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Clinton and Sanders get personal in heated New York debate


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Clinton and Sanders get personal in heated New York debate

By Catherine Hardy


The news

US Democrat presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have gone head-to-head in a final debate before next Tuesday’s crucial New York primary.

It was a home match for both.

Sanders was born in New York State. Clinton served eight years as its Senator.

Pump up the volume

It was a bruising encounter.

The Democrats have so far avoided the personal attack politics of the rival Republican camp.

But, with so much at stake, the tone of their debate has changed in recent days.

The rivals shouted in unison while an evenly-split but rowdy crowd at the historic Brooklyn Navy Yard roared its support.

What did they clash on?

This was the fifth one-on-one debate between Clinton and Sanders.

The mounting pressure of their White House marathon began to show.

They clashed on:

  • Wall Street
  • gun control
  • the minimum wage
  • support for Israel

Hillary Clinton

  • 68
  • Leads Sanders by 251 bound delegates
  • Leads by almost 700 if “superdelegates” included

Bernie Sanders

  • 74
  • Has won 7 of the last 8 Democratic nominating contests
  • However, these are small states that do not eat into Clinton’s lead

What do the polls say?

The last nine opinion polls taken in New York state show Clinton with a double-digit advantage over Sanders.

  • Sanders – 173,000 mentions on Twitter
  • 55% were positive
  • Clinton – 191.000 mentions on Twitter
  • 56% positive

(Source: Brandwatch)

2,383 delegates are needed to win the nomination to represent the party in the presidential election on November 8.

Clinton so far has 2.4 million votes more than Sanders in the state-by-state nominating race.

What they are saying

“Does Secretary Clinton have the intelligence, the experience to be president? Of course she does, but I do question her judgement,” – Bernie Sanders.

“Well, the people of New York voted for me twice to be their senator from New York and President Obama trusted my judgment enough to ask me to be secretary of State for the United States” – Hillary Clinton.

“If you are both screaming at each other, the viewers won’t be able to hear either of you,” – moderator Wolf Blitzer of CNN keeps his cool.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-04-16

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Blitzer keeps his cool

He makes a sloth look out of control.

“If you are both screaming at each other, the viewers won’t be able to hear either of you,” – moderator Wolf Blitzer of CNN keeps his cool.

Wolf knows a thing or two about trying to drown out someone.

Edited by Suradit69
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Call it personal if you want, Sanders speaks the truth, Clinton - well, as my son once said about his mother, "Dad, if her lips are moving she is lying". Clinton uses her surrogates daily to misrepresent Sanders when in fact she was a walking disaster as Sec. of State. As 1st "lady" she supported and still suports bills that have been a disaster for the minorities, the poor, the middle/working class and still refuses to support the reinstatement of Glass-Steagall. A neocon/neoliberal, bought and sold tool of Wall Street criminals/banksters, war monger that thinks she is "entitled" to be president. Bernie needs surrogates to take the gloves off.

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Point is, was the debate fair? Maybe my imagination but Bernie seemed to speak about 40% of the time to Hillary's 60%? He seemed to express a lot of frustration at this often trying to signal the moderator. Anyone agree?

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Clinton supports AIPAC, Bernie doesn;t.

Enough said.

So, supporting or not supporting one lobbyist group is enough justification for your vote, eh?

Absolutely, AIPAC is not just a lobbying group as you know, a pretty dangerous one trying to buy Clinton or the other way around. She is for sale you know.

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Point is, was the debate fair? Maybe my imagination but Bernie seemed to speak about 40% of the time to Hillary's 60%? He seemed to express a lot of frustration at this often trying to signal the moderator. Anyone agree?

Bernie raised more questions towards Hillary than visa versa.

Hillary took more time to respond than to question.

Fair or not, that played against Bernie.

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Bernie flagged his intention to go on the attack in a Young Turks interview. This type of politicking doesn't wash with me. You need to be issues and solution based or I tune out. Then I am not an abrasive New Yorker. Maybe the campaign managers dial in this type of strategy to appeal to New Yorkers. Will have to wait till Tuesday to see if the strategy worked in Bernie's favour.

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I found this quite interesting. I like Bernies answer for the question of how would you help American companies. All in all, I'd say a set up by CNN in favor of Clinton, oh I'm shocked, shocked I say. I may have missed something but I believe Bernie has said his tax returns were coming this week? Did Clinton ever really answer a question? Does she ever really answer a question. https://theintercept.com/2016/04/15/the-brooklyn-dodgers-non-answers-from-hillary-clinton-bernie-sanders/

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