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US activists try to calm fears over transgender bathroom access


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So you're a man who likes to wear a dress. Seems strange to me (and quite frankly, sad), but hey good for you. But when you try to enter ladies' rooms or girls locker rooms, that behavior is unacceptable.

It's not the person but the behavior that needs to addressed with legislation. It's far too risky for women and young girls to be thrown into this social experiment.

The video just a few posts above shows countless incidents of men wearing dressed who entered ladies' rooms and girls' locker rooms and then went on to sexually assault, rape and attack innocent young girls and women. Some here don't seem to have a problem with that. They haven't even referenced the video. As if the facts don't even exist.

As it is being presented here, "identity" is nothing more than a transitory (no pun intended) feeling.

There are bathrooms for biological men and bathrooms for biological women. If you're a man wearing a dress and you feel ashamed to enter a men's bathroom, then I guess you're just going to have to hold it until you get home.

You seem to have a quite an overt animus towards transgendered women. While reducing them to simply men "who like to wear dresses" would probably earn you some approving nods and male brownie points from your testosterone-charged, swinging-dick drinking buddies (some whom probably have a secret predilection for transgendered women), it just makes you look like an ignorant, hateful bigot in my eyes. And how often is such behavior just a cover for hypocrisy? Though, to be honest, I do detect a genuine revulsion on your part. It's a pity that Thailand appears to have had no modifying influence on your Neanderthal attitude towards transgendered people. Anyone, with just the merest hint of insight into human nature would know that after talking and getting to know something about the life of, say, a Thai ladyboy, or any genuine transgendered woman, that they are more than just "men in dresses".

It's your turn to insult me, and then I have no interest in engaging with you further on this topic. I'm pretty sure you're incorrigible.

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Look, I'm a boy trapped inside a mans body

I would really enjoy spending time in the female changing room

What can I do

If you are a boy trapped in an aging man's body attempting to go into the lions den of a women's locker room...I only hope you have a high tolerance for penis shrinking ridicule!


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So you're a man who likes to wear a dress. Seems strange to me (and quite frankly, sad), but hey good for you. But when you try to enter ladies' rooms or girls locker rooms, that behavior is unacceptable.

It's not the person but the behavior that needs to addressed with legislation. It's far too risky for women and young girls to be thrown into this social experiment.

The video just a few posts above shows countless incidents of men wearing dressed who entered ladies' rooms and girls' locker rooms and then went on to sexually assault, rape and attack innocent young girls and women. Some here don't seem to have a problem with that. They haven't even referenced the video. As if the facts don't even exist.

As it is being presented here, "identity" is nothing more than a transitory (no pun intended) feeling.

There are bathrooms for biological men and bathrooms for biological women. If you're a man wearing a dress and you feel ashamed to enter a men's bathroom, then I guess you're just going to have to hold it until you get home.

You seem to have a quite an overt animus towards transgendered women. While reducing them to simply men "who like to wear dresses" would probably earn you some approving nods and male brownie points from your testosterone-charged, swinging-dick drinking buddies (some whom probably have a secret predilection for transgendered women), it just makes you look like an ignorant, hateful bigot in my eyes. And how often is such behavior just a cover for hypocrisy? Though, to be honest, I do detect a genuine revulsion on your part. It's a pity that Thailand appears to have had no modifying influence on your Neanderthal attitude towards transgendered people. Anyone, with just the merest hint of insight into human nature would know that after talking and getting to know something about the life of, say, a Thai ladyboy, or any genuine transgendered woman, that they are more than just "men in dresses".

It's your turn to insult me, and then I have no interest in engaging with you further on this topic. I'm pretty sure you're incorrigible.

I don't have any animus toward trannies. You're certainly entitled to think otherwise. What I do take issue with though, is agenda driven hacks who are attempting push forward an ill conceived social experiment without taking into consideration the very real risks involved. Or even worse, they are indifferent to risks and try to minimize them. This is genuinely what is at stake in NC, SC and many other states across the nation. It is very important for common sense to prevail and the concept of "identity politics" to be pushed to the dustbin of half-baked ideas.

And as far as 'reducing" them to men who like to wear dresses. Well, that's what they are. Men who like to wear dresses. You can talk about their "feelings" all day long with someone else. But in the end, it's a guy wearing a dress.

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So you're a man who likes to wear a dress. Seems strange to me (and quite frankly, sad), but hey good for you. But when you try to enter ladies' rooms or girls locker rooms, that behavior is unacceptable.

It's not the person but the behavior that needs to addressed with legislation. It's far too risky for women and young girls to be thrown into this social experiment.

The video just a few posts above shows countless incidents of men wearing dressed who entered ladies' rooms and girls' locker rooms and then went on to sexually assault, rape and attack innocent young girls and women. Some here don't seem to have a problem with that. They haven't even referenced the video. As if the facts don't even exist.

As it is being presented here, "identity" is nothing more than a transitory (no pun intended) feeling.

There are bathrooms for biological men and bathrooms for biological women. If you're a man wearing a dress and you feel ashamed to enter a men's bathroom, then I guess you're just going to have to hold it until you get home.

You seem to have a quite an overt animus towards transgendered women. While reducing them to simply men "who like to wear dresses" would probably earn you some approving nods and male brownie points from your testosterone-charged, swinging-dick drinking buddies (some whom probably have a secret predilection for transgendered women), it just makes you look like an ignorant, hateful bigot in my eyes. And how often is such behavior just a cover for hypocrisy? Though, to be honest, I do detect a genuine revulsion on your part. It's a pity that Thailand appears to have had no modifying influence on your Neanderthal attitude towards transgendered people. Anyone, with just the merest hint of insight into human nature would know that after talking and getting to know something about the life of, say, a Thai ladyboy, or any genuine transgendered woman, that they are more than just "men in dresses".

It's your turn to insult me, and then I have no interest in engaging with you further on this topic. I'm pretty sure you're incorrigible.

I don't have any animus toward trannies. You're certainly entitled to think otherwise. What I do take issue with though, is agenda driven hacks who are attempting push forward an ill conceived social experiment without taking into consideration the very real risks involved. Or even worse, they are indifferent to risks and try to minimize them. This is genuinely what is at stake in NC, SC and many other states across the nation. It is very important for common sense to prevail and the concept of "identity politics" to be pushed to the dustbin of half-baked ideas.

And as far as 'reducing" them to men who like to wear dresses. Well, that's what they are. Men who like to wear dresses. You can talk about their "feelings" all day long with someone else. But in the end, it's a guy wearing a dress.

You have been consistently unable to demonstrate with any credible evidence that there is any risk to women and children by trans people using female toilets. Instead you post links to male sex offenders who are not trans and promote the deliberate misconception that Trans people pose a risk to women and girls.

This is not an issue. It has never been an issue. It is a scam that you are perpetuating to incite hatred.

Meanwhile, the police in NorthCarolina have no idea how to enforce this ridiculous and discriminatory law. "The lack of enforcement guidance in the legislation also suggests "it's not motivated by solving a real problem," she says. "If it was, they would have spent more time understanding and actually addressing a problem. Instead they passed a law that is a political statement."http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/04/north-carolina-lgbt-bathrooms-hb2-enforcement

Your assumption that Trans people wear dresses to identify as female is just gross ignorance and further demonstration that you are acting in bad faith on this issue.

Why don't you present evidence of your assertions. This thread has been running a while but you have come up with nothing. It's time to put up or shut up.

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I have posted several links and videos illustrating the very real threat that some are determined to minimize to advance their aberrant TBGL agenda. North Carolina is acting with common sense.

Normal people know this is a needlessly risky sociology experiment. Some choose to ignore or attempt to delegitimize the legal evidence. They should be ashamed of themselves, but they are apparently shameless in their reckless, agenda driven zeal.

Edited by up-country_sinclair
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I have posted several links and videos illustrating the very real threat that some are determined to minimize to advance their aberrant TBGL agenda. North Carolina is acting with common sense.

Normal people know this is a needlessly risky sociology experiment. Some choose to ignore or attempt to delegitimize the legal evidence. They should be ashamed of themselves, but they are apparently shameless in their reckless, agenda driven zeal.

Not one of the links or VDO's that you posted supports your claim that Trans people pose a threat to women and children through the use of female toilets. You post links to male sex offenders in an attempt to stir up hatred of LGBT people. Not one thing that you have claimed is supported by any evidence.

Here is what the Human Rights Council says about the North Carolina anti LGBT law http://www.hrc.org/blog/five-things-to-know-about-north-carolinas-newest-radical-anti-lgbt-law

I post this quote again:

The lack of enforcement guidance in the legislation also suggests "it's not motivated by solving a real problem," she says. "If it was, they would have spent more time understanding and actually addressing a problem. Instead they passed a law that is a political statement." http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/04/north-carolina-lgbt-bathrooms-hb2-enforcement

This statement was made by Cathryn Oakley, a senior legislative counsel for the Human Rights Campaign. A woman. A person who uses female toilets. Something that does not apply to you on two counts. Is she hysterically claiming protection from Trans people using female toilets in fear of being accosted, raped, pillaged? No. Because she is not a moron. She doesn't have an agenda to stir up hatred against a minority. A minority that just is not doing what you claim they are doing.

It really is time for some actual proof of your accusations to be provided. Nobody is falling for this nonsense. Even the bigots who don't want to give Trans people the respect they deserve are not pushing this League of Women's Toilet Defence crap. They are just plain old Toilet Birthers and want police checks on birth certificates before Trans people can take a piss.

America no longer requires is African American citizens to use non white water fountains any more. Why then are LGBT people expected to endure discrimination and unequal treatment?

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Yeah. It's a bloody tempest in a toilet bowl!

“By singling out LGBT people for disfavored treatment and explicitly writing discrimination against transgender people into state law,” the suit reads. “HB 2 violates the most basic guarantees of equal treatment [by] the U.S. Constitution.”


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Not one of the links or VDO's that you posted supports your claim that Trans people pose a threat to women and children through the use of female toilets. You post links to male sex offenders in an attempt to stir up hatred of LGBT people.

Readers might notice that the above post (and previous ones) make reference to male sex offenders. But what has conveniently been omitted is the fact that all of these male sex offenders were wearing women's clothes when they brutally sexually assaulted real women and girls in ladies' rooms and girls' locker rooms.

That's why the good people of North Carolina passed this common sense legislation.

It really is deplorable the depths some activists will go to in order to further their aberrant political agenda.

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America no longer requires is African American citizens to use non white water fountains any more.


Trannies choose to wear dresses.

Trans people do not necessarily wear dresses to identify as female. To assume they do is an indication of pyscho-sexual malformity.

Making African Americans drink from non White water fountains is precisely the same as making LGBT people adhere to discriminatory and unequal rules. Fortunately, as noted above, this is unconstitutional and will be challenged.

You continue to demonstrate a lack of credibility. Posting a picture of someone who is clearly a dick on this thread is behaviour I would expect. Thousands of words could be written about the WASP prick you choose to convey your silly meme. That shirt, that tie, those braces, those glasses, that big mouth, that hairstyle. Clearly that guy has not received the Queer Eye makeover. Just the kind of guy people would have pleasure in telling to go get stuffed.

Edited by lostboy
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Not one of the links or VDO's that you posted supports your claim that Trans people pose a threat to women and children through the use of female toilets. You post links to male sex offenders in an attempt to stir up hatred of LGBT people.

Readers might notice that the above post (and previous ones) make reference to male sex offenders. But what has conveniently been omitted is the fact that all of these male sex offenders were wearing women's clothes when they brutally sexually assaulted real women and girls in ladies' rooms and girls' locker rooms.

That's why the good people of North Carolina passed this common sense legislation.

It really is deplorable the depths some activists will go to in order to further their aberrant political agenda.

Male sex offenders wearing dresses has no relation to the topic of Trans people accessing bathrooms. The connection only exists in your mind. None of the people in the videos and links that you have posted are Trans people.

Making the false and despicable connection of male sex offenders and Trans people is purposeful hate speech only intended to inflame feelings against LGBT people. People at the coal face of this issue have stated unequivocally that there is no risk to women and children through Trans people using toilet facilities.

The legislation in North Carolina, Mississippi, Kansas and a tiny number of other states is unconstitutional. The legislation will be challenged. In the meantime people are voting with their dollars. Individuals and organisations are cancelling events, closing down commercial operations and even the Federal Government is making clear statements about the loss of Federal funding because these states are not complying with anti-discrimination legislation.

People can learn more about Transgender issues at the American Psychological Association apa.org website. The information clearly debunks the attempted scam of associating male sex offenders with Trans people. There is no need to continue believing ignorant assertions that push people to discriminate against LGBT people. The 20thC is long gone. Such people are on the wrong side of history. They are laughed at and mocked by the coming generations. It is quite right that the T in LGBT is getting attention now that a majority of people support LGB rights and oppose the purposeful incitement of hate.

I really think that when the poster who is pushing this hate agenda grows a vagina, then she can come back and be the Defender of Female Toilets. Until then, what prurient pleasure is being derived from such focus on male sex offenders wearing dresses. Completely off topic and a deliberate red herring.

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Not one of the links or VDO's that you posted supports your claim that Trans people pose a threat to women and children through the use of female toilets. You post links to male sex offenders in an attempt to stir up hatred of LGBT people.

Readers might notice that the above post (and previous ones) make reference to male sex offenders. But what has conveniently been omitted is the fact that all of these male sex offenders were wearing women's clothes when they brutally sexually assaulted real women and girls in ladies' rooms and girls' locker rooms.

That's why the good people of North Carolina passed this common sense legislation.

It really is deplorable the depths some activists will go to in order to further their aberrant political agenda.

Male sex offenders wearing dresses has no relation to the topic of Trans people accessing bathrooms. The connection only exists in your mind. None of the people in the videos and links that you have posted are Trans people.

Making the false and despicable connection of male sex offenders and Trans people is purposeful hate speech only intended to inflame feelings against LGBT people. People at the coal face of this issue have stated unequivocally that there is no risk to women and children through Trans people using toilet facilities.

Sorry for butting in, but I think his point is not to say trans people are sexual offenders, but to point out that sexual offenders will be able to take advantage of the situation and claim to be trans in order to gain entry to the ladies room after they see their female target enter.

It is not Trans who are the threat, it is the creepy, sex offender who would wouldn't shy away from pretending to be Trans to his advantage. No one can honestly think that it would never happen.

How real of a risk is it, sex offenders taking advantage of the situation? Is it worth finding out? How many assaults would be ok? Maybe if were someone else's wife/daughter/girlfriend, that would be worth the risk? As a man, I couldn't care less if I was followed into a public toilet late at night by a trans-man (sorry, don't know the proper terms). But I can understand a young woman or teenage girl feeling uncomfortable if she were followed in by a trans-woman.

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I have posted several links and videos illustrating the very real threat that some are determined to minimize to advance their aberrant TBGL agenda. North Carolina is acting with common sense.

Normal people know this is a needlessly risky sociology experiment. Some choose to ignore or attempt to delegitimize the legal evidence. They should be ashamed of themselves, but they are apparently shameless in their reckless, agenda driven zeal.

...and for every video you post, I could post a hundred, showing what heterosexual men do to women and children!

So what the >deleted< is your point?

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America no longer requires is African American citizens to use non white water fountains any more.

Trannies choose to wear dresses.

No one chooses to be gay, straight or transgendered. Sexuality is built in.

Are you telling people they are not allowed to choose what clothes to wear? Should women be allowed to wear jeans?

Are you implying black people can't help being black. and they would choose to be white if they could?

And what is the TLGB 'aberrant political agenda'? It is not about politics its about basic human rights.

You posted links of straight male sex offenders in dresses that attacked woman.... and as people have told you that has nothing to do with transgendered people using womens bathrooms. These evil men are still going to attack women with or without transgendered people being legally allowed to use female restrooms.

In fact, these sex offenders are just as likely to attack the transgendered person too... and transgendered people face a real risk of physical or sexual attack when using the mens restroom. Do you think that is acceptable?

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Not one of the links or VDO's that you posted supports your claim that Trans people pose a threat to women and children through the use of female toilets. You post links to male sex offenders in an attempt to stir up hatred of LGBT people.

Readers might notice that the above post (and previous ones) make reference to male sex offenders. But what has conveniently been omitted is the fact that all of these male sex offenders were wearing women's clothes when they brutally sexually assaulted real women and girls in ladies' rooms and girls' locker rooms.

That's why the good people of North Carolina passed this common sense legislation.

It really is deplorable the depths some activists will go to in order to further their aberrant political agenda.

Male sex offenders wearing dresses has no relation to the topic of Trans people accessing bathrooms. The connection only exists in your mind. None of the people in the videos and links that you have posted are Trans people.

Making the false and despicable connection of male sex offenders and Trans people is purposeful hate speech only intended to inflame feelings against LGBT people. People at the coal face of this issue have stated unequivocally that there is no risk to women and children through Trans people using toilet facilities.

Sorry for butting in, but I think his point is not to say trans people are sexual offenders, but to point out that sexual offenders will be able to take advantage of the situation and claim to be trans in order to gain entry to the ladies room after they see their female target enter.

It is not Trans who are the threat, it is the creepy, sex offender who would wouldn't shy away from pretending to be Trans to his advantage. No one can honestly think that it would never happen.

How real of a risk is it, sex offenders taking advantage of the situation? Is it worth finding out? How many assaults would be ok? Maybe if were someone else's wife/daughter/girlfriend, that would be worth the risk? As a man, I couldn't care less if I was followed into a public toilet late at night by a trans-man (sorry, don't know the proper terms). But I can understand a young woman or teenage girl feeling uncomfortable if she were followed in by a trans-woman.

I really do not think that you combat male sex offenders by preventing Trans people from using the bathroom. Male sex offenders can strike anywhere. People should take the same precautions against attack by male sex offenders no matter where they are.

The only reason to associate male sex offenders with LGBT rights to dignity is to inflame hatred. It is exactly the same tactic as talking about gay men and pedophiles in the same sentence. It is base ignorance. It diverts from the real issues and is consequently dangerous. It is hate speech.

You litany of questions are completely off topic. If you want to study the issue of male sex offenders then go to some other place. Even then, I would probably give more deference to an actual woman saying these things than some men who have a history of posting anti LGBT sentiments. If you go away and grow a vagina and come back, I will give more credence to your 'concerns'.

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Troll posts and replies have been removed.

Please stay on the topic and continuing to refer to transgender people as 'men in dresses' or similar phrases will result in warnings and suspensions. It is a false statement, it is also inflammatory and trolling.

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BTGL people can urinate whenever they want.

The good people of North Carolina have passed common sense legislation that will keep women and young girls safe from violent attacks in ladies' rooms and girls' locker rooms.

They put safety first. Which is what all normal people should do.

Even though they have chosen to wear women's clothes, they are still men. Therefore they need to use the men's room. This is my opinion. Feel free to disagree.

It only makes sense. And it should to everyone who doesn't shamelessly put their aberrant political agenda above the safety of women and girls.

Edited by up-country_sinclair
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it is the creepy, sex offender who would wouldn't shy away from pretending to be Trans to his advantage. No one can honestly think that it would never happen.

How real of a risk is it, sex offenders taking advantage of the situation? Is it worth finding out? How many assaults would be ok? Maybe if were someone else's wife/daughter/girlfriend, that would be worth the risk? As a man, I couldn't care less if I was followed into a public toilet late at night by a trans-man (sorry, don't know the proper terms). But I can understand a young woman or teenage girl feeling uncomfortable if she were followed in by a trans-woman.

Great points raised in this post. thumbsup.gif

Of course no one could reasonably think that it won't happen. In fact, to deny that the number of horrifically violent sexual assaults in women's bathrooms will increase is patently absurd.

Some, however, are more than willing to throw caution to the wind in order to further their political agenda that will allow special rights and privileges to an insignificant minority.

Best question in the post above: How many assaults would be ok?

Is there a number or is it simply unlimited?

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it is the creepy, sex offender who would wouldn't shy away from pretending to be Trans to his advantage. No one can honestly think that it would never happen.

How real of a risk is it, sex offenders taking advantage of the situation? Is it worth finding out? How many assaults would be ok? Maybe if were someone else's wife/daughter/girlfriend, that would be worth the risk? As a man, I couldn't care less if I was followed into a public toilet late at night by a trans-man (sorry, don't know the proper terms). But I can understand a young woman or teenage girl feeling uncomfortable if she were followed in by a trans-woman.

Great points raised in this post. thumbsup.gif

Of course no one could reasonably think that it won't happen. In fact, to deny that the number of horrifically violent sexual assaults in women's bathrooms will increase is patently absurd.

Some, however, are more than willing to throw caution to the wind in order to further their political agenda that will allow special rights and privileges to an insignificant minority.

Best question in the post above: How many assaults would be ok?

Is there a number or is it simply unlimited?

There are no verifiable accounts of Trans people assaulting women or girls in female toilets. You have provided no examples in any link or video. This is a non issue because there is absolutely no evidence of what you claim. People in law enforcement, in the legal profession, in LGBT activism all acknowledge that this is not an issue. It is not happening.

Your insistence that there is a link between Trans people and sexual assaults on women and children is off topic. It has been ruled off topic. It has been rejected by everyone.

The number of assaults by Trans people? Zero. None. Zilch. Nada.

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Sexual Assault Victims Speak Out Against Washington’s Transgender Bathroom Policies

OLYMPIA, Wash.—A group of women who say they are former victims of sexual assault are making an emotional plea to Washington state legislators to reverse a bathroom policy that they say leaves them and their young children vulnerable, exposed and unsafe.


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Sexual Assault Victims Speak Out Against Washington’s Transgender Bathroom Policies

OLYMPIA, Wash.—A group of women who say they are former victims of sexual assault are making an emotional plea to Washington state legislators to reverse a bathroom policy that they say leaves them and their young children vulnerable, exposed and unsafe.


Again, nothing to do with Trans people using toilets. Anecdotes of male sexual offences against women. No mention of Trans people. Just the same tactics that are being used to promote hate against LGBT people." Trans people are only 1% so why cater for them". "There will be increased risk to women (while presenting absolutely no evidence)." All the same hate speech we have seen from a tiny number of posters on this thread.

People wanting to maintain the right to discriminate against LGBT people. The very type of people who promote the religious anti LGBT laws in the first place. You want us to believe these people? When they present their stories that have nothing to do with Trans people?

Google Bingo Desperation. Increased risk to women and children through Trans people using toilets is not an issue. Law enforcement acknowledges this. The legal community acknowledge this. Everyone but the religious bigots acknowledge this.

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You know, honestly, I'm sure some people in the more MAINSTREAM gay and lesbian part of the civil rights movement (especially those who are wealthy white gay men) may think there is too big a political price to pay for including TRANSGENDER people into the movement. After all, sexual orientation and gender I.D. are NOT the same thing.

Transgender people are even more stigmatized and their numbers indeed are quite low. But, bottom line, it's the RIGHT thing to do (as opposed to right WING). Basic CIVIL RIGHTS for all citizens, even the most unpopular.

Anyway ... to borrow from Thai politics: STRONGER TOGETHER.

Edited by Jingthing
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You know, honestly, I'm sure some people in the more MAINSTREAM gay and lesbian part of the civil rights movement (especially those who are wealthy white gay men) may think there is too big a political price to pay for including TRANSGENDER people into the movement. After all, sexual orientation and gender I.D. are NOT the same thing.

Transgender people are even more stigmatized and their numbers indeed are quite low. But, bottom line, it's the RIGHT thing to do (as opposed to right WING). Basic CIVIL RIGHTS for all citizens, even the most unpopular.

Anyway ... to borrow from Thai politics: STRONGER TOGETHER.

I agree and I have witnessed the internal arguments about this issue among activists. I am also frank about my own uncomfortableness with engaging with Trans people and Trans issues, so it is not surprising the many non LGBT people and LGBT people alike have to confront their prejudices. Thailand is a good place to start. In most other countries they are marginalised geographically to red light districts and many are restricted to finding employment in entertainment related industries. It really wasn't until Priscilla, Queen of the Desert came out in Australia in 1994 that talking about Trans people moved from the dark alleys to more mainstream there. But for all that is wrong with the Kardashians, Caitlin's coming out was probably a signature event for Trans people. Not that some will admit it!

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it is the creepy, sex offender who would wouldn't shy away from pretending to be Trans to his advantage. No one can honestly think that it would never happen.

How real of a risk is it, sex offenders taking advantage of the situation? Is it worth finding out? How many assaults would be ok? Maybe if were someone else's wife/daughter/girlfriend, that would be worth the risk? As a man, I couldn't care less if I was followed into a public toilet late at night by a trans-man (sorry, don't know the proper terms). But I can understand a young woman or teenage girl feeling uncomfortable if she were followed in by a trans-woman.

Great points raised in this post. thumbsup.gif

Of course no one could reasonably think that it won't happen. In fact, to deny that the number of horrifically violent sexual assaults in women's bathrooms will increase is patently absurd.

Some, however, are more than willing to throw caution to the wind in order to further their political agenda that will allow special rights and privileges to an insignificant minority.

Best question in the post above: How many assaults would be ok?

Is there a number or is it simply unlimited?

There are no verifiable accounts of Trans people assaulting women or girls in female toilets. You have provided no examples in any link or video. This is a non issue because there is absolutely no evidence of what you claim. People in law enforcement, in the legal profession, in LGBT activism all acknowledge that this is not an issue. It is not happening.

Your insistence that there is a link between Trans people and sexual assaults on women and children is off topic. It has been ruled off topic. It has been rejected by everyone.

The number of assaults by Trans people? Zero. None. Zilch. Nada.

Correct, however the debate I believe and I stand to be corrected is not about any link between sexual assaults commuted by "transgender people" but actually about whether "Men" should be allowed access to ladies toilets and changing rooms

Ergo would this allow heterosexual male sexual predators easier access to these facilities by simply claiming to be "Transgender" and by wearing a dress?

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The reality is that this is just another bunch of closed minded bigots inventing more fake boogeymen to discriminate against.

Because if any of their spurious fiction stood up to scrutiny, they'd be able to produce evidence.

Big fat zero: Spokespeople from the Transgender Law Center, the Human Rights Campaign and the American Civil Liberties Union told Mic that no statistical evidence of violence exists to warrant this legislation. Vincent Villano, the director of communications for the National Center for Transgender Equality, told Mic in an email that there isn't any firm data to corroborate these lawmakers' claims, and that NCTE has "not heard of a single instance of a transgender person harassing a non-transgender person in a public restroom. Those who claim otherwise have no evidence that this is true and use this notion to prey on the public's stereotypes and fears about transgender people."
The Advocate noted the same glaring fact last month regarding Texas' bathroom legislation: "There has never been a verifiable reported instance of a trans person harassing a cisgender person, nor have there been any confirmed reports of male predators 'pretending' to be transgender to gain access to women's spaces and commit crimes against them."
Alachua County Crisis Center victims advocate Ashley Flattery told the Miami Herald, "This kind of idea that somebody is going to be assaulted in the bathroom by someone, and claim they have the right to be there because they are trans, is imaginary."
Mic has requested statistical evidence from state bathroom bill sponsors Senator C.B. Embry (Ky.), Rep. Gilbert Peña (Texas) and Rep. Artiles (Fla.). None of these lawmakers have returnedMic's request for comment.


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it is the creepy, sex offender who would wouldn't shy away from pretending to be Trans to his advantage. No one can honestly think that it would never happen.

How real of a risk is it, sex offenders taking advantage of the situation? Is it worth finding out? How many assaults would be ok? Maybe if were someone else's wife/daughter/girlfriend, that would be worth the risk? As a man, I couldn't care less if I was followed into a public toilet late at night by a trans-man (sorry, don't know the proper terms). But I can understand a young woman or teenage girl feeling uncomfortable if she were followed in by a trans-woman.

Great points raised in this post. thumbsup.gif

Of course no one could reasonably think that it won't happen. In fact, to deny that the number of horrifically violent sexual assaults in women's bathrooms will increase is patently absurd.

Some, however, are more than willing to throw caution to the wind in order to further their political agenda that will allow special rights and privileges to an insignificant minority.

Best question in the post above: How many assaults would be ok?

Is there a number or is it simply unlimited?

There are no verifiable accounts of Trans people assaulting women or girls in female toilets. You have provided no examples in any link or video. This is a non issue because there is absolutely no evidence of what you claim. People in law enforcement, in the legal profession, in LGBT activism all acknowledge that this is not an issue. It is not happening.

Your insistence that there is a link between Trans people and sexual assaults on women and children is off topic. It has been ruled off topic. It has been rejected by everyone.

The number of assaults by Trans people? Zero. None. Zilch. Nada.

Correct, however the debate I believe and I stand to be corrected is not about any link between sexual assaults commuted by "transgender people" but actually about whether "Men" should be allowed access to ladies toilets and changing rooms

Ergo would this allow heterosexual male sexual predators easier access to these facilities by simply claiming to be "Transgender" and by wearing a dress?

I think you stand to be corrected. The topic is about fears created by Transgender access to toilets. It is not about showers. It is not about male sex offenders. It is about a group of Trans activists and supporters trying to raise awareness of Trans issues in response to the religious hate laws adopted in a small number of US states. These activists printout that the more people understand Trans issues, the more accepting they are.

The issue of male sex offenders was introduced by a poster promoting bigotry and hatred towards Trans people. A recent link from that poster shows that this tactic is employed by professional hate groups to incite and inflame feelings against Trans people through the perpetuation of ignorance and stereotyping.

I had responded to another poster who wanted a valid reason why the issue of male sex offenders should not be a concern of people discussing the issue of Trans access to female toilets. So I will ask you - what protections do people who are potential targets of male sex offenders take in going about their every day lives in public and in private? Every such person will probably do an automatic risk assessment based on their own knowledge and experience and the context in which they find themselves. I cannot see that this scenario changes as a result of Trans people using toilets.

I further believe that since all public toilet facilities or facilities in institutions available to the public are under management by some form of authority. The primary responsibility of managing those facilities, including the safety and protect of users of these facilities is in the hands of these authorities. How can they do this? Not being a facilities manager, I don't have all the answers, but usually the provision of information, the application of awareness, the appropriate allocation of resources can all provide solutions. Maybe something as simple as a sign on the door saying this facility is trans accessible and if you don't like it, there is another facility upstairs. I made the reference to the issue of handicapped access to public facilities and the impact that had on facilities management.

I reject the correlation between male sex offenders and trans people using female toilets. It is a political stunt to reinforce bigotry and hatred against the LGBT community. If people are concerned about heterosexual male sex offenders, there are a whole range of things that can be done in terms of law enforcement, public policy and mental health.

Further, not all Trans people identifying as female do so by wearing a dress. Some butch guy wearing a Shirley Temple tutu as shown in one of those provocative, off topic VDO's is clearly not a Trans person but some opportunist trying to get out of trouble. Most sensible people who are aware of risks are able to recognise real threats and have the ability to mitigate these risks without the need of infringing on the dignity of a minority.

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If the right wing had paid as much attention to the other group of men wearing loose attire, then all those priests might have been stopped before they committed all that child abuse.

Just the usual double standards we've come to expect from the Religious Right, really.

How many of them have been outed for adultery, homosexuality, paedophilia?

It really is quite unbelievable that such people have the right to dictate the behaviour of others, let alone judge them.


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would this allow heterosexual male sexual predators easier access to these facilities by simply claiming to be "Transgender" and by wearing a dress?

Of course it would. Those that attempt to minimize or simply dismiss this increased risk should be ashamed of themselves. That is if they're capable of shame.

The good people of North Carolina passed this legislation because it's a common sense approach at crime prevention that doesn't make special absurd allowances for an insignificant (but extremely vocal) minority group.

The question that has yet to be answered is how many brutal sexual assaults on women and girls would be enough for these strident activists to admit their agenda is not in the best interest of society as a whole.

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I have in my head this image: the sexual predator, all dolled up in his dress stalking the women's bathrooms.

A more ludicrous image is hardly imaginable.

Last time I looked at crime statistics, your average neighborhood pervert didn't seem to need don women's clothing to enter the 'ripe' prowling grounds of women's bathrooms to engage in rape!

This in all it's shallow rhetoric harks back to a rather darker age of the 'fear' of those black men raping all our white women

As a disclaimer, as an Hispanic, not quite sure where we fit in the white sexual paranoia. But oh the poor Hispanic women I do so worry about them, although in my experience of Latina women, God help anyone who tries to mess with them!

Edited by GinBoy2
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