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I think you just missed the point and the target ! cheesy.gif

I don't think so. The bombers lived in Molenbeek, do you know where that is? And how long they lived there and what life they had?

I know who the lier is btw, before you go there. Also i know where he lives.

I think you just missed the point and the target ! cheesy.gif

I don't think so. The bombers lived in Molenbeek, do you know where that is? And how long they lived there and what life they had?

I know who the lier is btw, before you go there. Also i know where he lives.

Is the whole of the Muslim Terror problem to be found in Molenbeek ?

If so then destroying the place would solve a world-wide problem.

Who is the "lier" and where does s/he live ?

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Yes, Yes, Yes.

But i don't feel responsible, Europe helped their allie the USA while they wanted to kill Sadam because he had weapons of mass destruction. That's how it all started.

I don't have problems with helping refugee's but not in Europe.

Japan doesn't want any muslems in their country period. It is and was a very safe country still.

Germany ordered all EU countries to take refugee's and even wanted to punish them if they wouldn't.

This way of terrorism in Europe won't stop and it will reach the level of an internal war. I sure regret that but it's their own fault.

Flighttickets will get much more expensive for extra security but even that won't help. People will fly less and also less to Thailand.

It's time for a total different approach to the problem.

Does it sound a bit like: wash me but do not get me wet? You want to help but not in Europe? You admire Japan because of restrictions on Muslims?

(by the way it was a lie concerning Saddam. There have never been such described weapons)

And why it is Europe's fault? Isn't it Americass fault invading Iraq? Wasn'it the same with Vietnam? Or Afghanistan? And what about the success of that fence between US and Mexico? No Mexican's coming anymore?

You can stop the terrorism in Europe by create peace in the migrant's countries and by improving their life.

And those circumstances are made 100 years ago by those countries as I stated, exploiting their colonies, killing the people or let them starve.

One thing was right: It's time for a total different approach to the problem.

"It's time for a total different approach to the problem"

You do not say what this different approach looks like so let me help

It arrives with a big bang and is followed by a mushroom cloud.

Problem solved !

That is not a solution to the problem.

The influx of people of all religions over the past 50 years into the traditional 'Christian' countries has created many problems and has caused untold hatred and isolation. The disaffected few have now been organised by this frightening new organisation into a group that will do anything to exact their form of revenge. One has to admit the leaders of ISIS are intelligent, computer savvy and ruthless. By very effective targeting that have been picking up large followings in the young Muslim populations (and even getting converts from the more radical sections of more traditional religions in the west) who are carrying out atrocious acts of terrorism in the name of Islam.

It is very important to remember that this a very small minority but their actions are so appalling that the results are horrific. Blaming all Muslims is patently ridiculous.

What the answer is I do not know, but what is even more worrying is that neither do the leaders of the western world.

Is it affecting me - no not directly but it will start to impinge on all of our lives here in the LOS as economic pressure is brought to bear.


Nope. The chance of terrorism affecting my life is like getting hit by lightning so I have other things to worry about like saving for my next vacation in Thailand.

BTW I'm not shocked.. the belgians were caught with their pants down.. highest alert and they pull this off.. needless to say that's not the same level of security as the Americans.

9/11 comes in mind !!!! not the same level of security my Axxx......!!!!


Do you feel somehow responsible for the floods of migrants enter Europe if you come from countries as UK, Holland, Germany, France, Belgium e.g. who were killing thousands there exploiting those colonies which created poverty to escape now?

being a German and aware that poverty, widespread misery and in some cases civil wars were caused by exploiting the former German colonies Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Bangla Desh, Somalia and Nigeria (just to name a few) doesn't let me sleep at night and during day time i can't think of anything else how to rectify those crimes committed.

thanks for sharing your concern. it's a big relief! ermm.gif

Being an American (with German ancestry, I might add), I agree. We have much in history to answer for, however...What to do now? I want the U.S. out of the ME. Oh, we can supply allies who wish to face the threat to their own ME countries but no more U.S. direct involvement. If the private companies wish to make money there, that is their responsibility not for the youth of the western democracies. That will certainly cut down on the number of refugees and lessen some felt responsibility for creating the death and devastation. It is past time for the ME regional powers who feel their nations threatened to mount the bulk of defense. The U.S. and by our encouragement, some allies, have become viewed not as, "the good guys" but as the oppressors giving radicals a justifiable target. As to those fleeing, if they wish to assimilate, we have a humanitarian responsibility. If they wish to impose values alien to the culture they are entering...they should be encouraged to return to a culture more to their liking and understanding.


Its all BS.. Similar to what happened in Nazi Germany in the lead up to World War 2, then it was the Jews who were blamed and now its the muslims.

Wake UP.... open your eyes and see the truth. HINT: Its not in the mass media.


Anytime human beings are subjected to unwarranted and unnecessary violence...it impacts my life...I morn for the average citizen's fear and intimidation by a handful of radical psychopaths...

Once again...the world must come to a concensus and unite to rid itself of this Islamic plague...

The longer this goes on...the longer it is going to take to stamp out these thugs...


Its all BS.. Similar to what happened in Nazi Germany in the lead up to World War 2, then it was the Jews who were blamed and now its the muslims.

Wake UP.... open your eyes and see the truth. HINT: Its not in the mass media.

Money money money.....power power power.



What would you expect?....gratitude. Friendship?....People get the govt they deserve......At the moment its blowing up in the faces of most European countries....

Muslims.....they are just great.....


I have worked in some of the top 10 most dangerous countries and it has never worried me. Obviously you dont do stupid things but adopt a general awareness of where you are. Thailand is not safe but I have been in worse and survived

Thailand is not safe? Compared to what? I lived in the USA most of my life and I find Chiang Mai much safer than any comparable size city in America. Agree that one should not engage in stupidity, but just going about my daily life in Thailand without any additional precautions is quite safe.


Yes, Yes, Yes.

But i don't feel responsible, Europe helped their allie the USA while they wanted to kill Sadam because he had weapons of mass destruction. That's how it all started.

I don't have problems with helping refugee's but not in Europe.

Japan doesn't want any muslems in their country period. It is and was a very safe country still.

Germany ordered all EU countries to take refugee's and even wanted to punish them if they wouldn't.

This way of terrorism in Europe won't stop and it will reach the level of an internal war. I sure regret that but it's their own fault.

Flighttickets will get much more expensive for extra security but even that won't help. People will fly less and also less to Thailand.

It's time for a total different approach to the problem.

Does it sound a bit like: wash me but do not get me wet? You want to help but not in Europe? You admire Japan because of restrictions on Muslims?

(by the way it was a lie concerning Saddam. There have never been such described weapons)

And why it is Europe's fault? Isn't it Americass fault invading Iraq? Wasn'it the same with Vietnam? Or Afghanistan? And what about the success of that fence between US and Mexico? No Mexican's coming anymore?

You can stop the terrorism in Europe by create peace in the migrant's countries and by improving their life.

And those circumstances are made 100 years ago by those countries as I stated, exploiting their colonies, killing the people or let them starve.

One thing was right: It's time for a total different approach to the problem.

"It's time for a total different approach to the problem"

You do not say what this different approach looks like so let me help

It arrives with a big bang and is followed by a mushroom cloud.

Problem solved !

yes, that's obvious what many people think. In case you did not get all they will throw the bomb onto your head. So this scenario ist the most stupid one. Not talking about all those innocents....

But I will help you: If you got a quarrel with your neighbor you can solve it with a gun or try to talk to him and solve the problem in a peaceful way.

To make it clear: as long you will not give those mentioned countries support to help themselves (infrastructure, education, hospitals, law enforcement aso) you will not stop them to enter their former "master" countries. Only when they can't see any advantage to leave their countries (I'm talking about migrants, not refugees who will have always a place according Genever Convention) migration will stop.

So it's not only an IS problem but a poverty problem caused by Europeans and Americans 100 years ago. The bill we have to pay now!


Doesn't surprise me in the least. I am a constant bellringer against muslim immigration to western countries, for the obvious reason that the quran encourages hatred of everyone else. No surprise that these syrian refugees are bombing the countries that help them. Time to wake up world.


Do I feel safe in Thailand? Yes.

Do I feel safe in Europe? No.

Why? Because we have allowed the cultures of all Europe to be eroded by political correctness and suppressing the people's views and tolerance. It's not the Muslims fault of this but the white left wing middle class scum.


Yes, Yes, Yes.

But i don't feel responsible, Europe helped their allie the USA while they wanted to kill Sadam because he had weapons of mass destruction. That's how it all started.

I don't have problems with helping refugee's but not in Europe.

Japan doesn't want any muslems in their country period. It is and was a very safe country still.

Germany ordered all EU countries to take refugee's and even wanted to punish them if they wouldn't.

This way of terrorism in Europe won't stop and it will reach the level of an internal war. I sure regret that but it's their own fault.

Flighttickets will get much more expensive for extra security but even that won't help. People will fly less and also less to Thailand.

It's time for a total different approach to the problem.

Does it sound a bit like: wash me but do not get me wet? You want to help but not in Europe? You admire Japan because of restrictions on Muslims?

(by the way it was a lie concerning Saddam. There have never been such described weapons)

And why it is Europe's fault? Isn't it Americass fault invading Iraq? Wasn'it the same with Vietnam? Or Afghanistan? And what about the success of that fence between US and Mexico? No Mexican's coming anymore?

You can stop the terrorism in Europe by create peace in the migrant's countries and by improving their life.

And those circumstances are made 100 years ago by those countries as I stated, exploiting their colonies, killing the people or let them starve.

One thing was right: It's time for a total different approach to the problem.

"It's time for a total different approach to the problem"

You do not say what this different approach looks like so let me help

It arrives with a big bang and is followed by a mushroom cloud.

Problem solved !

yes, that's obvious what many people think. In case you did not get all they will throw the bomb onto your head. So this scenario ist the most stupid one. Not talking about all those innocents....

But I will help you: If you got a quarrel with your neighbor you can solve it with a gun or try to talk to him and solve the problem in a peaceful way.

To make it clear: as long you will not give those mentioned countries support to help themselves (infrastructure, education, hospitals, law enforcement aso) you will not stop them to enter their former "master" countries. Only when they can't see any advantage to leave their countries (I'm talking about migrants, not refugees who will have always a place according Genever Convention) migration will stop.

So it's not only an IS problem but a poverty problem caused by Europeans and Americans 100 years ago. The bill we have to pay now!

Syria was not "poor" until the radicals began taking over, neither was Libya or Iraq.

Attempts at building infrastructure in Afghanistan have failed because the Muslim fanatics destroy any attempt to modernise.

Weeping liberals will never bring peace. Never have and never will!


I'm not shocked, and I'd feel as safe in Brussels or London or Paris as I do here in Thailand. However, with that said, I prefer it here. Less armed military forces in ski masks on Thai streets.

But if you enjoy cowering in place, then do so, by all means. I'm sure all those police in the EU will protect the citizenry from the evil, bad people. Enjoy.


And give it another 5 years this will be war in all parts of the globe. People have had enough.

Which "people" are you talking about? Perhaps yourself? I'm doing just fine.


Does it sound a bit like: wash me but do not get me wet? You want to help but not in Europe? You admire Japan because of restrictions on Muslims?

(by the way it was a lie concerning Saddam. There have never been such described weapons)

And why it is Europe's fault? Isn't it Americass fault invading Iraq? Wasn'it the same with Vietnam? Or Afghanistan? And what about the success of that fence between US and Mexico? No Mexican's coming anymore?

You can stop the terrorism in Europe by create peace in the migrant's countries and by improving their life.

And those circumstances are made 100 years ago by those countries as I stated, exploiting their colonies, killing the people or let them starve.

One thing was right: It's time for a total different approach to the problem.

"It's time for a total different approach to the problem"

You do not say what this different approach looks like so let me help

It arrives with a big bang and is followed by a mushroom cloud.

Problem solved !

yes, that's obvious what many people think. In case you did not get all they will throw the bomb onto your head. So this scenario ist the most stupid one. Not talking about all those innocents....

But I will help you: If you got a quarrel with your neighbor you can solve it with a gun or try to talk to him and solve the problem in a peaceful way.

To make it clear: as long you will not give those mentioned countries support to help themselves (infrastructure, education, hospitals, law enforcement aso) you will not stop them to enter their former "master" countries. Only when they can't see any advantage to leave their countries (I'm talking about migrants, not refugees who will have always a place according Genever Convention) migration will stop.

So it's not only an IS problem but a poverty problem caused by Europeans and Americans 100 years ago. The bill we have to pay now!

Syria was not "poor" until the radicals began taking over, neither was Libya or Iraq.

Attempts at building infrastructure in Afghanistan have failed because the Muslim fanatics destroy any attempt to modernise.

Weeping liberals will never bring peace. Never have and never will!

began taking over, neither was Libya or Iraq.

If you mean US, then you are right!

Weeping liberals will never bring peace. Never have and never will!

nor will dick heads


Doesn't surprise me in the least. I am a constant bellringer against muslim immigration to western countries, for the obvious reason that the quran encourages hatred of everyone else. No surprise that these syrian refugees are bombing the countries that help them. Time to wake up world.

What a nonsense.....!

1. The Koran (quran) does not encourage hatred

2. You find violence and hatred in the Old Testament

3. Syran refugees are not bombing helping countries but religious fanatics

And if you are a "bellringer" against muslim immigration.....means no muslim can have a job in western countries? No doctor, no professor, no engineer? How silly is that?


^^^^ , just as a matter of interest, how much time have you ever spent in the ME?

The same ME where the Saudis send in their troops to suppress democracy in Bahrain?

The same ME where the Saudis send in their troops to bonb innocent civilians in Yemen?

The same ME where those valiant Saudi forces liberated Kuwait, LOL long after the Americans had gone in and cleared it first.

The same ME where the locals rose up against an American puppet Shah?

In good ole Amerika they call them terrorists, quite amazing really, in other countries they would be called freedom fighters or Patriots.

Amazing really when you think of it, a country that was founded on throwing off the yoke of imperialism cant understand why others would want to do the same, maybe they dont dance to our tune?

Oil my friend Oil.


The choice of some to assign blame/culpability to all muslims is not just wrong but it is intellectual laziness. When you see or read someone broadly painting all people for the acts of few, or even many, know their intellect failed at a certain point assembling all the data and reaching a conclusion and offered instead impulse. DEASH or any of the other jihadi terror clowns absolutely effects all of our lives. If any states "I have not been a victim of terror and no one I know has been either. My city has no problems. Therefore, terror such as this does not impact my life," they would be quite incorrect.

Our children will never know a world we knew in many ways. While this can be offered for every generation there is a particular sort of loss from this religious insurgency. Every single person in Western Civilization has been horribly impacted by DAESH/Jihad terror. From the fallacious trading of liberties for security to the unholy taxation leveled on posterity to pay for wars, surveillance, education, outreach, etc., every single human has been or will be adversely affected by this terror virus.


Your just a denieing mug.i don't give a <deleted> about people like you. You're worst than i.s.

It's the innocent I care about.


Never give it a thought. It had zero impact on my life. Karma will eventually will take care of them.

Never had shaving foam or shampoo confiscated at airport security ?

Never had to remove your shoes/belt before being "cleared" by airport security staff ?

Both measures which have impacted on many and the direct result of Islamic terrorism .


Do you feel somehow responsible for the floods of migrants enter Europe if you come from countries as UK, Holland, Germany, France, Belgium e.g. who were killing thousands there exploiting those colonies which created poverty to escape now?

being a German and aware that poverty, widespread misery and in some cases civil wars were caused by exploiting the former German colonies Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Bangla Desh, Somalia and Nigeria (just to name a few) doesn't let me sleep at night and during day time i can't think of anything else how to rectify those crimes committed.

thanks for sharing your concern. it's a big relief! ermm.gif

l've heard it all now.

Either trolling or an attempt at sarcasm. And not very good at either.

From my history lessons, l know that Germany never had colonies in those countries that you mention.

Either try Tanzania, Namibia, Cameroons, Togo, New Guinea & Samoa or stop trolling.

btw-Germany had a good record in New Guinea & Tanganyika, now Tanzania. But not so good in Namibia.


while i live my life as hard as i can to not generalize a population or culture.

I have not met many muslim characters that went out of their way to make sure i was welcome or gave me any respect in anyway.

i simply do not like the ones that I have come in contact with and can feel their energy. does this mean they all suck. no, but they dont smile at me or open doors.. thats for sure. i feel if they had the chance. they would end my existence. whistling.gif

i honestly dont care about any religion but these guys see me superficially and theres something there they feel and its mai dee.


Do you feel somehow responsible for the floods of migrants enter Europe if you come from countries as UK, Holland, Germany, France, Belgium e.g. who were killing thousands there exploiting those colonies which created poverty to escape now?

being a German and aware that poverty, widespread misery and in some cases civil wars were caused by exploiting the former German colonies Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Bangla Desh, Somalia and Nigeria (just to name a few) doesn't let me sleep at night and during day time i can't think of anything else how to rectify those crimes committed.

thanks for sharing your concern. it's a big relief! ermm.gif

l've heard it all now.

Either trolling or an attempt at sarcasm. And not very good at either.

From my history lessons, l know that Germany never had colonies in those countries that you mention.

Either try Tanzania, Namibia, Cameroons, Togo, New Guinea & Samoa or stop trolling.

btw-Germany had a good record in New Guinea & Tanganyika, now Tanzania. But not so good in Namibia.

German colonies in Syria.



Yes, of course it does. Anyone who flies is affected. Every airport has a different set of rules. And the rules at the same airport often change. Makes getting a flight more of a pain.

At Hong Kong, after I go through security for my to transfer to my next flight to the States, They go through my carry- on by hand at the gate. And I have to dispose of water I bought in the airport.

If a bomb were to go off at an airport I will be going to or at a place I will be going to or at a place where I have been it would affect me psychologically more.


Yes, of course it does. Anyone who flies is affected. Every airport has a different set of rules. And the rules at the same airport often change. Makes getting a flight more of a pain.

At Hong Kong, after I go through security for my to transfer to my next flight to the States, They go through my carry- on by hand at the gate. And I have to dispose of water I bought in the airport.

If a bomb were to go off at an airport I will be going to or at a place I will be going to or at a place where I have been it would affect me psychologically more.

Real airport security I only noticed in Finland and Israel. However, no airport is safe from fake travelers. Maybe it is hard to get a bomb inside the airplane - which in really I doubt anyway because most airports are just a joke in regards of safety - but it is definitely not a problem to get into the airport.

I would offer to do some case studies in airport safety but I fear of getting shot.

Sometimes I wonder why they choose bombs instead of AK47. Well, probably for the psychologic effect of the suicide itself. A man to die for the course.

Ok, this post is definitely getting flagged by NSA. clap2.gif

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