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Bangkok burglar picks the wrong house to rob as off duty cop shoots him dead


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If you think you can just shoot someone in the arm or leg to disable them then think again.

Even trained police have trouble hitting someone in the center of mass from distances of more than 6' (2 m). All those amazingly accurate shots to the extremities you see on TV or in the movies are just a fantasy.

It may not be politically correct but if I find someone in my house that doesn't legally belong there then as far as I'm concerned they are threatening me so my life is in danger and If I shoot them I just saved the state the tax money required to prosecute them.

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What concerns me is the RTP's ability and willingness to investigate this fully, maybe the cop after shooting him from inside house went outside to finish him off? only a full and professional forensic ballistics examination of where every shoot was fired from can prove this was not an execution.

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My home in Jomtien was burgled some 25 years ago. The investigating policemen (all 12 of them!) wanted money to try and find the thief.

One officer told me that if I had a gun, and saw the thief, i could shoot him,...........but as I was a farang, it would be better in the event that ever happened to say the wife shot him. He concluded by offering to sell me his gun for 6,000baht!

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And after all the debates through numerous threads about 'blaming the victim' we get to this.

Or is it just the fact that he is Thai and happens to be a policeman? Wonder how the thread would have gone if this were a frightened ex-pat?

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Night time, dark, visibility not so good, family in the house. Does the guy have a weapon

or not ? Not at all a jump to feel your life and the life of your family is in danger. It is all

fine to say "hands up" if a gun is in the guys hand your reaction time to fire will be the

same as his to raise the weapon and fire. He could dive to one side causing you to miss

leaving you a target. Safer to just aim and shoot. whistling.gif

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'could face charges of killing with intent'

'riddled with bullets lying in a pool of blood' and 'I shot at him until he fell down"

now if someone is burglarizing your house, aren't you allowed to protect yourself & your property ???

also, riddled with bullets means many bullets were fired ..... not exactly 'I shot at him' ???

Short answer NO YOUR NOT, well in civilised countries anyway. You can only kill someone if you have a genuine fear you life is in danger, the courts would also take into account whether you could flee e.g he's coming in a window and you could reasonably escape danger by going through the front door.

really?????? im not from the USA but I thought in the US you were allowed to shoot someone if the were breaking into your home

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​I​ have mixed emotions on this. Until one is burglarized without compensation to say nothing of the sense of violation one doesn't get the emotions of this. Paying with one's life is a dire price however. But, the burglar should know better and he accepted the risk, whether it be by a cop or civilian. IN saying that cops; shoot without impunity all the time. In the USA they shoot at you if running away. They will empty your gun at you. It's been on tape. They get away with it according to the 'deciders.'

​I have built a house with an open concept of the living area being more of a gazebo. There always will be someone around but beginning to wonder how naïve I am on doing this. Is this too much of an invitation for someone to come in and steal our hard earned 'stuff?' Why is it that mankind can't keep their hands off of other people's belongings? I may appreciate what you have but will go out and buy one like it after saving. Then again I am not barefoot poor. But, how many burglars are? bah.gif

Edited by seedy
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Reading this it does sound like the house owner got a little over excited.

but, good on him. Shoot first ask questions later.

Problem in Thailand is that if he had fired a warning shot or scared the thieve off. The intruder would have lost face, most likely kept that grudge forever and come back to kill the house owner....

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We have a kitchen window that is a burglar magnet, with numerous pry marks. The inside dog (a 20kg hound) invariable hears them coming and is waiting the other side of the curtain, and gives one big WOOF as they try their luck, always followed by the sound of rapid retreat.

No blood, no BIB problems.

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While I am no fan of the cops in general, any person trying to break into my house in the dead of night and threatening my family, would get shot as well. I would not hang around and see if he was a nice guy. He lost that right the moment he tried to break in with bad intent.

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In an interview at the local police station in order to obtain a Thai gun permit many years ago, the police gave a very similar example to this as something you could not do as a gun owner to protect life and property. They said, if you hear a noise and see someone in your garden who shouldn't be there, you can't lean out of the window and shoot him down, as he is not presenting a threat to your life or others in your family yet. Having said that, I am sure the police won't press charges against him and it's a bit of a grey area anyway. Mr Daeng was clearly up to no good, trying to break in to his house and the cop didn't know, if he also had a weapon. Waiting till you are sure an intruder presents a credible threat to life might be too late. Also a Thai gun licence entitles you to use it to protect life and property, not just life. In the US I think they advise you to shoot the intruder in the garden and then drag the body over your threshold before calling the cops. I am not sure, if I would have shot Mr Daeng multiple times, if I found him trying to break into a window, but a cop would feel quite confident he wold be exonerated.

The case of the UK farmer was quite different. He used an unlicensed shotgun and ammunition, having had his firearms certificate cancelled earlier for shooting the back of a delivery van. Even with a valid firearms certificate in the UK, you are not entitled to use it to protect life and property, as in Thailand. The farmer lay in wait for the villains and shot them in the back as they were trying to flee. One of them was trying to get back out of the window as he was shot. Should be entitled to use firearms for protection in the UK. Yes, probably but that's British law for you. I remember a case where a school master in his 50s or 60s was confronted by a young thug in his house when he came home. As the thug made a move to go for him, he promptly took a ceremonial sword off the wall and ran the bastard through, killing him. The school master went to prison for 2 or 3 years. He was suppose to wait and see, if he got beaten to death by the thug or not. Ridiculous.

At the end of the day, house burglars in Thailand should accept being killed in action as an occupational hazard, whereas in the UK householders have to accept that they might be killed by burglars and there is not much they can do about it.

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This would not fly in the USA. You have to be in fear of losing your life and the person must be inside your home in the process of trying to kill you. Cop or no cop. I own many guns and this is why there are laws to stop this kind of B.S. I am not defending the crook. But you can't just shoot someone because you think he is breaking in your window. Could have been anything going on.

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Serves him right, why the <deleted> should people have to put up with this sort of behaviour, he wont attempt to break in any more. If he had got away what is to say he wouldnt hurt someone in the future. Justice served

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So all the gun-nuts here think attempted burglary should be punished by death!

So what do you gun-nuts (yes you know who you are) think about drinking and driving? Death?

What do you gun-nuts think about driving a bike without helmet? Just a single shot in one knee-cap?

You gun-nuts, what about if they managed to break in? Killed and then hung? But most important they must be shot. At least one full magazine worth of bullets, or continue shooting until you cum in your underwear.

What if one of you gun-nuts have an unregistered gun? I guess you would pay from your own pocket so the person could register the gun.

One more thing to you gun-nuts, should we also execute the rich people here in Thailand for the same crimes?


But he won't rob any more houses to steal what honest folks have worked & paid their own money for.

Now, will he?

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