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are tattoos going mainstream

doctor pat

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it seems that if you see a girl with tats in thailand people may assume that shes a bargirl, do you think thats changing or will change?

like in the west, tattoos used to be for sailors, gangsters, truckers etc. or in Japan, tattoos traditionally were for the Yakuza, but nowadays people from all walks of life get them.

the waitress who served me breakfast had a large arm tattoo and she didn't seem like a ho, also i was just looking at a profile on a dating site where a girl says shes an architecture student and "have tattoos, but don't judge me" so people obviously do judge her as some kind of bad girl, if she feels the need to put that on her profile

see more and more thai men with them as well

one thing i noticed is that the northern or thai/chinese ladies with lighter skin, they never have tattoos, well never seen any myself

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I can't imagine why anyone would want a picture stuck to them for eternity. Considering how your tastes change throughout your life. But everyone I know that has a tattoo is quite excited about tattoos. Perhaps looking for approval from other like minded folk. If tattoos lasted for, say a year, I would be tempted to get one or two for a laugh. But I sure as heck wouldn't want to look at it forever.

Actually not having a tattoo in this era is a bit of an achievement. Not bending to peer pressure and trends and that sort of thing.

But if you got em, I don't care and I don't judge. Lots of people do stuff I wouldn't do.

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When I see heavily tat'd people I always wonder why they want to make themselves look like a snake.....

Especially in the younger - very attractive people.....It detracts & can never go away.....

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When I see heavily tat'd people I always wonder why they want to make themselves look like a snake.....

Especially in the younger - very attractive people.....It detracts & can never go away.....

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Tattoo Statistics Data

Annual amount of U.S. spending on tattoos $1,650,500,000

Total percent of Americans (all ages) who have at least one tattoo 14 %

Percentage of U.S. adults 18 25 who have at least one tattoo 36 %

Percentage of U.S. adults 26 40 who have at least one tattoo 40 %

Total number of Americans that have at least one tattoo 45 million

Number of tattoo parlors in the U.S. 21,000

Average cost of a small tattoo $ 45

Average cost of a large tattoo $150 / hour

Percentage of U.S. population who have covered up a tattoo with another tattoo 5 %

Percentage of people with tattoos who claim they are addicted to ink 32 %

Percentage of people who have some regret after getting their tattoo 17 %

Percentage of people with a tattoo who are getting or have had one removed 11 %

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sailors, crooks, ladies of doubtful morals,yes 20 years ago, that sorted it.

now it is sailors, crooks, ladies of a certain type, hipsters, sports people, trendy girls.

older farang walking around with a young tattooed country girl, speaking pattaya\patong creole, i think other thais would think not the best.

hip girl, walking around with a well dressed farang, speaking together in correct thai or english, a lot of people would think cool couple.

it is all in the presentation.

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Tattoo Statistics Data

Annual amount of U.S. spending on tattoos $1,650,500,000

Total percent of Americans (all ages) who have at least one tattoo 14 %

Percentage of U.S. adults 18 25 who have at least one tattoo 36 %

Percentage of U.S. adults 26 40 who have at least one tattoo 40 %

Total number of Americans that have at least one tattoo 45 million

Number of tattoo parlors in the U.S. 21,000

Average cost of a small tattoo $ 45

Average cost of a large tattoo $150 / hour

Percentage of U.S. population who have covered up a tattoo with another tattoo 5 %

Percentage of people with tattoos who claim they are addicted to ink 32 %

Percentage of people who have some regret after getting their tattoo 17 %

Percentage of people with a tattoo who are getting or have had one removed 11 %

Interesting statistics (if true)

I wonder if they keep one on how much money one makes.

I always think (when I see someone with many tattoos), that they are lower class citizens.

Rare to see doctors, lawyers, judges, or CEO's with tats.

But bar girls, bike gang members, truck drivers, etc, they seem to have a much higher percentage of them.

Just my 2 cents.

I have a small one that I got in 1970.

Thought it was cool for about 5 years.

It's been uncool a long time now.

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Living in upcountry.

Neither in the village, neighboring village nor the district town nor the province capital I notice young Thai women/girls with tattoos as a frequent occurrence.

I actually have problems remembering having seen one last Friday.

No members of the extended family (some 30 or more persons) with a visible tattoo.

Not a single tattoo studio in the district that I remember.

Even in Khon Kaen I never stumbled upon one (not saying there might be).

No, it's not mainstream here (thanks for that).

Walking around in Pattaya: no need to describe.

As I understood the OP it refers to Thailand.

Of course a complete different picture in the west.

Edited by KhunBENQ
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I was put off tattoos when I was a puppy, my friends ex-navy father had a tattoo that he'd had done at 19, it was unrecognisable. The thought of having similar dark smudges on my body 40 put me off the idea.

The brother of another friend had aPluto, the Disney character, tattoo which looks like fun on a teenager, but not quite so on a middle aged man.

Today's trend is tomorrow's nightmare.

So no thanks!

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Japan wants to change the rules about their onsens (relax pools). Tatoed people were not allowed in but since many tourists have them they want to build special onsens for them as well.

I don't have any and am happy with that.

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I have a letter 'B' tattooed on each cheek of my bottom and when I bend down it says bob.

Man, that joke was funny in 1978 when I was in the 6th grade, no newer tat jokes for you , no? Google? Modern tat jokes? Then post?

Generation matter, the Mexican guy early 70's that used to give my brother and I shaver kid buzz hairccuts had tats Dad said that was because he had been in prison which was true for the time.

When at 7 years old you learn tats=prison time, something sticks in the back of your head but when you are a Millennial and ALL the pop artists and TV people have them (even now over-the hill-Angelina Jolie) then sure, "normal" you get a little something other than B's on your asscheeks.

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So let me get this straight... some of you are like "offended" what other people do with their bodies when it doesn't affect you in anyway? Talk about egomaniacal.

If you don't like tattoos here is a tip... stay home.

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Tattoos are for faux tough guys - wanna-be's - never weres - and zillions of young and dumbs who succumb easily to peer pressure

And I saw most of them on Koh Phi Phi - Strutting like little red roosterssad.png

Call it Mick Jagger - and now Justin Beiber syndrome wai2.gif

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Tattoos are for faux tough guys - wanna-be's - never weres - and zillions of young and dumbs who succumb easily to peer pressure

And I saw most of them on Koh Phi Phi - Strutting like little red roosterssad.png

Call it Mick Jagger - and now Justin Beiber syndrome wai2.gif

And because you are such a "tough" guy you actually walked up to the "wannabe tattooed tough guys" and told him so?

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Tattoos are for faux tough guys - wanna-be's - never weres - and zillions of young and dumbs who succumb easily to peer pressure

And I saw most of them on Koh Phi Phi - Strutting like little red roosterssad.png

Call it Mick Jagger - and now Justin Beiber syndrome wai2.gif

And because you are such a "tough" guy you actually walked up to the "wannabe tattooed tough guys" and told him so?

You are indeed clairvoyant Asherton - tattooed or not

Tim is one of many exceptions to the "rule"

I put tattoos up there with earrings on men - unnecessary embellishments

That speak of pride and hubris run amok

But I've been wrong before

Millions of times Asherton


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Tatts all folks.....they are for morons with a low I.Q.....always have been and always will be....simple as that.

Ok I know Pamela Anderson has her barbed wire tattoo, that's real smart and proper cool.

Also I know David Beckham is covered like a comic book, and even the musical genius Justin Beiber is sporting some cool as ink bro....but I don't think Albert Einstein would have had any, nore many professors or doctors do, let alone judges .

I also believe the highest percentage of a population of tattoo wearers reside inside prisons....yes that's right folks....prison members are over 50 percent inked up, and that says something about their I Q as well.

Tattoos....what a moronic joke. Mainstream......well not really, idiot stream ? Bingo Mr Hawkins

Edited by namatjira
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Tatts all folks.....they are for morons with a low I.Q.....always have been and always will be....simple as that.

Ok I know Pamela Anderson has her barbed wire tattoo, that's real smart and proper cool.

Also I know David Beckham is covered like a comic book, and even the musical genius Justin Beiber is sporting some cool as ink bro....but I don't think Albert Einstein would have had any, nore many professors or doctors do, let alone judges .

I also believe the highest percentage of a population of tattoo wearers reside inside prisons....yes that's right folks....prison members are over 50 percent inked up, and that says something about their I Q as well.

Tattoos....what a moronic joke. Mainstream......well not really, idiot stream ? Bingo Mr Hawkins

I would say that you just confirmed this about yourself: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect


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Wow, interesting how the OP was curious about small-minded, ultra-conservative, backward thinking among Thais regarding tattoos, yet most of the farangs responding to the thread have proven themselves to be at least as much small-minded, backward, hick yokels as Thais. Just amazing.

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Haha love the generalised rubbish getting spouted on here " rare to see doctors, lawyers, judges or CEO 's with tattoos" What? Really? Or "faux tough guys wannabes and never were's". The irony here is tattooed people couldn't give a <deleted> what non-tattoed people are thinking, yet non-tattoed people are so quick with their vehemence, bigotry and ridicule towards tattooed folk. So guess who the narrow minded, petty, judgemental <deleted> are.

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Of the approximately 100 people that make up my wife's family I have seen only one with a visible tattoo....

When together they spend a lot of close time 24/7 together for a few days and it's pretty informal with towel wrapped folks heading to and from showers at different times if gathered at one place.....

One small families observation.....

I actually see more on the farangs strutting around CM with tats than I do on the Thais......Loi Kroh is probably more evenly balanced tattoo wise - but those types of areas usually seem to be that way......

Edited by pgrahmm
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I have 3 tatts all up upper arms and one across top of back but I simply cant understand why guys and girls do these full sleeve tatts. They look awful and just look a green and black mess in the main. Its like a guy looks at an A4 sheet and thinks oh thats smart totally forgetting any 3rd party looking at it can only see 150-180 degress of it (at absolute best) and as such looks ridiculous

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