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Major new crackdown on visa overstay in Thailand starts today


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The reason that persons on overstay have an effect on other persons living in Thailand is that many circumstances involving visas and extensions depend of declarations being made complete and truthfully or affidavits sworn before Thai or other government officials ... and if the Thai powers-that-be at some point decide that such affirmations are being made by persons who have no problem skirting or flaunting Thai law, they may at some point no longer accept such affirmations and declarations on face value as it has been shown that such persons have no problem in making false declarations.

What a load of rubbish.
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The reason that persons on overstay have an effect on other persons living in Thailand is that many circumstances involving visas and extensions depend of declarations being made complete and truthfully or affidavits sworn before Thai or other government officials ... and if the Thai powers-that-be at some point decide that such affirmations are being made by persons who have no problem skirting or flaunting Thai law, they may at some point no longer accept such affirmations and declarations on face value as it has been shown that such persons have no problem in making false declarations.

What a load of rubbish.

You're welcome, I'm sure. I go once a year and hand a sworn affidavit to Immigration and they accept it. I hope that continues to be the case.

Edited by JLCrab
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I'd certainly prefer their company and respect their friendship over the 'holier than thou' judge types casting ludicrous aspersions on others from behind their spittle flecked keyboards over a few lukewarm Leos from their rickety porches in Isaan as Tee Rak visits her 'brother' for the night...whistling.gif

Are you competing for the yearly award for the most venomous post?coffee1.gif

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Wish the "good guys in..." part would also mean a lot easier resident permit for those married ( and especially have children too) without 90 days reporting.

Sadly, 'Good Guys in' won't change a thing and doesn't mean a thing. It is just a preposterous phrase nicked from a Philippines Immigration campaign from a few years ago.

They'll still want to make us jump through hoops and 'pay to stay' as we do now. Don't think this current campaign will change anything for the better or make things any simpler as some deluded fools seem to think it may.

If anything, this is just the beginning of more difficult times or foreigners in Thailand.

If they get the 'bad guys out', this time, they'll look to lessen their workload by shifting the goalposts on the next demographic of 'expats' who they deem too troublesome.

They've already gone after 'Teachers', Retirees and Spouses, by upping the ante required to stay in the Kingdom and the documentation required for teachers.

It could well be your demographic next which is why there is so much bile on these threads aimed at over-stayers being the cause of future difficulties as people realise their own circumstances aren't as solid as they'd like to think.

The next few years could be rough for many of the smug 'good guys' posting here about their affidavits, how over-stayers have ruined everything for them, and blah, blah, blah...

Soon the only demographics of foreigners left in Thailand full time unmolested will be those gainfully employed by a Thai or multi national company (biggrin.png), NGO workers, diplomats or the rich but most of the wealthy seem to prefer easier pastures like the Caribbean, Spain, France the USA where they have rights and don't have to bow to the latest whims of officialdom continually etc....

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Thanks for the heads up -- as others can attest, I have already posted numerous times on the METV topic that I think the affidavit regime is vulnerable due to all the cheating and false claims so I'm making other plans several of which you mention above.

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Wish the "good guys in..." part would also mean a lot easier resident permit for those married ( and especially have children too) without 90 days reporting.

Sadly, 'Good Guys in' won't change a thing and doesn't mean a thing. It is just a preposterous phrase nicked from a Philippines Immigration campaign from a few years ago.

They'll still want to make us jump through hoops and 'pay to stay' as we do now. Don't think this current campaign will change anything for the better or make things any simpler as some deluded fools seem to think it may.

If anything, this is just the beginning of more difficult times or foreigners in Thailand.

If they get the 'bad guys out', this time, they'll look to lessen their workload by shifting the goalposts on the next demographic of 'expats' who they deem too troublesome.

They've already gone after 'Teachers', Retirees and Spouses, by upping the ante required to stay in the Kingdom and the documentation required for teachers.

It could well be your demographic next which is why there is so much bile on these threads aimed at over-stayers being the cause of future difficulties as people realise their own circumstances aren't as solid as they'd like to think.

The next few years could be rough for many of the smug 'good guys' posting here about their affidavits, how over-stayers have ruined everything for them, and blah, blah, blah...

Soon the only demographics of foreigners left in Thailand full time unmolested will be those gainfully employed by a Thai or multi national company (biggrin.png), NGO workers, diplomats or the rich but most of the wealthy seem to prefer easier pastures like the Caribbean, Spain, France the USA where they have rights and don't have to bow to the latest whims of officialdom continually etc....

"They've already gone after 'Teachers', Retirees and Spouses, by upping the ante required to stay in the Kingdom and the documentation required for teachers."

Merlyhighground. Don't you know that they have gone after these people only because of those pesky overstayers.

Edited by Rayk
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Wish the "good guys in..." part would also mean a lot easier resident permit for those married ( and especially have children too) without 90 days reporting.

Sadly, 'Good Guys in' won't change a thing and doesn't mean a thing. It is just a preposterous phrase nicked from a Philippines Immigration campaign from a few years ago.

They'll still want to make us jump through hoops and 'pay to stay' as we do now. Don't think this current campaign will change anything for the better or make things any simpler as some deluded fools seem to think it may.

If anything, this is just the beginning of more difficult times or foreigners in Thailand.

If they get the 'bad guys out', this time, they'll look to lessen their workload by shifting the goalposts on the next demographic of 'expats' who they deem too troublesome.

They've already gone after 'Teachers', Retirees and Spouses, by upping the ante required to stay in the Kingdom and the documentation required for teachers.

It could well be your demographic next which is why there is so much bile on these threads aimed at over-stayers being the cause of future difficulties as people realise their own circumstances aren't as solid as they'd like to think.

The next few years could be rough for many of the smug 'good guys' posting here about their affidavits, how over-stayers have ruined everything for them, and blah, blah, blah...

Soon the only demographics of foreigners left in Thailand full time unmolested will be those gainfully employed by a Thai or multi national company (biggrin.png), NGO workers, diplomats or the rich but most of the wealthy seem to prefer easier pastures like the Caribbean, Spain, France the USA where they have rights and don't have to bow to the latest whims of officialdom continually etc....

Beautifully stated. ...

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I would agree that over stayers may have little impact on the various rules/regs for extensions. That's due to chancers, frauds, dodgy agents, maybe a side order of xenophobia.

But the nefarious tossers color the whole canvas as we are all "foreigners". The good, the bad and the ugly.

Conscious Over Stayers, serial ones in particular, are a selfish, irresponsible lot to begin with, so it's no surprise they deny their actions, or lack thereof, have an impact on others. They do. Directly and indirectly. Very much like terrorists impact airport security procedures, and how that turd rolls downhill to the flying public.

Over stayers don't care about the rules until they get caught or have to leave, then it's straight on TVF asking for judgement and criticism free "help and advice" passifier.gif

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then take the risk but don't complain when it goes wrong. you can't always get what you want

I am not complaining, I am just asking what the consequences will be for a one day overstay.

If it may result in a ban from re entering, then I will make sure that I get there on time, if its just a matter of a 500 Baht fine, then I wont be too concerned

According to how I interpret the report, it seems if going over visa date for anytime up to 90 days and declare it, it`s the usual 500 baht a day fine with a max of 20000 baht. But if arrested for any reason and found to be on overstay up to 1 year, then it`s an automatic 5 year ban.

I wouldn`t like to bet on this, but it seems that way.

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I been other day at immigration to extend my visa and, my bad, was one day in overstay. The officer told me that if was caught even by just one day over at a checkpoint could have been banned for 5 years. As I 'surrendered' myself was just 500 baht fine and a passport page filled with additional stamps

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I been other day at immigration to extend my visa and, my bad, was one day in overstay. The officer told me that if was caught even by just one day over at a checkpoint could have been banned for 5 years. As I 'surrendered' myself was just 500 baht fine and a passport page filled with additional stamps

Visas are never extended.

Presumably you were asking to extend your stay.

It is always advisable to note the "admitted until " date which is clearly stamped in the passport.

To remain "legal" one must leave the country before or on the "admitted until " date OR request an extension of that date prior to it expiring.

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It will be interesting to see what happens to people who accidentally overstay by just a day or two ,

It would be quite severe if a person was heading to a border and didnt make it in time before the border closed and they left first thing the next morning and they then faced a ban from re entering Thailand .

I would imagine that there would be a certain amount of grace before bans were implemented , I would imagine that the grace period would be between 1-90 days, but, only time will tell

Financially, it might make sense to prosecute and pursue those that would owe more than 20,000 baht, the current fine max, i.e. those that have a 40 day overstayd: 500 baht x 40 days. Just my thoughts. But I am sure the practice will vary a lot between provinces, immigration borders etc

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I been other day at immigration to extend my visa and, my bad, was one day in overstay. The officer told me that if was caught even by just one day over at a checkpoint could have been banned for 5 years. As I 'surrendered' myself was just 500 baht fine and a passport page filled with additional stamps

Could have been banned, yes, as the notice says. What they will actually do in lieu of this Draconian punishment is yet to be seen.

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I been other day at immigration to extend my visa and, my bad, was one day in overstay. The officer told me that if was caught even by just one day over at a checkpoint could have been banned for 5 years. As I 'surrendered' myself was just 500 baht fine and a passport page filled with additional stamps

Could have been banned, yes, as the notice says. What they will actually do in lieu of this Draconian punishment is yet to be seen.

Would NOT have been banned as

1. He "surrendered" and

2 . The overstay was less than 90 days.

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From the just-you-wait-you're-next crowd to the smug older drooling on their keyboard what-about-my-affidavit crowd (courtesy Lerner & Lowe and maybe GB Shaw):

Just you wait, 'enry 'iggins, just you wait
You'll be sorry but your tears 'll be too late
You'll be broke and I'll have money
Will I help you? Don't be funny
Just you wait, 'enry 'iggins, just you wait
Just you wait, 'enry 'iggins, till you're sick
And you'll scream to fetch a doctor double quick
I'll be off a second later and go straight to the the-ate-r
Oh ho ho, 'enry 'iggins, just you wait
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The real agenda here is to discourage foreigners from trying to live in Thailand. The Junta does not want foreigners as they see them as a threat to their absolute rule. They will start messing with people ant trying to make you overstay so they can kick you out.

.... Real agenda is have foreigners to legitimately meet legal requirements of the country's Immigration law. Too many have flaunted it too long.
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It will be interesting to see what happens to people who accidentally overstay by just a day or two ,

It would be quite severe if a person was heading to a border and didnt make it in time before the border closed and they left first thing the next morning and they then faced a ban from re entering Thailand .

I would imagine that there would be a certain amount of grace before bans were implemented , I would imagine that the grace period would be between 1-90 days, but, only time will tell

Accidentally? They have 30 days grace period on a stamp on entry or 60 days or 90 days on certain visa's. They have a lot of time to make it to the border.

From the dead centre of Thailand it only takes one day to get to the closest border.

But sometimes buses are full, they crash or they break down .

Some borders close at 7 PM , so, you may be on the way to the border and you get delayed and miss the crossing time

The way I read it someone would need to have overstayed 91 days to receive a ban in this voluntary position, so perhaps they should set off for the border on 88 days to cover all eventualities and mishaps. Although why they sat around for 80+ days in the first place I do not understand.

I have concern for those who have a health incident and some provision needs to be made, and perhaps those who were erroneously stamped in for 30 days when it should have been more, and failed to check.

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You are the type of people that give the rest of us a bad name.

Why don't you "man up" and follow the laws of this nation?

He did didn't he? Or at least he did ultimately.

He paid the fine at the airport, as per Thai law. He can now return to Thailand in full accordance with Thai law.

He broke the rules and was dealt with by the system.

No, he continues to flaunt that he Overstayed and only paid a fine. That his buddy policeman knew about his status and did nothing. And when confronted about his criminal behaviour he resorts to offering "english" lessons. Once again against the law since obviously he doesn't have a work permit.

His type is the reason the Thai Government is making it more difficult for all of us. Defend the criminal if you want, that's up to you but the rest of us can also have our opinion.

The fine is the penalty. What do you not understand?

Yep, I'm flaunting it. Doing my dance. Because there is nothing that you can do, but have your blood pressure rise knowing that I'm free laughing at you. I love rustling your jimmies! Let me know if you want those English lessons. Or perhaps you might need some other lessons in life.


thanks for the good laughs

if i was in thailand i would buy you a drinkclap2.gif

Edited by Bender
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I overstayed once. I was due to leave but fell ill enough to require a few days in hospital during which time my visa expired. When I eventually left with a 17 day overstay, I paid the then Bt200 a day fee, received a little stamp in my passport and was on my way.

On another day some years later, I was on my way to the airport when we were stopped on the road and the highway shut for hours until a 30 second convoy of some royal or other was waved through. it then took hours for the road to re-open. Now I wasn't on overstay but I did miss my flight to Hong Kong.

Had I therefore been forced into overstay, to whom should I have complained ?

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I overstayed once. I was due to leave but fell ill enough to require a few days in hospital during which time my visa expired. When I eventually left with a 17 day overstay, I paid the then Bt200 a day fee, received a little stamp in my passport and was on my way.

On another day some years later, I was on my way to the airport when we were stopped on the road and the highway shut for hours until a 30 second convoy of some royal or other was waved through. it then took hours for the road to re-open. Now I wasn't on overstay but I did miss my flight to Hong Kong.

Had I therefore been forced into overstay, to whom should I have complained ?

Me too, although I had actually cleared immigration and boarded the plane in time - i.e. my last day - but due to a technical fault with the aircraft we had to 'de-clear' immigration in order to be put up in a hotel for the night. Upon going back through immigration the next day I copped a one-day overstay fine...

Mental note: if that ever happens again, DO NOT go to a bar the extra evening.

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To bad it took so long to start the crackdown...throw the illegals out for good.

We will have a nicer Thailand!..... I support Trump too!

I look forward to the day when they make a new law that makes you an illegal, and then watch you squirm and protest that it is not fair smile.png

Wait...what??? You have never been allowed to stay in Thailand without a visa: It's not like we all just walked across the border and then one day they created visa requirements which left 1000's of people on overstay against there will. Also, when the rules change you have do what they say, even if the changes are stupid. The rules for my visa changed and now I comply with the new ones. If they change again I will try and comply and if I can't I will move. :rolleyes:

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From the just-you-wait-you're-next crowd to the smug older drooling on their keyboard what-about-my-affidavit crowd (courtesy Lerner & Lowe and maybe GB Shaw):

Just you wait, 'enry 'iggins, just you wait

You'll be sorry but your tears 'll be too late

You'll be broke and I'll have money

Will I help you? Don't be funny

Just you wait, 'enry 'iggins, just you wait

Just you wait, 'enry 'iggins, till you're sick

And you'll scream to fetch a doctor double quick

I'll be off a second later and go straight to the the-ate-r

Oh ho ho, 'enry 'iggins, just you wait

What is wrong with you?...

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Good to hear that from a "big-wig" that the fines are "weak".

Maybe this will spread to other departments of setting the fines.

No mention though of the fine for overstaying 1-89 days. Will this "weak" fine be raised ? I hope so.

Outrageous that foreigners abuse the system in such a manner.

Yes very quiet on that one, to take a guess, maybe they will charge 500 BHT a day and that would make an 89 day overstay 44,500 BHT.

This would more than compensate for the losses incurred by loosing the 20,000 Bht fine for lenghty overstay.

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From the just-you-wait-you're-next crowd to the smug older drooling on their keyboard what-about-my-affidavit crowd (courtesy Lerner & Lowe and maybe GB Shaw):

Just you wait, 'enry 'iggins, just you wait

You'll be sorry but your tears 'll be too late

You'll be broke and I'll have money

Will I help you? Don't be funny

Just you wait, 'enry 'iggins, just you wait

Just you wait, 'enry 'iggins, till you're sick

And you'll scream to fetch a doctor double quick

I'll be off a second later and go straight to the the-ate-r

Oh ho ho, 'enry 'iggins, just you wait

What is wrong with you?...

Gee I thought you'd enjoy the Cockney -- I've been hearing that 'you're-next you old farts'' for years. BTW I did note your scatological references in a deleted post -- listening to lots of Chubby Brown, are we?

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I would like to see a period, perhaps one week, that would be exempt from the "banishment" penalty. There ARE unforeseen and unforeseeable circumstances that arrive. There are also instances of honest error as opposed to felonious intent.
If the purpose really is to weed out the bad guys, why needlessly penalize the hapless occasional senior moment prone individual who's only crime was miscounting the days, or losing track of the calendar and running into one of the fairly numerous holidays in conjunction with a weekend?
Yep. Guilty, yer honour, of a four day overstay, resulting in a 2,000 baht fine when I "turned myself in", and also had to exit the Kingdom to get a thirty day extension in order to apply for a ninety day visa, in order to apply for a one year permission based on retirement.
I can understand wanting to crack down on all who, for whatever reason, deliberately circumvent the rules.

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