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Maintaining An Online Identity.


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Am i like my online name? well all my life i have done what i want , i have believed in the way i think but i do take notice of the various female partners i have had , i have always believed in myself and it has stood me in good stead , as my life has been very very good ,and still is ,

signed '

I CLAUDIUS, THE GOD thumbsup.gif

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What disapoints me about this post is not that BangkokFarang has merged into VillageFarang but the sad comment that there is a derth of interesting people around here to have conversations with. I have met VF and he is an extremely nice person as I am sure many of the other people in the community are if we only talk to them. Sadly few of us do and live with the communication on forums. People here are real people too. VillageFarang is able to get about the community and I am sure there are many people here that his life experiences would enrich as would theirs him. Sadly I am unable to move about freely but I still think that many in the community would be well worth talking to.

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What disapoints me about this post is not that BangkokFarang has merged into VillageFarang but the sad comment that there is a derth of interesting people around here to have conversations with. I have met VF and he is an extremely nice person as I am sure many of the other people in the community are if we only talk to them. Sadly few of us do and live with the communication on forums. People here are real people too. VillageFarang is able to get about the community and I am sure there are many people here that his life experiences would enrich as would theirs him. Sadly I am unable to move about freely but I still think that many in the community would be well worth talking to.

If i felt any great need to communicate in person with interesting and inspiring farang who might enrich my life and v.v., I would just go back to US.

Edited by JLCrab
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One of the reasons online communities are good is that it is easier to ignore and dismiss the idiots/trolls etc, which is not always poosible in some "real" life situations.

You can soon learn who is worthwhile and has intetesting comment and engage in some great PM discussions and exchange of information away from the disruption of the ....(insert what u like) ?

Edited by RolandRat
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What disapoints me about this post is not that BangkokFarang has merged into VillageFarang but the sad comment that there is a derth of interesting people around here to have conversations with. I have met VF and he is an extremely nice person as I am sure many of the other people in the community are if we only talk to them. Sadly few of us do and live with the communication on forums. People here are real people too. VillageFarang is able to get about the community and I am sure there are many people here that his life experiences would enrich as would theirs him. Sadly I am unable to move about freely but I still think that many in the community would be well worth talking to.

Sorry to disappoint you Harrry but we simply don’t agree on this subject. I have great sympathy for your situation but it doesn't change my personal point of view.

Whereas I am quite capable of engaging in a conversation with almost anyone, that doesn’t mean I always get something out of it. Some people are more interesting, intelligent, articulate, experienced, charming and inspiring than others.
Instead of trying to appease the lowest common denominator by telling them how wonderful they are, I would rather be around people who are extraordinary and challenge one to dream or open doors into new realms previously unexplored. I have some Thai friends who are like that but no farang friends in Chiang Rai that fill that bill. Sure it is nice to say hello and chat in one’s own language but it is little more than civility and a social nicety.
It is clearly a more populist view to say people are people and we are all the same but that simply has not been my experience in life. People are all different and some really are much more interesting than others, especially after having spoken with them.
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One of the reasons online communities are good is that it is easier to ignore and dismiss the idiots/trolls etc, which is not always poosible in some "real" life situations.

You can soon learn who is worthwhile and has intetesting comment and engage in some great PM discussions and exchange of information away from the disruption of the ....(insert what u like) ?

From the screenplay for The Sting (Best Picture Oscar 1974)

Hooker: I gave him the breakout just like you said.
Gondorff: And?
Hooker: 'S good. He threatened to kill me.
Gondorff: Hell, kid, they don't do that, you know you're not getting to 'em.
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VF, dont know if it was intended but that comes across as very judgemental of people. That you categorise them in that way.

I would of thought it would take awhile to "know" someone, rathet than judging them by a brief conversation.

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What disapoints me about this post is not that BangkokFarang has merged into VillageFarang but the sad comment that there is a derth of interesting people around here to have conversations with. I have met VF and he is an extremely nice person as I am sure many of the other people in the community are if we only talk to them. Sadly few of us do and live with the communication on forums. People here are real people too. VillageFarang is able to get about the community and I am sure there are many people here that his life experiences would enrich as would theirs him. Sadly I am unable to move about freely but I still think that many in the community would be well worth talking to.

Sorry to disappoint you Harrry but we simply don’t agree on this subject. I have great sympathy for your situation but it doesn't change my personal point of view.

Whereas I am quite capable of engaging in a conversation with almost anyone, that doesn’t mean I always get something out of it. Some people are more interesting, intelligent, articulate, experienced, charming and inspiring than others.
Instead of trying to appease the lowest common denominator by telling them how wonderful they are, I would rather be around people who are extraordinary and challenge one to dream or open doors into new realms previously unexplored. I have some Thai friends who are like that but no farang friends in Chiang Rai that fill that bill. Sure it is nice to say hello and chat in one’s own language but it is little more than civility and a social nicety.
It is clearly a more populist view to say people are people and we are all the same but that simply has not been my experience in life. People are all different and some really are much more interesting than others, especially after having spoken with them.

... and if I were to maybe make a wrong turn and end up in Chiang Rai, would I if our paths should cross maybe find you to be more interesting, intelligent, articulate, experienced, charming and inspiring than most others let alone extraordinary and challenging one to dream or open doors into new realms previously unexplored?

Edited by JLCrab
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VF, dont know if it was intended but that comes across as very judgemental of people. That you categorise them in that way.

I would of thought it would take awhile to "know" someone, rathet than judging them by a brief conversation.

Maybe, but people form impressions pretty quickly and first impressions are really difficult to change. It is an evolutionary thing which has helped us to survive.

Edited by villagefarang
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VF, dont know if it was intended but that comes across as very judgemental of people. That you categorise them in that way.

I would of thought it would take awhile to "know" someone, rathet than judging them by a brief conversation.

Maybe, but people form impressions pretty quickly and first impressions are really difficult to change. It is an evolutionary thing which has helped us to survive.

... and like dogs, I'm guessing you are a good judge of character.

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People ... some really are much more interesting than others, especially after having spoken with them.

​Well said.

​I continually strive to improve my ability to judge people, both on line and in person. A discussion like this helps.

An example on line is avatars (tiny pictures). Some avatars, one look, and I don't even bother to read the post. Very helpful. Off line, tattoos are a good way to judge people. If any, I have no reason to acknowledge that person, let alone speak with them. Such people may be a wonderful, fascinating, insightful, but I won't waste my time to find out.

Edited by PT4
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People ... some really are much more interesting than others, especially after having spoken with them.

​Well said.

​I continually strive to improve my ability to judge people, both on line and in person. A discussion like this helps.

An example on line is avatars (tiny pictures). Some avatars, one look, and I don't even bother to read the post. Very helpful. Off line, tattoos are a good way to judge people. If any, I have no reason to acknowledge that person, let alone speak with them. Such people may be a wonderful, fascinating, insightful, but I won't waste my time to find out.

But Tatoo's are not always visible, so if you met someone and found them interesting, then met them another time and it was "visible" (perhaps a short sleeve shirt this time) you would then change your mind ?

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People ... some really are much more interesting than others, especially after having spoken with them.

​Well said.

​I continually strive to improve my ability to judge people, both on line and in person. A discussion like this helps.

An example on line is avatars (tiny pictures). Some avatars, one look, and I don't even bother to read the post. Very helpful. Off line, tattoos are a good way to judge people. If any, I have no reason to acknowledge that person, let alone speak with them. Such people may be a wonderful, fascinating, insightful, but I won't waste my time to find out.

Personally I would never get a tattoo but it is not a deal breaker for me. Appearance, body language, voice, vocabulary and speech patterns all play a part in telling you what a person thinks of themselves but content and substance is also important.

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Personally I would never get a tattoo but it is not a deal breaker for me. Appearance, body language, voice, vocabulary and speech patterns all play a part in telling you what a person thinks of themselves but content and substance is also important.

​One effective way that I use to judge people is this:

Avatar + signature on line = tattoos + clothing in person.

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Whereas I am quite capable of engaging in a conversation with almost anyone, that doesnt mean I always get something out of it. Some people are more interesting, intelligent, articulate, experienced, charming and inspiring than others.

An elderly foreigner retired in a rural Thai village is unlikely to be of interest to many people.

I not knocking you personally, it's just most old men don't understand how dull they have become.

Ben Bartanui would probably be much better company on a boys night out.

Edited by BritManToo
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Whereas I am quite capable of engaging in a conversation with almost anyone, that doesnt mean I always get something out of it. Some people are more interesting, intelligent, articulate, experienced, charming and inspiring than others.

An elderly foreigner retired in a rural Thai village is unlikely to be of interest to many people.

I not knocking you personally, it's just most old men don't understand how dull they have become.

Ben Bartanui would probably be much better company on a boys night out.

You probably wouldn't get much conversation out of him. It's rude to speak with your mouth full.

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People ... some really are much more interesting than others, especially after having spoken with them.

​Well said.

​I continually strive to improve my ability to judge people, both on line and in person. A discussion like this helps.

An example on line is avatars (tiny pictures). Some avatars, one look, and I don't even bother to read the post. Very helpful. Off line, tattoos are a good way to judge people. If any, I have no reason to acknowledge that person, let alone speak with them. Such people may be a wonderful, fascinating, insightful, but I won't waste my time to find out.

Personally I would never get a tattoo but it is not a deal breaker for me. Appearance, body language, voice, vocabulary and speech patterns all play a part in telling you what a person thinks of themselves but content and substance is also important.

Do you feel that adding the "40 years in Thailand..." bit to your signature was a necessary part of maintaining your online identity? To add some degree of identity in a forum that has a dearth of interesting contributors? Or maybe there's a bit of the nan laew in all of us that's trying to get out?

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Personally I would never get a tattoo but it is not a deal breaker for me. Appearance, body language, voice, vocabulary and speech patterns all play a part in telling you what a person thinks of themselves but content and substance is also important.

​One effective way that I use to judge people is this:

Avatar + signature on line = tattoos + clothing in person.

I've been nagging my family to have plastic surgery on my ears for at least 40 years!!

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Do you feel that adding the "40 years in Thailand..." bit to your signature was a necessary part of maintaining your online identity? To add some degree of identity in a forum that has a dearth of interesting contributors? Or maybe there's a bit of the nan laew in all of us that's trying to get out?

I feel it helps to weed out some of the trolls. There is purpose to everything I do.biggrin.png

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Do you feel that adding the "40 years in Thailand..." bit to your signature was a necessary part of maintaining your online identity?

... it helps to weed out some of the trolls.

Plus, it will attract positive attention from those who value experience.

Edited by CharlieH
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i am not quite sure exactly what this thread is about, but it made me think about me and my Thai Visa. presence.

Since coming to Thailand I have developed the habit of stopping trying to be understood by foreigners I meet here.Ii seems most never let me finish a thought in a conversation. I seldom get to get my point across. When people interrupt me and do not let me finish I just think you rude son of a bitch why waste my time with you,we are not talking you are dictating. I found it really to be a strong trait with the britishSo I write most people like that off and stop giving them the time of day. I now have few people I talk with.

On thai visa I found a new freedom of expression.I can state things as full as I like and finish a thought.I can also go back to verify what I stated.If I have something to say here I can say it as long as I keep with in rules of course. So I am different here than in public. Here I can finish a thought. I can also just as easy ignore the trolls (I think that is the right word). Can avoid being baited into things.

So yes I am different in real life than here. The only thing about me that is the same is I will say what I feel ( when given the opportunity) like saying and keep it simple by keeping it true.With people who give me respect and have true conversations I am the same as here, all others do not even get the chance.

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i am not quite sure exactly what this thread is about, but it made me think about me and my Thai Visa. presence.

Since coming to Thailand I have developed the habit of stopping trying to be understood by foreigners I meet here.Ii seems most never let me finish a thought in a conversation. I seldom get to get my point across. When people interrupt me and do not let me finish I just think you rude son of a bitch why waste my time with you,we are not talking you are dictating. I found it really to be a strong trait with the britishSo I write most people like that off and stop giving them the time of day. I now have few people I talk with.

On thai visa I found a new freedom of expression.I can state things as full as I like and finish a thought.I can also go back to verify what I stated.If I have something to say here I can say it as long as I keep with in rules of course. So I am different here than in public. Here I can finish a thought. I can also just as easy ignore the trolls (I think that is the right word). Can avoid being baited into things.

So yes I am different in real life than here. The only thing about me that is the same is I will say what I feel ( when given the opportunity) like saying and keep it simple by keeping it true.With people who give me respect and have true conversations I am the same as here, all others do not even get the chance.

Thank you, this is exactly what this thread is about.

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... foreigners I meet here ... seems most never let me finish a thought in a conversation ... really to be a strong trait with the british

I've observed exactly the same on all points.

... I found a new freedom of expression.I can state things as full as I like and finish a thought.I can also go back to verify what I stated.If I have something to say here I can say it as long as I keep with in rules of course. So I am different here than in public. ... I can also just as easy ignore the trolls.

Well said. I'm looking forward to reading more posts from "lovelomsak".

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On thai visa I found a new freedom of expression.I can state things as full as I like and finish a thought

No, it's exactly the same on this forum.

We Brits lose interest in reading your stuff after the first line or two.

You can write as much as you like, doesn't mean I'm reading it all.

Well said. I'm looking forward to reading more posts from "lovelomsak".

Now this guy knows how to post, two lines and I read them both.

Edited by BritManToo
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