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Ex bar owners...fact or fiction girls have mandatory STD checks?


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Always wear condoms as they protect you from most dangerous STDs, better safe than sorry, a Japanese firm made recently a great extra thin condom which feels almost bare, also had a friend who contracted a horrible STD from a massage girl working hi-so parlor, the establishment had tests and shit but still got sick and cost him dearly 3 years of intensive treatment.

Edited by marcofunny
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I had a bar in Patts for a few years,and our girls used to have to have a check up every 3 months.It was our rule.They went to a local doctor,who we knew and all had cards that had to be signed and stamped by the doctor involved.They were tested for HIV,Syph and Gonn.The cards were kept in our safe.When a new girl started,we got here tested straight away.later we got them also for chly.It was a case of 'no stamped card,no work 'Of course this isn't a 100% foolproof,but it made us feel a little safer.Some of these girls come down from the village and are unaware that these STD's actually exist. In fact one girl told us that her mother told her it was ok to have unprotected sex with Ferangs,because Ferangs cant get HIV.Now how ignorant is that?

I believe there is more undetected HIV in the villages than the big areas. And as for farangs not being able to catch HIV and general rural ignorance. I heard em all! My mother in law asked me when you fly in an aircraft, up in the sky....do they have trees and roads for the aircrafts? To be fair where she came from they only got electricity 10 years ago and were crapping out back in the forest. Still don't have a reliable water supply Edited by Kenny202
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You guys realise if your uncircumcised you are much more at risk? Generally a lot harder for a male to get from a female as HIV can't survive outside the body for more than a split second. It can however live under and within the foreskin.

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1,456 posts and you are " WONDERING " whether this is fact or fiction ? blink.png

The mind truly boggles !

I been on TV 2 years and never seen one post addressing the matter in a straightforward way. I notice you didn't add anything factual or of use, in fact your post could be interpreted as an each way bet. Tired of blokes like you adding nothing apart from trying to big note yourself. If I knew I wouldn't have asked the question. Would of liked to hear from someone that owned the bar stools, not just sat on them


Edited by catman20
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All the girls get tested immediately after a customer! Wow! that really is a dreamer of a reply.How about the girls that have after hours private customers?How about the girls who give their phone numbers to all the cheap charlies that don't want to pay a bar fine.How do you control that little scenario? Even taking your special girl down to a clinic for a test and this blissfully banging her unprotected,because you think she us clean.What about the short time she does without your knowledge.You gonna get her tested every night? how would you control that,Wow64?

Please enlighten me because i had a bar,i know the girls and their tricks,but you seem to know more than me.

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http://blogs.plos.org/neuroanthropology/2010/09/17/gonorrhea-and-the-clap-the-slap-down-treatment/ has the following quote from around 1900 with some interesting information:
A man that would wilfully ... ... ... ... ... ... is the meanest of criminals. Yet that is what a man does who takes clap to the marriage bed. If there is any Hell, I think the hottest pace in it ought to be reserved for the man who willfully spreads venereal disease. A man with no respect for a pure woman is not fit to live.

(What does not necessarily reflect my personal opinion by the way.)

Back to the topic.

So the mouthwash is supposed to kill crabs ?
Don't think so..
Think its better to either wear one of those latex suits or go home for dinner.

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I was seeing a Soi 6 bar girl on a regular basis. At this particular bar, the owner required them to get checked monthly. She told me one girl had a "sick pussy" and the girls took turns taking the test for her.

In the bars in Angeles City in the eighties, the US Air Force in conjunction with the Angeles Police and Health Departments instituted a mandatory weekly STD check for all bar-workers. It was common practice for the girls to exchange IDs so that all could pass the STD checks.

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1,456 posts and you are " WONDERING " whether this is fact or fiction ? blink.png

The mind truly boggles !

Well put!!

I'm guessing the OP is of a VERY YOUNG AGE!

I'm 52 yo. There are obviously a lot of people who are interested and educating themselves and others. If ur not interested or have nothing useful to add why make a no value comment like that? You think.it makes you appear intelligent?
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Its a good question and well worth asking. However, I think the answer is obvious. Basically some establishments do check but there is no systematic organised checking system that could work anyway because of the variety of SSIs and their different vectors/windows of infection. Years ago my girl worked at the Beach Club and she told me a 'pussy doctor' came in about once a fortnight to check the girls.

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Well Kenny...

There are questions and there are questions...

Lawyers like to say "Never ask a question you don't want to hear the answer to.."

BTW... for a truly invigorating discussion, never forget to add the phrase..."What think you?"

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Un-protected sex - you are not only having sex with her/him but everybody else who has bravely ventured unprotected before !

Bravely wouldn't be my first choice of words, maybe retarded hillbilly ghetto trash monkey?

Hey! All the monkeys I have met in Thailand are smart. :)

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Most bar owners don't care. They are more concerned about cash flow. Wash before, after and pee immediately after. Pour hydrogen peroxide down Mr. one eye and mouth wash, after and worry more about a motorcycle/van injury accidents and crossing the street! Get an HIV and syphilis blood test twice a year. Learn about the benefits of taking oregano oil periodically. Sex has more health benefits than all the negative nonsense. If you are gay or inject drugs worry about HIV from that behavior!

Rooolllllll eeeyyeeesss

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To be clear, my question was do the bars do mandatory checks for STD'S. The question wasn't is it safe to boff a girl without a condom. Of course all part of the answer and great to read all the interesting comments, but nowhere did I say I was naive enough to think a girl had a check and she was safe. To be honest I don't see how it's the bar owners responsibillity

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To be clear, my question was do the bars do mandatory checks for STD'S. The question wasn't is it safe to boff a girl without a condom. Of course all part of the answer and great to read all the interesting comments, but nowhere did I say I was naive enough to think a girl had a check and she was safe. To be honest I don't see how it's the bar owners responsibillity

My girlfriend who was a bar girl in 2015 has never been tested.

So, except if she lied to me about this (I don't see any reason to...), some bars don't ask for any tests.

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1,456 posts and you are " WONDERING " whether this is fact or fiction ? blink.png

The mind truly boggles !

I been on TV 2 years and never seen one post addressing the matter in a straightforward way. I notice you didn't add anything factual or of use, in fact your post could be interpreted as an each way bet. Tired of blokes like you adding nothing apart from trying to big note yourself. If I knew I wouldn't have asked the question. Would of liked to hear from someone that owned the bar stools, not just sat on them



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I was always under the impression that receiving fellatio from lovely girls was safer than laying pipe.

Had a friend report he contracted the clap from this activity, once upon a time. Mmmm

The clap as in ghonoreah or syphilis? Highly unlikely. They reckon a large percentage of supposedly straight blokes contract HIV from sex with men but don't admit it
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1,456 posts and you are " WONDERING " whether this is fact or fiction ? blink.png

The mind truly boggles !

I been on TV 2 years and never seen one post addressing the matter in a straightforward way. I notice you didn't add anything factual or of use, in fact your post could be interpreted as an each way bet. Tired of blokes like you adding nothing apart from trying to big note yourself. If I knew I wouldn't have asked the question. Would of liked to hear from someone that owned the bar stools, not just sat on them



I hardly sit on TV all day or even a small portion of it. Has been an extremely useful resource for me and a diversion from night time Lakorn. Do the math if (u can). That's an average of 2 posts a day. Do you go into others posts and for no reason make inane comment on their post count without adding to the discussion? It would appear u would need to get a life Edited by Kenny202
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My girl never got tested when she worked at her bar...

Sorry but you have Aids now. Why would you bang a girl if you know this ?

I never understand the guys who marry bar girls. They wouldn't think of marrying a whore in their own country even where prostitution is legal, regulated and offering some health assurance.

I've heard the "I was her only customer, she was the cashier, she was the chef, she only had several customers and they were all just hand jobs" etc etc etc from many farang husbands of various nationalities. Not once have I heard them say they made sure of pre-marital health checks.

I've also heard some of these wives bragging about how much they made, how "popular" they were with the customers and the funny stories about size etc.

I wouldn't judge anyone, and many of these girls come from poverty with little other opportunity, but the husbands, stop living in denial.

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Some do, some don't. As the above post says, it doesn't make much difference (to you) as they have multiple partners every day. Just take the usual sensible precautions that anyone should when using sex workers.

" they have multiple partners every day."

Maybe they should have mandatory STD checks for the "partners." Possibly before the clear the "baggage" they're importing at the airport.

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I never understand the guys who marry bar girls. They wouldn't think of marrying a whore in their own country even where prostitution is legal, regulated and offering some health assurance.

High level of feminist power in western nations while demonizing all concepts of neomasculinity created an entire generation of beta men who are unable to submit their own women thus resorting to other nations to find partners, eastern Europe on the other hand is still conservative somehow contrary to the Western hemisphere.

you wont believe how desperate most of the western men nowadays, I did an experiment with a guy online i picked up the worst Asian female photo and created a fake profile on a dating website in some western country and I ve tried all sort of turn off , 42 yrs old, fat, kids, unemployed etc etc.. the worst demon you could imagine and guess what !! this women was still receiving daily messages from desperate men as young as 35 biggrin.png, even some losers were asking for her address to send her gifts, she was getting as much as 5 messages daily, attractive ones gets as much as 3,000+ messages daily with this tough situation like this how you want them not to marry prostitutes in Thailand.

Edited by marcofunny
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I believe they still do the weekly health checks in the Philippines. The girls go in to the clinic every Friday or the bar arranges for the clinic to come to the bar. They get a health card that is one of the items they have on the lanyards that the gals must have with them and on their person when they are working.

As a very pretty lady there once told me (insert cute PI accent here) "Doctor come every Friday. Check for sick pussy"

I have NO idea how effective it is. Probably really isn't at all and just another way for someone to make some money.

Edited by bluebluewater
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I never understand the guys who marry bar girls. They wouldn't think of marrying a whore in their own country even where prostitution is legal, regulated and offering some health assurance.

High level of feminist power in western nations while demonizing all concepts of neomasculinity created an entire generation of beta men who are unable to submit their own women thus resorting to other nations to find partners, eastern Europe on the other hand is still conservative somehow contrary to the Western hemisphere.

you wont believe how desperate most of the western men nowadays, I did an experiment with a guy online i picked up the worst Asian female photo and created a fake profile on a dating website in some western country and I ve tried all sort of turn off , 42 yrs old, fat, kids, unemployed etc etc.. the worst demon you could imagine and guess what !! this women was still receiving daily messages from desperate men as young as 35 biggrin.png, even some losers were asking for her address to send her gifts, she was getting as much as 5 messages daily, attractive ones gets as much as 3,000+ messages daily with this tough situation like this how you want them not to marry prostitutes in Thailand.

I can understand the attraction with Asian ladies. My wife is Thai, my previous gf was Chinese (HK) and prior to that I dated a couple of girls of Asian origin in the UK.

Feminism dominates a lot of Western countries, as you know, and laws are heavily weighted, as are judgments, in their favor should you become embroiled in divorce or other legal contest with them.

What I don't understand is the readiness to marry a prostitute and willingness to believe concocted fairy stories. They can meet nice ladies easily enough but perhaps aren't willing to go through a courtship that involves emotional as well as physical relations; or require a younger partner or whatever. I really don't understand that aspect though.

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