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Locals Outraged at Tourists Who Camped on Chiang Mai’s Historical Wall


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Thai people need to learn respect is earned not given,

as long as you have chosen to live in Thailand, it has to be you earning their respect!

but with such mentality, you better dont expect any respect in Thailand as you will never get it. Because respect is something mutual not one sided.

so can understand why you whine.

They have to fine and deport such tourist disrespecting the rules and regulations and culture here in Thailand. If i were the authorities, i find them and deport them and make this case a good example for tourist coming to Thailand.

if they climbed and camped on such an historical site lest say in Europe or China(for example i cannot imagine them camping at Rome Colosseum, Zeus Temple in Athens, Eiffel Tower or Forbidden city in China etc), they get fined hard and their tent is removed ASAP and they might stay in jail too.

So, basically these are a good example of disrespectful tourists doing things they cannot do back their countries.

Edited by Galactus
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It's wrong but I can't say much. I did dumb stuff like that when I was young and bulletproof.

Young and bulletproof:

I once camped out/pinched my tent at 3 AM in the morning, blurry-eyed from 16 hours of driving; only to be woken up the next morning surrounded by primary school soccer players on their soccer field.

An honest mistake.

Not sure if the Chinese wall-campers on top of an historical wall were as innocent.

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While perhaps a little stupid (although gotta give them credit for having the cajones to pitch a tent there), I don't believe it merits the publicity given let alone half the comments on this thread. Over the years, I've seen a whole lot of Thais climbing that corner (Ku Huang), Thai kids crazily jumping in the moat from Katam corner, etc., etc. Ho hum.

Yes but the are Thai's and have the god given right to do anything they want you should know that since you live in Thailand

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is it a holy wall ?

It's definitely not whole anymore and I also saw a lot of holes in it but holy, nah. Hey, but perhaps it's been blessed by some 'holy' men so perhaps it is. It's as holy as the locals make it. It translates to quite a lot of tourist $$$ so to them it's probably as holy as holy gets, hahaha! Not sure if this comment is sacrilegious, but who gives a hole, it's Friday and time to hit the farang 'temple' around the corner for the final afternoon prayers and a few pints of that very holy black stuff

Edited by DaveinAsia
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It does not take much to outrage some Thais...especially those in Chiang Mai who think they are somehow special...

that's because they are.

You unknowingly help make my point...friend.

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I have seen other shots of this and they are Chinese.

I hope the Thai police kick them out of the country.

Personally, have come across many Chinese here and vast majority are simply obnoxious.

Sad top say it is not only here they are obnoxious. Just back from Honkers and shops empty. TOTALLY. And The hoards of rude arrogant XYX Chinese are down to lookers and they are a BIT better but still filthy by other standards. Pushy Loud Eat everything scramble, scream noisy in hotels. Destroy things. I wonder if the cost of damages outweigh the income generated LONG TERM?

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I have seen other shots of this and they are Chinese.

I hope the Thai police kick them out of the country.

Personally, have come across many Chinese here and vast majority are simply obnoxious.

Bless those Chinese tourists - they make we Americans seem less obnoxious all the time.


But..... a long road to overtake !biggrin.pngbiggrin.png

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personally having seen the signs, these people should be immediately kicked out stamped not to return, they then might just realise how ride, ignorant in insensitive they are to the locals.

Let's hang them at Thapae Gate, and leave the bodies to rot as an example!

And how do you feel about wet little nom noms at Songkhran?

Womens prison for the little slappers?

You're even less fun than 'Tanks R us' and their merry marchin men.

What they did caused offence, but deportation? Get real.

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... were busy fighting the last battle in the War on Pot, and making sure all Thai women had shorts on under their skirt. After that, they went for a little moonshine, and a lie down in the afternoon, then went home for the night.

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I have seen a similar offence in Ayuthaya with a Swedish lady eating her packed lunch whilst sitting on an ancient wall. Within 2 metres were signs stating 'No sitting on the walls' and 'no food allowed'. When these were bought to her attention her attitude was rude and racist. She refused to stop eating or move and her attitude was 'I'll do what I want'!

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Post in serious breach of Forum Rules removed.

1) You will not express disrespect of the King of Thailand or any one member of the Thai royal family, whether living or deceased, nor to criticize the monarchy as an institution.

By law, the Thai Royal Family are above politics. Speculation, comments and discussion of either a political or personal nature are not allowed when discussing HM The King or the Royal family.

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I have seen a similar offence in Ayuthaya with a Swedish lady eating her packed lunch whilst sitting on an ancient wall. Within 2 metres were signs stating 'No sitting on the walls' and 'no food allowed'. When these were bought to her attention her attitude was rude and racist. She refused to stop eating or move and her attitude was 'I'll do what I want'!

or 'where is the sign in Swedish'

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I could have told them that Chinese have no regard for their laws and customs. I worked for an American university for years where Chinese students were the number one foreign presence on campus. A group of them got caught shoplifting at Wal-Mart. They had the temerity to inform the arresting officer that there was nothing he could legally do to them as their embassy would get them out. They were hauled off to jail and the point was made that foreign students were NOT above the law. Much fuming and fussing and many threats made, but in the end, they paid a hefty fine and were deported.

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I could have told them that Chinese have no regard for their laws and customs. I worked for an American university for years where Chinese students were the number one foreign presence on campus. A group of them got caught shoplifting at Wal-Mart. They had the temerity to inform the arresting officer that there was nothing he could legally do to them as their embassy would get them out. They were hauled off to jail and the point was made that foreign students were NOT above the law. Much fuming and fussing and many threats made, but in the end, they paid a hefty fine and were deported.

So the ones that broke the law were jailed and deported for their crimes?

Were all the Chinese students at the university criminals?

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I was in a position to see the outcry by the Chinese Students Association. They backed the arrested students 100 percent. This group of shoplifters had been caught by the store previously but no charges were filed. Chinese students at this university were 100 percent hiso from VERY wealthy families. They simply seemed to think they were above American law. I caught several students cheating in one of my classes and was advised to let it ride. Money talks.

I could have told them that Chinese have no regard for their laws and customs. I worked for an American university for years where Chinese students were the number one foreign presence on campus. A group of them got caught shoplifting at Wal-Mart. They had the temerity to inform the arresting officer that there was nothing he could legally do to them as their embassy would get them out. They were hauled off to jail and the point was made that foreign students were NOT above the law. Much fuming and fussing and many threats made, but in the end, they paid a hefty fine and were deported.

So the ones that broke the law were jailed and deported for their crimes?

Were all the Chinese students at the university criminals?
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