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The Real Reason Old Guys Come to Thailand


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The Real Reason Old Guys Come to Thailand


Welcome to “Every Picture Tells a Story”; a weekly post about living in Thailand. Each week we’ll post a picture that illustrates some of the best parts about living in Thailand.

Sex tourists, whoremongers, dirty old men … “sexpats”; we’ve all heard the labels any man over the age of 40 gets stuck with when they move to Thailand.

As a man well over 40, I take great offense to such insinuation. If I were a Thai person, I’d be insulted by the idea that Thailand has nothing to offer other than cheap thrills to an “old man”.

Great food, warm weather and easy living don’t count? Misty mountains, golden beaches and turquoise seas aren’t attractive enough features? And what about personal safety and affordable health care?

I’ve got news for everyone; Thailand beats the hell out of a whole lot of over-legislated, up-tight, freezing-ass cold places on this planet. Nobody bats an eye when a middle-aged or older man packs up and moves to Spain … or Costa Rica … or just about anywhere else there’s sunshine and easy living. But, if a man chooses to live or retire in Thailand, he’s branded a pervert.

Now I’m going to let you all in on a secret. The real reason us old dudes choose to live in the land of smiles has nothing to do with sex. It’s all about respect and longevity.

If I were living back in my home country right now, I can ride the bus for free, get half-priced movie tickets and enjoy a free “silver checking” account at my bank. But that’s about all the respect I’m going to get.

Read more: http://www.inspirepattaya.com/lifestyle/real-reason-old-guys-come-thailand/

-- Inspire Pattaya 2016-03-20

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For me it is about warm weather, being in a country where you feel more free and the country itself is alive.

I am currently back in Australia doing some work, it is boring and very overpriced.

I am not a sex pat just happily married and content where I am at.

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I would like to add I know Rod and I thought he was living in Chiang mai?, I was with him once in the bar below the Pullman hotel in khonkaen, he brought his trumpet and got up with the band, he blew them away, top man and a top trumpet player.

Edited by nev
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Most people that stereotype Thailand do so out of plain ignorance,never having visited the country,their knowledge(or lack of)stems from secondhand gossip or rubbish television documentaries,portraying Thailand as a country good only for one thing.

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For me it is about warm weather, being in a country where you feel more free and the country itself is alive.

I am currently back in Australia doing some work, it is boring and very overpriced.

I am not a sex pat just happily married and content where I am at.

Good to know but sadly you are in the minority.

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I would like to add I know Rod and I thought he was living in Chiang mai?, I was with him once in the bar below the Pullman hotel in khonkaen, he brought his trumpet and got up with the band, he blew them away, top man and a top trumpet player.

Nice to hear that, I sometimes get on stage and play bass and sing with a band when I am in Pattaya.

I'm sure Rod knows about musicians not being allowed to play in public without a work permit even though they are not being paid.

I do not agree with that rule so like Rod, I just carry on and play.

Edited by possum1931
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For me it is about warm weather, being in a country where you feel more free and the country itself is alive.

I am currently back in Australia doing some work, it is boring and very overpriced.

I am not a sex pat just happily married and content where I am at.

Good to know but sadly you are in the minority.

I do not agree with that, apart from being a non drinker, I don't think I'm in a minority.

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Who the hell are you trying to kid?

Yep, I agree, 99% of foreign men are in Thailand for the cheap sex.

It ain't that great a place to be otherwise.

Without the availability of the cheap women, I'd be in Spain/France/Portugal/Florida, all much nicer and safer places to live. Better food, and maybe even cheaper living.

And why pick on old guys?

Young guys are here for the cheap women too!

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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more young guys would come here if they had the money and visa options but it is only mostly retired guys who have the cash and access to the retirement visa. funny how not so many people talk about us under 50 year olds who live in thailand.


There is a constant stream of posts about work and visa options for yonger guys.

But instead of hijacking a thread about us older guys, why don't you open up a similar post for younger guys?

Might be interesting to hear from the women too, wonder why the few that come here like it?

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For me it is about warm weather, being in a country where you feel more free and the country itself is alive.

I am currently back in Australia doing some work, it is boring and very overpriced.

I am not a sex pat just happily married and content where I am at.

Good to know but sadly you are in the minority.

No, he isn't in the minority, his wife is Thai.

Never understood guys who marry a Thai then claim they aren't sexpats.

It's the same game, just a longer contract.

The only guys who can legitimately claim not to be sexpats, are those married to a woman born in their own country.

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Who the hell are you trying to kid?

Yep, I agree, 99% of foreign men are in Thailand for the cheap sex.

It ain't that great a place to be otherwise.

Without the availability of the cheap women, I'd be in Spain/France/Portugal/Florida, all much nicer and safer places to live. Better food, and maybe even cheaper living.

And why pick on old guys?

Young guys are here for the cheap women too!

Lust has no barriers between 18-80

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When I was 5, i started to read books over Indochina and South East Asia. I was fascinated by the landscape, the fauna and the flora in those countries. My dreams happened always in a country where elephant, tiger, banana and coconut trees were daily stuff.

One day, I saw on our B&W TV the movie "Anna and the King of Siam". My dreams were more illustrated...

About 50 years later, after I shut down 4 papermills for a big company, I canceled my contract, I was mentally tired.

After comparing my saved money and how much I would need to survive until I get retired money, I understood that it wouldn't be enough.

I worked one more year as freelance consultant and then I took the decision to make my old dreams become reality and... here I am!

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For me it is about warm weather, being in a country where you feel more free and the country itself is alive.

I am currently back in Australia doing some work, it is boring and very overpriced.

I am not a sex pat just happily married and content where I am at.

I agree so much with what you said here. I'm 54 and moved to Thailand last year for a new adventure. I had grown bored with being a professor at a community college in America. What I did not expect is the experience of "being in a country where you feel more free and the country itself is alive." I could go into a diatribe about how living in the "West" destroys one's soul (I am an anthropologist) but there is no need to here. Suffice it to say I am very grateful to be living in Thailand as an "old guy".

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