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different culture different view on things.

as well in the language things are different

you just forget that.

you have what is called suffering of the HALO effect.

not a problem because most people do. even when have the knowledge they forget or can forget.

example form research done

same person in hte test group only the expression language is different

a man leave the book store with a book under his arm. and turn left from the shop door.

event told in german is

man left bookshop with a book under his arm turning left

event told in english

man left bookshop with a book and turned left.

as you see different view on the same event.

also when to do things some countries they are more strict then other countries in western europe.\

also well know in some languages other things are more valuable then in the western world and therefore impossible to describe or tell..

has nothing to do with people just with culture.

depending on the n the person if he/she understand the other one you can have the result you want

you always have to check if the other know the same as you and if your information is really accepted and absorbed.

for those who think all written is nonsense and belong to the category bullshit, faritails .

I suggest

take you phone keyboard and talk you calculator key board.

look at the numeric setup .

you see and compared and probably never wondered why not standardized.

wake up call for you probably, it is the same standard that is applied.

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"it all comes down to the fact that none of you guys really speak thai. For a thai person, be a child or am adult 11 never sounds like 18, a duck never sounds like spicy and salt never mistaken for afraid.
The universities are not full of people who don't understand each other any more than your own countries.
it's always easier to blame others for your own short comings"

Didn't realise this was a post on Thai fluency.

However in general when getting replies when asking generally they just make something up if they don't know!

That is a shortcoming in them or not.

If someone asks me or my Thai wife come to that directions and we don't know we tell them exactly that. Not difficult.

compass directions are known by few Thais.

Usually, when trying to get someplace, you get directions from one person, then go a few blocks, get directions from someone else, then go a few blocks, .....and so on.

It's going to take decades for Thais to segue from hocus pocus thinking (ghosts, talismans, assuming people know what others are thinking, etc) ....to scientific thinking.

It doesn't help that their words for near and far are nearly identical. I tell the joke about a Thai army guy in a front trench during warfare. He's a spotter for a grenade launcher further back. a bomb drops. the spotter shouts 'glai!' (farther), but the bomb launcher hears 'glaie' (closer!) A few seconds later .....ka-boom!. Spotter goes on to next lifetime.

Boomer is correct. You can not expect the directions you get to be 100% accurate. It's like a murder mystery and you have to collect all the clues. So follow the first set of directions for several minutes and then ask someone else. Even if you don't get the right answers, eventually you can triangulate the position.

I have come to believe that Thai people rarely understand each other more than 50% it really comes down to the inability of the language to be precise (except with food).

Even with food it can get weird. "Kao Soi" (literally; 'food pretty' or 'rice road') is supposed to mean white noodles, but it could mean other things.

Tell a waitress you want 'glua' (salt) and she might think you're afraid of something

Ask a waitress for 'pet' (duck) and you might get a kick in the shin, because pet also means sex. (or you might get a phone number!).

If the bill ends in sip-et (11) it could be heard as sip-paet (18), or vice versa.

If you ask for a fried egg 'over-easy' - at some places (like guest houses) they'll understand. Yet, if you demonstrate with hand motions you want the egg just a half second (krung wee-natee) turned over, they'll act like they understand, but they are genetically incapable of doing it that quickly. The egg will inevitably be turned over for at least several seconds, until the yellow is as hard as a pencil eraser.

If you tell them you don't want MSG (mai aow pom charot) they'll nod 'yes' with a smile. However, you're trusting they'll tell the cook, and trusting the cook will honor your request. Even if the waitress conveys your message, the cook may think, "it's farang, what do they know? They're not going to tell me how to cook." Either way, the cook will still use some of the 22 bottles of store-bought sauce by the grill, all of which have MSG.

I don't speak a lot of Thai but If you ask a waitress for "pet" you will get extra hot. Duck is pronounced "ped"....actually it sounds nearly like a cross between PED / BED. Pet or anything like that as far as I know isn't a word used for SEX in Thai or a kick in the shins? I hear you on the rest of it though. Thais do love to be recalcitrant :-)

it all comes down to the fact that none of you guys really speak thai. For a thai person, be a child or am adult 11 never sounds like 18, a duck never sounds like spicy and salt never mistaken for afraid.

The universities are not full of people who don't understand each other any more than your own countries.

it's always easier to blame others for your own short comings

That's not true in my case with my missus. Honestly reading signs, shop fronts etc and just communicating with others she's either not clear or just wrong. In some cases it's probably just a case of it doesn't effect her immediately so she doesn't really care. I call it lazy brain. Literally too lazy to think

different culture different view on things.

as well in the language things are different

you just forget that.

you have what is called suffering of the HALO effect.

not a problem because most people do. even when have the knowledge they forget or can forget.

example form research done

same person in hte test group only the expression language is different

a man leave the book store with a book under his arm. and turn left from the shop door.

event told in german is

man left bookshop with a book under his arm turning left

event told in english

man left bookshop with a book and turned left.

as you see different view on the same event.

also when to do things some countries they are more strict then other countries in western europe.\

also well know in some languages other things are more valuable then in the western world and therefore impossible to describe or tell..

has nothing to do with people just with culture.

depending on the n the person if he/she understand the other one you can have the result you want

you always have to check if the other know the same as you and if your information is really accepted and absorbed.

for those who think all written is nonsense and belong to the category bullshit, faritails .

I suggest

take you phone keyboard and talk you calculator key board.

look at the numeric setup .

you see and compared and probably never wondered why not standardized.

wake up call for you probably, it is the same standard that is applied.

I dont even understand your English?

Whenever friends are coming to my home from afar, I send them my location via Google Maps or using Line. They never look at it seriously; they prefer to just ring when they are at a bridge, or some other vague location, and want to be directed verbally to my door. It used to drive me mad, but now I just accept it.


I find its a mixture of things. For one, the Thai language doesn't seem to be one of clarity. My missus has the attention span of a card board box. For a start she would usually rather cut her hand off than ask for directions. Some silly loss of face thing no doubt. Then, if she does...there will be a lengthy conversation back and forth....can go on for 10 minutes then she'll turn around and say "he doesn't know". if the person did give her directions she won't have absorbed a word of it...even though she's nodding and appearing to comprehend. We'll drive 200m and she can't tell me the first turn. Other thing is.....Thai people can't say "I don't know". Again a face thing. I've learnt now...if u ask a Thai something....and they hesitate for more than a couple of seconds...they don't have a clue and are about to tell you an absolute fairy story so they don't look stupid...even though u will soon learn they did not infact have a clue and bullshted you and are infact stupid. Like a big game of let's pretend. Took me prodding my missus 3 days for her to work up the courage to go and ask the neighbour's if they would be able to give us the number for their water delivery man. Must be awful being so encumbered with that crap

I believe I married her cousin? In the car.....watching the movie in her mind...." what soi was that?" asks the driver....."what?" is the reply! I feel that a lifetime of "grieng jai" makes it virtually impossible for most Thai peoople to ask or answer a question, the fear of getting it wrong or the person being asked doesn't know the answer is too horrifying to contemplate!

Better to be lost or put up with being yelled at by partner than breaking grieng jai! facepalm.gifbiggrin.pngwai.gif


If you speak English or try to use Thai words and completely butcher the pronunciation, it is not their fault for being unable to understand what you said. One could also ask why you are so bad at asking for or getting directions. If you ask the wrong question or ask the wrong person, that is your fault.

I witnessed a Thai family at the Laos border asking directions. All in Thai i heard "go straight, turn left at the junction, after 1 km it's on the left". As we were both trying to find the same place i decided to follow the Thai family. I kid you not, they stopped at least 5 times to ask again. It was a few km trip, with only one turning to take!

Having said that, the family were very helpful to me, but i could not travel having to keep stopping every few minutes to ask where to go.


I find two things humorous. First, hand a Thai a map and ask them how to get to xxx ... and watch them go to town. The second is the refusal to ask for directions because asking for directions makes them look stupid ... so they just keep driving around.


Why not just use Google Maps?

Ah but doing that then the OP has nothing to whinge about

Ah, but having to do that leaves absolutely no knowledge of what to do without technology.

Look, it's very simple. In the city, turn right at the 7/11, left at the karaoke, and stop behind the pick-up truck. In rural areas, you only have to substitute buffalo for 7/11 and waiting shed for karaoke.


I once asked an educated Thai man, presumably- he was an attorney with excellent English, on which side of the road his office was on- east or west?

" I don't know where east is."

I also notice there are never any such indicators of compass directions on exit signs from highways. Malaysia is like this too.

...and never the twain shall meet. (Kipling)


I once asked an educated Thai man, presumably- he was an attorney with excellent English, on which side of the road his office was on- east or west?

" I don't know where east is."

I also notice there are never any such indicators of compass directions on exit signs from highways. Malaysia is like this too.

...and never the twain shall meet. (Kipling)

I had an extremely senior teacher ask me where I was from. I told him Australia. He asked me if Australia is "up or down Thailand".

When asking directions and then the question 'is it far'? You will always get the same answer 'not far' and that's whether it's 20 metres or 20kms away.


It's all to do with face. No Thai will lose face by saying they don't know something, ever, so they tell you any old bullsh*t. Then they're happy.

Same with appointments. If I'm not free or don't want to attend I say straightforward NO. Thais always say maybe...

They told me my behaviour would be rude...


It's all to do with face. No Thai will lose face by saying they don't know something, ever, so they tell you any old bullsh*t. Then they're happy.

Same with appointments. If I'm not free or don't want to attend I say straightforward NO. Thais always say maybe...

They told me my behaviour would be rude...

I'd be happy with a maybe. I always get a promise....and still not turn up

Since I'm not a product of a long-gone empire of yester-year, where the sun never set during it's 335-year reign, then how could "I" possibly know?

Anyway, after 50-years of well-documented, and published expat-life (including professional) experiences in Thailand, I'm scratching my own pointed-head (with bewilderment), as to the reason why the OP posed the question, to begin with? The answer is obviously a real no-brainer blink.png

First, accepting the general "cultural character" realities, associated with Equatorial people (residing within 12 degrees, either North or South thereof), as the world turns, is my best guess.

However, the Singapore Chinese, are not withstanding in that assessment. Perhaps, that's the main reason why they wai2.gif rule the roost, in SEA. whistling.gif


That doesn't hold any water? What about Malaysians? You've said so much yet so little? You say its a no brainer but dont say why? ..and "the sun never sets"? It does where I live. What is your point man?


That doesn't hold any water? What about Malaysians? You've said so much yet so little? You say its a no brainer but dont say why? ..and "the sun never sets"? It does where I live. What is your point man?

Obviously, as far as your English comprehension level is concerned, I don't have a point. I'm ok with that? Cheers,wai.gif

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