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Soldier's shooting of Palestinian sets off uproar in Israel


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Soldier's shooting of Palestinian sets off uproar in Israel

JERUSALEM (AP) — Amateur video appearing to show an Israeli soldier killing an already wounded Palestinian attacker sparked uproar in Israel on Sunday, reflecting the deep divisions in the country following six months of violence.

As the Israeli military pressed on with an investigation, nationalistic politicians accused the army of abandoning the soldier, while political doves bemoaned the erosion of the nation's morals. Palestinians, meanwhile, said the shooting proved their claims that Israel is guilty of using excessive force and carrying out extrajudicial killings.

The shooting took place last Thursday in Hebron, the volatile West Bank city that has been a focal point of the latest wave of Israeli-Palestinian violence. The military said two Palestinians stabbed and wounded an Israeli soldier before troops shot and killed the pair.

In a video released by the Israeli human rights group B'Tselem, one of the attackers appears to still be alive after the initial shooting. The video, taken by a Palestinian volunteer for the group, shows the wounded attacker lying on the ground, slowly moving his head. About a minute later, a soldier raises his rifle, cocks the weapon and fires. Blood is then seen streaming from the Palestinian's head.

The Israeli military quickly arrested the soldier and opened an investigation into what it said appeared to be a "grave breach" of its values. A military court has ordered the soldier to remain held until Tuesday while the investigation continues.

Military officials also have cast doubt on the soldier's claim that he believed the Palestinian was carrying explosives.

On Sunday night, B'Tselem released a second video it says shows the same soldier at the scene shaking hands with Baruch Marzel, a well-known ultranationalist, after the shooting.

Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, a military spokesman, said a preliminary investigation found the soldier arrived on the scene some six minutes after the initial incident, and that the second shooting occurred several minutes after that. "There was no apparent threat from the Palestinian that was incapacitated," Lerner said.

He said that commanders had already reported the shooting to their superiors before the video emerged. "There was already a military police investigation. We already knew the behavior was not in line with the code of conduct and ethics," he said.

The Israeli media, citing military officials, quoted the soldier as saying the Palestinian "deserved to die."

Lerner said three officers at the scene were reprimanded for not giving medical attention to the wounded Palestinian, as is required under military policy.

The sister of the soldier, who was not identified, accused the military of publicly convicting her brother, and several nationalistic lawmakers came to his defense, accusing detractors of abandoning him before he was given a fair hearing.

"Have we lost our minds? We're at war. War against vicious terrorism," said Naftali Bennett, leader of the hardline Jewish Home party. He said the shooting should be investigated, but criticized politicians and the media for rushing to condemn the soldier.

Avigdor Lieberman, leader of the right-wing opposition party Yisrael Beitenu, asked to meet the soldier in prison and accused the prime minister of looking for the support of the "bleeding hearts."

Over the weekend, hundreds of people protested in support of the soldier outside the prison, and posters surfaced denouncing his critics, including the military chief and defense minister.

In a Facebook post, Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon accused unnamed politicians of "a campaign of incitement" against the military leadership. "The sane elements in Israel, on the right and the left, must unite against this evil wind and stop it," he said.

Sima Kadmon, a commentator for the Yediot Ahronot daily, criticized the social media posts defending the soldier, and also lashed out at the apparent apathy shown by soldiers in the video after the Palestinian was shot.

But she said "the most troubling thing is the politicians who rushed to the defense of the shooter, even though top military officials, who are far more familiar with the circumstances of the incident and the findings of the inquiry, have called this for what it is: murder."

Addressing his Cabinet on Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the shooting was not reflective of the military's conduct and rejected criticism of the armed forces' morals as "outrageous and unacceptable." But he also defended the military against its right-wing critics. "We must all support the IDF chief of staff, the IDF and our soldiers, who safeguard our security," he said.

The shooting came amid a six-month wave of Palestinian stabbings, shootings and car-ramming attacks that has killed 28 Israelis and two Americans. Over the same time, at least 188 Palestinians have died by Israeli fire. Israel says most were attackers, and the rest died in clashes with Israeli security forces.

Israel blames the attacks on incitement by Palestinian leaders and social media. Palestinians say the violence stems from frustration at nearly five decades of Israeli military occupation.

The Palestinians have also accused Israel of using excessive force and killing assailants who have already been stopped or wounded. A handful of amateur videos supporting the Palestinian claims have emerged in recent months, but Thursday's killing of Palestinian Abdel-Fattah al-Sharif was perhaps the clearest so far.

"The way al-Sharif was killed is very common, but this time we had the camera to film the extra-judicial killing," said Jamal Zakout, director of Al-Ard, a Palestinian think tank in the West Bank town of Ramallah. He said the Palestinians could use the killing as a "good example" in their appeal for "international protection" from Israel.

Ben Caspit, a liberal commentator with the Maariv daily, said Israel must protect its "moral backbone."

"The Israeli army is not an army that carries out extrajudicial executions," he said. "It must not be such an army. On that day, we will know what we have lost. Unfortunately, we are not far off from that loss."

Associated Press writers Ian Deitch in Jerusalem and Mohammed Daraghmeh in Ramallah, West Bank, contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-03-28

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"Military officials also have cast doubt on the soldier's claim that he believed the Palestinian was carrying explosives."


How can the Israeli soldier have it both ways??

Now I ask you - would you shoot someone that had alleged explosives strapped to their body - from close range?

Sure, why not? - but only if you had a death wish..sad.png

And if that's the case - the Palestinians and the Israelis share the same damned Philosophy..

Just like Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton cheesy.gif

If it wasn't so pathetic it would be laughable

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"Military officials also have cast doubt on the soldier's claim that he believed the Palestinian was carrying explosives."


How can the Israeli soldier have it both ways??

Now I ask you - would you shoot someone that had alleged explosives strapped to their body - from close range?

Sure, why not? - but only if you had a death wish..sad.png

And if that's the case - the Palestinians and the Israelis share the same damned Philosophy..

Just like Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton cheesy.gif

If it wasn't so pathetic it would be laughable

" Now I ask you - would you shoot someone that had alleged explosives strapped to their body - from close range?"

The soldier shot him once in the head,

this act was strongly condemned by the PM the government and the army and it was wrong, but this is what

happened when you're surrounded by terrorists, just ask people in Paris, Brussels, and other places

around the world....

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"Military officials also have cast doubt on the soldier's claim that he believed the Palestinian was carrying explosives."


How can the Israeli soldier have it both ways??

Now I ask you - would you shoot someone that had alleged explosives strapped to their body - from close range?

Sure, why not? - but only if you had a death wish..sad.png

And if that's the case - the Palestinians and the Israelis share the same damned Philosophy..

Just like Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton cheesy.gif

If it wasn't so pathetic it would be laughable

" Now I ask you - would you shoot someone that had alleged explosives strapped to their body - from close range?"

The soldier shot him once in the head,

this act was strongly condemned by the PM the government and the army and it was wrong, but this is what

happened when you're surrounded by terrorists, just ask people in Paris, Brussels, and other places

around the world....

Israel's Prime Minister has defended a soldier caught on camera allegedly shooting an injured Palestinian in the head
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In a world of Zombie terrorists walking around the world stabbing folks and blowing themselves up in groups of people, it sure makes it hard for me to sympathize with any dead terrorists. My opinion is good riddance.

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The soldier arrived late at the scene and clearly simply wanted to murder the unarmed injured Palestinian.

If the Palestinian had had any sort of explosive device, why use a knife, when he could have taken out most of the IDF platoon earlier?

The psychopath shook hands with an ultranationalist afterwards, and ultranationalist MPs rushed to support him, visiting him in prison even.

And Israeli apologists accuse the Palestinian leadership of inciting violence? What a joke.

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Who is a terrorist in Palestine? Who usurped to be an owner of this Palestinian land? Who is doing ethnic cleansing of Palestinians? Who is destroying Palestinian houses? Who governs and supports this racist & apartheid country in the Palestine? It is not EU. Comparing this to extremism in France is equally devilish as illogical. I'm surprised how many people are still blind, or......brainwashed.

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I have seen many many videos showing atrocities by arrogant IDF'er boys spoiled to death at young age.

They remind me of the thai boy drowning 2 little girls while they were trying to get to shore and pushed back.

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In a world of Zombie terrorists walking around the world stabbing folks and blowing themselves up in groups of people, it sure makes it hard for me to sympathize with any dead terrorists. My opinion is good riddance.

Do you really think they are sombies?

These murdering idiots are brainwashed just like you are brainwashed.

Free yourself and you will see what really is going on.

Edited by wabothai
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I have seen many many videos showing atrocities by arrogant IDF'er boys spoiled to death at young age.

They remind me of the thai boy drowning 2 little girls while they were trying to get to shore and pushed back.

Did the little girls try to murder anyone? Thought not, now quit with the hysterics.
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I have seen many many videos showing atrocities by arrogant IDF'er boys spoiled to death at young age.

They remind me of the thai boy drowning 2 little girls while they were trying to get to shore and pushed back.

Did the little girls try to murder anyone? Thought not, now quit with the hysterics.

You will find any dumb excuse to defend your murdering IDF friends.

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Who is a terrorist in Palestine? Who usurped to be an owner of this Palestinian land? Who is doing ethnic cleansing of Palestinians? Who is destroying Palestinian houses? Who governs and supports this racist & apartheid country in the Palestine? It is not EU. Comparing this to extremism in France is equally devilish as illogical. I'm surprised how many people are still blind, or......brainwashed.

What are the borders of this "Palestine" of which you speak?

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The guy has gone out with the sole aim of killing people, i couldn't care less how he dies just thankful he did

The IDF has an admirable ethics code and it would be for the best if the soldiers stick with it. Perfection in conflict zones is impossible though.

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In a world of Zombie terrorists walking around the world stabbing folks and blowing themselves up in groups of people, it sure makes it hard for me to sympathize with any dead terrorists. My opinion is good riddance.

The guy has gone out with the sole aim of killing people, i couldn't care less how he dies just thankful he did


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In a world of Zombie terrorists walking around the world stabbing folks and blowing themselves up in groups of people, it sure makes it hard for me to sympathize with any dead terrorists. My opinion is good riddance.

Do you really think they are sombies?

These murdering idiots are brainwashed just like you are brainwashed.

Free yourself and you will see what really is going on.

No they are not sombies, but rather zombies, meaning Islamists Terrorist killing at will and being coached and rewarded by their leadership and Mosques to do so. Salafi Muslim mean anything to you? And not brainwashed but the opposite...enlightened.

And I link all movements that targets civilian people at will as terrorist. How a person could view these murdering organizations in any other light is baffling and could only come down to the brain dead or the supporters of such organizations. Which are you?

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Who is a terrorist in Palestine? Who usurped to be an owner of this Palestinian land? Who is doing ethnic cleansing of Palestinians? Who is destroying Palestinian houses? Who governs and supports this racist & apartheid country in the Palestine? It is not EU. Comparing this to extremism in France is equally devilish as illogical. I'm surprised how many people are still blind, or......brainwashed.

What are the borders of this "Palestine" of which you speak?

The same place that 4 Israeli prime ministers and its current President have recorded on their birth certificates..."Palestine", which they have stolen from the resident Palestinians and renamed Israel.

Edited by dexterm
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The guy has gone out with the sole aim of killing people, i couldn't care less how he dies just thankful he did

The IDF has an admirable ethics code and it would be for the best if the soldiers stick with it. Perfection in conflict zones is impossible though.

Then why have an ethics code at all?

When the IDF behaves in the same way it claims its "terrorist" enemies does, then they are terrorists too.

The Palestinian was resisting llegal occupation; the psychopathic IDF is part of an invading army of illegal occupation.

There is only one fully weaponised cowardly army in this conflict as ably demonstrated in the OP. Issue Palestinians with small calibre weapons and the conflict would be over in a week.

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The soldier arrived late at the scene and clearly simply wanted to murder the unarmed injured Palestinian.

If the Palestinian had had any sort of explosive device, why use a knife, when he could have taken out most of the IDF platoon earlier?

The psychopath shook hands with an ultranationalist afterwards, and ultranationalist MPs rushed to support him, visiting him in prison even.

And Israeli apologists accuse the Palestinian leadership of inciting violence? What a joke.

Much indignation from someone who wholeheartedly condones the murder of Israeli civilians. At least be honest and point out its not murder that bothers you, as long as you get to decide who the murder and the victim are.
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Much indignation from someone who wholeheartedly condones the murder of Israeli civilians. At least be honest and point out its not murder that bothers you, as long as you get to decide who the murder and the victim are.

That's fine. We have obvious cheer leading for Palestinian terrorists on these Israel threads. Whether the targets are IDF soldiers or civilians and tourists in Tel Aviv -- MAKES NO DIFFERENCE.

At least it's clear that nauseating pro-terrorist bias is there and intelligent readers can filter out the trash.

Edited by Jingthing
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It appears to me that these terrorists are winning a propaganda war sending knife wielding maniacs to commit suicide by bullet.

Time for Israel / IDF to get creative and purchase 1 metre long cattle probes that emit 50,000 volts.

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It appears to me that these terrorists are winning a propaganda war sending knife wielding maniacs to commit suicide by bullet.

Time for Israel / IDF to get creative and purchase 1 metre long cattle probes that emit 50,000 volts.

Not a bad idea.

You're right, a lot of it this conflict is about the Palestinians seeking sympathy through propaganda.

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Much indignation from someone who wholeheartedly condones the murder of Israeli civilians. At least be honest and point out its not murder that bothers you, as long as you get to decide who the murder and the victim are.

That's fine. We have obvious cheer leading for Palestinian terrorists on these Israel threads. Whether the targets are IDF soldiers or civilians and tourists in Tel Aviv -- MAKES NO DIFFERENCE.

At least it's clear that nauseating pro-terrorist bias is there and intelligent readers can filter out the trash.

That is a blatant lie...I make a very clear distinction between resistance against the illegally occupying army IDF, and land thieving Zionist colonizers in the West Bank...all of them justifiable targets because they have chosen to steal Palestinian land and dispossess the Palestinian residents. Israelis killed within the 1967 lines I have repeatedly condemned.

Simple as that. Don't attempt to muddy the waters please.

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I have seen many many videos showing atrocities by arrogant IDF'er boys spoiled to death at young age.

They remind me of the thai boy drowning 2 little girls while they were trying to get to shore and pushed back.

Did the little girls try to murder anyone? Thought not, now quit with the hysterics.

You will find any dumb excuse to defend your murdering IDF friends.

Just as some try to defend murdering terrorist scum.

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Much indignation from someone who wholeheartedly condones the murder of Israeli civilians. At least be honest and point out its not murder that bothers you, as long as you get to decide who the murder and the victim are.

That's fine. We have obvious cheer leading for Palestinian terrorists on these Israel threads. Whether the targets are IDF soldiers or civilians and tourists in Tel Aviv -- MAKES NO DIFFERENCE.

At least it's clear that nauseating pro-terrorist bias is there and intelligent readers can filter out the trash.

That is a blatant lie...I make a very clear distinction between resistance against the illegally occupying army IDF, and land thieving Zionist colonizers in the West Bank...all of them justifiable targets because they have chosen to steal Palestinian land and dispossess the Palestinian residents. Israelis killed within the 1967 lines I have repeatedly condemned.

Simple as that. Don't attempt to muddy the waters please.

Try telling that to the families of Israeli Arabs and U.S tourists murdered by knife wielding terrorists. They were not given the opportunity to fill in a questionnaire to establish their 'guilt' or 'innocence', or would that be so called collateral damage, which you would complain of bitterly in every other situation? Edited by Steely Dan
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Elor Azarya, seen in an image posted on his Facebook page, has been named as the suspect in the apparent extrajudicial execution of Yusri al-Sharif in Hebron on 24 March.

He is a devoted follower of the Beitar Jerusalem soccer club,” noted Silverstein, based on analysis of Azarya’s social media accounts. Azarya has also written “Kahane was right” on his Facebook page – a slogan used by supporters of late Kach founder Meir Kahane, who called for the total expulsion of Palestinians.

Beitar Jerusalem fans are notorious for taking part in mobs and rallies calling for “death to the Arabs.”


A petition asking Bibi to give a medal to the soldier who executed a Palestinian in Hebron has ~42,000 signatures.

Edited by Thorgal
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Interesting article and indictment of the murder by Israel's Haaretz newspaper..

The public atmosphere in Israel being what it is, a cold-blooded execution should come as no surprise. Politicians and rabbis are repeatedly calling on soldiers to kill terrorists without thinking too much about it.

The camera shows us relatively rare and comprehensive footage of the incident, which does not leave much room for conflicting interpretations. It’s all there: the indifference toward the fate of the injured enemy, even though the rules of war require he be treated the moment he no longer presents a danger; the shooting of the Palestinian lying helpless on the ground, in utter contradiction to the values of the Israel Defense Forces; and the Israelis at the scene watching with complete apathy.

If the military investigation clears this obvious psychopathic murderer, then this OP alone will do serious damage to any future credibility of Israel and the IDF.

If Israel claims to be a modern civilized Western democracy, then it must be seen to act like one.

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Interesting article and indictment of the murder by Israel's Haaretz newspaper..
The public atmosphere in Israel being what it is, a cold-blooded execution should come as no surprise. Politicians and rabbis are repeatedly calling on soldiers to kill terrorists without thinking too much about it.
The camera shows us relatively rare and comprehensive footage of the incident, which does not leave much room for conflicting interpretations. It’s all there: the indifference toward the fate of the injured enemy, even though the rules of war require he be treated the moment he no longer presents a danger; the shooting of the Palestinian lying helpless on the ground, in utter contradiction to the values of the Israel Defense Forces; and the Israelis at the scene watching with complete apathy.
If the military investigation clears this obvious psychopathic murderer, then this OP alone will do serious damage to any future credibility of Israel and the IDF.
If Israel claims to be a modern civilized Western democracy, then it must be seen to act like one.

Excellent that this opinion is coming from within Israel.

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