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Turkey is sending Syrian refugees back to war zone claims Amnesty


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Turkey is sending Syrian refugees back to war zone claims Amnesty


Is Turkey a safe country for Syrian refugees?

Amnesty International doesn’t think so.

And with Europe’s deal on returning migrants there taking effect from Monday, the rights group claims that Ankara has been forcing thousands of Syrians to go back to their war-torn homeland.

“The Turkish government needs to stop this blatantly illegal and inhumane practice,” said Amnesty International’s Director for Europe and Central Asia John Dalhuisen.

“There is no room for any practice to be returning any individuals to a conflict zone. In turn, the EU must be encouraging Turkey to stop this and certainly cannot even contemplate returning Syrians when any real risk of sending them back to Syria from Turkey exists.”

The UN refugee agency (UNHCR) called on Friday for legal safeguards to be in place before refugees are returned to Turkey under the agreement with the EU, while warning that conditions in Greece are deteriorating.

As the Greek parliament passed legislation on Friday needed for the deal to be implemented, Turkey’s foreign ministry denied authorities were sending Syrians back against their will. A spokesman for the European Commission said it took the allegations seriously and would raise them with Ankara.

For those on the frontline, Monday is looming ominously. More than 50,000 migrants and refugees are stranded behind closed borders in Greece.Their future looks more uncertain than ever.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-04-02

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Spoken like a true scholar.

And both this Amnesty and UNHCR nutter-in-chiefs should realize when it's finally time to shut up.

Turkish defamation laws might help, we are disregarding what Erdowahn is pulling off anyway, aren't we by now?

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Well, the Turks denied it. That's good enough for me. Keep sending them back.

Interesting to see you advocate civilians being illegally deported and quite possibly being exposed to the terrible cruelties of Daesh / Syrian army. I note the usual clique 'liked' your asinine comment.

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Well, the Turks denied it. That's good enough for me. Keep sending them back.

Interesting to see you advocate civilians being illegally deported and quite possibly being exposed to the terrible cruelties of Daesh / Syrian army. I note the usual clique 'liked' your asinine comment.

Interesting to see posters advocating illegal immigration, throwing out the rule books on migrants, not expecting them to register in the 1st "safe" country they arrive at, happily watching them create sheer mayhem throughout western Europe, and silently supporting the inevitable move to 100% Sharia compliance in Europe.

All these migrants will be much happier in Turkey (an Islamic state)rather than the hedonistic west. Going forward 20 years when Germany, France, Belgium, Holland and the UK are under full Islamic control then I expect it will be suitable for more mass arrivals. Demographic projections show this to be undoubtable, and no, they will not be voting for lilly-livered PCs, they will vote the whole Sharia monty - be-headings, stonings and all the glorious trappings of an islamic country.

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Well, the Turks denied it. That's good enough for me. Keep sending them back.

Interesting to see you advocate civilians being illegally deported and quite possibly being exposed to the terrible cruelties of Daesh / Syrian army. I note the usual clique 'liked' your asinine comment.

Interesting to see posters advocating illegal immigration, throwing out the rule books on migrants, not expecting them to register in the 1st "safe" country they arrive at, happily watching them create sheer mayhem throughout western Europe, and silently supporting the inevitable move to 100% Sharia compliance in Europe.

All these migrants will be much happier in Turkey (an Islamic state)rather than the hedonistic west. Going forward 20 years when Germany, France, Belgium, Holland and the UK are under full Islamic control then I expect it will be suitable for more mass arrivals. Demographic projections show this to be undoubtable, and no, they will not be voting for lilly-livered PCs, they will vote the whole Sharia monty - be-headings, stonings and all the glorious trappings of an islamic country.

So far as I'm aware members do not support illegal immigration or 'throwing out the rule books' for migrants. However, your response is the usual drivel from neo-Nazi supporters.

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Well, the Turks denied it. That's good enough for me. Keep sending them back.

Interesting to see you advocate civilians being illegally deported and quite possibly being exposed to the terrible cruelties of Daesh / Syrian army. I note the usual clique 'liked' your asinine comment.

Interesting to see posters advocating illegal immigration, throwing out the rule books on migrants, not expecting them to register in the 1st "safe" country they arrive at, happily watching them create sheer mayhem throughout western Europe, and silently supporting the inevitable move to 100% Sharia compliance in Europe.

All these migrants will be much happier in Turkey (an Islamic state)rather than the hedonistic west. Going forward 20 years when Germany, France, Belgium, Holland and the UK are under full Islamic control then I expect it will be suitable for more mass arrivals. Demographic projections show this to be undoubtable, and no, they will not be voting for lilly-livered PCs, they will vote the whole Sharia monty - be-headings, stonings and all the glorious trappings of an islamic country.

So far as I'm aware members do not support illegal immigration or 'throwing out the rule books' for migrants. However, your response is the usual drivel from neo-Nazi supporters.

There is no excuse to label somebody that is proud of his country and cultural heritage as a "neo-nazi". Wanting my children and grandchildren to grow up in the secular kiddies paradise we had in the 70s where we didn't even need to lock our front doors does not make me a hater. Interesting that you can insult me at will - I am not permitted to reciprocate.

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You see, things are not that one-dimensional, and sometimes I find myself posting things that I later find I could have spelled out in a more differentiated way. But sometimes you need to make a stand and say "OK, that's it, this is affecting me directly, at least it's likely to do so, and I don't want that. Not this way, and there never was any mandate for this. Can somebody please take charge and start managing things? Or take charge at all, anyone aside of Merkel?"

I hope you realize there have to be some kind of rules for things and you cannot just allow any number of people into your country, when there is no stop to the supply. It's not going to help anyone.

Take a look here how I see things: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPjzfGChGlE

And can everyone please respect people more directly affected than you are entitled to have an opinion not congruent with what you make of things? If not, please respect that those people don't care what you might think.

What we had here for at least the last 9 month were nations literally overrun by "migrants", we are certainly not talking "refugees" here, does not need further explanation, and having to house and feed them. Beyond coping point, to the point that nobody knew who was in the country, how many identities he had, and if he formerly had been evicted for having been found a hardened criminal. We are not talking single cases here, were talking armies of people having been living in Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Finland in any combination, seeking asylum and applying multiple times for years under any number of names, living on benefits they were no entitled to and crime. Do you know what rampant levels of criminality do to a society? We had no street robberies in Germany until 10 years ago on an ongoing basis, apart from some really bad areas.

I am fed up with the "nothing works" theory here, that's what some scholars came up with for wife-beaters in the 70ies. Nothing works, oh pity. There has to be a way to stop this and sorry if it that is against "international law". Which does not require nation states to commit suicide. Things were exacerbated a lot by what Merkel did in September '15, it literally got 100.000s on their feet who might have stayed at home otherwise.

We need something that works, we need it now. We got at least another million on their way as things are, we don't need the next million queuing up behind them. At least not this year. We cannot introduce a new measure to only sit on our bums and wait if a string of 3 or 4 courts and the UN on top rule that acceptable. Most of what I read in the papers right now is some mostly leftist people trying to outdo each other as to who comes up with the most unattainable, most rigid standards on supposed human rights he or she can think of without the least regard for practical application and ramification.

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There is no excuse to label somebody that is proud of his country and cultural heritage as a "neo-nazi". Wanting my children and grandchildren to grow up in the secular kiddies paradise we had in the 70s where we didn't even need to lock our front doors does not make me a hater. Interesting that you can insult me at will - I am not permitted to reciprocate.

Posts removed to enable reply.

Given you have clearly articulated commentary in sympathy with and support for neo-Nazi ideology. I find your denial ridiculous.

I wouldn't complain if I were you, you're given plenty of leeway to post your nonsense. You can report me if you so wish, I have been suspended before for calling out poisonous online persona such as you.

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I hope you realize there have to be some kind of rules for things and you cannot just allow any number of people into your country, when there is no stop to the supply. It's not going to help anyone.

Take a look here how I see things: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPjzfGChGlE

Let's post that YouTube vid and hope that people watch it.

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Well, the Turks denied it. That's good enough for me. Keep sending them back.

Interesting to see you advocate civilians being illegally deported and quite possibly being exposed to the terrible cruelties of Daesh / Syrian army. I note the usual clique 'liked' your asinine comment.

Interesting to see posters advocating illegal immigration, throwing out the rule books on migrants, not expecting them to register in the 1st "safe" country they arrive at, happily watching them create sheer mayhem throughout western Europe, and silently supporting the inevitable move to 100% Sharia compliance in Europe.

All these migrants will be much happier in Turkey (an Islamic state)rather than the hedonistic west. Going forward 20 years when Germany, France, Belgium, Holland and the UK are under full Islamic control then I expect it will be suitable for more mass arrivals. Demographic projections show this to be undoubtable, and no, they will not be voting for lilly-livered PCs, they will vote the whole Sharia monty - be-headings, stonings and all the glorious trappings of an islamic country.

So far as I'm aware members do not support illegal immigration or 'throwing out the rule books' for migrants. However, your response is the usual drivel from neo-Nazi supporters.

"Neo-Nazi" along with "racist" and other easy terms are the default fall-back positions for people who don't actually have an argument.

Every country has a right to decide who is in its borders and even to defend those border militarily if necessary. Western countries will soon be overrun and unable to sustain or support the status quo much less the influx that's occurring.

I'll post that vid one more time so that you can see that the only way to help poor people to improve their situations right where they are. They have to participate in helping themselves. There are trillions of them and that's no joke.

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"Neo-Nazi" along with "racist" and other easy terms are the default fall-back positions for people who don't actually have an argument.

Every country has a right to decide who is in its borders and even to defend those border militarily if necessary. Western countries will soon be overrun and unable to sustain or support the status quo much less the influx that's occurring.

I'll post that vid one more time so that you can see that the only way to help poor people to improve their situations right where they are. They have to participate in helping themselves. There are trillions of them and that's no joke.

Right ring rhetoric of 'lefties' 'progressives' and conspiracy theories which dominate this forum are the default positions for people who don't actually articulate viable 'solutions'.

As you well know there are not trillions, I assume a typo error. Regards the topic around 40+ million worldwide are defined as refugees / IDPs. UN member countries have negotiated with UNHCR, only recently agreed to increase resettlement numbers to around 178k for positively vetted refugees a year You should be able to comprehend the pressures driving illegal migration if people are living without hope and a future for years on end.

Don't believe any member has denied the rights of sovereign nations to control their borders / migrant / refugee intake. As I understand Western countries now agree the mode to address the poor / refugee / asylum seeker issues is to support host countries, such as Pakistan, Iran, Turkey etc in situ.

If you can be bothered do some some research into the years of policy complacency, underlined by insufficient funding and resources, by Western governments and in source countries the endemic corruption that has led to the current emergency.

Edited by simple1
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Amnesty are very good at manufacturing crises which require finger pointing from them and actions from others, that take no account of the cost or logistics of doing as they suggest. Meanwhile a long list of philanthropists continue to pay the wages of Amnesty staff.

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The west has worked hard to get the standard of living we have today , we have in the main contributed to this with our taxes etc , so why should we let in a people who have paid nothing in ,done nothing but sit on their behinds all their lives with their hands out ? and to all you that say we should be generous and let them all in , if you worked hard all your life , bought a nice home and saved your money , would you open the doors of your home and let someone come and live there ,eat your food ,watch your tv and sleep in your bed? while you carried on working to support them , i think not .

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Neversure, it's an interesting video, but I can't quite agree with all of it.

Countries take people because those that they take (immigrants) provide something that is needed by the country.

It's a nice idea to help people in their own country, but by and large the huge amounts of humanitarian assistance hasn't helped; at least not in proportion to the amount of money put into it. That includes gov't aid as well as private charitable work. Many of these people, will never have the opportunity in their own country to help build it into a better country. Immigration for many is a win-win situation.

With regard to refugees, the most basic and fundamental right is the right to non-refoulment. People should not be forced to return to an active war zone. Whether they are allowed to remain in a country for an extended period of time is entirely up to the host country to decide what is in the best interest of their own citizens. But returning them without protections in place is a great disservice.

Part of the reason for people wanting to exit Turkey is because many are quite well aware of how tenuous their stay might be.

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Well, the Turks denied it. That's good enough for me. Keep sending them back.

Interesting to see you advocate civilians being illegally deported and quite possibly being exposed to the terrible cruelties of Daesh / Syrian army. I note the usual clique 'liked' your asinine comment.

And the usual left wing luvvies "like" yours simple one .

Errr... doesn't matter. Carry on!

Edited by NumbNut
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"Neo-Nazi" along with "racist" and other easy terms are the default fall-back positions for people who don't actually have an argument.

Every country has a right to decide who is in its borders and even to defend those border militarily if necessary. Western countries will soon be overrun and unable to sustain or support the status quo much less the influx that's occurring.

I'll post that vid one more time so that you can see that the only way to help poor people to improve their situations right where they are. They have to participate in helping themselves. There are trillions of them and that's no joke.

Right ring rhetoric of 'lefties' 'progressives' and conspiracy theories which dominate this forum are the default positions for people who don't actually articulate viable 'solutions'.

As you well know there are not trillions, I assume a typo error. Regards the topic around 40+ million worldwide are defined as refugees / IDPs. UN member countries have negotiated with UNHCR, only recently agreed to increase resettlement numbers to around 178k for positively vetted refugees a year You should be able to comprehend the pressures driving illegal migration if people are living without hope and a future for years on end.

Don't believe any member has denied the rights of sovereign nations to control their borders / migrant / refugee intake. As I understand Western countries now agree the mode to address the poor / refugee / asylum seeker issues is to support host countries, such as Pakistan, Iran, Turkey etc in situ.

If you can be bothered do some some research into the years of policy complacency, underlined by insufficient funding and resources, by Western governments and in source countries the endemic corruption that has led to the current emergency.

Insufficient funding and resources by Western Governments ? That is a joke, right ? The amount of taxpayers money poured into these banana republics great democracies is nothing short of criminal. And all for what. To fill the pockets of corrupt wonderful dictators leaving scraps for those that actually deserve aid.

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Countries take people because those that they take (immigrants) provide something that is needed by the country.

This is a great line Scott.

Immigrants who provide something that is needed by the host Country go through a legal process to get to that Country and then they start to provide whatever that host Country needs.

That legal process does not involve paying people traffickers, tearing down border fences and then rioting when they are threatened with return to sender.

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"Neo-Nazi" along with "racist" and other easy terms are the default fall-back positions for people who don't actually have an argument.

Every country has a right to decide who is in its borders and even to defend those border militarily if necessary. Western countries will soon be overrun and unable to sustain or support the status quo much less the influx that's occurring.

I'll post that vid one more time so that you can see that the only way to help poor people to improve their situations right where they are. They have to participate in helping themselves. There are trillions of them and that's no joke.

Right ring rhetoric of 'lefties' 'progressives' and conspiracy theories which dominate this forum are the default positions for people who don't actually articulate viable 'solutions'.

As you well know there are not trillions, I assume a typo error. Regards the topic around 40+ million worldwide are defined as refugees / IDPs. UN member countries have negotiated with UNHCR, only recently agreed to increase resettlement numbers to around 178k for positively vetted refugees a year You should be able to comprehend the pressures driving illegal migration if people are living without hope and a future for years on end.

Don't believe any member has denied the rights of sovereign nations to control their borders / migrant / refugee intake. As I understand Western countries now agree the mode to address the poor / refugee / asylum seeker issues is to support host countries, such as Pakistan, Iran, Turkey etc in situ.

If you can be bothered do some some research into the years of policy complacency, underlined by insufficient funding and resources, by Western governments and in source countries the endemic corruption that has led to the current emergency.

Insufficient funding and resources by Western Governments ? That is a joke, right ? The amount of taxpayers money poured into these banana republics great democracies is nothing short of criminal. And all for what. To fill the pockets of corrupt wonderful dictators leaving scraps for those that actually deserve aid.

I agree with your comment on endemic corruption, However, as an example of funding shortfall for UNHCR and others, together with the outcomes, have a read of the content at the URL below.


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"Neo-Nazi" along with "racist" and other easy terms are the default fall-back positions for people who don't actually have an argument.

Every country has a right to decide who is in its borders and even to defend those border militarily if necessary. Western countries will soon be overrun and unable to sustain or support the status quo much less the influx that's occurring.

I'll post that vid one more time so that you can see that the only way to help poor people to improve their situations right where they are. They have to participate in helping themselves. There are trillions of them and that's no joke.

Right ring rhetoric of 'lefties' 'progressives' and conspiracy theories which dominate this forum are the default positions for people who don't actually articulate viable 'solutions'.

As you well know there are not trillions, I assume a typo error. Regards the topic around 40+ million worldwide are defined as refugees / IDPs. UN member countries have negotiated with UNHCR, only recently agreed to increase resettlement numbers to around 178k for positively vetted refugees a year You should be able to comprehend the pressures driving illegal migration if people are living without hope and a future for years on end.

Don't believe any member has denied the rights of sovereign nations to control their borders / migrant / refugee intake. As I understand Western countries now agree the mode to address the poor / refugee / asylum seeker issues is to support host countries, such as Pakistan, Iran, Turkey etc in situ.

If you can be bothered do some some research into the years of policy complacency, underlined by insufficient funding and resources, by Western governments and in source countries the endemic corruption that has led to the current emergency.

You didn't watch the video. Trillions of potential economic refugees. Trillions.

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Neversure, it's an interesting video, but I can't quite agree with all of it.

Countries take people because those that they take (immigrants) provide something that is needed by the country.


And just what would it be that the receiving country needs that wouldn't be needed even more by the abandoned countries? Are you talking about skill sets or education or something else they can contribute? Like IT people or doctors from India which is an impoverished country?

India needs the skills of its IT people and its doctors a lot more than the West does. Those people should stay and help their own country grow.

I see few immigrants who aren't actually economic opportunists in the mix going into Europe.

Did you watch the video?


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I hope you realize there have to be some kind of rules for things and you cannot just allow any number of people into your country, when there is no stop to the supply. It's not going to help anyone.

Take a look here how I see things: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPjzfGChGlE

Let's post that YouTube vid and hope that people watch it.

I found that a most interesting video and I realise that I had no idea of the size of the problem until now.

Thank you.

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Right ring rhetoric of 'lefties' 'progressives' and conspiracy theories which dominate this forum are the default positions for people who don't actually articulate viable 'solutions'.

As you well know there are not trillions, I assume a typo error. Regards the topic around 40+ million worldwide are defined as refugees / IDPs. UN member countries have negotiated with UNHCR, only recently agreed to increase resettlement numbers to around 178k for positively vetted refugees a year You should be able to comprehend the pressures driving illegal migration if people are living without hope and a future for years on end.

Don't believe any member has denied the rights of sovereign nations to control their borders / migrant / refugee intake. As I understand Western countries now agree the mode to address the poor / refugee / asylum seeker issues is to support host countries, such as Pakistan, Iran, Turkey etc in situ.

If you can be bothered do some some research into the years of policy complacency, underlined by insufficient funding and resources, by Western governments and in source countries the endemic corruption that has led to the current emergency.

Insufficient funding and resources by Western Governments ? That is a joke, right ? The amount of taxpayers money poured into these banana republics great democracies is nothing short of criminal. And all for what. To fill the pockets of corrupt wonderful dictators leaving scraps for those that actually deserve aid.

I agree with your comment on endemic corruption, However, as an example of funding shortfall for UNHCR and others, together with the outcomes, have a read of the content at the URL below.


Where do you think that the money comes from that allows the UNHCR to operate ?

It comes from Governments, via the taxpayer. The biggest contributors are Western Governments. This does not include the money that Western Governments give to other Countries in direct aid.

We can agree to disagree, but as a UK taxpayer, I find it somewhat annoying that the UK Government is coerced into handing out £ Billions annually in aid that does very little to help and assist those in most need, whilst it has to borrow £ Billions on a monthly basis just to keep the lights on in the UK.

If the UNHCR has such a serious funding shortfall, I am pretty certain that there is whole Brigade of shiny bums on over inflated salaries that can be shown the door.

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"Neo-Nazi" along with "racist" and other easy terms are the default fall-back positions for people who don't actually have an argument.

Every country has a right to decide who is in its borders and even to defend those border militarily if necessary. Western countries will soon be overrun and unable to sustain or support the status quo much less the influx that's occurring.

I'll post that vid one more time so that you can see that the only way to help poor people to improve their situations right where they are. They have to participate in helping themselves. There are trillions of them and that's no joke.

Right ring rhetoric of 'lefties' 'progressives' and conspiracy theories which dominate this forum are the default positions for people who don't actually articulate viable 'solutions'.

As you well know there are not trillions, I assume a typo error. Regards the topic around 40+ million worldwide are defined as refugees / IDPs. UN member countries have negotiated with UNHCR, only recently agreed to increase resettlement numbers to around 178k for positively vetted refugees a year You should be able to comprehend the pressures driving illegal migration if people are living without hope and a future for years on end.

Don't believe any member has denied the rights of sovereign nations to control their borders / migrant / refugee intake. As I understand Western countries now agree the mode to address the poor / refugee / asylum seeker issues is to support host countries, such as Pakistan, Iran, Turkey etc in situ.

If you can be bothered do some some research into the years of policy complacency, underlined by insufficient funding and resources, by Western governments and in source countries the endemic corruption that has led to the current emergency.

You didn't watch the video. Trillions of potential economic refugees. Trillions.

OK playing games; world population is currently forecast to grow to 11 billion by 2100. I've watched the video before and my conclusion is the guy is a sophist.

Edited by simple1
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Nice try to implement a bubble gum theory which covers most extreme right rhetoric. Should make it all perhaps more intellectually 'consumable'...

Turkish government made a deal with EU funding for 3 billion USD/year to organise temporary refugee accommodation within Turkey.

OP doesn't refer to any ethnic or religious minorities who were moved from those refugee camps. For sure, Turkey differentiated in the past to favour Sunni Muslims with better treatment.

Moreover, more territories are liberated by the Russian/Syrian coalition and more refugees will tend to relocate in their original lands, despite the Western media hoax of harsh dictatorship of Assad.

ISIL franchise war front is limited into the northern parts of Syria (Raqqa) and Iraq (Kirkuk). Palmyra has been liberated which let the UK and French governments speechless till now.

No word has been said about the violent Turkish incursions in Turkish Kurdish towns in order to push them into the northern war zones.

Turkey will face a violent civil war within its borders by end of 2016.

Those violent Turkish incursions were synchronised with the influx of the refugees. By this Turkish government pretends to help the refugees, but covers up a lot of war crimes perpetrated to their own ethic and religious minorities.

Cheers !

Edited by Thorgal
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