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Brexit could cost UK a million jobs and £100bn says PwC study

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Opting to exit the European Union could mean a major slump for the UK economy, a study commissioned by the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) has warned. The analysis shows that leaving the bloc could cost the British economy £100bn ($1.4bn; €1.3bn) and 950,000 jobs by 2020, with chances of a decline in household GDP and a rise in unemployment.


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Who funds the CBI?

Peanuts, let our German and French friends pick up the tab.

talk and assumptions are cheap when facts are not available. besides... i don't believe in BRexit even though i'd favour it in my heart of hearts for the simple reason that it might start the EU's end.

having said so i'd like to add that i have no real tangible reasons wishing that the EU disappears. it's just that i don't like the arrogant clowns in Brussels and their efforts to create utmost ridiculous laws and regulations.

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Yet Moody's says something different today.


The UK economy would be hit by leaving the EU, but the impact would be "small" and unlikely to lead to big job losses, according to credit agency Moody's.

The UK could also be allowed to keep many of its trade terms with the EU so as to avoid disruption, Moody's said.

The report shows economic warnings from pro-EU groups have been "baseless scaremongering", Vote Leave said.

But the Britain Stronger in Europe group said it was further evidence that leaving would damage the economy.

The Moody's report comes after the CBI warned a British exit from the EU - known as a "Brexit" - could cost the UK economy £100bn and nearly one million jobs.

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The first vote I ever qualified for due to my age was whether we should be in the Euroepan Community. I voted No.

For years and years Charles De Gaulle never wanted us in. Then it happened and the madness started.....

and today the merry go round goes on and on.......

Britain did not sign the Maastricht agreement, we did not sign the Schengen deal and we did not adopt the Euro....

so why are we in it ?

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Yet Moody's says something different today.


The UK economy would be hit by leaving the EU, but the impact would be "small" and unlikely to lead to big job losses, according to credit agency Moody's.

The UK could also be allowed to keep many of its trade terms with the EU so as to avoid disruption, Moody's said.

The report shows economic warnings from pro-EU groups have been "baseless scaremongering", Vote Leave said.

But the Britain Stronger in Europe group said it was further evidence that leaving would damage the economy.

The Moody's report comes after the CBI warned a British exit from the EU - known as a "Brexit" - could cost the UK economy £100bn and nearly one million jobs.


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