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Metropolitan police chief tells foreigners to carry passports or copies at all times


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they did not catch anyone without papers?

either they are lying or were extremely lucky (or the article is <deleted>@ked)

btw - a laminated miniture card is not a passport or photocopy. so scrap that idea. nice thought. but learn to read. thai cop with high school diploma say 'passport' or 'photocopy' in broken engrish please.

Edited by fey
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The BiB should announce that any foreigners enrolled in criminal activities should turn themselves in as soon as possible. What a pile of X. The longer I live here the more unwanted the feeling becomes.

Better idea, criminals/terrorists should register at immigration on entry, with a copy of their itinerary , this would save the police from losing face and make their job easier, they wouldn't need to think so much.

But ... but ... if I'm not mistaken, there is no line on the TM (arrival card) for visitors to write their profession, so even an honest terrorist, perfectly willing to write 'terrorist' on said line, can't do it. Tsk tsk, how annoying.

Guess immigration could open the non-existent "special" lanes.. problem solve. lol

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A Police State is a Police State; even if it is run by soldiers.

Stop complaining

I, of course being a trouble maker, want to see a breakdown by Jangwat of "interceptions made by the constabulary" on a monthly basis; the number of foreigners by nationality intercepted; the number failing to carry ID; the numbers of Thai Nationals intercepted carrying and not carrying ID; the number and amounts of fines imposed.

PS I am having trouble finding a definitive statement of what the fine/punishment process is for not carrying an ID is for both Thais and foreigners. Please help.

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Like I said before there is more to this, I believe there is and has been a credible terrorist threat in Bangkok or major tourist areas in Thailand, basing this on two things, the leaked memo in Phuket and gut feel, if there is a threat they would be better telling people than trying to hide it.

OMG.... Do you really think a terrorist will have "TERRORIST" stamped on his passport. Or maybe you believe the police have a list of ALL terrorists and by chance, might just find them in one of thousand of entertainment venues, man, some people who comment have far fetched ideas. This who thing is simply because Thai police have no idea how do do anything in a logical/ sensible way, this type of action simply puts tourist,s NOT terrorists, off from coming to Thailand.

I thought you would have known that seeing as how smart you seem to be

do I really need to explain it to you, I think I am wasting my time lol

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Anyone carrying their original passport in Thailand is asking for trouble, Last year around 2,500 foreign passports were stolen in Thailand. (That figure is from the Thai police)

It is well know that Thailand is a major hub for black market passports.(Anyone can google it)

As noted by several comments, it is advisable to carry a copy of the passport details page and a copy of the departure stamp, or carry a copy on a smartphone, which almost everyone has.

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I'll believe he crackdown is effective when I start seeing less & less Nigerian, Cameroonian, Sierra Leonian $ Somali scammers & hookers off the streets in both Bangkok & Pattaya. Vietnam cracked down and exported 17 a few months ago - back to where they came from - guess where?? - Thailand, thats all they are required to do, send them back from their last port of exit. I thought that was kind of funny.giggle.gifgiggle.gif giggle.gif

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The BiB should announce that any foreigners enrolled in criminal activities should turn themselves in as soon as possible. What a pile of X. The longer I live here the more unwanted the feeling becomes.

Better idea, criminals/terrorists should register at immigration on entry, with a copy of their itinerary , this would save the police from losing face and make their job easier, they wouldn't need to think so much.

But ... but ... if I'm not mistaken, there is no line on the TM (arrival card) for visitors to write their profession, so even an honest terrorist, perfectly willing to write 'terrorist' on said line, can't do it. Tsk tsk, how annoying.

There is such a line on the form which you complete when registering at a hotel.

I'd love to see the night shift immigration clerk checking through the days forms wrestling with "semi skilled left handed bagpipe tuner."

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C'mon guys.!

Go to any Kodak shop with your passport.

For $3 they will colour copy your passport front page and Visa/Extension, reduce to wallet card size and laminate with one on the front and the other on the obverse.

In less time than it takes you to enjoy a cold frothy.

Do it on the way home from your annual Immi visit - you'll need a coldie by then.

Or you could take a cold frothy to the Kodak shop. You have made me thirsty.

Bugger all chance of being asked for it anyway. Just a lot of thaivisa fuss.

I think those caught up in the raids the OP refers to might disagree with you. I always carry a copy, even when I run in the park-which is extreme and probably pointless I admit Not had the BIB ask to see it often, but enough times to make aware of the need to always carry a copy.

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This is unreasonable .... constantly carrying a passport makes the likelihood of wear and tear very real. Damaged once and it is useless. Not only that but it can also be lost or stolen. I have a laminated, wallet sized photocopy of my passport with my current Retirement Visa on the reverse, (30 baht at a photo shop). I also have a Thai Driver's License. I am a law abiding person, but it seems the powers that be want to make me and everyone like me, in to criminals. Replacing a lost, stolen or damaged passport is not an easy thing to do!!

I have heard of people being taken to jail and not allowed out until their passport is produced. How can I do that if my passport is safely locked in my room and I live alone?

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Like I said before there is more to this, I believe there is and has been a credible terrorist threat in Bangkok or major tourist areas in Thailand, basing this on two things, the leaked memo in Phuket and gut feel, if there is a threat they would be better telling people than trying to hide it.

OMG.... Do you really think a terrorist will have "TERRORIST" stamped on his passport. Or maybe you believe the police have a list of ALL terrorists and by chance, might just find them in one of thousand of entertainment venues, man, some people who comment have far fetched ideas. This who thing is simply because Thai police have no idea how do do anything in a logical/ sensible way, this type of action simply puts tourist,s NOT terrorists, off from coming to Thailand.

I thought you would have known that seeing as how smart you seem to be

do I really need to explain it to you, I think I am wasting my time lol

YES you are, in more was than one.

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Did your passport copy include the visa sticker copy and stamp on the back of it out of interest?

And were you walking on the street or driving a car?

I was on my motorcycle, direction Asok. I had a red light at a pedestrian crossing so I stopped. 50 meters further a couple of local mobsters were waiting and pulled me over. They asked for my passport and driving license. I always carry a copy of my passport page & long term visa. All together it took over 3 hours and I completely lost my appetite. So no restaurant made any money on me. Police is a disgrace for the economy !!!

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Yes, have to respect the rules of any country that you visit or live in. I carry a photo of my passport on my phone to ensure I abide by the law.

At the end of the day if this catches only one illegal foreigner or only saves one life by arresting a potential threat then this initiative has worked.

I am sure the very same people that suggest this is too controlling of the govt will be the same ones that complain about the govt if someone that this initiative is targeting commits a violent crime.

Can't win if you do and can't win if you don't.

oh right they do that in Australia do they? stop anyone for no reason and ask to see their passport? I should not be surprised from you I suppose but I think you would be in bliss in North Korea


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Quote 1 : Police have called on foreigners to carry their passports with them at all times

Quote 2 : in order to ensure that foreigners were carrying either their original passport or a photocopy with them.

Quote 3 : no one was found to be breaking the rules.

I'm sure that every foreigner reading this article will be impressed with its remarkable coherence and logic and thinking :

We will be happy to avoid breaking the rules, once we know what the g*****m rules are, and providing they don't change every 5 minutes !


My guess a lot were breaking the rules....and got a polite warning. I think these co-ordinated raids had a purpose...some particular people were being looked for.

Did they have a list on a clipboard they kept refering to?

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So what they implying. Falange are the top Criminals. Maybe they should look closer to home. How many Thai people without ID cards. Or counterfit. That's why Thai people cannot get there I D cards renewed at Big C anymore. But I suppose it's the Country and Law.

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Like I said before there is more to this, I believe there is and has been a credible terrorist threat in Bangkok or major tourist areas in Thailand, basing this on two things, the leaked memo in Phuket and gut feel, if there is a threat they would be better telling people than trying to hide it.

Right, i suppose you believe also the US set up the 9/11, sweet dreams Junta lover.....

He's probably not far off. With the militants down south, credible ISIS threats on Thai tourist locations, and whatever memos have been released, I can't say I'm surprised if they are ramping up efforts.

However, it sounds more like random, pointless acts of police nonsense. As if they are going to catch Achmed the suicide bomber hanging out in a club, or even that he would admit his plan of terror when asked to see his passport.

These shake downs are the equivalent to the random helmet check stops they do from time to time.

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So what they implying. Falange are the top Criminals. Maybe they should look closer to home. How many Thai people without ID cards. Or counterfit. That's why Thai people cannot get there I D cards renewed at Big C anymore. But I suppose it's the Country and Law.

Forget Thais without IDs, how many migrant workers (and non workers) are here illegally without ID? I'd wager no one knows.

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Anyone carrying their original passport in Thailand is asking for trouble, Last year around 2,500 foreign passports were stolen in Thailand. (That figure is from the Thai police)

It is well know that Thailand is a major hub for black market passports.(Anyone can google it)

As noted by several comments, it is advisable to carry a copy of the passport details page and a copy of the departure stamp, or carry a copy on a smartphone, which almost everyone has.

2,500 passports stolen (or lost and reported stolen. or even sold) isn't bad out of the reported 30 million visitors last year. But even that is a moot point against the OP as Pol. Lt. Gen Sanit has clearly stated that photocopies will be accepted, in other words, original passports can be left in a secure storage until needed.

It does however have to be noted that this instruction/request is only applicable to Bkk Metropolitan; other provinces may have different requirements.

He does somehow spoil his speech by directing the reason towards 'foreigners who might have ill-intentions to be involved in dark business, or even crimes, especially trans-national crime' and then really messing it up by announcing 'This operation also helps to boost confidence between tourists and the security forces'.

IMO of course.......................wink.png

Edited by chrisinth
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So what they implying. Falange are the top Criminals. Maybe they should look closer to home. How many Thai people without ID cards. Or counterfit. That's why Thai people cannot get there I D cards renewed at Big C anymore. But I suppose it's the Country and Law.

I think more aimed at other Asians than at farang.
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Just a silly question:

How does a passport indicate whether a visitor to Thailand is involved in "transnational crime"?

You didnt know. A transnational criminal has within his passport an invisible, secret number along with a hologram of Elmer Fudd that can only be read by the use of super human powers only possessed by the RTP that clearly states you are a transnational criminal.

I hope this helps.

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A photocopy I'll wear; the original, no chance. It gets lost or stolen, I don't see the police chief putting up his hand to help locate it ... never mind making allowances whilst a new one is obtained. And I can't see too many visitors being aware of this requirement, particularly short-term ones.

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Here's one good reason not to carry your passport with you: In 1990 my passport was stolen from me while I was in the Philippines. Ever since then, (almost) every time I return home I'm asked "Have you ever lost your passport?" and I have to relate the whole story again. Last time, I asked the officer why they keep asking me this, 26 years later. He said everyone who loses their passport is registered on the Interpol database, and he warned that should I lose more than one passport I MAY even be detained at the border if I don't have additional documents to confirm my actual identity. There's no way I want to risk that - I'll take my chances with the Thai cops.

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Why don't they try issuing Thai ID cards to long-stay expats, i.e., those who are married or retired and have 5 years 'in-country' without returning to their home countries. Me? Married to a Thai, and this is 'home', whether jingoistic compassionate Thailand accepts it or not. Haven't been back to my home country for 8 years, and no plans on the horizon to return.

Well, no big deal. I don't frequent BKK tourist spots or Chiang Mai nightclubs. I'll probably just add a copy of my Tabien Baan (Yellow Book) to the passport copies I carry on my person and in the car, and then I've just renewed my Thai DL which has all that info on it anyway. So? Whatever.

I'm surprised tourists don't get a clue that they aren't really welcome here and to vote with their feet. But they don't, so again...whatever.

They should but I have always said that. You have a family here give us unlimited stay and the freedom to come and go as we want. I think they wont do that as it would look as if they have given us something and that appears to go totally against the grain

Maybe an inconvenient object but you could always try waving your yellow book.

Why are tourists unwelcome? They come, spend, go. And maybe come again.

Overstayers including non compliant "expats" are in breach of Thai law and would be as such in most countries in which they would do same at risk of much harsher penalties.

I am constantly puzzled as to why so many expect some exclusive exceptional status in Thailand.

Residing in Thailand for decades without formal residence status, non provision of income other than a 800,000Bht deposit or equivalent, irksome 90 day report..........? And people complain about the "horriffic intrusion" of being asked to show legitimate documentation for presence?

It comes down to the original reason for being here originally..................so easy ! Given something? cheesy.gif

Were you asked to stay? What problem then if you are asked to comply to stay?

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So what they implying. Falange are the top Criminals. Maybe they should look closer to home. How many Thai people without ID cards. Or counterfit. That's why Thai people cannot get there I D cards renewed at Big C anymore. But I suppose it's the Country and Law.

What, pray is a 'Falange'? I think I used to have such an effect in my bass effects rack.....

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Yes, have to respect the rules of any country that you visit or live in. I carry a photo of my passport on my phone to ensure I abide by the law.

At the end of the day if this catches only one illegal foreigner or only saves one life by arresting a potential threat then this initiative has worked.

I am sure the very same people that suggest this is too controlling of the govt will be the same ones that complain about the govt if someone that this initiative is targeting commits a violent crime.

Can't win if you do and can't win if you don't.

oh right they do that in Australia do they? stop anyone for no reason and ask to see their passport? I should not be surprised from you I suppose but I think you would be in bliss in North Korea


Good find Harrrry, I imagine djjamie and the other gutless, brown-nosed 'obey the Thais without question or go home' lapdogs would hate to see such a public display of indignation by Westerners/Foreigners at their poor treatment in Thailand by the Thai authorities.

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I would not carry my original passport under any circumstances, unless I am traveling overseas, or going to immigration. Always carry a color copy of my passport in my wallet, and have begun carrying a copy of the visa page too. If that is not enough for them, too bad. Non cooperation is what they deserve on this one. This is too much to ask. Asking an expat to carry their original passport at all times, would be the equivalent of asking a Jew in Germany in the late 1930's to carry their Jewish identification papers with them, and to wear a star of David on their clothing. It is way, way beyond the pale, and not something I am willing to cooperate with, on any level.

Thailand really needs to get it's act together, when it comes to having the right attitude about both tourists and ex-pats. The government is the one in need of an attitude adjustment.

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