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US activists try to calm fears over transgender bathroom access


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My youngest daughter is on her exchange year at a North California high school, after being educated in France and Thailand. They have two transgender student, male-to - female and one of the TG girls shares her homeroom with my daughter.

Both of them use teachers's restrooms in the two school buildings. I think that it's a very good arrangements for everybody. I've no idea what the arrangement is regarding the locker rooms and if they ever participate in the sports activities.

I heard that they are being bullied at school and that's sad.

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Unfortunately for the transgendered you run into the horrible fact that kids are cruel. Middle to High school is a trauma; be you transgendered, fat, skinny, nerdy, ugly, you name it, the vicious little bast*rds will torment you.

Thankfully most of us survive the trauma that is HS and emerge as well armored adults.

I am in no way demeaning the extra trauma that being a transgendered kid goes through, but it is a graduated spectrum of awfulness.

Disclaimer; I was the nerdy, short Hispanic in a poor gang ridden Hispanic HS.....I did a lot of others homework!!

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The ladyboy in this story wants to use the girls locker room at school. It's been a while since I've been in school but we all showered together after football and sports don't they still do that? Or do they have separate showers? The school offered to build the kid a separate changing area but he says in the video above he wants to change clothes with the girls.biggrin.png I can see where he is coming from. Sounds like something I would have liked to do in school.

Yes, but she's openly gay!

And recently became a transgender woman. Why can't ppl accept this. In Thailand there's acceptance, but in red neck America, there's racism.

She is a person with a penis who wants to shower with the girls (look at the video above) in the girls locker room. What race is that?

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The ladyboy in this story wants to use the girls locker room at school. It's been a while since I've been in school but we all showered together after football and sports don't they still do that? Or do they have separate showers? The school offered to build the kid a separate changing area but he says in the video above he wants to change clothes with the girls.biggrin.png I can see where he is coming from. Sounds like something I would have liked to do in school.

Yes, but she's openly gay!

And recently became a transgender woman. Why can't ppl accept this. In Thailand there's acceptance, but in red neck America, there's racism.

She is a person with a penis who wants to shower with the girls (look at the video above) in the girls locker room. What race is that?

Same here, in the locker room we had one big shower, the (female) cheerleaders would try to peek in and the coaches would guffaw at us "you boys wouldn't know what to do anyway, hardy har-har". Sure coach..........blink.png

This was the early 80's and I was in a town with a large gay population and not to be an old fashioned grumper but if this Lila tried to shower with our girlfriends he/she probably would have taken a beating. Boys will be boys...........

News today on the matter http://money.cnn.com/2016/04/05/technology/paypal-north-carolina-lgbt/index.html

Edited by grumpyoldman
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This is kind of stupid.

The majority of male to female transgender people are attracted to men.

So women in the women's bathroom holds no sexual interest to them.

How does one discern the one's who are still attracted to women or may be bi-sexual?

This is a no brainer...you have a screw-driver between your legs...do not go into the women's toilet...PERIOD!

Most people using the toilet do so as part of natural bodily functions. Most people do not confuse the release of bodily waste with sexuality or sexual conduct. Some do. Those who had some traumatic potty training. Those who associate their identity with a tiny appendage between their legs. Immature, psycho-sexuality influenced by prudish puritanism. What is it about American reactionaries and bodily functions?

Trans people have to relieve themselves. Trans females use women's restrooms which are fitted with individual stalls mostly with locks. Who started the diversion about school locker rooms? Just a way to use the fear mongering Huckerbee tried but ended up making himself look like the pervert he is.

Insecure men, like yourself, concerned about a Trans man using the mens's room are free to use stalls. Almost all men's room have them. I have read accounts of some people with female genitalia successfully using a urinal but most, I imagine would want to sit in a stall for the purpose. So what if they get a glimpse of little GGT in all its glory.

Maybe it is time to deal with those adolescent psycho-sexual traumas that appear to dominate your thinking and grow up. Go tell a psychiatrist about your mother and let Trans people have the dignity that they deserve.

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Well, if you enter a bathroom and rape a woman, you have a much more serious crime to worry than entering the wrong bathroom.

So tell me about this,psy·chol·o·gy you are talking about , when did they come up with that?

So let me understand, Billy-Bob is going in the ladies room to cop a peek, and I yell at him

" Hey buddy where are you going, that's the ladies bathroom, my daughter is in there"

and he says to me.

"It's Ok I am transgender"

I dont call the cops on him I use the "psy·chol·o·gy". I open up a can of it, They will probably have couple of cans of "psy·chol·o·gy" by the door of every bathroom, so I throw can of it at him and if it sticks ,,his good to go , but if it does not I call the cops?

Golly Gee, what will they come up with next.w00t.gif

Trying to be funny?

Try harder!

You seem to be a bit slow, so I will make it easy for you:

just SAYING he is transgender, doesn't MAKE Billy Bob transgender!

Putting on a dress, doesn't make Billy Bob transgender!

Do you get that?

So if Billy Bob sneaks a peak at your daughter, you have my permission to beat the crap out of him, because he is a peeping tom, but NOT transgender!

I s that clear now!

Billy Bob will not be protected by a law, that protects transgenders, because he isn't!

You really dont seem to get it

I dont want Billy Bob arrested after he sneaks a Peek, I want him stopped before he does!!!

Yep...and so do I!

Only I understand, that Billy Bob is NOT the "man" in question here!

...and IF he were so stupid to get out the "I am trans!"- excuse, it would not work for him!

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It's a boogeyman issue.

Should really be about common sense, not genitals.

If someone is presenting (dress, appearance) as a male, use the men's bathroom, and vice versa.

What do the bigots want?

Someone who presents as a woman to use the men's bathroom?

That would be more potentially disruptive than for her to use the women's bathroom.

Do they want them to go in the street?

Do they want them never to go out in public?

Hold it in and damage their health?

Sure many people are gender ambiguous. Too bad. Then it's their choice.

Come on now.

Transgender people are more visible now.

Adapt to the new reality.

When they need to go to the toilet, they're as human as you are.

Well said JT. Bravo!

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Some people are PISSING mad and not gonna take it anymore!

Bathroom predators stalking our wives. Cross-dressing perverts out for our daughters. Shoes and ships and sealing wax, and cabbages and kings.


Let us resolve to be more visible. All of us, transgender and cisgender, in every shade and stripe of presentation. Transgender and gender-nonconforming people should determine for themselves who they are and which facility they use, and not be governed by the bigotries of the segregationist who, like the Walrus, conceals his violence with nonsense syllables.


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I consider myself liberal, but I draw the line at a person with a dick undressing in a girls' locker room. If I had daughters there, I wouldn't want them seeing a hairy dick and balls. Girls need to grow up slowly, if possible.

As for bathrooms, nearly all have individual stalls with doors. Pee and poo in stalls with the doors closed, and it shouldn't be a problem. afterwards, people shouldn't stand around peeping at others, regardless of gender or pseudo gender.

She's a woman trapped inside a man's body. But due to advancements in medical surgery, she can change her man's body into a woman's body. 100% woman. If you are in any doubt check out my 4 music videos on the Farang Pub forum, thread "What are you listening to..." All 4 recent videos are transgender woman, but if I hadn't told you, you'd be no wiser.

...not 100% woman. A male becoming a female will never have reproductive organs.

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My youngest daughter is on her exchange year at a North California high school, after being educated in France and Thailand. They have two transgender student, male-to - female and one of the TG girls shares her homeroom with my daughter.

Both of them use teachers's restrooms in the two school buildings. I think that it's a very good arrangements for everybody.

It's the most logical and equitable solution for everyone involved. Except from the warped perspective of the guy in women's clothes who said no to having his own bathroom/locker room. That's just not quite enough attention for him.

They need to suspend that jackass from school ASAP.

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Trans people have to relieve themselves. Trans females use women's restrooms which are fitted with individual stalls mostly with locks. Who started the diversion about school locker rooms? Just a way to use the fear mongering Huckerbee tried but ended up making himself look like the pervert he is.

First of all, feel free to call it what you like, but it's just a guy in a dress. Secondly, you're really going to call those locks? Do you think those "locks" are going to deter a pervert intent on committing a sexual assault? Thirdly, there are several videos posted on this thread about some guy in a dress who wants to use the girls' locker room at his high school. When asked about the 15 and 16 year old girls who felt uncomfortable with this guy using their locker room, he said he didn't believe that they were really uncomfortable but were really just being discriminatory. And to top it off, he was offered his own private locker room, and he turned it down.

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Trans people have to relieve themselves. Trans females use women's restrooms which are fitted with individual stalls mostly with locks. Who started the diversion about school locker rooms? Just a way to use the fear mongering Huckerbee tried but ended up making himself look like the pervert he is.

First of all, feel free to call it what you like, but it's just a guy in a dress. Secondly, you're really going to call those locks? Do you think those "locks" are going to deter a pervert intent on committing a sexual assault? Thirdly, there are several videos posted on this thread about some guy in a dress who wants to use the girls' locker room at his high school. When asked about the 15 and 16 year old girls who felt uncomfortable with this guy using their locker room, he said he didn't believe that they were really uncomfortable but were really just being discriminatory. And to top it off, he was offered his own private locker room, and he turned it down.

Thank you for your sequenced response to my post.

First (and this is not the start of a list) rule of Identity Politics is that you do not get to define the minority that you seek to oppress. The minority defines itself. It takes ownership of language and words that has been used to excoriate and revels in it. If you don't believe me, go to any African American and use the N word. Observe what happens when athletes and public officials use the F word for LGBT people.

You came out of the gate on this thread furiously, throwing around your opinions on trans people and promoting your view on what they should or should not be doing. Sorry to tell you but violating the first rule of Identify Politics immediately marginalises you. A few fellow old grumpy reactionaries with potty training issues joined your side, but to any thinking person, your language immediately defined you as a non serious player in this issue and someone to be ignored until you turn into a troll and wander off.

You associate Trans people with Cross Dressers. You compound such ignorance by associating if not conflating the word pervert with both identities. These identities are not interchangeable. Neither are they perversions.

You then move from the sublime to the ridiculous. Countering my statement on toilet stall locks with some fantasy about toilet rape. Like I said, marginalised and turning into a troll. You seriously offer this to any critical thinker on this issue?

You cap all this off by your insistence that the case of a teenage trans refusing to compromise on locker room usage definitively supports your position. No. Dealing with school aged trans kids is entirely different and requires far more sensitivity than you or your troglodyte mates have with your calls for suspension and expulsion. It has practically nothing to do with the issue of Trans people using public restrooms except to engender hate and hysteria instead of reasoned reflection and consideration. You may continue running around hysterically about the presumption of a teenage Trans kid. Others will move on with their lives.

Why are you and the handful of other old men in Thailand so invested in this issue? Spare us the crap about your 8 year old grandchildren or your unwillingness to have someone ogle at what is left of your manhood. What is it that drives you and the others to irrational hatred against a minority? I think my observations about that other posters psycho-sexuality may be accurate. Is the decision of a Trans person to remove their male genitalia so threatening to your peace of mind or to you concept of manhood? I am a member of a minority. I too had grown up with significant prejudice against Trans people which was a reflection of my culture and my place in time. Living in Thailand has forced me to confront this issue. It does not matter how many Trans people there are. One poster believes that because their numbers are small that they don't deserve to be treated like human beings with equality and tolerance.

Can you defend your position without resorting to bigotry or false equivalency? Or will you continue to evolve into a troll and wander away at some point when the thread dies?

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An awful lot of ad hominem name calling there, but without a doubt the best phrase in the entire post was "Identity Politics".


Identity Politics: The pseudo-ideology of the pathologically narcissistic.

Anyway, you do realize it's a guy wearing a dress, don't you? If not, let me explain it to you as simply as I can: It's a guy wearing a dress. That guy can define himself however he wants, but he's still a guy in a dress. What does it say on his birth certificate? What does it say on his driver's license? His passport? That's enough "definition" for me or anyone else who's thinking clearly.

Now as far as I'm concerned this guy in the dress can wear that dress whenever and wherever he wants. But wearing that dress doesn't magically not make him a guy, and it doesn't give him permission to enter the ladies room or a girls' locker room.

Again did you even read the thread? Or do you always just come in half cocked (no pun intended) and post irrelevant and incongruous statements? A link was posted by a rape victim who spoke out about the inherent dangers of this nonsense.

Nice try, but I don't hate that guy in the dress. I just don't believe he should be allowed in the ladies bathroom or a high school girls' locker room. You seem to be fine with it. Good for you.

Once again, I don't believe you've even read the posts on this thread. I've posted at least twice that if they guy in the dress were to chop off his genitals then I would be inclined to agree that he's really " a woman trapped in a man's body". But as long as he has male genitalia, he's just a guy in a dress.

By the way, you seem to have completely glossed over the fact that the guy in the dress who wants to enter the girls' locker room turned down the option of having his own private room to shower and change. How convenient for you and your "identity politics".

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An awful lot of ad hominem name calling there, but without a doubt the best phrase in the entire post was "Identity Politics".


Identity Politics: The pseudo-ideology of the pathologically narcissistic.

Anyway, you do realize it's a guy wearing a dress, don't you? If not, let me explain it to you as simply as I can: It's a guy wearing a dress. That guy can define himself however he wants, but he's still a guy in a dress. What does it say on his birth certificate? What does it say on his driver's license? His passport? That's enough "definition" for me or anyone else who's thinking clearly.

Now as far as I'm concerned this guy in the dress can wear that dress whenever and wherever he wants. But wearing that dress doesn't magically not make him a guy, and it doesn't give him permission to enter the ladies room or a girls' locker room.

Again did you even read the thread? Or do you always just come in half cocked (no pun intended) and post irrelevant and incongruous statements? A link was posted by a rape victim who spoke out about the inherent dangers of this nonsense.

Nice try, but I don't hate that guy in the dress. I just don't believe he should be allowed in the ladies bathroom or a high school girls' locker room. You seem to be fine with it. Good for you.

Once again, I don't believe you've even read the posts on this thread. I've posted at least twice that if they guy in the dress were to chop off his genitals then I would be inclined to agree that he's really " a woman trapped in a man's body". But as long as he has male genitalia, he's just a guy in a dress.

By the way, you seem to have completely glossed over the fact that the guy in the dress who wants to enter the girls' locker room turned down the option of having his own private room to shower and change. How convenient for you and your "identity politics".

You're responding as if the post you're responding to was serious. I think that was satire wasn't it?

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An awful lot of ad hominem name calling there, but without a doubt the best phrase in the entire post was "Identity Politics".


Identity Politics: The pseudo-ideology of the pathologically narcissistic.

Anyway, you do realize it's a guy wearing a dress, don't you? If not, let me explain it to you as simply as I can: It's a guy wearing a dress. That guy can define himself however he wants, but he's still a guy in a dress. What does it say on his birth certificate? What does it say on his driver's license? His passport? That's enough "definition" for me or anyone else who's thinking clearly.

Now as far as I'm concerned this guy in the dress can wear that dress whenever and wherever he wants. But wearing that dress doesn't magically not make him a guy, and it doesn't give him permission to enter the ladies room or a girls' locker room.

Again did you even read the thread? Or do you always just come in half cocked (no pun intended) and post irrelevant and incongruous statements? A link was posted by a rape victim who spoke out about the inherent dangers of this nonsense.

Nice try, but I don't hate that guy in the dress. I just don't believe he should be allowed in the ladies bathroom or a high school girls' locker room. You seem to be fine with it. Good for you.

Once again, I don't believe you've even read the posts on this thread. I've posted at least twice that if they guy in the dress were to chop off his genitals then I would be inclined to agree that he's really " a woman trapped in a man's body". But as long as he has male genitalia, he's just a guy in a dress.

By the way, you seem to have completely glossed over the fact that the guy in the dress who wants to enter the girls' locker room turned down the option of having his own private room to shower and change. How convenient for you and your "identity politics".

I see you cannot defend your position without using bigotry and false equivalency. The link you posted to the Trans teen and the locker room situation is entirely unrelated to the topic of Trans people using public restrooms. You may be pleased as punch that you found this link and you posted it and believe that this supports your position. Good on you.

Calling out a bigot for bigotry is not ad hominem. If you don't want to be referred by such names, then stop saying such stupid, bigoted things. Since you are so dismissive of minorities I wish you joy in your straight, white, male privilege. Clearly nothing will penetrate that neanderthal like skull to promote respect and tolerance for diversity. Stay on the wrong side of cultural and social progress and continue being a boor and using boorish slurs. It makes entirely no difference to me. Go talk to a Trans person. Go read the autobiography of a Trans person. Until you demonstrate you can talk about something else than potty humour, you really don't have much to contribute.

You live in a world shaped by Identity Politics. Not comprehending the world around you is the essence of narcissism. You may continue to believe that your opinions have meaning on this issue but you continue to violate Rule #1 and so are doomed to remain marginalised. Like I said, if you don't like being called out as a bigot, then don't use bigoted speech. Simple really. Again, go talk to a Trans person and see if you have the capacity to understand what they tell you about their lives.k Or not. Most centred, rational people don't get so worked up about bodily functions like you and your little crowd of Manhood Defenders or Penis Worshippers or whatever out of date, redundant, selfish ideology that you hold.

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Have to agree with the poster who says "it's still a guy in a dress".

Sometimes I see katoeys, that are clearly NOT pulling the illusion off, the 7/11 cashier katoey up the street from me has Richard Nixon type five o'clock shadow.

I'm tolerant I don't care, to each their own, but I wouldn't want that guy showering with my 15 year old daughter in a high school lockerroom, no way.

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You mean she's straight right?

Spare us. It's a gay guy wearing a dress.

No, it's an attention seeking gay guy wearing a dress. All he had to do is accept the private bathroom/locker room. But no, that wouldn't have kept him in the spotlight. He would have lost some of the attention he so desperately craves. He wouldn't get to play the victim.

The school needs to suspend this kid if he doesn't stop acting the fool. And if he keeps acting the fool, kick him out altogether.

She's a woman trapped inside a man's body.

If this attention starved xxxxx wants to have the surgery that chops off his genitals, then I'll believe that. Until then it's just some guy wearing a dress who is desperate for attention.

Noody "craves" attention in the bathroom. And frankly speaking, your analysis of the situation is rather crude and simplistic.

Edited by dtrans
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Have to agree with the poster who says "it's still a guy in a dress".

Sometimes I see katoeys, that are clearly NOT pulling the illusion off, the 7/11 cashier katoey up the street from me has Richard Nixon type five o'clock shadow.

I'm tolerant I don't care, to each their own, but I wouldn't want that guy showering with my 15 year old daughter in a high school lockerroom, no way.

I have re-read the OP. Nowhere in that article was there any mention of showering with 8 or 14 year olds. This was interjected into the discussion by a hysterical, reactionary who posted a link to one case of a trans teen and the difficulties in satisfying the need for access to locker rooms. That has nothing to do with the OP, yet it is being used as an incendiary and inflammatory scare tactic. Its effectiveness is demonstrated by the fact that you have fallen for it. You say that you are tolerant, yet you exercise intolerance based on lack of or purposeful ignorance of information. The OP is about public bathroom/toilet access for trans people. It is further about the alarming trend of right wing activists to overturn ordinances designed to protect LGBT people. LGBT people have been marginalised, shamed and in some cases physically brutalised for their natural state of being. Ordinances providing protection for their physical and emotional security are being repealed in a blatantly bigoted effort to enshrine prejudice based on religious belief into law.

This is not the 60's or 70's when the local footy club guys don women's clothes for a knees-up fund raiser. Those times are thankfully gone. This is a situation where real people face real, dangerous and sometimes damaging prejudice.

The OP said that the Director of the project to raise awareness has stated that most people don't know any Trans people. That is why, in earlier posts, my response to the ignorant reactionaries is to go talk to a Trans person. The OP further states that "it [study] found that 35 percent of likely voters know or work with a transgender person, twice as many as two years ago." When people know or work with a Trans person, they are much more aware of the situation and much less likely to accuse such people of silly fantasy perversions like toilet rape and other such nonsense. If you don't know any Trans person, or more likely you know of a number of katoey but you are probably unable or unwilling to have a conversation in Thai with them, then watch any of the excellent dramatic presentations about this. The brilliant Felicity Huffman in the 2005 movie 'Transamerica' http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0407265/. The acclaimed and award winning actor Jeffrey Tambor in the TV series 'Transparent' http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3502262/

I make no excuses about my own uncomfortableness with Trans people. It is something I have to work on. Not because what I do or say impacts on any individual Trans person but as a part of being able to practice what I preach about respecting diversity. This is part of tolerance. You say you are tolerant and you actively argue the liberal side on the political threads. Perhaps re-read the OP and not get diverted by the stupid, juvenile tactics of the reactionary old men worried about their dongle being exposed in the bathroom and then re-read what you have written. If this was a discussion about showering with teenage girls, then I would be saying entirely different things but since that is OFF TOPIC, then I stand by my words on the matter.

Edited by lostboy
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Lot of irrational hysteria goes on as part of this debate.

'If' we are talking about some pervert who decides he's going to shower with the local HS cheerleaders, the ridicule and laughter of the cheerleaders is going to make whatever arousal of said pervert shrivel in an instant.

Get a life, this is a controversy in a teacup!

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Taken from the OP:

allowing transgender people to use public bathrooms based on their gender identity would expose women and girls to discomfort and possible molestation.

This is obvious and only the most obtuse would disagree. Of course women and girls are going to experience discomfort if some guy wearing a dress comes into a public bathroom. Of course these same women and girls are going to be at increased risk of molestation.

And let's be clear, the NC law doesn't discriminate against any person or group. It discriminates against the behavior of a man wearing a dress entering a women's bathroom.

It's also worth reminding some people that "identity" doesn't trump biology. A man is man. Even if he's wearing a dress.

Edited by up-country_sinclair
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Taken from the OP:

allowing transgender people to use public bathrooms based on their gender identity would expose women and girls to discomfort and possible molestation.dis

This is obvious and only the most obtuse would disagree. Of course women and girls are going to experience discomfort if some guy wearing a dress comes into a public bathroom. Of course these same women and girls are going to be at increased risk of molestation.

And let's be clear, the NC law doesn't discriminate against any person or group. It discriminates against the behavior of a man wearing a dress entering a women's bathroom.

It's also worth reminding some people that "identity" doesn't trump biology. A man is man. Even if he's wearing a dress.

So I assume that you equally terrified by those Thai cleaning ladies as they mop around your feet as your taking a pee, gratuitously ogling your dick?

Deviants, one and all....

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Taken from the OP:

allowing transgender people to use public bathrooms based on their gender identity would expose women and girls to discomfort and possible molestation.dis

This is obvious and only the most obtuse would disagree. Of course women and girls are going to experience discomfort if some guy wearing a dress comes into a public bathroom. Of course these same women and girls are going to be at increased risk of molestation.

And let's be clear, the NC law doesn't discriminate against any person or group. It discriminates against the behavior of a man wearing a dress entering a women's bathroom.

It's also worth reminding some people that "identity" doesn't trump biology. A man is man. Even if he's wearing a dress.

So I assume that you equally terrified by those Thai cleaning ladies as they mop around your feet as your taking a pee, gratuitously ogling your dick?


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Taken from the OP:

allowing transgender people to use public bathrooms based on their gender identity would expose women and girls to discomfort and possible molestation.dis

This is obvious and only the most obtuse would disagree. Of course women and girls are going to experience discomfort if some guy wearing a dress comes into a public bathroom. Of course these same women and girls are going to be at increased risk of molestation.

And let's be clear, the NC law doesn't discriminate against any person or group. It discriminates against the behavior of a man wearing a dress entering a women's bathroom.

It's also worth reminding some people that "identity" doesn't trump biology. A man is man. Even if he's wearing a dress.

So I assume that you equally terrified by those Thai cleaning ladies as they mop around your feet as your taking a pee, gratuitously ogling your dick?


So are you terrified?

Edited by GinBoy2
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Look, I'm a boy trapped inside a mans body

I would really enjoy spending time in the female changing room

What can I do

If you are a boy trapped in an aging man's body attempting to go into the lions den of a women's locker room...I only hope you have a high tolerance for penis shrinking ridicule!

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Taken from the OP:

allowing transgender people to use public bathrooms based on their gender identity would expose women and girls to discomfort and possible molestation.

This is obvious and only the most obtuse would disagree. Of course women and girls are going to experience discomfort if some guy wearing a dress comes into a public bathroom. Of course these same women and girls are going to be at increased risk of molestation.

And let's be clear, the NC law doesn't discriminate against any person or group. It discriminates against the behavior of a man wearing a dress entering a women's bathroom.

It's also worth reminding some people that "identity" doesn't trump biology. A man is man. Even if he's wearing a dress.

I see we are no longer talking about showering with teenage girls. Some progress at least I guess.

Rejecting your alarmism is far from obtuse. You misquote the OP. You present assumption as fact. No amount of silly propagandising by the bigots and those seeking to trivialise or diminish a minority, for whatever selfish reason, can justify discrimination against any group. The spate of laws in the US are very clear. They are designed to legitimise discrimination on the basis of a person's religious beliefs against minorities. These laws restrict access to public and private services for minorities and allows for these minorities to be denied employment opportunities. And lets be clear, this is the case for those minorities who do not decide to wear women's dresses.

Wrapping bigotry in the cloak of pseudo-science is a favoured tactic of the culture warrior. On what basis do you claim that identity trumps biology? Is this something that you just made up? You have no evidence on the number of women and girls who would be discomforted by a Trans person using their toilet facilities and you have similarly no evidence to support your declaration that identity is not based on biology. Are you one of those nuts who contend that being gay is a 'lifestyle choice'? You do not allow for LGBT people to develop Identity based on their biology? On what basis do you make this claim? Your extensive scientific credentials or your old man reactionary crap about not wanting to deal with non-conformists?

Your continued promotion of the idea that LGBT people are rapists and perverts is abhorrent. Nothing obtuse about this. It is a blatant and shameful attack wrapped up in a puerile, silly wannabe meme about men in dresses.

"There is increasing evidence of a biological basis for gender identity" https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/02/150213112317.htm You think Trans people choose this? You think it is some game in the Culture Wars to rebel against Mummy and Daddy? LGBT people identify as LGBT people because of biology. That is why the Religious Right needs its laws to discriminate against them. They won't stop being LGBT people just because you don't like it. Let,s be clear about that.

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Sex criminals are sex criminals of whatever orientation or gender.

This isn't about sex criminals.

It's about TRANSGENDER people having a place to go to the bloody toilet!

The toilets are either male, female, or mixed. If there is no mixed, it should be THEIR choice which gender toilet makes the most sense to THEM!

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So you're a man who likes to wear a dress. Seems strange to me (and quite frankly, sad), but hey good for you. But when you try to enter ladies' rooms or girls locker rooms, that behavior is unacceptable.

It's not the person but the behavior that needs to addressed with legislation. It's far too risky for women and young girls to be thrown into this social experiment.

The video just a few posts above shows countless incidents of men wearing dressed who entered ladies' rooms and girls' locker rooms and then went on to sexually assault, rape and attack innocent young girls and women. Some here don't seem to have a problem with that. They haven't even referenced the video. As if the facts don't even exist.

As it is being presented here, "identity" is nothing more than a transitory (no pun intended) feeling.

There are bathrooms for biological men and bathrooms for biological women. If you're a man wearing a dress and you feel ashamed to enter a men's bathroom, then I guess you're just going to have to hold it until you get home.

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