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Is It Ever Acceptable For A Thai Girl To Cheat?


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Morality, seriously?

I hear this kind of thing from guys all over the world marry the "good" nice virginal type girl....then 5 years later they are complaining she never puts out, or they never get a BJ cos she thinks its disgusting. Course, then the "good" girls get into their thirties, after decade or so holding it back, all builds up, then al of a sudden they are trying to shag every damn thing.

Why the assumptions thag a bar girl is less or more likely to be a good mother, why the assumption a regular girl isnt going to end up taking you for more money, less likely to cheat.

These are all assumptions, based mainly on how pissy you get thinking some other guy/guys getting pleasured by her....Jealousy

You going to make life long decisions based on jealousy first?

Sounds kind of idiotic to me

And no one, no one, the girl, her family, other falangs regardless of what they say to your face are not going to believe you dont try sneak in some soapy massage place or the like, every chance you get..even if you actually dont

I do think generalisations can be drawn from peoples professions, your talking about the lifestyle habits they've been living, the peer group they've been around and picked up beliefs from. But at the same time, it's good to be open minded, give everyone a chance, give them your trust until they prove otherwise

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She's a hooker, she's with a customer.

That isn't cheating, that's working.

She's with you because you "hansum man", she loves you, you're the boyfriend.

You can only go with another girl, if the girl pays you for sex.

Then you would be working, which would be OK.


of course. If you paid a bar fine for a month, and then went back to your country, your hooker is hooking, and it would be insane to consider that she is not, or to consider that she is your "girlfriend".

hookers don't cheat...they sell sex to the next one in line. No way any of these girls are going back to the farm to wait for your 10,000 baht monthly retainer. Just save that cash for your next trip. Believe me, they love their work...and changing diapers/washing clothes back in Nakhon Nowhere is the last thing they want.

Edited by slipperylobster
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She's a hooker, she's with a customer.

That isn't cheating, that's working.

She's with you because you "hansum man", she loves you, you're the boyfriend.

You can only go with another girl, if the girl pays you for sex.

Then you would be working, which would be OK.


of course. If you paid a bar fine for a month, and then went back to your country, your hooker is hooking, and it would be insane to consider that she is not, or to consider that she is your "girlfriend".

hookers don't cheat...they sell sex to the next one in line. No way any of these girls are going back to the farm to wait for your 10,000 baht monthly retainer. Just save that cash for your next trip. Believe me, they love their work...and changing diapers/washing clothes back in Nakhon Nowhere is the last thing they want.

They love their work?

Dude, next time you go to pattaya, look around, look at what 95% of the guys look like.

I agree with on the measley 10000 a month retainer, but you think there arent any that just want to land a husband and go back home and stay with their parents, brothers, sisters?

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I had many relationships like this during my twenty years as a single guy in Bangkok. Just enjoy yourself and don’t try to turn it into something it isn’t. If you feel the need to fool around because she is a working girl, just make sure you don’t do it in a way which will make her lose face. Don’t sleep with her friends or girls where she works, don’t tell her what you are doing and don’t ask too many questions about what she is doing. Try not to get in the way of her making money since you are not providing that for her. She probably needs some semblance of a normal relationship to balance what she does for work but you need to play along or let her find that with someone else.

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I had many relationships like this during my twenty years as a single guy in Bangkok. Just enjoy yourself and don’t try to turn it into something it isn’t. If you feel the need to fool around because she is a working girl, just make sure you don’t do it in a way which will make her lose face. Don’t sleep with her friends or girls where she works, don’t tell her what you are doing and don’t ask too many questions about what she is doing. Try not to get in the way of her making money since you are not providing that for her. She probably needs some semblance of a normal relationship to balance what she does for work but you need to play along or let her find that with someone else.

Thank you very much for your answer, very wise advice

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I had many relationships like this during my twenty years as a single guy in Bangkok. Just enjoy yourself and don’t try to turn it into something it isn’t. If you feel the need to fool around because she is a working girl, just make sure you don’t do it in a way which will make her lose face. Don’t sleep with her friends or girls where she works, don’t tell her what you are doing and don’t ask too many questions about what she is doing. Try not to get in the way of her making money since you are not providing that for her. She probably needs some semblance of a normal relationship to balance what she does for work but you need to play along or let her find that with someone else.

Thank you very much for your answer, very wise advice

Remember that one of your main attractions is your newness and naiveté. You are not yet jaded, cynical, judgmental and accusatory and once you lose that you become less attractive.

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I had many relationships like this during my twenty years as a single guy in Bangkok. Just enjoy yourself and don’t try to turn it into something it isn’t. If you feel the need to fool around because she is a working girl, just make sure you don’t do it in a way which will make her lose face. Don’t sleep with her friends or girls where she works, don’t tell her what you are doing and don’t ask too many questions about what she is doing. Try not to get in the way of her making money since you are not providing that for her. She probably needs some semblance of a normal relationship to balance what she does for work but you need to play along or let her find that with someone else.

Thank you very much for your answer, very wise advice

Remember that one of your main attractions is your newness and naiveté. You are not yet jaded, cynical, judgmental and accusatory and once you lose that you become less attractive.

Thanks, I'll remember that

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OP - it sounds like she is playing with you head. She's a working girl who is bored and wants a boyfriend experience with no commitment.

I'd say it's time to move on, or just look her up once in a while as a booty call.

Edited by dbrenn
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They love their work?

Dude, next time you go to pattaya, look around, look at what 95% of the guys look like.

It's strange but true, most of the hookers in Thailand enjoy being hookers.

33% like the party atmosphere, drugs and booze (they're basically drunks).

33% like sex with multiple partners (most women don't appear to actually care what's attached to the end of the penis they're using)

33% are lazy, and in it for the easy money (and probably don't like sex all that much with men)

You can play with the percentages, but I've covered most of the girls.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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They love their work?

Dude, next time you go to pattaya, look around, look at what 95% of the guys look like.

It's strange but true, most of the hookers in Thailand enjoy being hookers.

33% like the party atmosphere, drugs and booze (they're basically drunks).

33% like sex with multiple partners (most women don't appear to actually care what's attached to the end of the penis they're using)

33% are lazy, and in it for the easy money (and probably don't like sex all that much with men)

You can play with the percentages, but I've covered most of the girls.

I have to agree with you.

By the way....most of these girls have boyfriends back home (or with them). Not many are looking for a quick marriage to a "customer". If you lived up in Isaan, you would see them bring the money home, stay for a while, introduce a few prospective husbands...play the normal village girl for a week, and as soon as the fiance heads out...she runs back to pattaya for fun and adventure.

UthaiThani is dreaming that all these bargirls are sad sacks waiting for a husband to save them from the bar world.

haha..........could he be more wrong?

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Rule of thumb:

Tattoo = ba(r/d) girl


Does that include the many white Western women who sport tattoos ?

No - those are called tramp stamps for a reason....

GENERALLY SPEAKING I reckon girls, Thai or Farang, hooker or not, with tattoos are easier, or more promiscuous. From my experience anyway. There are exceptions.

A way in this case, the girl is a hooker.

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I wish some posts were scrutinized and restricted as much as some of our replies are.

Not trolling in anyway, I think just somethings which might seem obvious to people who have lived here 2+ years, might not be obvious to someone like myself who has lived here for 2 months

Your fresh meat straight off the plane and for these girls, you are there staple diet...

You heard of the long game? Most Thai hookers are world beaters at this game and you are what they like. They hook you with free sex, stories of a poor family and the 'poor me' story. They will say they like you and then over a period of months, worm there way into your heart or into your pocket. That is why it is called the long game as they will have several of you on the hook waiting to land a big fish.

I suggest if you like Isaan girls to head off to Isaan for a while and see how they live. It is as poor a hell over that way and the girls will do anything to get ahead.

Enjoy the free sex for a while, get tested for HIV after it ends. You sound like a nice guy and there are plenty of great non-sex industry related girls here but you just got to go to places that are not involved in that industry. Hell, this is one of the easiest places in the world to pick up a girl that does not come from a bar. The amount of young girls I picked up when I was much younger here from just giving them a big smile in a shopping center beggars belief.

I am sure things have not changed that much... (and I wish I was 20 years younger....lol)

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I wish some posts were scrutinized and restricted as much as some of our replies are.

Not trolling in anyway, I think just somethings which might seem obvious to people who have lived here 2+ years, might not be obvious to someone like myself who has lived here for 2 months

If you are not a troll then you are either naive or an idiot.

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I wish some posts were scrutinized and restricted as much as some of our replies are.

Not trolling in anyway, I think just somethings which might seem obvious to people who have lived here 2+ years, might not be obvious to someone like myself who has lived here for 2 months

Is 2+ years now the accepted length of time required to acheive enlightenment?

Just wondering, t's so hard to keep up.

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I would never trust a Lady who was a dancer at a seedy place , the only Woman from that kind of place that I would trust would be the cashier woman

But nearly all of them claim to be "cashiers" gigglem.gif

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By the way....most of these girls have boyfriends back home (or with them). Not many are looking for a quick marriage to a "customer". If you lived up in Isaan, you would see them bring the money home, stay for a while, introduce a few prospective husbands...play the normal village girl for a week, and as soon as the fiance heads out...she runs back to pattaya for fun and adventure.

UthaiThani is dreaming that all these bargirls are sad sacks waiting for a husband to save them from the bar world.

haha..........could he be more wrong?

I didnt say all of course

It would help to be a cynic before your first trip


But one or two walks down soi 6 pattaya should be all it takes see a few truths, as long as you dont have your head up your own bum,as long as of course your not just thinking with the little general.

Shouldnt be too hard to work out the difference between the ones that are going to jump up and down at you and wave, and the ones that have their face planted in their iphones, and that third category that dont have their face in the iphones and are bored shitless.

What is it, 10/12 hrs a day, 6 days a week, maybe one extra day off in a month for how ever many months / years theyve been there.

Barfined to the Same hotels, same type of mostly drunken oafish falangs, the odd wealthy one white or japanese one every now and then they go off with for the month that he's there, take them to pattaya zoo fake smile and act interested like they havent been there 20 times before.

Some are train wrecks, some are drunks, again not to hard to work that out if you barfine them for a week

But saying they all prefer to stay there, come on?

Doesnt matter what country it is, what type of girl, finding that one that really only just wants to have kids, as long as provided for and isnt really going to give a shit who the husband is.... an unfortunate fact of life they are all too common , everywhere.

So its just as dependant on what the guys end goal is. If you are just going to be a lovesick puppy, yeah you are pretty much going to get screwed over.

If like me, it was just about having kids, she wants two more now, her the mother and the 20 aunts can do all the legwork, the house cost sweet FA, I saved a bucket load compared to doing the same thing back here, Im laughing.

Also dependant on whether you want to convince yourself you being there all the time is more important than the kid having 20 cousins to play with, Again if I tried the same thing here, lucky if the kid has more than 2 or 3 friends before he gets into school

One thing I strongly disagree with is "not all thai guys are the same" several trips up country with other girls before this one, so its been over 9 years now across 5 or 6 provinces, met 100s of her relatives

Every single freakin time, the guys are just sitting around, women do most of the work, eating 10 times a day, lucky if the guys actually works more than 3 full days a week, getting drunk at least every second day.

Out of hundreds, can only think of two or three that werent like this, one was a cop in Phetchabun, so shifty on the job anyway, another is one of her uncles, who is probably the wealthiest non mafia guys in the province, has ammassed a bunch of properties, never gives money to or even bothers with anyone.

All of these girls have boyfriends? Out in the country there does seem to be a shortage of guys, a lot of them would have taken off to bangkok to try earn money.

She wants a boyfriend, she can have one if she wants, go for it, good luck

Falang has to be honest with himself too, worried shes going to cheat? Its thailand, i dont care what anyone says, at least 1 in 20 of those girls in pattaya are smoking hot, and for 50 bucks sometimes. As if you are not going to sneak down there in the years to come. Its Thailand, why you were there in the first place

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you have got it sweet. you are getting it for free. i got it for free for years till kids came along then she decided she wanted monogamy. i dont ever play that game. i love to bang my way around pattaya and i would be a hypocrite if i did not let her do the same if that is what she wanted. (lucky for our 2 kids she dosent, as far as i know)

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Stupid questions. The girl is not a permanent girlfriend and will go with anyone on the side for a price and try asking any Thais if it would be acceptable to them if their partners were cheating. It`s not rocket science to predict what they would say.

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