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The Benefits Of Marrying A Prostitute?


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Very constructive argument, refreshing to get someones opinion as oposed to the hostility from Prostitute lovers (losers)>

Perhaps you could answer the question, why not marry a Prostitute from your own country???

I would think probably not, it's not something that I really spend much time thinking about.

As I said prostitution within a developed country is not comparable to prostitution within the developing world. As Bodypaul so delicately put it

Western prostitutes are just a sack for you to empty your load in

In comparison the idea of marrying a prostitute from Thailand or another developing country is not something I would dismiss.

Your comments such as

as oposed to the hostility from Prostitute lovers (losers)
do nothing to further the debate they just highlight your peculiar prejudice.

I hope that satisfies your obsessive curiosity.

I say again, get a life. :o

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I hate to throw fuel on the fire, but I dont think what Erco originally asked was that outrageous. I dont believe his question was phrased in an overly offensive way so I dont know why he has come under immediate attack for asking this. In my book, its a darn good question.

There is obviously several huge obstacles to overcome when one does (culture, education, etc...) enter into this kind of relationship (whether it is in Thailand or somewhere else). So, as far as I'm concerned, its a perfectly valid question. Is it a question of exposure? Do you not know Thai women who arent Bar Girls?

Was the response to this question so negative because you are thinking he is critizing your lifestyle?

Believe it or not, one can ask such a question without malice and with respect.


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Thailand has a diferent culture to western society, i don`t think that all bar girls are prostitutes in the same sense that western society looks at things.

I have seen many a bar girl refuse to go with a man, because she didn`t like him.

It`s not the same!!!!! :o

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Thailand has a diferent culture to western society, i don`t think that all bar girls are prostitutes in the same sense that western society looks at things.

I have seen many a bar girl refuse to go with a man, because she didn`t like him.

It`s not the same!!!!! :o

With a Wank-Spaniel like erco, it's all the same...& others who think girls are dirty. Their mothers must have slapped their pee pees a lot when they were naughty! :D

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Okay, I guess this is maybe where my disconect is... Yes, ERCO might come off as a bit abrasive, but it still doesnt invalidate the question. (Think content, not delivery).

My wife, who is Thai, and all the Thais I know seem to hold the same opinion on this subject. They dont understand why one would marry a bar girl either.

So I guess I'm just confused on the topic. Perhaps its a social-class issue that just doesnt make sense to me. Or maybe it is one of the reasons why so many Thais see farangs as "low class".

Oh, and Meemiathai. You don't need to Sir people to show respect. Me personaly, I'm hard to offend, but I do have this annoying habbit of asking questions. Think Jai yen. And if someone asks a question in an abrasive way, why not try to correct him on it instead of thrashing him for it. In the end would it not be more productive?

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Drewcifer, in the initial posting one sentence pssd me off, already

So please tell me why a normal educated person would marry a prostitute.

This Erco-guy was not here to find an answer, just to troll and to tell the world (or at least this board, and most important himself) that he is above the rest by being a "normal educated person", whatever that means.

In Thailand, you do marry who is social opportune and certainly must be a lady.

Behind her back you keep as many Mia nois, as you can afford physically, or later financially.

A farang who marries a lady he likes is looked down upon. Why? You meet a girl, you like her, you feel you can live with her. Be generous. I accept it and for sure will not ask for a background information.

So who is more honest?

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And if someone asks a question in an abrasive way, why not try to correct him on it instead of thrashing him for it. In the end would it not be more productive?
Yes. Agreed. But still the degree of rudeness and the real intention of the person counts. And for this one, it shows that this item is beyond repair.
The Benefits Of Marrying A Prostitute?Why marry a prostitudes?

What about

The Benefits of Marrying A Black African Girl? Why marry a Black African Girl?
How does that sound?

I guess you are not as simple a person as to only understand the meaning of the words that that thing wrote rather than what he was actually implying.

The benefits of marrying a prostitute are none. But the benefits of marrying a lovely person who just happens to be a prostitute are (whatever good words you can put).

No one goes to look for a wife who is a prostitute. It just happens that the person you love is a prostitute. With that simple logic, can't you see what that thing is really up to?

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I can appreciate the fact that Erco probably didnt have the best intention, but if thats true, then no matter what you say to him will make any difference. Perhaps I just have a different view towards this. If he offends, then correct. If he's habitual about it, then ignore or censore him. If he really did have bad intentions, then he did a great job of baiting you all.

I'm also confused as to why that exact sentence would offend someone one. To be honest, when I spoke with my wife about this, its almost the exact sentence she used. And yes I understand the whole mia noi thing.

To answer your question, I dont think its a question of honesty. Its a question of culture and I still think the exact sentence you quoted is a valid question. Relationships are hard. Interracial and intercultural relationships are even harder. A relationship between a farang and bar girl has got to be even tougher still.

I noticed you used the word like, and not love. You make it sound much more like a business arrangement rather than a relationship. Is that what it really is?

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I'm also confused as to why that exact sentence would offend someone one. To be honest, when I spoke with my wife about this, its almost the exact sentence she used. And yes I understand the whole mia noi thing.

Are you REALLY trying to say you find nothing wrong with that sentence? :o

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The benefits of marrying a prostitute are none. But the benefits of marrying a lovely person who just happens to be a prostitute are (whatever good words you can put).

No one goes to look for a wife who is a prostitute. It just happens that the person you love is a prostitute. With that simple logic, can't you see what that thing is really up to?

Thank you Meemaithai a ray of sanity :o

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I actually agree.. the heart loves who the heart loves...


“The definition of insanity is doing the same things and expecting a different outcome.”

-Albert Einstein

I'm not sure the pogrom against erco fits the definition... no matter how much you yell at him, do you really think he'll change?

Oh, and yes I really do not see anything wrong with that sentence. The only thing I can see that might be offensive is that if a person is married to a prostitute, he might feel that the sentence implies he is not normal. But thats not what the sentence says.

Like I said, thats almost the exact wording my wife used. And I'm sure she said it without malice.

So, can you tell me why that sentence offends you?

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My wife, who is Thai, and all the Thais I know seem to hold the same opinion on this subject. They dont understand why one would marry a bar girl either.

Just to say, I'm Thai, and I don't really care if a farang wants to marry a bar girl as long as he doesn't come back to bitch about all Thai women if anything goes wrong between them! heheh :D

On a more serious note, I have been told that some (and I stressed "SOME") farangs go for prostitutes because they are not as high maintainance (in terms of emotional support) than non-BG. I don't know if this is true but I have read someone here commented in the past that he dumped his middle-class TG for his BG girlfrind because he doesn't have to treat her with the same level of care. While going out with a traditional TG can bring clashes in culture especially on the sexual part of the relationship, it may not be the same as a TBG. :o

Well, I don't know... I'm just trying to make sense of some of the posts I've read in the past concerning the topic! :D

You are right in some ways, most Thais can't really work out why some farangs go straight to the ladies of the night, pursue them to the best of their farangs' abilities and marry them. However, most Thais are NOT as aggressive in thier inability to understand this arrangement as Erco seems to be. If the farang-BG relationship has progressed to the point of marriage, most Thais will just leave them be. Any Thais with an ounce of consideration for others wouldn't keep bringing up the couple's past. There's no point. :D

I think the question itself is not really that bad, the insults that follow are what get on people's nerve.

I don't agree with slagging Erco's partner off, though (if his partner exists!). I don't see the point of lower yourself to that level of arguments. A few biting/jokey comments would be the limit for me in this particular case. But hey, people react the way they feel is best. I admit that I have reacted violently in the past towards some d***head here too. :D Sorry, can't help it.

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I can appreciate the fact that Erco probably didnt have the best intention, ....

Drewcifer, what really hit me on that sentence was the 'normal educated' - part.

As for 'like, not love'. Have you got a spy ware on my computer? :o

No joke, my fingers have been over the keyboard for quite some time, b4 I decided on 'like'. No, not a business arrangement, more a cultural thing, you don't use the word 'love' too often out here.

Back to the basic issue. I see two types of farangs arriving in LOS. A young fellow who is sent out as, lowly paid, expatriate to earn his 'overseas experience' and a frustrated, beyond middle-aged, divorced, farang, who is fed up and comes here for the climate.

Both end up on a search for companion-ship and where can they search? The respectable beautiful girls you see during day time disappear with the sun setting. They are at home. So where do you go? A few drinks, some fun?

a) no, I (in capital-letters) would never get involved.

:D ah well, I talk to her, she is nice.

c) Mine is different!

In the west you are on the market and look for a partner. In the office, among friends, disco? Wherever. In Thailand your 'sources' are limited and you end up in the BG-scene. The rest is history, you realize, under the makr-up she is a human being, lovely, adorable, whatever. If it works out? Who knows, but I agree it is difficult. A couple of my friends or colleagues have been in this situation, some of them ended up still being married 20 years later.

In the past, it was my job, to stop them from getting married (company rules of a multi national company) You know what, I never succeeded.

On a personal note, you quoted your wife a couple of times. I see this absolutely positive. For myself, an old joke that my wife hates, 'I never managed to marry a local girls from back home'. OK, the first one from another country, lasted for 8 years, the second one, in Asia, 25 years and still going on. Absolutely not from the scene, but what problems did I have 25 years ago, with her family, with her father who was a business-partner.

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Thank you very much for addressing the question and not the messenger. Your response, if anything, has made me feel just a littel bit better about the folks on this forum. I really dont think we are that far apart in our views.

Lol, although I'm not sure if I fit into either of your two classes of people. Perhaps there should be one for farangs who married a Thai long before they ever went to Thailand.

Your absolutely right, a TBG is a person as well. But like all people, she would be a person with CONSIDERABLE personal baggage. And like it or not, that would be something you have to accept in a relationship. Like it or not, in just about every country in the world there is a social stigma associated with that line of work.

And I cant help but quote the wife (Hi, Ja!). She has a much better feel than I do for what offends people (and of course all things Thai). To be honest, I'm usualy the person who asks ends up phrasing my questions in the wrong way, offending people when all I meant was to ask an honest question. Thats the only reason why I'm defending Erco. It really sucks when you dont mean to offend people and you do, and you cant seem to understand why.

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No one goes to look for a wife who is a prostitute. It just happens that the person you love is a prostitute. With that simple logic, can't you see what that thing is really up to?

Actually, I think some people do. I encountered one Briton, an ugly-looking chap (no paunch, but the years had not been kind to him), who had laid plans for a trip to Australia via Thailand and then the Philippines. He had plans to marry one girl (in her late 30's) and she extracted quite a bit of money from him before he realised she wasn't interested in marriage. I later heard he had married another girl from the same bar!

I suspect he thought an old girl would accept him despite his age and poor looks and (way?) below average income.

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Back to the basic issue. I see two types of farangs arriving in LOS. A young fellow who is sent out as, lowly paid, expatriate to earn his 'overseas experience' and a frustrated, beyond middle-aged, divorced, farang, who is fed up and comes here for the climate.

You've also got the chaps who come out to Thailand for a bit of adventure, not necessarily sex-tourists, who go a bit wild and do things on holday they woudn't dream of doing at home. They go to a bar, and behold, a holiday romance develops, at least on their side. Some chaps seem to come back and find the same girl several times and then think, well, why not bring her home to England.

Some of these couples are about the same age, others are not.

I'm sorry if I've said this before, but it seems to me that most of the Thai ladies my wife and I reckon were bar girls take hard but honest jobs when they come to England.

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Guest IT Manager
Oh Chon, deadly accurate as ever.

Probably taking the urine IT but I'll accept the praise :o

Hi Chon,

Wasn't actually. <deleted> does it have to do with him?

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On a more serious note, I have been told that some (and I stressed "SOME") farangs go for prostitutes because they are not as high maintainance (in terms of emotional support) than non-BG.

Good point, D80. I fully agree that TG require a high level of emotional maintenance (at least the ones I know and I know a very little percentage of them, so not a very scientific evaluation,...).

But, anyway, considering what they go through, I am not sure it is not valid for the TBG,... :o

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On a more serious note, I have been told that some (and I stressed "SOME") farangs go for prostitutes because they are not as high maintainance (in terms of emotional support) than non-BG.

Good point, D80. I fully agree that TG require a high level of emotional maintenance (at least the ones I know and I know a very little percentage of them, so not a very scientific evaluation,...).

But, anyway, considering what they go through, I am not sure it is not valid for the TBG,... :o

dam right.. even girls in their 20's are like love sick school girls

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Too many BG sympathisers here.

I dont believe in marrage anyway, so cant comment on it.

What breaks my heart is the sweet young girls who work every hour god sends in 7-11 for a pitance. They have the same choices as a BG, so full credit to them..

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