa for thai news. GROUNHOG day in thailand. Headlines...."bus accident, XXXpeople killed"......."French tourist (any nationality) goes missing at Koh Tao"

RIP to people killed. Hope the french man turns up safe and sound

thailand IS a dangerous place, be careful out there friends

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If you're having to 'slam on the brakes' in such a situation then you are driving too fast and not looking far enough ahead at the road conditions.

you hit the nail on the head. i see so many people having to jump on the brakes at the last minute here because they are busy watching the car in front instead of looking as far ahead as they can to see if there are cars slowing down or problems ahead

Edited by johnno2
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Best place to sit in a Thai bus is further back than the centre, and the ailse seat.

If the bus has two levels, get in the bottom if you can!

The safest place to sit is on the seat at the bus terminal

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It is so sad.

Out of interest how often do brakes" fail" on long distance coaches in Europe/UK/USA or on cars for that matter. My guess would be hardly ever, even if they are poorly maintained. Many of these buses are Mercedes. They should all be recalled if there is a design fault. As to the drivers and bus companies I think prosecutions for murder and manslaughter should be initiated. As I have said my family not allowed anywhere near a bus or a minibus. Not much I can do about a Mercedes travelling at 200kph except later on have the Luk Nong take care of the driver.

But you don't understand, bus brakes in Thailand different.

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Best place to sit in a Thai bus is further back than the centre, and the ailse seat.

If the bus has two levels, get in the bottom if you can!

The safest place to sit is on the seat at the bus terminal

No, the safest place to sit is in your own car. But then, you have to rely on the other cars to miss you.

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Saturday morning ho-hum news.

It's gone from serious concern, to alarm, to the incredible, to the absurd, and finally--to the same old boring news.


Edited by Fookhaht
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When oh when will the Thai government wake up and require all buses fitted with speed limiters, to stop this daily carnage.

Or when will the Thai step up and tell those drivers to drive according the trafficlaws? It seems they don't care at all.

You are transferring Western concepts to a non-Western society. Doesn't work.

Point of being in authority here is to line your own pocket, elevate your social status and your family's and to create an invisible protection shield against any form of attack, legal, physical, financial, you name it.

This applies to all those with power, politicians, police, civil servants, military, anyone who could improve this appalling road safety record.

Without doubt, Briggsy, the most applicable post so-far to sum up the situation !

Edited by fishhooks
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When oh when will the Thai government wake up and require all buses fitted with speed limiters, to stop this daily carnage.

Or when will the Thai step up and tell those drivers to drive according the trafficlaws? It seems they don't care at all.

You are transferring Western concepts to a non-Western society. Doesn't work.

Point of being in authority here is to line your own pocket, elevate your social status and your family's and to create an invisible protection shield against any form of attack, legal, physical, financial, you name it.

This applies to all those with power, politicians, police, civil servants, military, anyone who could improve this appalling road safety record.

......they are quite happy to drive on Western engineered roads and drive Western engineered motor vehicles and still refer to the Road Traffic Laws as 'guidelines'...all about education.

Edited by rodcourt49
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When oh when will the Thai government wake up and require all buses fitted with speed limiters, to stop this daily carnage.

Or when will the Thai step up and tell those drivers to drive according the trafficlaws? It seems they don't care at all.

You are transferring Western concepts to a non-Western society. Doesn't work.

Point of being in authority here is to line your own pocket, elevate your social status and your family's and to create an invisible protection shield against any form of attack, legal, physical, financial, you name it.

This applies to all those with power, politicians, police, civil servants, military, anyone who could improve this appalling road safety record.

......they are quite happy to drive on Western engineered roads and drive Western engineered motor vehicles and still refer to the Road Traffic Laws as 'guidelines'...all about education.

The idea of applying "Western to Eastern" is a glib and facile statement that has little or nothing to do with the reality of the situation.......their is only one concept that applies to road safety and that is the concept of physics.......every point I make is nothing to do with culture - unless those factors are recognised and introduced and adhered to there will be no improvement in road safety....there is not other way....medallions shrines etc have no proven ability to reduce deaths.......

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