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Thai-French superstar breaks down in tears when drawn into military


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Yes it's Bullshit for one reason to Me.When some but hole attacks your Nation ,please let the killers shoot the Cowards first.. Jeez don't they call n scream for us Hawks when the shit hits them. Bastard Cowards I hate em.bEven now they Vilify Nam Vets who went through Hell..

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It did not do Elvis any harm.

You would not pretend Elvis did his military service like any other grunt ?!?!?! he had privileges you could not imagine !!!!

but he had all the possibility's to avoid it, and he didn't use them unlike ...Bush !!! or Clinton !!!.....for that,.. respect !!!

Best regards.

Edited by off road pat
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Life is a bitch when you have to anti up and become a man.

What are you saying those are tears of joy from a guy willing to give all to Budda and country. Ooops sorry forgot this is 2016. Selflessness has left the building only greed and self interest remains. They must have run him through a metal detector and didn't hear any beep from the plate in his arm. There was a 300 kilo guy in another post whom I am sure would be glad to replace him. Maybe like Elvis he could be a poster boy for the army. Life just is not fair now days.

Edited by elgordo38
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Ali was a Muslim first and an American 2nd, or 3rd. Religion should not come before your country, rights or wrongs of the war aside, Ali was a disgrace.

Ali prime reason for his 'objection' was as he put it 'those yellow people haven't done anything to me'.........

Let's be truthful here,the whole vietnam war was based on a fear of communism.The south koreans were a big worry.....but hey,we can't

attack them-there to strong.Let's go after the vietnamese and stop this spreading.

As kenny Rogers put in a song........"It wasn't me who started that crazy asian war....but i went and done my patriotic chore"....

Muhammad Ali never said any such thing.

The quote you had in mind may have been: I ain't got nothing against them Viet Congs.

He did say that, and a lot of young people in the US during the 1960s shared that feeling.

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On the ;positive side, a career in the military is statistically the most likely way to become the leader of the country. Worked for most US Presidents and surely a majority of Thai top dogs over the past 80 or 90 years.

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I was too young to do national Service but i wish i had done it.According to my uncle who was one of the last to be conscripted,he said it was the best

two years of his life.he said he found friends,and camaraderie.It taught him discipline and he found Independence.Furthermore it made him grow up.

Realising that he was in it,and couldnt get out of it,he resigned himself to it and got on with it.He learned that he couldnt beat the system.Would be hard men soon realised that they were just what the drill seargents wanted,and before long even the hardest of men buckled down and Ante'd up.

Even personal cleanliness was a very important lesson learned.Funnily enough,my uncle even learned how to iron his uniform.My nan said that when he came home he was a changed boy to a man.I eventually did two years in the T.A,and wouldnt swap the experience for any thing.

Over here the conscription doesnt change thugs into men,it just changes thugs into bigger thugs.it would seem.

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Ali was a Muslim first and an American 2nd, or 3rd. Religion should not come before your country, rights or wrongs of the war aside, Ali was a disgrace.

Ali prime reason for his 'objection' was as he put it 'those yellow people haven't done anything to me'.........

Let's be truthful here,the whole vietnam war was based on a fear of communism.The south koreans were a big worry.....but hey,we can't

attack them-there to strong.Let's go after the vietnamese and stop this spreading.

As kenny Rogers put in a song........"It wasn't me who started that crazy asian war....but i went and done my patriotic chore"....

Muhammad Ali never said any such thing.

The quote you had in mind may have been: I ain't got nothing against them Viet Congs.

He did say that, and a lot of young people in the US during the 1960s shared that feeling.

ok then.......yeah...i seem to recall him mentioning yellow people in some interviewthumbsup.gif

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I would actively discourage anyone from doing military service in whatever country. Unless they wanted to make a career out of it otherwise its just wasted time.

How would one know whether or not they want a career in the military unless they experience it first hand?

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Life is a bitch when you have to anti up and become a man.

When I was a young lad growing up many of the top movie stars were war heros...like Audi Murphy, Garry Cooper, James Stewart, Lee Marvin etc.,.....how many of today's Hollywood stars can make the same claim?

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Brother of my mate's wife performed compulsory service in the Thai Army. Said it was 2 years of mostly walking around picking up rubbish off lawns and other janitorial engineering duties. My nephew lucked out last year and drew black, so wasn't forced to waste two years of his life.

My wifes nephew is currently doing his 2nd year of service as a houseboy for some General. Frigging stupid.

It beats the alternative of being a target sitting in the back of an non-armoured pickup truck or on a motorbike in the south in the south.

The food will be better, accommodation OK, no real hard work air conditioning and nobody shooting at you.

How about actually being trained for those situations instead of being some combat frightened general's bus boy?

Cannon fodder are easy to train in just a couple of months.

However if you want to have a serious military who are equipped to good standards then throw out conscription. If Thailand wants a professional military force they need an all volunteer force, who are well trained, well paid, well equipped and dedicated to the job.

It would mean retiring perhaps 75% or more of all the generals in the Army, Navy and Air Force. It would also mean that conscription would have to be discontinued forever, and possibly get in some trainers of ALL ranks and all skills from some western militaries.

It would take a minimum of 5 years and probably closer to 10 years to completely rebuild the military from the bottom up and it would mean a radical rethink at the very top echelons of power as that "new" military would never be in a position to hold a coup or run the country again.

I don't think that in the current Thai military there is anyone who would be willing to commit to that.

If you were to run that scenario with the Thai police, judiciary and political parties in parallel then in 10 years or less Thailand would be close to becoming a natural leader in ASEAN and in SEA.

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I would actively discourage anyone from doing military service in whatever country. Unless they wanted to make a career out of it otherwise its just wasted time.

How would one know whether or not they want a career in the military unless they experience it first hand?

When I was 11 years old back in the mid 1950s in the UK I knew that I wanted to join the RAF and at 15 1/2 years old I did.

It was close to the best thing in my life. I had a great time for 25 years and I loved it.

Given the same circumstances would I do it again.


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Just like the old days Steve mcqueen, John Wayne and Co.

They were never in the military except in the movies.

Life is a bitch when you have to anti up and become a man.

When I was a young lad growing up many of the top movie stars were war heros...like Audi Murphy, Garry Cooper, James Stewart, Lee Marvin etc.,.....how many of today's Hollywood stars can make the same claim?

These guys were.

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9 years exempted due to a wrist injury. Only in Thailand. blink.png

In falang cases it is called overstay. In his case it is not coming in to the recruitment office when he was scheduled to come in. Oh that's right he is an actor, except that this time he acted wrong and they drew his ass into the Thai Army.

Enjoy your two years.

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30k sees you are not picked, you won't find any rich or hi so kids called up, unless they want to be, which I doubt

All he had to do was give vocal support to the little general's junta, which suggests that maybe he has been vocally opposed to the overthrow of a freely elected government. The little general is nothing if not selective in enforcing laws.

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Life is a bitch when you have to anti up and become a man.

While I agree with your sentiment I don't think the Thai army is the right institution to develop a kid into a man. Back where I grew up I did my compulsory military service gladly, and I would want my kids to do the same.

In Thailand I would actively discourage them.

I would actively discourage anyone from doing military service in whatever country. Unless they wanted to make a career out of it otherwise its just wasted time.

The notion that the army makes a men out of kids is a misconception, perpetuated by those who did serve and are older now and look down on the new generations as weak. They would grow up anyhow and in the missing years could learn a lot of useful skills instead of wasting it in the army.

I would actively discourage anyone from doing military service in whatever country. Unless they wanted to make a career out of it otherwise its just wasted time.

In what way is it a waste of time?

What about those who did lets say nine years service, where paid while they were trained, picked up internationally recognised qualifications, and moved onto better things when they left.

Flight engineers flying all over the world for airline companies.

People who went on to be pilots flying for Cathay or Virgin.

Engineers who are now on big $$$$ as Quality Control Managers or HSE people working and living the dream in Dubai etc.

They would grow up anyhow and in the missing years could learn a lot of useful skills instead of wasting it in the army.

Yeah and for years be stuck as nothing more than a motocy win.

The Army will let them finish their schooling and pay them while they learn new skills they can utilize on leaving.

No mention made of the free healthcare for the family etc etc.

No mention made of the upstanding and face in the local community.

One of the wifes nephews joined up, of his own freewill.

Went back to his village in Bkk, the locals didnt know he had joined up, treated him same as before, he made a quick phone call, never had a problem since.

No mention made of networking or contacts made.

Many of you guys have met these Army guys and dont even know it, security at local night clubs etc etc.

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Life is a bitch when you have to anti up and become a man.

While I agree with your sentiment I don't think the Thai army is the right institution to develop a kid into a man. Back where I grew up I did my compulsory military service gladly, and I would want my kids to do the same.

In Thailand I would actively discourage them.

I would actively discourage anyone from doing military service in whatever country. Unless they wanted to make a career out of it otherwise its just wasted time.

The notion that the army makes a men out of kids is a misconception, perpetuated by those who did serve and are older now and look down on the new generations as weak. They would grow up anyhow and in the missing years could learn a lot of useful skills instead of wasting it in the army.

I would actively discourage anyone from doing military service in whatever country. Unless they wanted to make a career out of it otherwise its just wasted time.

In what way is it a waste of time?

What about those who did lets say nine years service, where paid while they were trained, picked up internationally recognised qualifications, and moved onto better things when they left.

Flight engineers flying all over the world for airline companies.

People who went on to be pilots flying for Cathay or Virgin.

Engineers who are now on big $$$$ as Quality Control Managers or HSE people working and living the dream in Dubai etc.

They would grow up anyhow and in the missing years could learn a lot of useful skills instead of wasting it in the army.

Yeah and for years be stuck as nothing more than a motocy win.

The Army will let them finish their schooling and pay them while they learn new skills they can utilize on leaving.

No mention made of the free healthcare for the family etc etc.

No mention made of the upstanding and face in the local community.

One of the wifes nephews joined up, of his own freewill.

Went back to his village in Bkk, the locals didnt know he had joined up, treated him same as before, he made a quick phone call, never had a problem since.

No mention made of networking or contacts made.

Many of you guys have met these Army guys and dont even know it, security at local night clubs etc etc.

What was the problem that was fixed with a quick phone call?

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It did not do Elvis any harm.

You would not pretend Elvis did his military service like any other grunt ?!?!?! he had privileges you could not imagine !!!!

but he had all the possibility's to avoid it, and he didn't use them unlike ...Bush !!! or Clinton !!!.....for that,.. respect !!!

Best regards.

You should get your hate straight or ID the correct "Bush."

George H.W. Bush -On September 2, 1944, Bush was assigned to take out a radio station located in the Bonin Islands. In the course of the action, Bush's plane was hit with enemy fire. Though the plane was on fire, he completed his strafing run on the targeted Japanese installation before flying towards sea to bail out offshore from Chichi Jima, a Japanese-held island near the more well-known Iwo Jima. He was rescued by a Navy submarine, the USS Finback. A genuine hero, Bush was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and three Air Medals. He was discharged in September 1945 with the rank of lieutenant (j.g.) source

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Wow. He's handsome!

Thank you for making me laugh.

Back in France it would be considered a regular salt-of-the-earth peasantface.

He has not got a thing on Gerard Depardieu.

Good one......BTW depardieu surrendered his french citizenship for a home in russia....

Didn't he have a nasty little habit of pissing on the floor in airplanes?
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going to army is just a loss of time for artists !! there are so many people who actually want to do it so much.. let them do it and enjoy that and let others be productive in what they do better !

So what will you get. . Only the lower class in the army

I was drafted. And had a great time. With al kinds of people. Learned from the uni guy and from the brick layer in my platoon

Later the draft was canceled. I joined again. In only school drop outs .

Army did me good and. Had the time of my life

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