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Military junta invites Worachai for “attitude adjustment”


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Military junta invites Worachai for “attitude adjustment”


BANGKOK: The military junta has invited former member of parliament (MP) of the Pheu Thai party, Worachai Haema, for "attitude adjustment" today for his comment on the draft constitution.

Worachai who was former MP for Samut Prakarn told reporters that the military junta has informed him through army coordinators that they wanted to invite him for talks and would come to pick him up at his home today.

He then told the army coordinators that he would go to see them by himself today.

He said the meeting stemmed from his comments on the draft constitution.

But Mr Worachai insisted that what he criticised was made with good intention for the country because he did not want to see a recurrence of the 17 May 1992 incident or Black May, and wanted to see the new constitution acceptable by all and does not cause political crisis.

In May 17, 1992 the military junta under the leadership of Gen Suchinda Kraprayoon ordered the crackdown of anti government protesters in a mass rally demanding his resignation from the prime minister, and the return of democracy to the country.

The crackdown resulted in the deaths and injuries of hundreds of protesters, and later led to his resignation.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/156992

-- Thai PBS 2016-03-26

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Its a good job no one in Authority reads comments on here about the Government......or do they ?

quite a few posters could do with attitude adjustment,and what exactly does that entail?

regards Worgeordie

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Its a good job no one in Authority reads comments on here about the Government......or do they ?

quite a few posters could do with attitude adjustment,and what exactly does that entail?

regards Worgeordie

A nice cup of tea, biscuits and cake. Then a casual chat about premiership football, golf and the weather.
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This "attitude adjustment" sounds exactly like "re-education" and all the similar terms that have been used by dictatorial regimes over the years to qualify imprisonment, very often accompanied with physical and/or psychological torture.

We may not have reached this point yet in Thailand but we're getting frighteningly closer every passing day.

How can this wording be used by people who have any kind of faith in democracy? tell me if you can justify it, but that's going to be a tough lesson to teach without resorting to... well... you see what I mean, "adjusting my attitude".

Note to mods: I've chosen my words very carefully so that I did not break the current forum rules. Hope that does it.

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The bloke is speaking complete and utter sense, the fact that Prayut thinks he can bully the people into passing this undemocratic mess of a constitution is a disgrace. The no vote will be come out in major force against this - the red side have said no and Abhisit has said no both in very certain terms.

That only leaves that lizard Suthep and his army bosses to vote yes - not a chance in hell this thing will pass. Thailands needs more people to be speaking like this in public and reminding people of what happened in 1992.

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Black May! A prediction by the Pheu Thai party MP?

Well here's the irony.

- This government is nothing whatever like the suchinda / sunthorn / narong thug government who had no qualms to shoot and kill several hundred innocent and unarmed civilians and then dispose of their bodies never to be seen again. There is no comparison at all, none. Worachai is just clutching at straws to create division / diversion.

- Worachai's (google for his past history, especially his involvement in trying to get an amnesty for the red leader abroad) paymaster accepted a license (the only license issued at the time - a monopoly) for a national telecoms operation from the main man, the ultimate nasty - sunthorn. Further irony, it was national policy at that time that all telecoms operations had to be run by the state. Did the paymaster say 'hey just a moment, this is illegal' or did he run all the way to the bank with massive money, gained through an illegally gained illegal monopoly and massive overcharging?

Edited by scorecard
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Black May! A prediction by the Pheu Thai party MP?

There's tens of thousands of loyal red shirts still around in BKK alone.....anything could happen at anytime.

Well there's the most insightful post of all time "...anything could happen at anytime."

Even better 'Tuesday will follow Monday!.'

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Black May! A prediction by the Pheu Thai party MP?


is it important who reminds the junta of the actions on the military during those days???

If it was Mark would you say the same thing? or do you reserve with the same condescending manner?

All concerned people should reminded Black May, and far more often than what they get now, I say well done to this bloke and challenge Mark to do the same followed by all MP's then all Thai's.....

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Black May! A prediction by the Pheu Thai party MP?


is it important who reminds the junta of the actions on the military during those days???

If it was Mark would you say the same thing? or do you reserve with the same condescending manner?

All concerned people should reminded Black May, and far more often than what they get now, I say well done to this bloke and challenge Mark to do the same followed by all MP's then all Thai's.....

Highly predictable response, not surprised, it suits your slant.

Here's a question for you:

What evidence is there that the current government is violent / violence with death? Please respond with a focused answer not a diversion?

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Black May! A prediction by the Pheu Thai party MP?

There's tens of thousands of loyal red shirts still around in BKK alone.....anything could happen at anytime.

Ask thai people how they call the Royal thai army ..

" Tengmo " , watermelon !

Why ?

Because it's red inside even it's green outside .

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Black May! A prediction by the Pheu Thai party MP?

Well here's the irony.

- This government is nothing whatever like the suchinda / sunthorn / narong thug government who had no qualms to shoot and kill several hundred innocent and unarmed civilians and then dispose of their bodies never to be seen again. There is no comparison at all, none. Worachai is just clutching at straws to create division / diversion.

- Worachai's (google for his past history, especially his involvement in trying to get an amnesty for the red leader abroad) paymaster accepted a license (the only license issued at the time - a monopoly) for a national telecoms operation from the main man, the ultimate nasty - sunthorn. Further irony, it was national policy at that time that all telecoms operations had to be run by the state. Did the paymaster say 'hey just a moment, this is illegal' or did he run all the way to the bank with massive money, gained through an illegally gained illegal monopoly and massive overcharging?

I'm glad there still are a (very) few junta apologists around. If not for you guys (although the numbers have predictably dwindled drastically) the forum would pretty much be unanimous in it's condemnation of the junta - and that would be kind of boring.

Keep up the good work!!

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Black May! A prediction by the Pheu Thai party MP?


is it important who reminds the junta of the actions on the military during those days???

If it was Mark would you say the same thing? or do you reserve with the same condescending manner?

All concerned people should reminded Black May, and far more often than what they get now, I say well done to this bloke and challenge Mark to do the same followed by all MP's then all Thai's.....

Highly predictable response, not surprised, it suits your slant.

Here's a question for you:

What evidence is there that the current government is violent / violence with death? Please respond with a focused answer not a diversion?

"What evidence is there that the current government is violent / violence with death?"

Evidence? To obtain evidence one would have to conduct an independent investigation of the junta's actions, and that's not going to happen.

But what we do know is that an alarming number of "suspects" have died in prison, people who could potentially have seriously embarrassed the junta.

Strange, right?

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Black May! A prediction by the Pheu Thai party MP?

Well here's the irony.

- This government is nothing whatever like the suchinda / sunthorn / narong thug government who had no qualms to shoot and kill several hundred innocent and unarmed civilians and then dispose of their bodies never to be seen again. There is no comparison at all, none. Worachai is just clutching at straws to create division / diversion.

- Worachai's (google for his past history, especially his involvement in trying to get an amnesty for the red leader abroad) paymaster accepted a license (the only license issued at the time - a monopoly) for a national telecoms operation from the main man, the ultimate nasty - sunthorn. Further irony, it was national policy at that time that all telecoms operations had to be run by the state. Did the paymaster say 'hey just a moment, this is illegal' or did he run all the way to the bank with massive money, gained through an illegally gained illegal monopoly and massive overcharging?

I'm glad there still are a (very) few junta apologists around. If not for you guys (although the numbers have predictably dwindled drastically) the forum would pretty much be unanimous in it's condemnation of the junta - and that would be kind of boring.

Keep up the good work!!

Just two words - what rubbish!

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Black May! A prediction by the Pheu Thai party MP?

Well here's the irony.

- This government is nothing whatever like the suchinda / sunthorn / narong thug government who had no qualms to shoot and kill several hundred innocent and unarmed civilians and then dispose of their bodies never to be seen again. There is no comparison at all, none. Worachai is just clutching at straws to create division / diversion.

- Worachai's (google for his past history, especially his involvement in trying to get an amnesty for the red leader abroad) paymaster accepted a license (the only license issued at the time - a monopoly) for a national telecoms operation from the main man, the ultimate nasty - sunthorn. Further irony, it was national policy at that time that all telecoms operations had to be run by the state. Did the paymaster say 'hey just a moment, this is illegal' or did he run all the way to the bank with massive money, gained through an illegally gained illegal monopoly and massive overcharging?

Nothing like?

Suchinda was a leader of the National Peace Keeping Council (NPKC), which conducted a coup d'etat that ousted the elected government of Prime Minister Chatichai Choonhavan on 23 February 1991.

Prayuth is the leader of National Council for Peace and Order and conducted a coup against the elected Government in 2014

Suchinda was CIC of the Royal Thai Army

Prayuth was CIC of the Royal Thai Army

Suchinda banned political assembly of more than 10 people

Prayuth banned (selectively) political assembly of more than 5 people

Suchinda promulgated a new constitution

Prayuth tore up the constitution and promulgated a new one

Suchinda's constitution allowed for a non- elected prime Minister (himself)

Prayuths constitution allows for a non-elected prime minister (who might that be?)

Suchinda banned radio stations from playing recordings by several popular singers who had voiced their support for the demonstrations.

Prayuth bans public dissent and has shut down community radio stations

The only thing that hasn't happened - yet - is the civil unrest that followed which is exactly the point Worachai is making...........If it came to that do you really want to put money on Prayuth's army being any less brutal than Suchinda's army?

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Black May! A prediction by the Pheu Thai party MP?


is it important who reminds the junta of the actions on the military during those days???

If it was Mark would you say the same thing? or do you reserve with the same condescending manner?

All concerned people should reminded Black May, and far more often than what they get now, I say well done to this bloke and challenge Mark to do the same followed by all MP's then all Thai's.....

Highly predictable response, not surprised, it suits your slant.

Here's a question for you:

What evidence is there that the current government is violent / violence with death? Please respond with a focused answer not a diversion?

I would turn your question around.Over time undemocratic and military governments have learnt that the kind of repressive violence you refer to is ineffective and counterproductive.Even military coups are now known to be problematic and only resorted to when other means of stifling democracy have been less than efficacious, notably directed judicial intervention.Hence the current efforts to rig the future constitution so that parliamentary democracy will be crippled.Thus the answer to your question is that the vested interests who hate democracy and despise their fellow Thais have learned that there are better ways to impose their will than unthinking violence.If pushed into a corner however, eg an unexpected large scale protest, there's no certainty whether their brutal instincts could be kept under control.

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Black May! A prediction by the Pheu Thai party MP?


is it important who reminds the junta of the actions on the military during those days???

If it was Mark would you say the same thing? or do you reserve with the same condescending manner?

All concerned people should reminded Black May, and far more often than what they get now, I say well done to this bloke and challenge Mark to do the same followed by all MP's then all Thai's.....

Highly predictable response, not surprised, it suits your slant.

Here's a question for you:

What evidence is there that the current government is violent / violence with death? Please respond with a focused answer not a diversion?

They haven't killed anyone openly yet.

There hasn't been a serious challenge to their power openly, yet.

Edited by JAG
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