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Over half of motorcyclists say they don’t normally use flyover bridges and tunnels


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Over half of motorcyclists say they don’t normally use flyover bridges and tunnels


BANGKOK: -- Over 50 percent of motorcyclists told Nida Poll that they don’t use flyover bridges and tunnels while 43.28 percent of the respondents disagree with motorcyclists using the bridges and tunnels.

Nida Poll of the National Institute Development Administration conducted a random survey during April 4-5 of the opinions of 1,250 of people in Bangkok who use or do not use motorcycles for travelling regarding the police ban against motorcyclists using 45 flyover bridges and tunnels in Bangkok.

The poll shows the following results:

54.24 percent of motorcyclists and people who use motorcycle taxi services say they do not use the bridges and tunnels; 25.36 percent say they sometimes use them and 20.40 percent admit they use them regularly.

Opinions of people who witness motorcyclists using the bridges and tunnels: 59.52 percent say they are concerned with their safety; 16.72 percent say they should be allowed to use them; 11.28 percent say police should strictly enforce the ban and 10.96 percent say the motorcyclists interrupt traffic flow.

On the question whether motorcyclists should be allowed to use the bridges and tunnels, the poll shows: 43.28 percent say they should be banned; 29.60 percent say only some tunnels and bridges should be allowed to be used and 22.64 say they should be allowed to use all of them.

34.96 percent say most motorcyclists defy the ban anyway; 16.64 percent say the ban is not serious and will be abolished soon and 17.6 percent say the cyclists will play hide and seek game with the police.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/158960

-- Thai PBS 2016-04-11

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100% of motorcyclist will use tunnels and bridges if they knew for sure that that there are no cops waiting on the

other end with a 200 baht ticket... I know I would as I don't see any safety reasons as to why not, motorcyclists

are allowed to use the same all over the world, why not here?....

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I think the reason that Thailand has the second most dangerous roads in the world is not because the roads are bad,

or the Thai people are so much more incredibly stupid, but

because the law states that motorcycles cannot ride on the right side of the road where there is less traffic and much safer.

For some reason motorcyclists must compete with the buses, songteaws, taxis, vans, cars entering and exiting

and other things like vendors.

Why can't motorcyclists be treated like every other vehicle and ride where it's safest???

The only reason I can come up with is on the left side of the road, it's much easier for the police to stop motorcyclists

and extort money from them. I'm tired of it myself. If I ride, my video camera is rolling as well.

The high death toll is because of Thai law, nothing else IMHO. facepalm.gif

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I think the reason that Thailand has the second most dangerous roads in the world is not because the roads are bad,

or the Thai people are so much more incredibly stupid, but

because the law states that motorcycles cannot ride on the right side of the road where there is less traffic and much safer.

For some reason motorcyclists must compete with the buses, songteaws, taxis, vans, cars entering and exiting

and other things like vendors.

Why can't motorcyclists be treated like every other vehicle and ride where it's safest???

The only reason I can come up with is on the left side of the road, it's much easier for the police to stop motorcyclists

and extort money from them. I'm tired of it myself. If I ride, my video camera is rolling as well.

The high death toll is because of Thai law, nothing else IMHO. facepalm.gif

100% agree - I tried it for a day, just riding on the left. I gave up after an hour, it was just too dangerous

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Stupid poll. How many of the 54.24 percent of motorcyclists and people who use motorcycle taxi services that do not use the bridges and tunnels do not need use the bridges and tunnels?

Try asking 1,250 people who live and work of different sides of the river and get back to us. coffee1.gif

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I think the reason that Thailand has the second most dangerous roads in the world is not because the roads are bad,

or the Thai people are so much more incredibly stupid, but

because the law states that motorcycles cannot ride on the right side of the road where there is less traffic and much safer.

For some reason motorcyclists must compete with the buses, songteaws, taxis, vans, cars entering and exiting

and other things like vendors.

Why can't motorcyclists be treated like every other vehicle and ride where it's safest???

The only reason I can come up with is on the left side of the road, it's much easier for the police to stop motorcyclists

and extort money from them. I'm tired of it myself. If I ride, my video camera is rolling as well.

The high death toll is because of Thai law, nothing else IMHO. facepalm.gif

The high death toll is because of Thai law, nothing else IMHO. facepalm.gif

Tell that to the <deleted> that tried to squeeze between myself and a truck yesterday on the Asia highway. His driver door was at my rear view mirror when he came into my lane. I had to drive onto the grass in the middle to avoid the collision.

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I think the reason that Thailand has the second most dangerous roads in the world is not because the roads are bad,

or the Thai people are so much more incredibly stupid, but

because the law states that motorcycles cannot ride on the right side of the road where there is less traffic and much safer.

For some reason motorcyclists must compete with the buses, songteaws, taxis, vans, cars entering and exiting

and other things like vendors.

Why can't motorcyclists be treated like every other vehicle and ride where it's safest???

The only reason I can come up with is on the left side of the road, it's much easier for the police to stop motorcyclists

and extort money from them. I'm tired of it myself. If I ride, my video camera is rolling as well.

The high death toll is because of Thai law, nothing else IMHO. facepalm.gif

There are many very slow motocy´s as well and if they go on the fast lanes it will be mayhem.

Slow traffic has to keep left ALL the time, then fast lanes are for fast drivers.

Driving bbq/icecream-chickenfeathervendors are also very slow and drive around all day. They are dangerous as well, so are the pushcarts coming against traffic.

Thailand would have much less accidents if they would only stop driving against traffic and they don't need a new law for that, just real policemen.

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I find motorcycles on bridges annoying especially in peak hour traffic, you have to be careful you don't push them into the rail. Two months ago we had a motorcycle bounce off our left side mirror on a bridge and now is damaged, he gave me a dirty look and drove off without stopping,. They don't give a damn about laws of the roads.

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So what if they don't normally use them. They should be able to. It's a ridiculous law.

My bike is modern, clean, fuel efficient and capable of well over 200 kph (so no excuses about being in the way of fast cars). I also paid a lot of tax to the Thai government when I purchased it. It helps ease congestion if I ride it instead of taking the car. I pay my road tax and insurance.

So remind me again why can't I ride it over a bridge or through a tunnel?

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I think the reason that Thailand has the second most dangerous roads in the world is not because the roads are bad,

or the Thai people are so much more incredibly stupid, but

because the law states that motorcycles cannot ride on the right side of the road where there is less traffic and much safer.

For some reason motorcyclists must compete with the buses, songteaws, taxis, vans, cars entering and exiting

and other things like vendors.

Why can't motorcyclists be treated like every other vehicle and ride where it's safest???

The only reason I can come up with is on the left side of the road, it's much easier for the police to stop motorcyclists

and extort money from them. I'm tired of it myself. If I ride, my video camera is rolling as well.

The high death toll is because of Thai law, nothing else IMHO. facepalm.gif

There are many very slow motocy´s as well and if they go on the fast lanes it will be mayhem.

Slow traffic has to keep left ALL the time, then fast lanes are for fast drivers.

Driving bbq/icecream-chickenfeathervendors are also very slow and drive around all day. They are dangerous as well, so are the pushcarts coming against traffic.

Thailand would have much less accidents if they would only stop driving against traffic and they don't need a new law for that, just real policemen.

You forgot the Chinese tourists who walk on the road, and also other tourists who cycle against the traffic on busy roads.

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I find motorcycles on bridges annoying especially in peak hour traffic, you have to be careful you don't push them into the rail. Two months ago we had a motorcycle bounce off our left side mirror on a bridge and now is damaged, he gave me a dirty look and drove off without stopping,. They don't give a damn about laws of the roads.

And yet all car drivers are kind, considerate, law abiding, benevolent souls helping to take care of one another.

Great points you made there. Especially about your mirror.

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I think the reason that Thailand has the second most dangerous roads in the world is not because the roads are bad,

or the Thai people are so much more incredibly stupid, but

because the law states that motorcycles cannot ride on the right side of the road where there is less traffic and much safer.

For some reason motorcyclists must compete with the buses, songteaws, taxis, vans, cars entering and exiting

and other things like vendors.

Why can't motorcyclists be treated like every other vehicle and ride where it's safest???

The only reason I can come up with is on the left side of the road, it's much easier for the police to stop motorcyclists

and extort money from them. I'm tired of it myself. If I ride, my video camera is rolling as well.

The high death toll is because of Thai law, nothing else IMHO. facepalm.gif


1. the death toll is partly because of bad roads. With that I do not mean holes in the road, but the simple fact that there are no separate roads for slower traffic. If you have a motorsaai with a BBQ attached you can only go 20km/h and need to share the same road with cars going 120km/h because there is no alternative. In developed countries we have highways with a minimum speed as well as a maximum speed. Danger comes from a difference in speed, not from speed itself.

2. Thai people might not be more stupid, they do drive extremely dangerous, often without knowing it themselves (lack of proper training in driving). People drive with 100km/h on the right lane and they stay there even though 50 cars pass them on the wrong side.

3. What contributes most to the high death toll: the lack of law enforcement. The high death toll is mostly due to traffic violations (no helmet, no seatbelts, going against traffic, no using proper lights at night, drunk driving, speeding, etc).

I do agree that motorbikes should be able to make use of every lane as long as they are able to go with the flow in that lane. If you have a 115cc motorsaai that can barely reach 90km/h you should not hang around on the right lane, but with a proper bike and proper speed you should not be forced to stay in the left lane either. But fixing this problem in the Thai law will have a minimum effect on the death toll. Installing speed cameras or enforcing helmet laws will have a much bigger impact.

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I find motorcycles on bridges annoying especially in peak hour traffic, you have to be careful you don't push them into the rail. Two months ago we had a motorcycle bounce off our left side mirror on a bridge and now is damaged, he gave me a dirty look and drove off without stopping,. They don't give a damn about laws of the roads.

I give idiots that drive and have disrespect for other users (on bikes or other car drivers) a dirty look when they drive me off the road.

Lucky it wasnt me you hit with your mirror... I wouldve stopped the bike and showed you some good old fashion road rage

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In the UK the only motorcycles that are banned from the motorways (highways) are those less than 50cc which are too slow to keep up with traffic. But that's because there is much better lane discipline and markings, traffic only joins and leaves from slip roads on the left, and there are no U turns or traffic lights and motorcycles using illegal entrances and exits. Bring a similar road engineering system in here and you're well on the way to solving the problem and keeping all road users safe.

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It's ok for foreigners on here to say that they should be allowed to use the other lanes and be allowed to use the bridges and tunnels because they have the benefit in having been actually educated in road safety and I suppose most of them have motorcycle licenses from their own country where they've had to do the tests etc. However, because of the utter stupidity of a lot of other motorcycle riders weaving in and out dangerously - or the stupidest thing I see every day is when I am indicating and moving either left or right the idiots overtake to squeeze past while the car is moving lane - all this means that I am glad that they are banned from bridges and tunnels and if the law was enforced the roads would be a better place.

Also remember that it has always been the law the motorcycles and other vehicles cannot use these bridges and underpasses, it's not something they've just made up last week.

The law is the law, whether we or the Thais like it or not, and as with every other traffic rule, this law should be observed. You wouldn't blatantly disregard traffic law in your country would you, so why do it here?

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100% of motorcyclist will use tunnels and bridges if they knew for sure that that there are no cops waiting on the

other end with a 200 baht ticket... I know I would as I don't see any safety reasons as to why not, motorcyclists

are allowed to use the same all over the world, why not here?....

Because these fly-over bridges are too narrow.

It's unsafe to pass a motorcycle with so little space.

Or they block one lane and thus cause traffic jam.

My observation is that 90% of all motorcycles use the fly-over.

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It's ok for foreigners on here to say that they should be allowed to use the other lanes and be allowed to use the bridges and tunnels because they have the benefit in having been actually educated in road safety and I suppose most of them have motorcycle licenses from their own country where they've had to do the tests etc. However, because of the utter stupidity of a lot of other motorcycle riders weaving in and out dangerously - or the stupidest thing I see every day is when I am indicating and moving either left or right the idiots overtake to squeeze past while the car is moving lane - all this means that I am glad that they are banned from bridges and tunnels and if the law was enforced the roads would be a better place.

Also remember that it has always been the law the motorcycles and other vehicles cannot use these bridges and underpasses, it's not something they've just made up last week.

The law is the law, whether we or the Thais like it or not, and as with every other traffic rule, this law should be observed. You wouldn't blatantly disregard traffic law in your country would you, so why do it here?

I seriously never knew it was illegal for motorcy's to use bridges...Would they tell me that on the Thai driversexam?

Last saturdaynight on the BKK Highway i saw several groups of Thai motocy drivers/racers gathering along the road I bet they were going to have a race through traffic like they often do.

They didn't wear helmets and even had scooters to race.

Thai police really needs patrollcars and start doing their job. Traffic for cars is totally congested and motocy is the only option to go through it. Many cardrivers even don't have a license and sure no experience how to drive in citytraffic. They just do as they would on the countryside on their farm.

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It's ok for foreigners on here to say that they should be allowed to use the other lanes and be allowed to use the bridges and tunnels because they have the benefit in having been actually educated in road safety and I suppose most of them have motorcycle licenses from their own country where they've had to do the tests etc. However, because of the utter stupidity of a lot of other motorcycle riders weaving in and out dangerously - or the stupidest thing I see every day is when I am indicating and moving either left or right the idiots overtake to squeeze past while the car is moving lane - all this means that I am glad that they are banned from bridges and tunnels and if the law was enforced the roads would be a better place.

Also remember that it has always been the law the motorcycles and other vehicles cannot use these bridges and underpasses, it's not something they've just made up last week.

The law is the law, whether we or the Thais like it or not, and as with every other traffic rule, this law should be observed. You wouldn't blatantly disregard traffic law in your country would you, so why do it here?

I seriously never knew it was illegal for motorcy's to use bridges...Would they tell me that on the Thai driversexam?

Last saturdaynight on the BKK Highway i saw several groups of Thai motocy drivers/racers gathering along the road I bet they were going to have a race through traffic like they often do.

They didn't wear helmets and even had scooters to race.

Thai police really needs patrollcars and start doing their job. Traffic for cars is totally congested and motocy is the only option to go through it. Many cardrivers even don't have a license and sure no experience how to drive in citytraffic. They just do as they would on the countryside on their farm.

It's not illegal for them to use all bridges and underpasses, but those they aren't allowed to use are signed above the carriageway on the approach to the over/underpass.

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It's ok for foreigners on here to say that they should be allowed to use the other lanes and be allowed to use the bridges and tunnels because they have the benefit in having been actually educated in road safety and I suppose most of them have motorcycle licenses from their own country where they've had to do the tests etc. However, because of the utter stupidity of a lot of other motorcycle riders weaving in and out dangerously - or the stupidest thing I see every day is when I am indicating and moving either left or right the idiots overtake to squeeze past while the car is moving lane - all this means that I am glad that they are banned from bridges and tunnels and if the law was enforced the roads would be a better place.

Also remember that it has always been the law the motorcycles and other vehicles cannot use these bridges and underpasses, it's not something they've just made up last week.

The law is the law, whether we or the Thais like it or not, and as with every other traffic rule, this law should be observed. You wouldn't blatantly disregard traffic law in your country would you, so why do it here?

'The law is the law, whether we or the Thais like it or not, and as with every other traffic rule, this law should be observed.' Is that a serious observation, in the country of road-rule ignorance?

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Amazingly, I only use them if there is one between where I am and where I want to go.

Normally there is not but why should I go 100 km out of the way to avoid using them because of some arbitrary politician. It only means more money for the police.

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It's ok for foreigners on here to say that they should be allowed to use the other lanes and be allowed to use the bridges and tunnels because they have the benefit in having been actually educated in road safety and I suppose most of them have motorcycle licenses from their own country where they've had to do the tests etc. However, because of the utter stupidity of a lot of other motorcycle riders weaving in and out dangerously - or the stupidest thing I see every day is when I am indicating and moving either left or right the idiots overtake to squeeze past while the car is moving lane - all this means that I am glad that they are banned from bridges and tunnels and if the law was enforced the roads would be a better place.

Also remember that it has always been the law the motorcycles and other vehicles cannot use these bridges and underpasses, it's not something they've just made up last week.

The law is the law, whether we or the Thais like it or not, and as with every other traffic rule, this law should be observed. You wouldn't blatantly disregard traffic law in your country would you, so why do it here?

You must be from a socialistic country.

In America when the speed limit went to 55 mph we went faster. When they put up the signs that said: "Drive 55. Not because it is a good idea but because it is the law." We drove faster yet. Now the individual states make their on speed limits.

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It's ok for foreigners on here to say that they should be allowed to use the other lanes and be allowed to use the bridges and tunnels because they have the benefit in having been actually educated in road safety and I suppose most of them have motorcycle licenses from their own country where they've had to do the tests etc. However, because of the utter stupidity of a lot of other motorcycle riders weaving in and out dangerously - or the stupidest thing I see every day is when I am indicating and moving either left or right the idiots overtake to squeeze past while the car is moving lane - all this means that I am glad that they are banned from bridges and tunnels and if the law was enforced the roads would be a better place.

Also remember that it has always been the law the motorcycles and other vehicles cannot use these bridges and underpasses, it's not something they've just made up last week.

The law is the law, whether we or the Thais like it or not, and as with every other traffic rule, this law should be observed. You wouldn't blatantly disregard traffic law in your country would you, so why do it here?

You have the same idiots trying to campaign for motorcycles to be allowed on expressways and motorways, usually because they are bike riders and can't afford a car. Out of all the Thai traffic laws, this one is quite strictly enforced and it's extremely rare to see motorcycles (except police motorcycles, which are of course allowed) on Thai expressways. Imagine the traffic congestion, carnage and sheer nuisance of having to contend with 2 wheelers you can't see on roads designed for high speed traffic.

If only other Thai traffic laws were as strictly enforced as the ban on motorcycles driving on expressways, Thai roads would have an excellent safety record and low accident rate.

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