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Cats are just killing machines and slaughter, the native fauna such as skinks, lizards, frogs, harmless snakes, toads and any unwary birds. When a cat moves in, the animals I see in my garden declines.

Good to see native fauna win one, for a change.

it unfortunate that they cant kill dogs

What's really unfortunate is that they can't kill fatdogs.

One ate my friend's fat dog.

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Cats are just killing machines and slaughter, the native fauna such as skinks, lizards, frogs, harmless snakes, toads and any unwary birds. When a cat moves in, the animals I see in my garden declines.

Good to see native fauna win one, for a change.

I sort of agree with you on this, I've never really liked cats, but, since ours adopted us, all the rats in our ceiling have disappeared. They used to drive us mad! She proudly displays her kill and some of those buggers are 2/3s of her size.

We've also seen her kill a cobra (small) just outside the gate. These baby cobras have been a problem around here when coming out of the nest. A neighbor has nearly been bitten on two occasions.

It does annoy me when she kills fencepost and pool lizards, although she now leaves monitors alone after getting a smack across the chops from the tail of one, and she ignores tokays - they bite back..



Cats are just killing machines and slaughter, the native fauna such as skinks, lizards, frogs, harmless snakes, toads and any unwary birds. When a cat moves in, the animals I see in my garden declines.

Good to see native fauna win one, for a change.

it unfortunate that they cant kill dogs

Only the barking yappy dogs I would like to see Mr snake eat and maybe their owners to.

Is that a British Bulldog on your avatar?



At last the video is on youtube.

WARNING! Do not watch if you are sensitive, a cat lover, eating or have kids near by.


stupid is as stupid does . why do this to the snake ? and to film it ? some kind of bassawkards logic here , kinda sick and creepy .


I dont see what all the fuss is about.A snake is a predatory animal who kills to eat.Cats are not only predatory but are also very cruel killer's have you ever

seen a cat kill a mouse or a bird? it plays with it for a long time before it puts the thing out of its misery,Also if you approach a cat with its prey,it will crush the preys head

rather than let you take it away from it.This is their nature.Its their instinct.You can not blame an animal for acting on its nature.Look at the keeper at john As show and pnalls

Zoo years ago who stepped into the Tigers pen and was savaged to death.The Tiger was only carrying out its predatory nature,but it was shot.Sad,because the keeper

had been the keeper of that Tiger from when it was very young.But for some reason the Tiger attacked him.The big cat was acting on its predatory nature,but was shot because of it.

This is why a disagree with Zoo's and the like because wild animals are kept for show and amusement.I dont blame the Tiger,but i feel sad for the keeper

who after being with the cat for such a long time,failed to read the animals body language.

When dealing with such animals,complacency can result in death.


Wow, never seen anything like that before...!!!blink.png

never ? many of them on Youtube; look at this one , but this time, it's natural, the anaconda rejects it, too big for it ( the firs seconds of the video )



Cats are just killing machines and slaughter, the native fauna such as skinks, lizards, frogs, harmless snakes, toads and any unwary birds. When a cat moves in, the animals I see in my garden declines.

Good to see native fauna win one, for a change.

Cats are felines, hunters, they follow their instinct, that's why I like them, but sometimes, they lose, just life

the snake is a python, constrictors snakes are very dangerous for pets ( look video above )



At last the video is on youtube.

WARNING! Do not watch if you are sensitive, a cat lover, eating or have kids near by.


the cat was DEAD anyway ! why not let the snake digest it and live happy after....? now it has to kill and eat another animal !!!!

Just a taught !



Well "The cat came back" but obviously had used up its quota of lives.

It would be interesting to see what Schrödinger had to say about that. Did his cat only have 41/2 lives when it was outside the box?


I dont see what all the fuss is about.A snake is a predatory animal who kills to eat.Cats are not only predatory but are also very cruel killer's have you ever

seen a cat kill a mouse or a bird? it plays with it for a long time before it puts the thing out of its misery,Also if you approach a cat with its prey,it will crush the preys head

rather than let you take it away from it.This is their nature.Its their instinct.You can not blame an animal for acting on its nature.Look at the keeper at john As show and pnalls

Zoo years ago who stepped into the Tigers pen and was savaged to death.The Tiger was only carrying out its predatory nature,but it was shot.Sad,because the keeper

had been the keeper of that Tiger from when it was very young.But for some reason the Tiger attacked him.The big cat was acting on its predatory nature,but was shot because of it.

This is why a disagree with Zoo's and the like because wild animals are kept for show and amusement.I dont blame the Tiger,but i feel sad for the keeper

who after being with the cat for such a long time,failed to read the animals body language.

When dealing with such animals,complacency can result in death.

You make a v good point about cats being predatory animals themselves - so common sense tells us that the snake should have been left alone.

But for many of us, our pets become family - so common sense goes out of the window and is replaced by the overwhelming need to give our loved one a decent/respectful burial or cremation.

I'm sure nobody would suggest that if a human (like cats, a predator species) was eaten by a snake, their family should leave things be and not try to recover their family member from the snake.


Here in Aus. I have been keeping and breeding snakes, including pythons, for some fifty years! During that time I have actively encouraged all my large pythons to be 'pusscavorious'! People bring me unwanted cats and kittens.. These I snuff with CO2, freeze them to kill any internal parasites. They are then thawed and feed to my snakes! I shall continue to do this till my dying day! Tip,

If you don't want any harm to come to your cats keep them locked up!


Agreed, no way that snake survived the ordeal, even if it slithered away it probably slithered away and died.. seems unnecessary since the cat was already dead, if the friend wants the cat then give him the snake..


Here in Aus. I have been keeping and breeding snakes, including pythons, for some fifty years! During that time I have actively encouraged all my large pythons to be 'pusscavorious'! People bring me unwanted cats and kittens.. These I snuff with CO2, freeze them to kill any internal parasites. They are then thawed and feed to my snakes! I shall continue to do this till my dying day! Tip,

If you don't want any harm to come to your cats keep them locked up!

Much as your post made me want to be extremely rude about your desire for your snake to eat cats (not to mention the obvious relish that made you encompass the process) - its impossible to do so as we feed our dogs/cats meat.

Some of us though don't feel as happy about it as you.


Your neighbor needs a bigger cat. The cat I use to have in the US was 15 lbs. I think he would have given the snake a run for his money. biggrin.png



Cats are just killing machines and slaughter, the native fauna such as skinks, lizards, frogs, harmless snakes, toads and any unwary birds. When a cat moves in, the animals I see in my garden declines.

Good to see native fauna win one, for a change.

Cats are just killing machines and slaughter, the native fauna such as skinks, lizards, frogs, harmless snakes, toads and any unwary birds. When a cat moves in, the animals I see in my garden declines.

That's exactly why I love cats, however the Thai variety don't seem to have a very long shelf life. But I do like them around.



At last the video is on youtube.

WARNING! Do not watch if you are sensitive, a cat lover, eating or have kids near by.


Why the warning?? Too much living in the nanny state?

A video of a dead cat.... and now HUNGRY snake shouldn't upset anyone.....except his next dinner partner.


How sure are we that the process of getting the cat out doesn't harm the snake? Have they kept one after doing the "forced boak up" to see whether it's still alive thirty days later?

I was thinking the same thing and snake should have been aloud to eat is pray.

Not good to pull the food out like that how would the man like it if I put his dinner out like that not very smart people to do that to the snake.

If you did that back home in my country to a snake you would get in to big trouble.

George...when was the first and last time you saw a snake???

Get 6 foot of brown snake in your kitchen standing up and coming at you and you would change your touchy feely attitude pretty darn quick I can assure you old mate.

Oops sorry you actually have to get away from the latte sipping inner city two month mongering in Thailand crowd to know about that.


Hop you didn't kill the snake

Nope, the snake was not hurt and will be released into the wild.

Still can't upload a video file. Don't know why.

SUPER!! ( about the snake, I mean )


Good news day, I'm with KarenBravo....What is worse as well is that they use my garden as a toilet. Good on the snake, glad it was released unharmed to dine another day..thumbsup.gif

Do you give the cat owner a sling for the free garden fertiliser?crazy.gif (Assuming it is a flower garden)


Why didn't you let the snake keep it's dinner?

It was my friend's cat and he wanted to give the cat a decent burial.


No he didnt he wanted to appease his ego, which is why he got a cat in the first place, no thought for that cat at all, unless he adopted a stray. Be a proper friend and advise him to let nature take its course next time, he is certainly not qualified to interfere.

How do you know the snake was not harmed, they have many delicate ribs easily broken. They will be stressed by the rough handling. It may have needed that meal to survive, now it will have to expend more energy to find another and may starve.

Well done your friend for risking the snakes life for an imported animal that destroys local wildlife, spreads vectors and spoils gardens.



Cats are just killing machines and slaughter, the native fauna such as skinks, lizards, frogs, harmless snakes, toads and any unwary birds. When a cat moves in, the animals I see in my garden declines.

Good to see native fauna win one, for a change.

Cats are just killing machines and slaughter, the native fauna such as skinks, lizards, frogs, harmless snakes, toads and any unwary birds. When a cat moves in, the animals I see in my garden declines.

That's exactly why I love cats, however the Thai variety don't seem to have a very long shelf life. But I do like them around.

So then you would rather have 6 tom cats urinating and fighting each other around your property than 12 jewel-coloured song birds and 6 lizards (that the cats eat each week) to eat up bugs around your property and warn you of things like snakes in your garden?

Really amazed there are adults in this world that are so ignorant.


How sure are we that the process of getting the cat out doesn't harm the snake? Have they kept one after doing the "forced boak up" to see whether it's still alive thirty days later?

I was thinking the same thing and snake should have been aloud to eat is pray.

Not good to pull the food out like that how would the man like it if I put his dinner out like that not very smart people to do that to the snake.

If you did that back home in my country to a snake you would get in to big trouble.

George...when was the first and last time you saw a snake???

Get 6 foot of brown snake in your kitchen standing up and coming at you and you would change your touchy feely attitude pretty darn quick I can assure you old mate.

Oops sorry you actually have to get away from the latte sipping inner city two month mongering in Thailand crowd to know about that.

Mudcrab, as long as you have a snare, it's actually much easier to catch a snake than it is to kill it. Also much safer. I have caught about 5 pythons and two cobras (and half a dozen other harmless snakes as well as the occasional monitor lizard) and relocated all of them. Below are two examples. One Reticulated Python - same as the snake in the video, and the other a monocled cobra. And one python had eaten one of my cats because that's what snakes do, they eat things. Forcing the dead cat out was a strange decision, but I'll reserve judgement. In general, though, it is better to make a snare. Snakes aren't ll that smart. It's easy to get the loop over their head from a safe distance. And once you do it's easy to bag them or can them and take them away. Also less messy!




How sure are we that the process of getting the cat out doesn't harm the snake? Have they kept one after doing the "forced boak up" to see whether it's still alive thirty days later?

I was thinking the same thing and snake should have been aloud to eat is pray.

Not good to pull the food out like that how would the man like it if I put his dinner out like that not very smart people to do that to the snake.

If you did that back home in my country to a snake you would get in to big trouble.

George...when was the first and last time you saw a snake???

Get 6 foot of brown snake in your kitchen standing up and coming at you and you would change your touchy feely attitude pretty darn quick I can assure you old mate.

Oops sorry you actually have to get away from the latte sipping inner city two month mongering in Thailand crowd to know about that.

Mudcrab, as long as you have a snare, it's actually much easier to catch a snake than it is to kill it. Also much safer. I have caught about 5 pythons and two cobras (and half a dozen other harmless snakes as well as the occasional monitor lizard) and relocated all of them. Below are two examples. One Reticulated Python - same as the snake in the video, and the other a monocled cobra. And one python had eaten one of my cats because that's what snakes do, they eat things. Forcing the dead cat out was a strange decision, but I'll reserve judgement. In general, though, it is better to make a snare. Snakes aren't ll that smart. It's easy to get the loop over their head from a safe distance. And once you do it's easy to bag them or can them and take them away. Also less messy!

Nice job,

but you can't snare the smaller ones very easily, especially if they are in the furniture and you do need to care for the spitting cobra's

I love cats (and dogs) and like snakes, but I don't think they should have made the snake regurgitate the cat, it was dead and although it would have been nice to bury it decently (yes)it was not worth harming the snake for - in my 100% hindsight opinion, but I am really not sure what I would have done if faced with the snake with my cat inside.

I remember some long years ago in Buriram when a really big (REALLY BIG)python ate a nearly full grown calf and they made it regurgitate it simply to move the snake away, otherwise it would have lain around for days (or weeks) digesting the calf. That made a very (horribly) interesting video.

Been some really good snake pics in this forum, thanks all.

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