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There's a Singer sewing machine shop on the right side of Vichit Songram road 100m after the traffic lights with Mae Luan road, heading east.

Here's a view looking towards the traffic lights:



Looks the same like old fashioned lamps for refrigerators.

Quite a standard product.

Just check what thread size it is.

E14? most iikely.


I got such at my "sparky shop".

Sorry can not help with local address.

In a good assorted shop you could get fancy LED replacements.

More light, less heat.

Like this:



If you are in, or near Chalong (hopefully not today as traffic a mess), there is a small shop on Choafa East, just north of Julaporn Stationary store (about 3 stores up), that has a lot of electical stuff. (motorbike helmets in the front when you look in from the street)
They have a bulb that looks like that as I needed one for an old fashioned light a few weeks ago.
8 baht, and they had it in many different colors.

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