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Violence at Trump events continues despite security layers


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Just a taste of the violence to be expected if the loon gets elected. But it won't be limited to fisty cuffs.

Don't worry. We'll stop him. 1zgarz5.gif
Jingthing and Act Up have him in their sights.
What I meant was a coalition of patriot Americans who will unite in strength to oppose a hostile takeover by the psychopathic demagogue trump. Our numbers are greater and the motivation will be there. His brand is hate. Make America Hate Again. No!

If you are the majority, why don't you just vote!

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A few important points. First off Political Rallies are Private Events... not a public - come one - come all - free for all. Not a lot different than a concert. Get rowdy and get thrown out. Then come with a gang of people and intimidate and threaten others even outside the arena... That too is unlawful ... There is even a special law passed a few years back that makes if a Federal Crime to engage in disruptive protest at a presidential campaign event... A law passed by Congress - both Houses and signed by Obama.

It is quite illustrative that an old Liberal precept of Tolerance has become twisted by modern day Leftist in America ... .Say what you want - just as long as you do not disagree with me...

If the liberal leftists - Progressives keep it up and keep pushing the envelope ... engaging in violent protest - not only will large numbers get arrested ... But Trump's rise in the polls and in the voting booth will assure his nomination ... Funny how things like that work... The Silent Majority has a way of getting real pissed - getting motivated when radicals in the Left attempt to shut down free speech.

And for you folks that just cannot get it straight ... Followers and Supporters of candidates Cruz and Trump are not forming gangs and attending Hillary or Sanders campaign events in large numbers - protesting - disrupting and trying to drown out the proceedings... The Dems can say all they want about any policy they please or anything else - -it is their right ... even if we conservatives do not like it...

In the end - those who try to shut us up -- will lose in the public opinion arena...

Edited by JDGRUEN
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I. for one. have no desire to shut up or block the views of Trump supporters or any other candidate or group that wants to express their agenda. I welcome all debate whether I agree or not. This election is not about Conservatives vs. Liberals or even Democrat' s vs, Republicans. This election is about giving America back to the people and letting them decide the direction of the country, something that has been missing and still is missing.

American are angry, disgusted and fed up with all politicians and their lives in general. Donald Trump represents possible change as he is not a politician. To me, he is of the wealthy; beholden to the wealthy; and part of the problem and not the solution. Many things he says are true but he is using America's anger at their inability to advance themselves economically and live a better life to advance his own desire for power. He uses the same theory that Reagan used before- if we get business going again- the money will trickle down to the masses. It is not going to happen until money politics is attacked and ended forever. American business runs on greed and could care less who suffers because of it. The Reagan years deregulated everything and the bankers, lawyers, insurance companies and other industries saw this as a way to ge richer and richer. However, this vast transfer of wealth into the hands of 1% of the population is not sustainable and has created huge divisions in our society. Healthcare costs in America are the highest in the World. America is the only industrialized country that does not have government sponsored healthcare. Access to the healthcare system is a human right not a business enterprise. A University education for the average American costs over $100K then subjects graduates to years and years of repayment to the Federal Government while other countries provide their citizens with either free or low cost subsidized education. Couple this with CEOS who make millions per years while their workers are paid minimum wage.

Then add in a military budget of over $630 Billion- the highest in the World with troops all over the World supposedly looking for terrorists behind bushes and US Generals complaining about lack of readiness and you start to understand why Americans are angry.

The Government doesn't' work for the people. It works for the wealthy ; protects the wealthy and sucks the blood from the average American. Find me a candidate who will change all of this and that is what will make America great. Bernie Sanders is worth a try. Donald Trump is just another rich guy with a big mouth who will change nothing for the average person.

Edited by Thaidream
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Of course Trump is contributing to the violence by making statements like "he wished he could punch a protester in the face and longed for the days when someone who interrupted a rally would be "carried out on a stretcher."". That does not justify the violence of course. Trump won't mind the violence though, any publicity is good publicity and it rallies the people.

Ridiculous, those protesters that enter the building are looking for confrontation. They are the ones

contributing to the violence. If they wanted to protest in a non confrontational way that would

minimize the chance of violence they would protest outside the campaign rally. This is all very

staged for the cameras. coffee1.gif

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I find it humorous that an Aussie pipes in about the situation and states that Americans are losing their jobs in record numbers. Wow, Fox News Australia huh?

Ozyjon here are the actual facts o.k.? Typical Republican tact is to twist facts, sometimes i wonder if it's because they are just misinformed.

United States Unemployment Rate 1948-2016 | Data | Chart | Calendar Unemployment rate in the United States was recorded at 4.9 percent in February 2016, unchanged from the January rate and remaining at its lowest level since April of 2008, as the number of unemployed persons was unchanged. Over the year, the unemployment rate and the number of unemployed persons were down by 0.6 percentage point and 831,000, respectively.

As far as first amendment rights of free speech, you still cannot yell "fire" in a crowded movie theater (unless of course, there is a fire smile.png ) and basically when you have The Donald, Mr. Trumpster, saying "I wish we could go back to the time when it was o.k. to punch someone in the head" he is basically yelling fire in said theater. Brings this on himself with that rhetoric.

I'm sure if it were up to him, he'd like to go back to the time when we went to another village clubbed women in the head and dragged them back to our cave. Women are just pigs according to him.

Anyway, freedom of speech also covers the protesters shouting him down. The bully needs to get bullied, take your own medicine, Mr. Trump, oh and BTW, David Letterman called he wants to make fun of you some more. (See Letterman and Trump videos on youtube).

How about a link where this came from?

"United States Unemployment Rate 1948-2016 | Data | Chart | Calendar Unemployment rate in the United States was recorded at 4.9 percent in February 2016, unchanged from the January rate and remaining at its lowest level since April of 2008, as the number of unemployed persons was unchanged. Over the year, the unemployment rate and the number of unemployed persons were down by 0.6 percentage point and 831,000, respectively."

What your undisclosed source is conveniently missing is the labor force participation rate has also dropped. People that do not participate in the labor force by actively seeking employment during the reporting period are dropped from the count of "unemployed", even though they have no jobs. How many of those 831,000 merely gave up and stopped looking for jobs?

When Obama was inaugurated in January 2009, the labor force participation rate was at 65.8%, which meant that nearly 66% of all Americans aged between 16 and 64 were either employed or actively seeking employment.

The latest rate stands at 62.9%, nearly a full 3% drop.

Your source, whatever it is, does not give the full picture.


Edit in:

You also made this claim:

" Mr. Trumpster, saying "I wish we could go back to the time when it was o.k. to punch someone in the head"

How about a link. I can't seem to find that on the internet.

Edited by chuckd
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How about a link where this came from?

"United States Unemployment Rate 1948-2016 | Data | Chart | Calendar Unemployment rate in the United States was recorded at 4.9 percent in February 2016, unchanged from the January rate and remaining at its lowest level since April of 2008, as the number of unemployed persons was unchanged. Over the year, the unemployment rate and the number of unemployed persons were down by 0.6 percentage point and 831,000, respectively."

What your undisclosed source is conveniently missing is the labor force participation rate has also dropped. People that do not participate in the labor force by actively seeking employment during the reporting period are dropped from the count of "unemployed", even though they have no jobs. How many of those 831,000 merely gave up and stopped looking for jobs?

When Obama was inaugurated in January 2009, the labor force participation rate was at 65.8%, which meant that nearly 66% of all Americans aged between 16 and 64 were either employed or actively seeking employment.

The latest rate stands at 62.9%, nearly a full 3% drop.

How about staying on topic? Your post doesn't mention or even make the slightest reference to Trump or the violence at this campaign events.

Edited by up-country_sinclair
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If the duck needs this amount of security when he is just running for the nomination can you image how much he would need if he became president? He would have to serve the whole term locked in a bomb proof room surrounded by tanks. Thank goodness it will never happen. Loving the circus though!

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American politics is much more than about an "ugly American". It's even much more than protesters taking the moral liberty to deny freedom of assembly to others and to deny freedom of speech. Many focus on the personal detail of politicians and are very vocal about it, adding to the general hysteria which clouds the bigger picture and they are not looking.

What is really much bigger and becoming much more sinister is the political establishment moving to deny the vote to masses of people, in a complete denial of their democratic rights and freedom of choice. Beware the Ides of March. It is quite possible that Trump could be assassinated. While some on TVF might celebrate that, it would shine a light on the moral bankruptcy of those willing to cross the line, self justified by what they consider to be their own sense of higher morality, albeit totally hypocritical in measure.

But I believe if such an event took place, it would not be from the lunatic left (unless employed) but from the establishment who see their power base in jeopardy, their relevance and futures in doubt and big money flight. The same threat by the political establishment is in Europe with rigging of the peoples' vote and manipulations to preserve the power bases of officials who were never elected such as the IMF. The sea change towards totalitarianism in this form is much more of a threat than some jumped up Donald Trump. All he has done so far is rock the boat of the self serving privileged and that is the greater danger of all. This is a power play of the powers that be telling the great unwashed what is best for them because their modus operandi is self serving. With the weakening of Bernie Sanders and nothing else having come forth from the people, a vote for Trump seems to be the only protest vote left against corruption that is destroying the future of the USA, but a vote that could eventually be denied.

Edited by Linzz
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Violence at Trump events? Ha! Trump events- the entire phenomena of him and Bernie- are entirely built upon the various degrees of violence that are now constantly worked upon America by its government and its anointed constituents- beneficiaries. Many forms of violence are visited upon America and now Americans protesting their abuse get admonished not to be violent. The left, by its own writings and achievements, is a monster of violence. Whether its Bernie's socialist communist ideology, Obama's marxism, or HRC Rules for Radicals, Americans have been wounded by the left for decades and are sick of it.

Indeed, the left has acted violence upon the world and now cry foul. But this mechanism is also a condition of the left- admit nothing, deny everything, make counter-accusations- repeat, repeat, repeat

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Hmmm. All these wingnuts showing up at Trump rallies because they think it's their God-given right to silence anyone who doesn't agree with THEM. Them trying to decide for others what they can listen to. Since there's obviously something they don't want me to hear, maybe Trump deserves more of a listen...

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Live by the sword, die by the sword.

I do believe I've said before that his man will eventually be silenced.

If the 'organisation' doesn't see to it, so other nutter will, at which point the investigation paperwork should read, suicide by stupidity.

As Fred Sanford said "he who liveth by the sword shall get stucketh"

When all this is over he'll have to live out his days with all the mess he created. He'll deny ever doing it, playing the innocent victim.

"Nobody is a bigger victim than me!" Actually, Carson already made that claim.

Man, that GOP convention is going to be something! You know those patriots that attend will be exercising their 2nd Amendment rights.

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Makes me wonder. Thailand has Democrats and America has Democrats. Both seem to resort to violence when all else fails.Lets just hope that in America they arenot army backed also.

Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt! No comparison.

Anyway, it's his own party that is out for his blood. The Dems WANT him to get the nomination.

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Bottom line is you cannot blame Trump for the actions of protesters.

In Chicago the protesters were rioting. They were smashing up cars outside. Police were attacked too.

They weren't peaceful protesters.

Yet Trump gets the blame for their actions. Amazing.

Not according to the mainstream media. Trump is a Nazi and the rude thugs that interfere with his rallies are knights in shining armor.

And now Fox News has caught the Liberal Disease and is piling in on Trump. Disgusting:

“Donald Trump’s vitriolic attacks against Megyn Kelly and his extreme, sick obsession with her is beneath the dignity of a presidential candidate who wants to occupy the highest office in the land,”

Fox has gone Mainstream. When Trump is President he'll find a way to silence them.

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Violence at Trump events? Ha! Trump events- the entire phenomena of him and Bernie- are entirely built upon the various degrees of violence that are now constantly worked upon America by its government and its anointed constituents- beneficiaries. Many forms of violence are visited upon America and now Americans protesting their abuse get admonished not to be violent. The left, by its own writings and achievements, is a monster of violence. Whether its Bernie's socialist communist ideology, Obama's marxism, or HRC Rules for Radicals, Americans have been wounded by the left for decades and are sick of it.

Indeed, the left has acted violence upon the world and now cry foul. But this mechanism is also a condition of the left- admit nothing, deny everything, make counter-accusations- repeat, repeat, repeat

So now Obama is a Marxist? Wow, fringe right wingers must be really spooked. They're spooked by Trump gaining the nomination, because they know, down deep, that he can't win the general election. So they lash out at everyone who isn't Trump, which is just about everyone important except Christie and Carson. And the best Carson can say about Trump is, "he's like two people" meaning: you don't know, at any given minute, whether you're dealing with the flummoxed Trump or the vindictive Trump (see below).

And now Fox News has caught the Liberal Disease and is piling in on Trump. Disgusting:

“Donald Trump’s vitriolic attacks against Megyn Kelly and his extreme, sick obsession with her is beneath the dignity of a presidential candidate who wants to occupy the highest office in the land,”

Fox has gone Mainstream. When Trump is President he'll find a way to silence them.

You're probably right. Trump as prez would be adept at silencing those who aren't lauding him. He particularly loathes press corps if/when they say anything non-flattering about him or his products. I never thought I'd be defending Fox News, but now with Trump causing deep divisions throughout the fabric of American institutions, .....his fascist antics would be comical, if they didn't resemble Mussolini's Brown Shirts so well.

Edited by boomerangutang
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So now Obama is a Marxist? Wow, fringe right wingers must be really spooked. They're spooked by Trump gaining the nomination, because they know, down deep, that he can't win the general election. So they lash out at everyone who isn't Trump, which is just about everyone important except Christie and Carson. And the best Carson can say about Trump is, "he's like two people" meaning: you don't know, at any given minute, whether you're dealing with the flummoxed Trump or the vindictive Trump (see below).

You're probably right. Trump as prez would be adept at silencing those who aren't lauding him. He particularly loathes press corps if/when they say anything non-flattering about him or his products. I never thought I'd be defending Fox News, but now with Trump causing deep divisions throughout the fabric of American institutions, .....his fascist antics would be comical, if they didn't resemble Mussolini's Brown Shirts so well.

And, all of this has exactly "what?" to do with the topic which is violence at Trump events? You need to go spend a looooong time in a bathroom and clear your mind, LOL. tongue.png

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Hmmm. All these wingnuts showing up at Trump rallies because they think it's their God-given right to silence anyone who doesn't agree with THEM. Them trying to decide for others what they can listen to. Since there's obviously something they don't want me to hear, maybe Trump deserves more of a listen...

It's called protesting. It happened at the original Tea Party, and happened during the War in Vietnam, and the walk to Montgomery. It's an American tradition. Usually it's peaceful and allowed. Perhaps you're referring to the two young men who showed up at a Trump rally. They sat silently in the far back seats, and simply held small hand-scribbled signs, one of which said, "American is already great". Are those the wingnuts you're referring to?

Hawker, go ahead to listen to Trump as much as you want. No one is keeping you or anyone else from listening to his speeches. There are probably many hours online. I've listened to lots of Trump, before and after his campaign. I don't think I need to tell you about the plethora of lies, mistakes, bullying bragging and contradictions throughout. I'll let you figure it out, .....or not, ...up to you.

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Bottom line is you cannot blame Trump for the actions of protesters.

In Chicago the protesters were rioting. They were smashing up cars outside. Police were attacked too.

They weren't peaceful protesters.

Yet Trump gets the blame for their actions. Amazing.

Not according to the mainstream media. Trump is a Nazi and the rude thugs that interfere with his rallies are knights in shining armor.

And now Fox News has caught the Liberal Disease and is piling in on Trump. Disgusting:

“Donald Trump’s vitriolic attacks against Megyn Kelly and his extreme, sick obsession with her is beneath the dignity of a presidential candidate who wants to occupy the highest office in the land,”

Fox has gone Mainstream. When Trump is President he'll find a way to silence them.

How these events are unfolding are largely the responsibility of the media, the good and the bad. In fact, my commission and omission, the media effectively employs both sides and stokes or assuages violence. But one thing that cannot be said without context is Trump's presumed relationship to the media/journalists. Its just pure fantasy.

One surmise or daydream all day long about Trump and his media abuses if president. However, by definition a president is in a position of authority, and Trump has never been. Trump's only relationship has been as a civilian. However, regarding the presidency, we do know that Obama has been the worst president in history regarding journalists, media, press, etc. In fact, under Obama America has plunged to banana republic levels of government/media relations. https://index.rsf.org/#!/

So, indicting a civilian for an imagined future has zero meaning without noting the despot in office now.





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So now Obama is a Marxist? Wow, fringe right wingers must be really spooked. They're spooked by Trump gaining the nomination, because they know, down deep, that he can't win the general election. So they lash out at everyone who isn't Trump, which is just about everyone important except Christie and Carson. And the best Carson can say about Trump is, "he's like two people" meaning: you don't know, at any given minute, whether you're dealing with the flummoxed Trump or the vindictive Trump (see below).

You're probably right. Trump as prez would be adept at silencing those who aren't lauding him. He particularly loathes press corps if/when they say anything non-flattering about him or his products. I never thought I'd be defending Fox News, but now with Trump causing deep divisions throughout the fabric of American institutions, .....his fascist antics would be comical, if they didn't resemble Mussolini's Brown Shirts so well.

And, all of this has exactly "what?" to do with the topic which is violence at Trump events? You need to go spend a looooong time in a bathroom and clear your mind, LOL. tongue.png

What I wrote is on topic, particularly as it relates to the posts I was responding to, which you deleted. Is going to the bathroom how you 'clear your mind'? Something tells me I don't want to really know the answer to that question.

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Just a taste of the violence to be expected if the loon gets elected. But it won't be limited to fisty cuffs.

Don't worry. We'll stop him. 1zgarz5.gif
Jingthing and Act Up have him in their sights.
What I meant was a coalition of patriot Americans who will unite in strength to oppose a hostile takeover by the psychopathic demagogue trump. Our numbers are greater and the motivation will be there. His brand is hate. Make America Hate Again. No!

"patriot Americans"...not a single "protester" in Chicago would accept that description. That guy who jumped on the stage at Trump's next rally was featured in an ISIS video dragging an American flag behind him. Typical. If you want to find patriotic Americans against Trump, you need to look at people on the right or center-right.

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What I meant was a coalition of patriot Americans who will unite in strength to oppose a hostile takeover by the psychopathic demagogue trump. Our numbers are greater and the motivation will be there. His brand is hate. Make America Hate Again. No!

"patriot Americans"...not a single "protester" in Chicago would accept that description. That guy who jumped on the stage at Trump's next rally was featured in an ISIS video dragging an American flag behind him. Typical. If you want to find patriotic Americans against Trump, you need to look at people on the right or center-right.

I don't think he meant it to be taken literally. I believe it is a piece of performance art and I evaluate it on that basis.

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There is only one politician that offers any hope or real change and that is Bernie Sanders. Trump calls him a Communist and other news media a Socialist. If he were President, he would end money politics and give Americans a real chance to change the ridiculous power structure that keeps most Americans working for a pittance while the 1% of the population get richer and richer off the backs of the 99%. Donald Trump cannot even articulate a real plan for Americans other than one based upon hate and intolerance. You could deport every undocumentedl person in America and build a wall around the country and nothing would change.

Bernie wouldn't get anything done as president because no Republican and 95% of the Democrats would back him in Congress.

People seem to forget (or don't know) that Sanders is not a Democrat. Historically Trump has bounced between Democrat-Republican based on what's best for business, but Sanders has been an Independent for decades. That's Independent with a capital "I".

Dems in Congress will of course back him if he is the nominee, but when it comes time to put their congressional seats on the line for his socialist ideas or "taking money out of politics"...good luck.

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If the protesters and their paying bosses didn't think Trump could be the next POTUS, they wouldn't bother now, would they.

"Get Ready To Say President Trump."

"Unless something changes dramatically between now and November, Donald Trump will be the next president." US News and World Report.

"The truth is this: presidential elections are now fought and won in just seven states. The other 43 (with a few rare exceptions) are largely pre-ordained. States that vote Democratic or Republican in presidential elections have remained that way since John F. Kennedy's era. There have been only a handful of exceptions in states such as Indiana or North Carolina."

"For those who believe a Trump presidency is not really possible in today's America, you may want to re-think that proposition."

More at link...

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