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Govt orders probe to find out supporters of defiant student activist Ja New


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Meechai also has a right to speak but was silenced through ignorance, I believe he is a good man and is doing his very best for the country, he wrote the draft charter would it not be a better idea to let him explain its intentions rather than try to silence him, if these people have objections to certain aspects of the charter then voice them in a civil manner and explain why they object

Silenced through ignorance----nice one. Usually he speaks through ignorance. silence is better IMHO. This will be his fourth failed constitution. What kind of person keeps repeating the same mistakes expecting a different outcome???

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Meechai also has a right to speak but was silenced through ignorance, I believe he is a good man and is doing his very best for the country, he wrote the draft charter would it not be a better idea to let him explain its intentions rather than try to silence him, if these people have objections to certain aspects of the charter then voice them in a civil manner and explain why they object

Silenced through ignorance----nice one. Usually he speaks through ignorance. silence is better IMHO. This will be his fourth failed constitution. What kind of person keeps repeating the same mistakes expecting a different outcome???

sorry but he wasn't allowed to speak, Thailand needs a structure to build on, someone has got to do it, no past government has and they never will because a well structured constitution inhibits an elected governments ability to rob the people, vote away keep counting, the founding fathers of the US constitution had a goal - they set it in stone ........no referendum .....they just did it

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the weird thing is that I have a 12 year long close friend who posts on TVF and he thinks it's smart to hide behind some internet ID and hasn't the balls to be up front and honest with me as I have with him, nothing to do with anyone else here but I regard that as a serious flaw in honesty and character ........stand by your morals J ........ I do and you know who I am, shame on you you that you are hiding, we all have opinions and we can all disagree about certain things.......... there is no problem in that, but hiding like you are somehow ashamed is ...well I would have expected better..........you know who I am both on here and in person.....

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Meechai also has a right to speak but was silenced through ignorance, I believe he is a good man and is doing his very best for the country, he wrote the draft charter would it not be a better idea to let him explain its intentions rather than try to silence him, if these people have objections to certain aspects of the charter then voice them in a civil manner and explain why they object

Sounds good in theory except they are not allowed to voice their objections in a civil manner are they?

"To avoid violating the junta’s ban on political gatherings, anyone who wants to take a stand for or against the proposed constitution should visit the commission to register the details of where, when and how they plan to express themselves, the commissioner said Monday."

How far do you think people like Ja New would get registering their intention to express themselves? I get the feeling that their application would still be under consideration long after Meechai had finished speaking.

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'........ordered intelligence officers........"

Now there's a subject worthy of discussion.whistling.gif

The population is clearly being monitored in various ways. And it's inconceivable that they are not monitoring this forum. Cf Mao's policy of "letting the snakes come out of their holes". Why else hasn't this place been shut down?

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Well this military junta is setting up any kind of laws to fight against those who are speaking out what they think and take action!

How can you (the government) create the idea of seeting up a "democratic country" as long you can not accept that Thais also represented a different opinion and advocate and not follow all dictated by the government.

This by military dominated government tries by all means to make dissenting muzzled

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Meechai also has a right to speak but was silenced through ignorance, I believe he is a good man and is doing his very best for the country, he wrote the draft charter would it not be a better idea to let him explain its intentions rather than try to silence him, if these people have objections to certain aspects of the charter then voice them in a civil manner and explain why they object

Silenced through ignorance----nice one. Usually he speaks through ignorance. silence is better IMHO. This will be his fourth failed constitution. What kind of person keeps repeating the same mistakes expecting a different outcome???

sorry but he wasn't allowed to speak, Thailand needs a structure to build on, someone has got to do it, no past government has and they never will because a well structured constitution inhibits an elected governments ability to rob the people, vote away keep counting, the founding fathers of the US constitution had a goal - they set it in stone ........no referendum .....they just did it

off topic

the weird thing is that I have a 12 year long close friend who posts on TVF and he thinks it's smart to hide behind some internet ID and hasn't the balls to be up front and honest with me as I have with him, nothing to do with anyone else here but I regard that as a serious flaw in honesty and character ........stand by your morals J ........ I do and you know who I am, shame on you you that you are hiding, we all have opinions and we can all disagree about certain things.......... there is no problem in that, but hiding like you are somehow ashamed is ...well I would have expected better..........you know who I am both on here and in person.....

"sorry but he wasn't allowed to speak"

He is allowed to speak via television, radio, newspapers, and in most public forums. On this one occasion he was interrupted by students who are not allowed to speak because their views are not those of the junta. Are you truly incapable of seeing the difference? If the government allowed debate of the constitution in public forums I would have no sympathy with these students, as it is I admire their courage.

"no past government has and they never will because a well structured constitution inhibits an elected governments ability to rob the people, vote away keep counting"

Correct, and that includes many military governments. Also, it's not just elected governments that rob the people. However it is only democratic governments that allow the people to kick the robbers peacefully.

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