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want to find shops selling accessories for PCX 150 Honda and new tubeless tyres, plus a good garage for service, I live near big C extra, so local would be good, but happy to travel for best places to shop


One of the best places i've come across for bike repairs, tyres, accessories etc is the place on Soi Buakhow not far from Pattaya Tai - maybe 500 mtrs. https://www.google.co.nz/maps/@12.9280089,100.8841953,3a,75y,302.99h,80.18t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s6hJQCKnFRj7cDw5p0sGqrA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1

The place is run by an Arab chap that speaks excellent English and Thai. They've done some hard to diagnose repairs for me in the past and have a huge range of quality accessories especially for Honda.

I can highy recommend them.

EDIT: I just looked at the google street image and it's 4 years old. Since then the shop has doubled in size and now also occupies two shops across the soi as well.

From experience, they are about the only place in Pattaya that knows how to properly adjust a steering stem bearing and get it right first time.


Soi 8 Pattaya Tai is a Large accessory shop that does everything you will need for your PCX and Great prices as well..Ran by a Thai lady who offers good discounts--Fast dependable service


One of the best places i've come across for bike repairs, tyres, accessories etc is the place on Soi Buakhow not far from Pattaya Tai - maybe 500 mtrs. https://www.google.co.nz/maps/@12.9280089,100.8841953,3a,75y,302.99h,80.18t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s6hJQCKnFRj7cDw5p0sGqrA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1

The place is run by an Arab chap that speaks excellent English and Thai. They've done some hard to diagnose repairs for me in the past and have a huge range of quality accessories especially for Honda.

I can highy recommend them.

EDIT: I just looked at the google street image and it's 4 years old. Since then the shop has doubled in size and now also occupies two shops across the soi as well.

From experience, they are about the only place in Pattaya that knows how to properly adjust a steering stem bearing and get it right first time.

I bought my pcx in this shop 3 years ago.
The Boss is an Arab Jew actually quite sympathetic.
The maintenance services are generally poor and twice the price of other shops.
Accessories are also twice as expensive than elsewhere.
The staff is brusque and no one speaks English except the Boss
Before recommending this kind of tourist trap, perhaps you should visit other places. So, you certainly will know a moment of blissful happiness.

One of the best places i've come across for bike repairs, tyres, accessories etc is the place on Soi Buakhow not far from Pattaya Tai - maybe 500 mtrs. https://www.google.co.nz/maps/@12.9280089,100.8841953,3a,75y,302.99h,80.18t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s6hJQCKnFRj7cDw5p0sGqrA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1

The place is run by an Arab chap that speaks excellent English and Thai. They've done some hard to diagnose repairs for me in the past and have a huge range of quality accessories especially for Honda.

I can highy recommend them.

EDIT: I just looked at the google street image and it's 4 years old. Since then the shop has doubled in size and now also occupies two shops across the soi as well.

From experience, they are about the only place in Pattaya that knows how to properly adjust a steering stem bearing and get it right first time.

I bought my pcx in this shop 3 years ago.
The Boss is an Arab Jew actually quite sympathetic.
The maintenance services are generally poor and twice the price of other shops.
Accessories are also twice as expensive than elsewhere.
The staff is brusque and no one speaks English except the Boss
Before recommending this kind of tourist trap, perhaps you should visit other places. So, you certainly will know a moment of blissful happiness.

absolut correct and matches with my experiences - avoid this place, try the big Mityon garage on Pattaya Thai road, between 3rd and Sukhv. Road on the right hand sight - opposite is an nice acc. shop as well........


One of the best places i've come across for bike repairs, tyres, accessories etc is the place on Soi Buakhow not far from Pattaya Tai - maybe 500 mtrs. https://www.google.co.nz/maps/@12.9280089,100.8841953,3a,75y,302.99h,80.18t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s6hJQCKnFRj7cDw5p0sGqrA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1

The place is run by an Arab chap that speaks excellent English and Thai. They've done some hard to diagnose repairs for me in the past and have a huge range of quality accessories especially for Honda.

I can highy recommend them.

EDIT: I just looked at the google street image and it's 4 years old. Since then the shop has doubled in size and now also occupies two shops across the soi as well.

From experience, they are about the only place in Pattaya that knows how to properly adjust a steering stem bearing and get it right first time.

I bought my pcx in this shop 3 years ago.
The Boss is an Arab Jew actually quite sympathetic.
The maintenance services are generally poor and twice the price of other shops.
Accessories are also twice as expensive than elsewhere.
The staff is brusque and no one speaks English except the Boss
Before recommending this kind of tourist trap, perhaps you should visit other places. So, you certainly will know a moment of blissful happiness.

I've been to all sorts of places over the years and my experience is obviously different to yours as regards the place I recommended. I guess each to their own.

Tried most of the big Honda dealers around and apart from changing oil theyre good for sweet FA.

The OP is looking for accessories - I think you'll find that the range of accessories this guy stocks are of a generally higher quality than you'll find at most places so i guess more expensive. But up to him to check it out.

As to the big place on the corner of Tai - just make sure they tighten the bolts on your brake caliper the next time they change the pads. coffee1.gif


For fancy upgrades, dunno.

But for quick, cheapest, expert repairs

the hole-in-the wall just between BigCExtra and Rd.3,

on north side of Klang at the little soi.

Huge inventory of scooter parts.

& something

T o

I nsure

P roper

S ervice

Tell 'em papa sent you.


Corner 3rd road and Soi Lengkee has a big shop, plenty of accessories there, also have mechanics on site to fit. Sometimes the service in the shop can be a bit uninterested.


Yeah the place in buokaw is a huge ripoff double the price. Go to Mylton Honda Pattaya Tai and just down the road on the left is an accessory shop called GT I think but they have tons of accessories and can install too.

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