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Bloody stabbing in Nakhon Sawan government office caught on tape


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As Duke Kilgore said in the movie Apocalypse Now! (about the Vietnamese): "<deleted> Savages!"

This is the way animals act. In a civilized society the debtor and creditor would work out a payment plan.

When you say 'civilized society', I take it you refer to Western Societies ? Where, as we all know, debt (and other) disagreements always get settled in the most gentlemanly manner, and never, absolutely never by resorting to insults, fists, baseball bats, knives, guns, you name it ...

Ah ... the Beautifully Civilized West, don't we all love it and long for it, especially the ones of us who live in uncivilized parts of the world such as here ...

Apocalypse Now ... a film which shows in what a magnificently civilized manner the USA waged war against the Vietnamese ... Napalm, especially, is well known to spread civilization and culture very efficiently.

The US is not more "civilized". Our papers and news in every city is full of violence as well. Thailand is no different.
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the men did not help why .......Your average thai man without booze yaba a gun and 20 of his mates to help is a coward always is always will be

nothing wrong in pointing that out!!!

and after being here 16 years i can safely say they are best left alone, i do have good thai male friends but on the whole very few and far between

anyone who has been here for a while i suspect will agree

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Red shirt lost this fight. And bring something better than a belt next time. Give the guy a gun and he would have used it before the fight even started.

Edited by balo
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men did nothing.... blah blah blah! you all think you could do better when two men start fighting in front of you. then what? even if someone manages to stop them, does that instantly qualify as an act of bravery? without even knowing what's between them, would the "brave" men here in TV jump right in to stop them? there are many forms of heroism, but getting in between two men hell-bent on kicking each other's behind is just not smart. if you don't have a family that depends on you and/or rich enough to pay for hospital bills when you get shot or injured, go and be the brave hero you've always wanted to be. i'll be reading about you on the next TV bulletin.

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Sadly that's Thai style, if losing you stab them.

A good point to note!

The individual in the red shirt did not get stabbed until after he took his belt off and used it as a weapon against the guy in the white shirt. So it's really just a simple case of self-defense.

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defending yourself always has a risk of getting hurt.

Rule nr 1 bare hands.

Rule. nr 2 NO pack fighting

Rule 3...see a knife/gun or other weapon....run

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Yes, interesting that the big, brave, cocky, strutting, macho males all kept their distance while the women didn't hesitate to try to stop it -- and the security guard was nowhere to be seen.

You have no idea what you`re on about.

40 years ago I was shopping at a supermarket in England when suddenly 2 men began fighting, they went in for the kill and one had a Stanley knife and starting slashing away with it. I can tell you it`s a terrifying situation to be there on the scene and not many people, including myself would be keen to go in and tackle a madman with a knife. Those women may have been girlfriends, wives or knew those men, we don`t know.

But it does seem that`s the preferred way how Thais like to settle arguments and why it pays to curb those tempers in Thailand.

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Yes, interesting that the big, brave, cocky, strutting, macho males all kept their distance while the women didn't hesitate to try to stop it -- and the security guard was nowhere to be seen.

You have no idea what you`re on about.

40 years ago I was shopping at a supermarket in England when suddenly 2 men began fighting, they went in for the kill and one had a Stanley knife and starting slashing away with it. I can tell you it`s a terrifying situation to be there on the scene and not many people, including myself would be keen to go in and tackle a madman with a knife. Those women may have been girlfriends, wives or knew those men, we don`t know.

But it does seem that`s the preferred way how Thais like to settle arguments and why it pays to curb those tempers in Thailand.

20 odd years ago, in a bar in Soi 2 Pattaya, a Thai man went in, and there was an altercation with him and a male employee of the bar. An English lad jumped in, and tried to stop the fight. The attackers friend, who was was waiting outside, came in and started firing his gun. Unfortunately one of the bullets hit the English lad, and it led to his death.

I would think that a lot of Thai men, especially those looking for confrontation, would have some sort of weapon on their person.

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Interesting to see that the bystander men didn't get in or even seriously tried to stop the fight

watching nonchalant at the unfolding drama, unlike the women who got in the middle to separate the men,

I bet if this was a fight farang versus Thai man, a pack would have formed very quickly to kick the living

carp out of the farang..... seen it happened before.

Seen it happen before, but did nothing to help. Hypocrisy personified.

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What a pisser!

The fight on the floor looked like a bitch fight gone wrong.The guy in white was waiting for Mr Red to short-time himgigglem.gif

Fine him 1000 baht......500 for the fight & 500 for the supposed debt.

Even though i got no idea who owes who!blink.png

No matter who owes who, the man in red is at fault because he started the fight no matter what.

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Another illustration of the gutless Thai male, the guy in red resorts to using his belt, the guy in white was not really willing to "fight" but carries a blade, and doesn't even know how to use it. Not one attempt by either to use their fists.......words fail me. Thai "men" are apparently all s....t house's.

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Yes, interesting that the big, brave, cocky, strutting, macho males all kept their distance while the women didn't hesitate to try to stop it -- and the security guard was nowhere to be seen.

huh ? there was security ?

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And now? Will the stabbing man go to jail for defending himself?

The "Stabbing man" is the one who had the knife. The "Stabbed man" was the one protecting himself.

So what are you saying ?

You must have watched a different clip from the one I saw. Clearly the stabbed man assualted the stabbing man. The stabbing man was on the floor for some time but did not resort to using his knife. After the fight was broken up the stabbed man then took off his belt in a likely attempt to have another go at the stabbing man. Only then did the stabbing man take out the knife and "defend" himself.

I would say he legitimately defended himself but I'm no Thai judge. Whether or not he had a legitimate reason to be carrying a knife is another question.

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