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US activists try to calm fears over transgender bathroom access


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Thanks a bunch to the anti-GLBT BIGOTS.

They are indulging in classic SCAPEGOATING and PERSECUTION of a vulnerable unpopular minority group.



As a 43-year-old transgender woman living in Asheville, N.C., for the past three years, I have been blessed to find western North Carolina, on the whole, to be very accepting of me. While I know this hasn’t been the case for all trans people in the state, for me it has been fairly easy to integrate my transition and gender presentation over the past year into the social fabric of this surprisingly progressive mountain town.

Up until last month, I haven’t had to give much thought to what it means to be a trans woman living in North Carolina — most people have been tolerant, if not celebratory, of my authentic identity.
Edited by seedy
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would this allow heterosexual male sexual predators easier access to these facilities by simply claiming to be "Transgender" and by wearing a dress?

Of course it would. Those that attempt to minimize or simply dismiss this increased risk should be ashamed of themselves. That is if they're capable of shame.

The good people of North Carolina passed this legislation because it's a common sense approach at crime prevention that doesn't make special absurd allowances for an insignificant (but extremely vocal) minority group.

The question that has yet to be answered is how many brutal sexual assaults on women and girls would be enough for these strident activists to admit their agenda is not in the best interest of society as a whole.

Pity that you have never been able to present one piece of evidence that supports your fantasy. The only shame I feel is that I live in the same country as a bunch of reactionary bigots who spread deliberate falsehoods to promote hatred of LGBT people.

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I have in my head this image: the sexual predator, all dolled up in his dress stalking the women's bathrooms.

A more ludicrous image is hardly imaginable.


Watch this video which has many horrific examples of exactly that.

Yeah really, no matter how many times you post this, in absolute numbers this offense is tiny. The awful rotten truth that you don't want to admit is that 90% of sexual predators, are white, middle class and identified heterosexual.

Post as many hate vids as you want, but sometimes you just need to look in the mirror and maybe you don't like what you see!

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I have in my head this image: the sexual predator, all dolled up in his dress stalking the women's bathrooms.

A more ludicrous image is hardly imaginable.


Watch this video which has many horrific examples of exactly that.

The fourth time you have posted this rubbish. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the topic. It is pure scaremongering by people who want to promote anti LGBT hatred.

No data is presented on the context of each offence. No data is presented on the prevalence of this offence. No data is presented on the location or any other contextual element of any of these offences. It is a scam designed to promote ignorance and hate.

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would this allow heterosexual male sexual predators easier access to these facilities by simply claiming to be "Transgender" and by wearing a dress?

Of course it would. Those that attempt to minimize or simply dismiss this increased risk should be ashamed of themselves. That is if they're capable of shame.

The good people of North Carolina passed this legislation because it's a common sense approach at crime prevention that doesn't make special absurd allowances for an insignificant (but extremely vocal) minority group.

The question that has yet to be answered is how many brutal sexual assaults on women and girls would be enough for these strident activists to admit their agenda is not in the best interest of society as a whole.

Pity that you have never been able to present one piece of evidence that supports your fantasy.

Patently false.

The poster Celer et Audax asked, "would this allow heterosexual male sexual predators easier access to these facilities by simply claiming to be "Transgender" and by wearing a dress?"

And I have posted a video which has multiple example of that very thing.

Previously you have argued that these predators were not really transgender ( rolleyes.gif ), which may or may not be true Who knows? What is undeniably true is that these heterosexual male sexual predators had easier access to these facilities by simply claiming to be "Transgender".

This is why the danger is real and that the good people of North Carolina passed this common sense legislation to help keep society safe from deviants.

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would this allow heterosexual male sexual predators easier access to these facilities by simply claiming to be "Transgender" and by wearing a dress?

Of course it would. Those that attempt to minimize or simply dismiss this increased risk should be ashamed of themselves. That is if they're capable of shame.

The good people of North Carolina passed this legislation because it's a common sense approach at crime prevention that doesn't make special absurd allowances for an insignificant (but extremely vocal) minority group.

The question that has yet to be answered is how many brutal sexual assaults on women and girls would be enough for these strident activists to admit their agenda is not in the best interest of society as a whole.

Pity that you have never been able to present one piece of evidence that supports your fantasy.

Patently false.

The poster Celer et Audax asked, "would this allow heterosexual male sexual predators easier access to these facilities by simply claiming to be "Transgender" and by wearing a dress?"

And I have posted a video which has multiple example of that very thing.

Previously you have argued that these predators were not really transgender ( rolleyes.gif ), which may or may not be true Who knows? What is undeniably true is that these heterosexual male sexual predators had easier access to these facilities by simply claiming to be "Transgender".

This is why the danger is real and that the good people of North Carolina passed this common sense legislation to help keep society safe from deviants.

Your purported defence of women is a sham. You now admit that the sex offenders that you throw at us with your off topic links and VDO's are likely not Trans people. You are only talking about straight male sex offenders. Well good for you. Why don't you go out and do something about it and stop bothering LGBT people with your hysteria.

Trans people do not need to announce that they are trans when entering a bathroom. Straight people do not do this. Gay people do not do this. Yet your sex offenders all seem to have the need to announce their 'gender identity' when they enter a woman's toilet.

Well isn't that something. What a massive beat up you have generated. To what purpose? The potential risk to women of sexual attack outside a female bathroom will be exactly the same as the potential risk to women of a sexual attack inside a female bathroom. Nothing to do with Trans people performing natural bodily functions. The good people of North Carolina are facing a backlash of momentous proportions - social, economic, financial and soon to be legal because of their blatant stupidity in using anti LGBT hate to retain the ability to discriminate against minorities on the basis of religion. Your hatred of Trans people and efforts at fear mongering are a complete and utter red herring.

You have never been able to present one jot of evidence that supports your claim that there is an increased risk of sexual assault due to allowing Trans people to access female toilets. None. Zero. Zilch. Keep those little fingers flying over the keyboard with Google. Maybe you will strike bingo.

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Patently false.

The poster Celer et Audax asked, "would this allow heterosexual male sexual predators easier access to these facilities by simply claiming to be "Transgender" and by wearing a dress?"

And I have posted a video which has multiple example of that very thing.

Previously you have argued that these predators were not really transgender ( rolleyes.gif ), which may or may not be true Who knows? What is undeniably true is that these heterosexual male sexual predators had easier access to these facilities by simply claiming to be "Transgender".

This is why the danger is real and that the good people of North Carolina passed this common sense legislation to help keep society safe from deviants.

Your purported defence of women is a sham. You now admit that the sex offenders that you throw at us with your off topic links and VDO's are likely not Trans people. You are only talking about straight male sex offenders. Well good for you. Why don't you go out and do something about it and stop bothering LGBT people with your hysteria.

Trans people do not need to announce that they are trans when entering a bathroom. Straight people do not do this. Gay people do not do this. Yet your sex offenders all seem to have the need to announce their 'gender identity' when they enter a woman's toilet.

Well isn't that something. What a massive beat up you have generated. To what purpose? The potential risk to women of sexual attack outside a female bathroom will be exactly the same as the potential risk to women of a sexual attack inside a female bathroom. Nothing to do with Trans people performing natural bodily functions. The good people of North Carolina are facing a backlash of momentous proportions - social, economic, financial and soon to be legal because of their blatant stupidity in using anti LGBT hate to retain the ability to discriminate against minorities on the basis of religion. Your hatred of Trans people and efforts at fear mongering are a complete and utter red herring.

You have never been able to present one jot of evidence that supports your claim that there is an increased risk of sexual assault due to allowing Trans people to access female toilets. None. Zero. Zilch. Keep those little fingers flying over the keyboard with Google. Maybe you will strike bingo.

There is an element of intellectual dishonesty going on here. Normally when one feels the call of nature having somewhere suitable to carry out that call is all that one needs, but what what we have here in is not an argument about allowing Trans access to female toilets, but rather demanding access to female toilets over and above what women want. The dishonesty is slipping in the liberal access when that is not what is intended at all. Frankly, someone here is taking the Royal P. If there was no issue re having separate toilets then one might as well have unisex toilets. But that isn't what is being demanded here.

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So a pervert straight guy... dresses as a women to get into the ladies restroom to attack them.

This will happen with or without it being legal for trans people to use the female restroom.

There is no link between allowing transgendered people to use the female restroom and sexual attack of women and little girls .. or sweet little puppies and kittens for that matter.

The only reason to deny trans people to use women toilets is for discrimination, fear, or ignorane of transgendered people.

And I am constantly surprised about some straight people think TLGB community has some kind of secret political evil plan to take over the world and control straight men..... this view is a sign on mental illness in my opinion.

Next you will be saying that TLGB people should not be allowed in the same room as women alone.. or be teachers or have children! Can't you see how ignorant and bigoted you seem? If you are really like that I feel very sorry for you to have a life where you live in fear and anger of people who don't pose you any threat.

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I have in my head this image: the sexual predator, all dolled up in his dress stalking the women's bathrooms.

A more ludicrous image is hardly imaginable.


Watch this video which has many horrific examples of exactly that.

Yeah really, no matter how many times you post this, in absolute numbers this offense is tiny. The awful rotten truth that you don't want to admit is that 90% of sexual predators, are white, middle class and identified heterosexual.

Post as many hate vids as you want, but sometimes you just need to look in the mirror and maybe you don't like what you see!

Correct - and that is the point.

These sexual predators will be able to pass themselves as TG to gain access to areas they currently cannot access.

No-one is claiming that TGs are sexual predators, although obviously some will be because it would be ludicrous to assert that TGs cannot be sexual predators.

Have a penis? Use the mens toilet. Simple.

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My senior daughter went to a Bangkok university several years ago, after being educated in Eastern Europe and Austria.

On the first week at the college she went home from the university enraged. She was at a ladies toilet, without shower facilities, when she noticed a young man went to the mirror and, ignoring my daughter, he started to comb his hair. My daughter confronted the man. During the heated word exchange she realized the he was she, a tomboy, and had to apologize.

In the following months she got used to tomboys and ladyboys at the university. It took time to accept that tomboys can use the ladies'.

Those who live in Bangkok might know the university. TIT. lol.

Maybe the USA legislators shall be sent to a fact finding mission to LOS.

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My senior daughter went to a Bangkok university several years ago, after being educated in Eastern Europe and Austria.

On the first week at the college she went home from the university enraged. She was at a ladies toilet, without shower facilities, when she noticed a young man went to the mirror and, ignoring my daughter, he started to comb his hair. My daughter confronted the man. During the heated word exchange she realized the he was she, a tomboy, and had to apologize.

In the following months she got used to tomboys and ladyboys at the university. It took time to accept that tomboys can use the ladies'.

Those who live in Bangkok might know the university. TIT. lol.

Maybe the USA legislators shall be sent to a fact finding mission to LOS.

A tomboy is a woman that dresses like a man.

So it was a woman in the womens toilets.

How does that relate to allowing men into womens toilets?

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So a pervert straight guy... dresses as a women to get into the ladies restroom to attack them.


And that is why the good people of North Carolina passed this common sense legislation.

So with this law, all straight men who are perverts will no longer wear dresses and enter women's rest rooms?

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My senior daughter went to a Bangkok university several years ago, after being educated in Eastern Europe and Austria.

On the first week at the college she went home from the university enraged. She was at a ladies toilet, without shower facilities, when she noticed a young man went to the mirror and, ignoring my daughter, he started to comb his hair. My daughter confronted the man. During the heated word exchange she realized the he was she, a tomboy, and had to apologize.

In the following months she got used to tomboys and ladyboys at the university. It took time to accept that tomboys can use the ladies'.

Those who live in Bangkok might know the university. TIT. lol.

Maybe the USA legislators shall be sent to a fact finding mission to LOS.

A tomboy is a woman that dresses like a man.

So it was a woman in the womens toilets.

How does that relate to allowing men into womens toilets?

It doesn't relate at all, good catch.

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My senior daughter went to a Bangkok university several years ago, after being educated in Eastern Europe and Austria.

On the first week at the college she went home from the university enraged. She was at a ladies toilet, without shower facilities, when she noticed a young man went to the mirror and, ignoring my daughter, he started to comb his hair. My daughter confronted the man. During the heated word exchange she realized the he was she, a tomboy, and had to apologize.

In the following months she got used to tomboys and ladyboys at the university. It took time to accept that tomboys can use the ladies'.

Those who live in Bangkok might know the university. TIT. lol.

Maybe the USA legislators shall be sent to a fact finding mission to LOS.

A tomboy is a woman that dresses like a man.

So it was a woman in the womens toilets.

How does that relate to allowing men into womens toilets?

You tell us. You've elected yourself the toilet police and are trolling this issue on a topic about anti-LGBT hate legislation.

You can establish your credentials on the issue of policing female toilets of course. You have a long tradition of fighting this cause in previous posts on TVF? You education in gender related issues is clearly from the gutter.

Typical. An off topic poster attacking another poster for being off topic.

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So a pervert straight guy... dresses as a women to get into the ladies restroom to attack them.


And that is why the good people of North Carolina passed this common sense legislation.

You really don't get it do you? That guy will still do that.... he won't care if there is a law to stop transgendered people using the female restroom.

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The NC law for example mandates that all must use the gender bathroom of their birth gender label regardless of the current state of their gender identification or genitals. In other words a male to female transgender person with a vagina must use the men's and a female to male transgender person with a penis must use the women's.

Edited by Jingthing
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My senior daughter went to a Bangkok university several years ago, after being educated in Eastern Europe and Austria.

On the first week at the college she went home from the university enraged. She was at a ladies toilet, without shower facilities, when she noticed a young man went to the mirror and, ignoring my daughter, he started to comb his hair. My daughter confronted the man. During the heated word exchange she realized the he was she, a tomboy, and had to apologize.

In the following months she got used to tomboys and ladyboys at the university. It took time to accept that tomboys can use the ladies'.

Those who live in Bangkok might know the university. TIT. lol.

Maybe the USA legislators shall be sent to a fact finding mission to LOS.

A tomboy is a woman that dresses like a man.

So it was a woman in the womens toilets.

How does that relate to allowing men into womens toilets?

You tell us. You've elected yourself the toilet police and are trolling this issue on a topic about anti-LGBT hate legislation.

You can establish your credentials on the issue of policing female toilets of course. You have a long tradition of fighting this cause in previous posts on TVF? You education in gender related issues is clearly from the gutter.

Typical. An off topic poster attacking another poster for being off topic.

This is a debate.

Nobody has to bring credentials, just opinions.

You seem to be unable to grasp that and so predictably fall back on attacking the poster and not the points raised.

It is very simple. There is already a toilet for everybody.

Sometimes my 6 year old daughter will insist on using the womens toilets while I wait outside. Thank heavens I can wait outside with the confidence there are no men in there.

And if a few trannies get upset about it, well rather that than my daughters safety.

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So a pervert straight guy... dresses as a women to get into the ladies restroom to attack them.


And that is why the good people of North Carolina passed this common sense legislation.

You really don't get it do you? That guy will still do that.... he won't care if there is a law to stop transgendered people using the female restroom.

He'll now be able to do it legally, that is a pretty big difference.

And maybe there are those who will be emboldened by the new law to follow suit.

The downsides outweigh the upsides.

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The NC law for example mandates that all must use the gender bathroom of their birth gender label regardless of the current state of their gender identification or genitals. In other words a male to female transgender person with a vagina must use the men's and a female to male transgender person with a penis must use the women's.

Sounds very sensible.

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Transgender bathroom bill delayed amid financial questions

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — The sponsor of a Tennessee transgender bathroom bill told a Senate committee Tuesday that he has to consider a state attorney general's opinion before going forward. The move came the same day the White House called the proposal "mean-spirited."

Full story: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/909985-us-transgender-bathroom-bill-delayed-amid-financial-questions/

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My senior daughter went to a Bangkok university several years ago, after being educated in Eastern Europe and Austria.

On the first week at the college she went home from the university enraged. She was at a ladies toilet, without shower facilities, when she noticed a young man went to the mirror and, ignoring my daughter, he started to comb his hair. My daughter confronted the man. During the heated word exchange she realized the he was she, a tomboy, and had to apologize.

In the following months she got used to tomboys and ladyboys at the university. It took time to accept that tomboys can use the ladies'.

Those who live in Bangkok might know the university. TIT. lol.

Maybe the USA legislators shall be sent to a fact finding mission to LOS.

A tomboy is a woman that dresses like a man.

So it was a woman in the womens toilets.

How does that relate to allowing men into womens toilets?

You tell us. You've elected yourself the toilet police and are trolling this issue on a topic about anti-LGBT hate legislation.

You can establish your credentials on the issue of policing female toilets of course. You have a long tradition of fighting this cause in previous posts on TVF? You education in gender related issues is clearly from the gutter.

Typical. An off topic poster attacking another poster for being off topic.

This is a debate.

Nobody has to bring credentials, just opinions.

You seem to be unable to grasp that and so predictably fall back on attacking the poster and not the points raised.

It is very simple. There is already a toilet for everybody.

Sometimes my 6 year old daughter will insist on using the womens toilets while I wait outside. Thank heavens I can wait outside with the confidence there are no men in there.

And if a few trannies get upset about it, well rather that than my daughters safety.

OK, so you have zero credibility on the issue of female toilet usage. Good that you admit that but the whole victim thing is a bit sissy isn't it? Complaining about being called out as a bigot for saying bigoted things? On no, the ad hominem, how dare you be intolerant of my intolerance!


Well how does your <removed> view explain the need for a law that allows employers to fire straight employees who support marriage equality? How does a Trans person using a bathroom that is consistent with that persons gender have any bearing on this? No matter how many infantile postings of genitalia shaped baked goods you post or penetrating comments <removed>, you cannot defend your position on any basis other than your hatred of LGBT people and your support for discrimination against them. Personal attack? Like I said, you don't want to be called a bigot, don't say bigoted things.

Trainee has already been ruled by the moderator as unacceptable language. Your persistent use of it demonstrates exactly what you think of the issue and it has nothing to do with protecting women using female toilets.

Edited by CharlieH
inflammatory remark removed
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So a pervert straight guy... dresses as a women to get into the ladies restroom to attack them.


And that is why the good people of North Carolina passed this common sense legislation.

You really don't get it do you? That guy will still do that.... he won't care if there is a law to stop transgendered people using the female restroom.

He'll now be able to do it legally, that is a pretty big difference.

And maybe there are those who will be emboldened by the new law to follow suit.

The downsides outweigh the upsides.

What downside. You posit a bunch of maybes with nothing else. Have you even taken the time to find out the contents of the religious discrimination laws? You have any evidence to demonstrate that Trans people are sexual perverts and pose a risk to women and children in female bathrooms. Of course you don't You just have a bunch of weird fantasies about disgusting things and project them onto LGBT people in an attempt to incite and promote discrimination.

What is it about sexual perverts and female toilets that excites you so?

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11 pages of nonsense.

A lot of so called highly educated people have forgotten all about basic anatomy.

Living proof that for some, an education is totally wasted.

So you're arguing for rules based on current genitals, not genitals at birth, right?

The laws are generally mandating based on birth gender only.

How can you tell what genitals a person has if they use the stalls and of course in women's bathrooms, that's all they have?

Should there be a genital inspection officer at all facilities?

What about hermaphrodites?

Should Dana use the men's?

Shall we feel up her crotch to see?

Wouldn't it less disruptive to one and all for Dana to use the WOMEN'S?

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He'll now be able to do it legally, that is a pretty big difference.

And maybe there are those who will be emboldened by the new law to follow suit.

The downsides outweigh the upsides.

What downside. You posit a bunch of maybes with nothing else. Have you even taken the time to find out the contents of the religious discrimination laws? You have any evidence to demonstrate that Trans people are sexual perverts and pose a risk to women and children in female bathrooms. Of course you don't You just have a bunch of weird fantasies about disgusting things and project them onto LGBT people in an attempt to incite and promote discrimination.

What is it about sexual perverts and female toilets that excites you so?

This is becoming boring

It has being pointed out several times in this Thread, that the fear is not of the transgender

people using the bathroom, but of the modification of bathroom use rules, which would certainly and with out debate benefit transgender people, But....

But it is fear that such modification is open to abuse by non transgender sexual predators

But why let facts get in the way of a good argumentfacepalm.gif

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I am not arguing anything.

I made a statement that a lot of so called educated people have forgotten all about basic anatomy.

I am very much a believer in if you have danglies, use the mens. If you dont use the womens.

If someone wants to against this and gets arrested. Tough luck.

Edited by SgtRock
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I am not arguing anything.

I made a statement that a lot of so called educated people have forgotten all about basic anatomy.

I am very much a believer in if you have danglies, use the mens. If you dont use the womens.

If someone wants to against this and gets arrested. Tough luck.

What you want is contrary to these new laws.

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