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Thai-French superstar breaks down in tears when drawn into military


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It did not do Elvis any harm.

Was not that where he started his drug abuse? not to mention a 15 year old girlfriend

Immaturity did that, and not the army. He was just a truck driver for the military...

He was a jeep driver in a tank battalion.

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Brother of my mate's wife performed compulsory service in the Thai Army. Said it was 2 years of mostly walking around picking up rubbish off lawns and other janitorial engineering duties. My nephew lucked out last year and drew black, so wasn't forced to waste two years of his life.

My wifes nephew is currently doing his 2nd year of service as a houseboy for some General. Frigging stupid.

My stepson went in November. He enjoyed his 2 month's basic training, which seemed sensibly run with good practical training and strong discipline but none of the bullshit one hears about. He is in an airborne infantry battalion. Because he can work a computer he is employed as the company clerk.

The rest of the battalion seems to spend most of the time growing vegetables!

I think he was lucky to be drafted to a battalion which trains it's conscripts properly and treats them well. Obviously many units don't.

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Ali was a Muslim first and an American 2nd, or 3rd. Religion should not come before your country, rights or wrongs of the war aside, Ali was a disgrace.

The cynical might say that he didn't want to go to Vietnam 1st, being a Muslim and an American came 2nd and 3rd.

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Ali was a Muslim first and an American 2nd, or 3rd. Religion should not come before your country, rights or wrongs of the war aside, Ali was a disgrace.

The cynical might say that he didn't want to go to Vietnam 1st, being a Muslim and an American came 2nd and 3rd.

He stood up for his beliefs. Fair play.

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Slightly surprised that they still wanted to take him, and assume his life-long medical costs in military-hospitals, when he has a metal plate in his arm ?

As long as they don't put him mine detecting he should be OK......
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Apart from his wrist being a bit limp, doesn't seem to be a lot wrong with it. Especially after nine years mending....................wink.png

You can be pretty sure he won't be frontline, likely end up as somebody's goffer or attached to their entertainment department.

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Wow. He's handsome!

Thank you for making me laugh.

Back in France it would be considered a regular salt-of-the-earth peasantface.

Total B.S.

French men in general aren't all that attractive.

exact +1

His parents must be nice to look at because his sister is pretty ( Sophie Marguerite Indracusin )

" Why didn't he just dwell on the 'French' part of his nationality status and get out of it instead of being such a ginormous Jessie in public?"

he is Thai national ( Thai father ) and born in Bangkok, so I think he must do it as a Thai man

Edited by Aforek
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Brother of my mate's wife performed compulsory service in the Thai Army. Said it was 2 years of mostly walking around picking up rubbish off lawns and other janitorial engineering duties. My nephew lucked out last year and drew black, so wasn't forced to waste two years of his life.

My wifes nephew is currently doing his 2nd year of service as a houseboy for some General. Frigging stupid.

It beats the alternative of being a target sitting in the back of an non-armoured pickup truck or on a motorbike in the south in the south.

The food will be better, accommodation OK, no real hard work air conditioning and nobody shooting at you.

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In two minds here:

Thai conscription is a joke, either do it and do it for everyone (like the Israeli's) and do it seriously or don't do it at all. As others have said, Thai conscription seems to be a waste of time and mainly designed so the generals can have errand boys and as a side earner from those who can afford to pay their way out. It would be better if Thailand had a professional military filled with people who wanted to be there.

On the other hand:

There are umpteen ways of legally avoiding doing this, including cadets at high school or university or further study. He could have even volunteered for 6 months if he has a uni degree and that would have ticked the box. It didn't have to come to this....

Edited by samran
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Slightly surprised that they still wanted to take him, and assume his life-long medical costs in military-hospitals, when he has a metal plate in his arm ?

He was moving that arm just fine in the video just above your post. Plus, he will not make the military a career to get lifetime medical care in military hospitals....two years and he out...he's definitely not a career military person. Army guys get broken bones all the time while serving...get steel pins/plates put in...and continue on with their service.

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Life is a bitch when you have to anti up and become a man.

While I agree with your sentiment I don't think the Thai army is the right institution to develop a kid into a man. Back where I grew up I did my compulsory military service gladly, and I would want my kids to do the same.

In Thailand I would actively discourage them.

I would actively discourage anyone from doing military service in whatever country. Unless they wanted to make a career out of it otherwise its just wasted time.

The notion that the army makes a men out of kids is a misconception, perpetuated by those who did serve and are older now and look down on the new generations as weak. They would grow up anyhow and in the missing years could learn a lot of useful skills instead of wasting it in the army.

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Life is a bitch when you have to anti up and become a man.

While I agree with your sentiment I don't think the Thai army is the right institution to develop a kid into a man. Back where I grew up I did my compulsory military service gladly, and I would want my kids to do the same.

In Thailand I would actively discourage them.

I would actively discourage anyone from doing military service in whatever country. Unless they wanted to make a career out of it otherwise its just wasted time.

The notion that the army makes a men out of kids is a misconception, perpetuated by those who did serve and are older now and look down on the new generations as weak. They would grow up anyhow and in the missing years could learn a lot of useful skills instead of wasting it in the army.

There is some truth in that - if you conscript delinquents you end up with fit delinquents, with some skills you may probably prefer delinquents not to have! Edited by JAG
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Apart from his wrist being a bit limp, doesn't seem to be a lot wrong with it. Especially after nine years mending....................wink.png

You can be pretty sure he won't be frontline, likely end up as somebody's goffer or attached to their entertainment department.

Suitably qualified to lead the RTA's Returning Happiness Dance Squad! thumbsup.gif

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Poor lad doesn't appear to have anyone prepared to help out despite ' fame '.

When Paradon Srichipan was on the international tennis circuit he was able to produce a certificate from a school certifying he was doing some amazing hours ' teaching ' PE, so no military service.

I don't think the certificate was too closely examined to see if any of his time at the school happened to coincide with a tournament overseas.

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Brother of my mate's wife performed compulsory service in the Thai Army. Said it was 2 years of mostly walking around picking up rubbish off lawns and other janitorial engineering duties. My nephew lucked out last year and drew black, so wasn't forced to waste two years of his life.

My wifes nephew is currently doing his 2nd year of service as a houseboy for some General. Frigging stupid.

It beats the alternative of being a target sitting in the back of an non-armoured pickup truck or on a motorbike in the south in the south.

The food will be better, accommodation OK, no real hard work air conditioning and nobody shooting at you.

How about actually being trained for those situations instead of being some combat frightened general's bus boy?

Edited by mrrizzla
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Bullying in the Thai army...
The videos below of Thai soldiers, were doing the rounds on Thai Facebook 3 years ago.
In the first video, the poster says he doesn't know what the soldier was being punished for. The 2nd video was apparently sparked by the soldiers being caught smoking and refusing to admit to it when confronted. Third video, well..don't really know what to say. blink.png
1. www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=543395739037729
2. www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=544534028923900
3. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=435_1370940179

There's also the sad story of Thai conscript Wichen Puaksom from 2011, who deserted, and was punished by being beasted and beaten to death by fellow soldiers.

Edited by katana
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Ali was a Muslim first and an American 2nd, or 3rd. Religion should not come before your country, rights or wrongs of the war aside, Ali was a disgrace.

The cynical might say that he didn't want to go to Vietnam 1st, being a Muslim and an American came 2nd and 3rd.

He stood up for his beliefs. Fair play.

Bit hard to avoid conscription on religious grounds with a name like Cassius Clay or Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr. to be exact; Timing was good, the Vietnam war was going strong when he got the urge. Mind you he didn't really get seriously into the calling until 1975, 10 years later, right after the war ended, is when he finally converted to Sunni Islam.

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