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Boy, 12, stood on a pier 'laughing' as two girls he kicked into Bangkok canal drowned

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Mosque ? Is this a religious thing ?

Were the victims Buddhists ?

This has nothing to do with religion. This has to do with a young sociopath. All religions have them.

WE dont yet know what his religion is or whether it has anything to do with his behaviour. Whilst all religions have psychopaths, Islam clearly has a disproportionate number relative to the great religions of the world. Here is an example of young Christians girls being attacked by Muslim boys in Pakistan:




Very tragic for everyone connected. Drowning is a leading cause of death for kids in Thailand. Growing up in Canada, I didn't meet a single kid who couldn't swim. Here it seems to be more the other way.

Yep. Teaching kids to swim seems thankfully to be gaining momentum these days. Still, for a country with so much coastline and abundance of water, the ratio of people who can't swim is miserable.

At the risk of going off-topic, the OP is a very sad story for all concerned. I'd like to think the kid just thought it was a bit of a game.. RIP kids.


Hang on....He is a kid, thats it...It's tragic about the outcome sure. Every kid who is in company of his own age gets up to mischief at some time or another...

This time it had a sad ending....I feel for this kid as he will carry this accident memory for the rest of his life...He just lost his 2 friends, from shyacking around, probably out of sheer bordem.

How many times when we were kids that age, were we involved in something Dangerous and didnt realize it....

Dont be too hard on this kid fellas....


My sincere condolences to the grieving families and friends.

A terribly sad event.

It tragically underscores the lack of education in this country and the price that can be paid as a result.


Let the little scum sack meet the same fate

If his parents object let them join him

He will never be anymore than a wasted space

hardhearted to say the least


12 year old and close to be a serial killer already, he needs to be locked up in a mental institution for minor criminals .


Let the little scum sack meet the same fate

If his parents object let them join him

He will never be anymore than a wasted space

Now this is the post of a rational mind, a stereotypical ThaiVisa member, well done.

I'm sure there's a Forum rule somewhere that objects to the suggestion a 12 year old boy should be drown and if his parents object they should be drown too, but as it's Thai bashing, it will be ignored, and my post will be removed.


Hang on....He is a kid, thats it...It's tragic about the outcome sure. Every kid who is in company of his own age gets up to mischief at some time or another...

This time it had a sad ending....I feel for this kid as he will carry this accident memory for the rest of his life...He just lost his 2 friends, from shyacking around, probably out of sheer bordem.

How many times when we were kids that age, were we involved in something Dangerous and didnt realize it....

Dont be too hard on this kid fellas....

Well put, it would appear that many posters on here were never children or if they were they never left the house to mix with other children, Sometimes things just go horribly, horribly wrong


Hang on....He is a kid, thats it...It's tragic about the outcome sure. Every kid who is in company of his own age gets up to mischief at some time or another...

This time it had a sad ending....I feel for this kid as he will carry this accident memory for the rest of his life...He just lost his 2 friends, from shyacking around, probably out of sheer bordem.

How many times when we were kids that age, were we involved in something Dangerous and didnt realize it....

Dont be too hard on this kid fellas....

"He just lost his 2 friends" Wrong, he just killed his two friends.

It's the victims and their family you should feel sorry for, not this small prick.


Most Thai people cannot swim. Is this because swimming is only available to the rich? Not as far as I can see, there are many places to take your child swimming and for less that a hundred baht. Lots of schools have swimming classes. I don't understand why the majority can't swim. Is it the 'I don't want a suntan and have dark skin' that puts people off learning to swim?

In the rural areas, many kids spend a lot of time swimming in irrigation canals, ponds and rivers. Adults also swim as fishing with nets is an important source of protein. They and their parents are not so paranoid about skin colour. They learn to swim after a fashion (not likely to win many Olympic medals though) so poor rural kids can mostly swim. In the cities the opportunities for swimming are more limited, and I suspect many lower income kids in the cities don't learn.

I believe the statement "most Thai people cannot swim" to be false.


Never underestimate the latent evil and cruelty present in many children. Thailand has a dysfunctional society where boys especially are allowed to rampage around doing what the hell they want, racing around on motorbikes at 2 in the morning?- sure why not? I am amazed that there are some commentators inferring that a 12 year old boy doesn't understand the concept of drowning, he probably knew exactly what he was doing.

If you don't think that children are capable of callously killing another and then laughing at the victim, look up the James Bulger killing, a toddler tortured and murdered by two 10 year old psychopaths, subsequently locked up for many years. This being Thailand, I should think the killer will get a smack on the wrist, and then return to school to laugh about it all with his mates.


Poor girls. I can't imagine what their families are going through right now.

That boy's going to grow up real quickly in the coming hours and days.


Mosque ? Is this a religious thing ?

Were the victims Buddhists ?

This has nothing to do with religion. This has to do with a young sociopath. All religions have them.

Not all religions were founded by one, or teaches that woman are worth less than a man

Which is the one that says: "Women, submit to your husbands"



once again, i repeat:

if you read thai news, you will see this kind of story are really, but really common!

Most of you, completely ignore how dysfunctional did country is!

In this society dysfunctional kids will grow up and become dysfunctional men and later their new born will be also dysfunctional!


Most Thai people seem as concerned about teaching their kids to swim as they are about road safety, teaching kids to wear crash helmets and ride bikes/motorbikes properly, wear seat belts, have child seats in cars, behave responsibly, that is zero.

Maybe this is part of Buddhist philosophy, but my Thai wife thinks like me so I don't believe it's cultural, just don't care and don't want to think about consequences of their actions. This is reflected in the lack of planning exhibited throughout society, just knee-jerk reaction from the top to the bottom, make quick money, don't plan any maintenance, don't provide for your future but rely on your kids to support you. Makes me laugh and makes me cry.

Both my kids, 4 years and 6 months, having swimming lessons, in an almost empty pool with room for many others. We will have water around our house when we build it, so it's important to us that they learn. But I will still fence it off as I can't guarantee that their friends will have had the same chance to learn.


For some reason, it appears that many people around the world do not understand the concept of cause and effect of their actions. I am sure he had no idea the girls were going to drown. He just thought it would be funny to see them in the water. This is the result of a growing trend in "education" around the world, where children are taught what to think and not how to think.

For goodness sake - he was 12 years old - you can't teach a kid like that that people in water could drown, it's common sense.



...not a crime......double murder....???

....why....did the monster say 'Sorry'...or....He was 'only joking'....???


For some reason, it appears that many people around the world do not understand the concept of cause and effect of their actions. I am sure he had no idea the girls were going to drown. He just thought it would be funny to see them in the water. This is the result of a growing trend in "education" around the world, where children are taught what to think and not how to think.

i blame the RIDICULOUS and VIOLENT soaps that the majority of Thai adults AND children watch EVERY SINGLE DAY !

i am sure the boy had already seen similar stuff in those CRAP soaps and just copied it...

Every day we read here on TV sad things that come right from those soaps as they dont know the difference between fiction and non-fiction.

RIP girls


Thai newspapers are reporting this slightly differently.

Apparently, after kicking the girls into the water and laughing at the floundering girls , they nonetheless managed to stay close to the edge and hold onto it to save themselves. The boy then stamped on their hands to loosen their hold and kicked them away from the edge.

( read from Daily News online and Sanook .com )

More than just a prank gone wrong.

Tragic loss of two young lives.


RIP. I hope that both the girls' parents have good friends around them to support them in this terrible time.

This is a tragedy, and probably an accident. It is not a Thai problem, this is a problem common around the world, and relating to kids learning consequences from their mistakes. All kids make mistakes, this is how they learn. Sometimes those mistakes are really big mistakes with horrific consequences.

Good parents and good teachers fulfil a critical role in teaching kids the consequences of mistakes before those mistakes happen. In my era our elders beat the hell out of us day and night until we were too frightened to even whisper out of place. This did cut down the rate of mistakes quite drastically, but was certainly no fun and is now thankfully illegal in most places. Also the statistics do show that even when kids are clearly taught the consequences associated with mistakes, many kids will still make those mistakes anyway and be forced to learn from the consequences themselves.

All the same, good parenting and good schoolteachers do save lives overall, this is the most important point really.


At 12 a boy should know the difference between fun and harmful. What a stupid boy.

This is so tragic ..........

Poor, poor girls...... R.I.P

Unfortunately in this PC dominated world kids are never bad. There's always a syndrome to attach to their behaviour. Schools are full of special needs assistants which must cost a fortune and does ......-all good.

At 12yoa you know that if you push someone into deep water they can drown. This little sod then goes and kicks another one in for good measure.

RIP you poor little girls.


Most Thai people cannot swim. Is this because swimming is only available to the rich? Not as far as I can see, there are many places to take your child swimming and for less that a hundred baht. Lots of schools have swimming classes. I don't understand why the majority can't swim. Is it the 'I don't want a suntan and have dark skin' that puts people off learning to swim?

Someone started this white skin craze, for monetary purposes, in a country that bakes people on a daily basis. Young girls like their mothers hide from the sun and swimming is not on their list of things to do.


Mosque ? Is this a religious thing ?

Were the victims Buddhists ?

This must very high on the list for most stupid comment of the year!

You sir, should be ashamed of yourself!


For some reason, it appears that many people around the world do not understand the concept of cause and effect of their actions. I am sure he had no idea the girls were going to drown. He just thought it would be funny to see them in the water. This is the result of a growing trend in "education" around the world, where children are taught what to think and not how to think.

Are you joking me he is 12 years old by now his parents should teach him right from wrong.

I have two girls 12 and 11 and I teach them right from wrong some 6 years ago .

the poor girls I feel so sorry for them and they parents and family.


For some reason, it appears that many people around the world do not understand the concept of cause and effect of their actions. I am sure he had no idea the girls were going to drown. He just thought it would be funny to see them in the water. This is the result of a growing trend in "education" around the world, where children are taught what to think and not how to think.

For goodness sake - he was 12 years old - you can't teach a kid like that that people in water could drown, it's common sense.

In case you haven't noticed, Common Sense is becoming less and less common, no matter where one looks.


Mosque ? Is this a religious thing ? Were the victims Buddhists ?


The boys a stupid little boy not grasping the reaction to his actions ( most older Thai males are similar) a terrorist he is Not!

Its a terrible tragedy for all concerned!

No body claimed he was a terrorist but Islam does teach that females are second class, treats them thus and that males have domination over them. So, it could have been a brainwashed young Muslim treating females the way he has been taught, in any event there will be no problem for him if his father is rich enough to pay all concerned off

Oh &lt;deleted&gt;!

They are 12 years old!

When I was 12, we threw rocks at girls to get their attention!

This has got nothing to do with religion!

This is 12 year old boys teasing 12 year old girls...with a tragic outcome!

I am quiet sure, he didn't push them to put them in their place or to drown them!

He was fooling around and tragedy struck...and THAT IS IT!

Not at all necessary to get your islamophob knickers in a twist!


The boy will have to live with this horror for the rest of his life. I hope he can handle it; many can't.

I don't know what the legal age of reasoning is in Thailand, but I suspect he falls below the age of reasoning so he probably will not be incarcerated.

I feel so sorry for the families affected by this tragic event.

Enjoy life as it can be shorter than you think!

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