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You KNOW You're in Trouble in Thailand When _____________


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When you pull into the in-laws place for a visit & know that the ice cold AC in your car is the last cold environment you'll experience for the next 2-3 days.....

To follow up the previous unemotional suggestion of ArdoKano:

After 13 years of braving the same battle of the above poster, at Songkran,I have finally thrown in the towel.

I found a nearby resort with air-con, and dart back-and-forth through the day, resort-house-resort, like a migrating snowbird. Sometimes I feign a little lightheadedness just to smooth the process along.

Sleep at the resort at night, ostensibly to make room for all the other out of town guests at the house – such a sacrifice.

It's just enough physical and mental relief to keep me on balance.

Sure, they see me as a weather wimp. I proudly wear the badge.

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Replying to You KNOW You're in Trouble in Thailand When _

You batter some moronic Farang who throws water over you after you make it known to him you do not want to participate

then you give him a sore face and wonder what the consequences might be for acting in self defence.

you know you are in trouble when..your answer to every problem is violence..

Yes you have a point, anyone uses violence on me then I will retaliate, but you are wrong to say my answer to every problem is violence, I will only use violence if anyone attempts or threatens me with unprovoked violence, but never against Thais, I will run away first, and throwing water at me when I request anyone not to is using violence.

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You are going to a Thai hospital for multiple consultations, and you never see the same doctor twice.

None of said doctors bother to ascertain your previous medical history.

A Thai doctor prescribes an antibiotic for you which has the side effect of snapping Achilles tendons. You only find this out by checking online yourself.

Edited by bazza40
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Replying to You KNOW You're in Trouble in Thailand When _

You batter some moronic Farang who throws water over you after you make it known to him you do not want to participate

then you give him a sore face and wonder what the consequences might be for acting in self defence.

you know you are in trouble when..your answer to every problem is violence..

Yes you have a point, anyone uses violence on me then I will retaliate, but you are wrong to say my answer to every problem is violence, I will only use violence if anyone attempts or threatens me with unprovoked violence, but never against Thais, I will run away first, and throwing water at me when I request anyone not to is using violence.

Wouldn't it be easier to just not go out during Songkran?

Actually, that's another good 'you know you've been here too long' when you get bad tempered about people throwing ice water etc. at you during songkran - even though you've put yourself in the firing line by going out.

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You are going to a Thai hospital for multiple consultations, and you never see the same doctor twice.

None of said doctors bother to ascertain your previous medical history.

A Thai doctor prescribes an antibiotic for you which has the side effect of snapping Achilles tendons. You only find this out by checking online yourself.

Don't know which hospital you go to, but I've always seen the same doctor when going with a particular problem.

Perhaps the 'You know you're in trouble in thailand' could be when you continue seeing that same doctor even though they're not curing the problem? I did that for a year sad.png !

Edit- and have to admit that the new doctor clearly had none of my previous medical records....

Edited by dick dasterdly
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You are going to a Thai hospital for multiple consultations, and you never see the same doctor twice.

None of said doctors bother to ascertain your previous medical history.

A Thai doctor prescribes an antibiotic for you which has the side effect of snapping Achilles tendons. You only find this out by checking online yourself.

Don't know which hospital you go to, but I've always seen the same doctor when going with a particular problem.

Perhaps the 'You know you're in trouble in thailand' could be when you continue seeing that same doctor even though they're not curing the problem? I did that for a year sad.png !

Edit- and have to admit that the new doctor clearly had none of my previous medical records....

Actually two hospitals, the first had made no progress for two weeks. Just kept throwing pills at me.

I did not get a valid diagnosis for three weeks. It took a month for them to get around to an X'ray.

The number of breaches of medical protocols I saw and experienced over 5 weeks of discomfort have led me to the conclusion the reputation of Thai hospitals is overrated.

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When you cal Sutthep a ......................... and a ............... and also a .......... whist being sick of Bluesky which is on constantly cos your wife is a staunch yellow and shes holding a knife in her hand.

All I ll say is ...there was an uneasy few seconds.

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Replying to You KNOW You're in Trouble in Thailand When _

You batter some moronic Farang who throws water over you after you make it known to him you do not want to participate

then you give him a sore face and wonder what the consequences might be for acting in self defence.

you know you are in trouble when..your answer to every problem is violence..

Yes you have a point, anyone uses violence on me then I will retaliate, but you are wrong to say my answer to every problem is violence, I will only use violence if anyone attempts or threatens me with unprovoked violence, but never against Thais, I will run away first, and throwing water at me when I request anyone not to is using violence.

I find this really confusing. You will, presumably, protect yourself in some manner from an attack by non Thais.....but will not from Thais?

So a punch in the head from behind by a non Thais will be met by a violent reaction, but he same punch in the head by a Thai will result in the same injury but a non response ??

Weird!! One can get you killed with a fighting chance and one can get you killed with no fighting chance,

Refreshing to see a non special forces/SEAL/CIA SAS member on line.

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.....when your Thai Condo neighbors with the poodle and those with that Chihuahua find out that it was YOU who filed a complaint with the Condo management and want the NO DOG RULE to be enforced

Edited by siam2007
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Replying to You KNOW You're in Trouble in Thailand When _

You batter some moronic Farang who throws water over you after you make it known to him you do not want to participate

then you give him a sore face and wonder what the consequences might be for acting in self defence.

you know you are in trouble when..your answer to every problem is violence..

Yes you have a point, anyone uses violence on me then I will retaliate, but you are wrong to say my answer to every problem is violence, I will only use violence if anyone attempts or threatens me with unprovoked violence, but never against Thais, I will run away first, and throwing water at me when I request anyone not to is using violence.

I find this really confusing. You will, presumably, protect yourself in some manner from an attack by non Thais.....but will not from Thais?

So a punch in the head from behind by a non Thais will be met by a violent reaction, but he same punch in the head by a Thai will result in the same injury but a non response ??

Weird!! One can get you killed with a fighting chance and one can get you killed with no fighting chance,

Refreshing to see a non special forces/SEAL/CIA SAS member on line.

The answer is simple, I don't fancy the odds of six to one, I should have though that would be obvious.

If a Thai punched me on the head from behind, I would run.

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Replying to You KNOW You're in Trouble in Thailand When _

You batter some moronic Farang who throws water over you after you make it known to him you do not want to participate

then you give him a sore face and wonder what the consequences might be for acting in self defence.

you know you are in trouble when..your answer to every problem is violence..

Yes you have a point, anyone uses violence on me then I will retaliate, but you are wrong to say my answer to every problem is violence, I will only use violence if anyone attempts or threatens me with unprovoked violence, but never against Thais, I will run away first, and throwing water at me when I request anyone not to is using violence.

Wouldn't it be easier to just not go out during Songkran?

Actually, that's another good 'you know you've been here too long' when you get bad tempered about people throwing ice water etc. at you during songkran - even though you've put yourself in the firing line by going out.

I always stay in during SongKran, but I made a mistake this time and booked my travel for the 12th instead of the 11th, I have a very short walk from my hotel to the skytrain, and will be carry luggage which would make it obvious I am not participating.

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