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SURVEY: Brexit, do you support it?


SURVEY: Brexit, do you support it?  

454 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you support the UK leaving the EU?

    • Yes, I am a UK national and I support leaving the EU.
    • Yes, I support the UK leaving the EU, but I am not a UK national.
    • No, I am a UK national and I do not support leaving the EU.
    • No, I do not support the UK leaving the EU and I am not a UK national.

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I hope Poland will quit.

Look what happens, polish right wing wins elections in huge majority.

Poland says they will not accept any refugees at all, after Paris attacks.

Remember EU quotas?

EU parlimet starts procedure of observing democracy in Poland.

Fine them, and says for every refused refugee we pay 250k eur.

They really hate on nationalists, want to destroy every country like Germany etc.

They have problem smile.png

You folks just don't get it do you.

I guess not old enough to remember or could not be bothered to read the history

I am telling you that a fundamentally benign organisation is far preferable than competing nationalistic nation states in Europe.

Terribly dangerous situation.

and you sign off with a smiley. Jesus

Just b cuz you says so mr. Leftist smile.png

Go and tell that to them:

Dont worry about it we know our and euro history pretty well, we are nacionalists remember? smile.png

And you should be thankfull cuz if it was not our King Jan III Sobieski you all would be muslims now smile.png

And dont get it wrong, right ppl are welcomed, and there is a lot.




You want people treated the way you Poles were treated following the Molotov/Ribbentrop pact?

Tell me, who was worse? Stalin or Hitler?

What ARE you saying

Life in Poland has been pretty damn good after the end of the Warsaw pact

You've had massive support from us

Instead of going after the Germans and the EU why don't you get back the 50% of your country still occupied by Russia?

BTW it was the Americans who sold you out after the war. Gave Stalin half your lands without a murmur much to Churchill's disgust

check ur facts sir we were betrayed by west and thrown under stalin communism Yalta conference 1945 https://www.google.co.th/search?q=yalta&oq=yalta&aqs=chrome..69i57.2213j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=yalta+conference+betrayal+poland

And poles dont blow themself, and most works too.

Poles were fighting for Britain and polish RAF 303 had most shootdown, after they were not even invited for a defilade in london.

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Is't it now obvious enough,if you read through this entire thread that the case for exiting this corrupt organisation has surely been proven. The only argument put forward by the remain crowd, is the Scary propaganda of the establishment.

Let's look at other reasons to escape this nightmare. Firstly "democracy"

Let's give back to Our Parliament the right to make laws in the interest of the British people, and if we don't like any particular law or government, then we can toss them out.

We must not forget that Jean Junker has already accused our MEP's of "listening to their voters too much". He of course would prefer that we pandered to the interest of the Brussels elite,mainly their desire for more federal centralization. This of course could include controlling many aspects of the British way of life,including pensions.

The remain side will not even discuss the TTIP agreement between the EU and the USA. This so called agreement will enable the giant American corporations to sue any EU countries that tries to protect the rights of it's people.

It's all quite simple- we want our country back.

Edited by nontabury
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Is't it now obvious enough,if you read through this entire thread that the case for exiting this corrupt organisation has surely been proven. The only argument put forward by the remain crowd, is the Scary propaganda of the establishment.

Let's look at other reasons to escape this nightmare. Firstly "democracy"

Let's give back to Our Parliament the right to make laws in the interest of the British people, and if we don't like any particular law or government, then we can toss them out.

We must not forget that Jean Junker has already accused our MEP's of "listening to their voters too much". He of course would prefer that we pandered to the interest of the Brussels elite,mainly their desire for more federal centralization. This of course could include controlling many aspects of the British way of life,including pensions.

The remain side will not even discuss the TTIP agreement between the EU and the USA. This so called agreement will enable the giant American corporations to sue any EU countries that tries to protect the rights of it's people.

It's all quite simple- we want our country back.

watch the new brexit 71 minute documentary on youtube
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I am English and proud to be.

I am also a Yorkshireman and proud to be.

Way down on my list is feeling like I am a European.

Europeans in the main do not think like we do. We are an island race made up from our own indiginous people as well as white (historic) invaders from Scandinavia and northern Europe.

My father and many relatives fought in WW2 to keep the Nazis and others at bay from this wonderful land of ours. Victory came with a high price from many nationalities (never forgetting the commonwealth citizens) who died for peace, freedom and to free us from the shackles of tyranny.


That is what the unelected people in the E.U. want, not only for us in the U.K. but also for others in the E.U.

The E.U. want to rule over us.

The E.U. already have too much say in our daily lives from the power of vacuum cleaners through to what our courts can and cannot do. The E.U. says who we can and cannot deport. We have terrorist, rapist, murderers, muggers and many others who cannot be deported thanks to E.U. meddling.

Our Steel industry cannot be saved thanks to E.U. rules.

Many small business are being stifled by rules, regulations and red tape.

Then there are the refugees economic immigrants.

We are being TOLD what we can and cannot do with regards to them. And if the U.K. votes to stay in the E.U. we will have less say on the matter.

Millions of Turks are waiting to invade. (let Merkel keep them).

Poles and many others coming here to the U.K. claiming benefits and having money sent back for their children who are in their own countries.

The health service is floundering under the weight of these invaders. Doctors surgeries cannot cope.

In some schools there are over 20 languages spoken.

Luckily, we still have some small say in keeping these invaders out but that will no longer be the case if we stay in the E.U.

Sweden, Germany and other countries report rapes of six year old children and others by these Syrian / Afghani and other immigrant invaders. They defacate in swimming pools. They treat our women like dirt. Sharia law courts operate here.

Many european invaders cannot be sent back home after rape / murder and other serious crimes because we have no power to do so.

The economy.

We can trade with ANY country we wish, as we wish, when we leave the E.U. Right now, we cannot. And if the misguided vote to stay IN the E.U. we will have further restrictions laid at our door. Our businesses will have to do as they are told.

Oh, dear, some people seem to believe the £ will tank. (Maybe in the short term it will), but the U.K. economy is the strongest in Europe.

Australia, Canada and other Commonwealth countries have said they will be happy to trade with us.

Europe in general will also trade with us if we leave.

So much more, but I am stopping except to mention the billions of £ we will save by leaving.


You know it makes sense.

The Daily Mail, Daily Express and Breitbart London (on the web) are at least trying to tell the people the truth.

I would agree that both sides have their arguments however the leave group should be happy you are not their spokesman . You lost all credibility after the UK is the strongest economy in Europe....and the Daily Mail tells the truth lol Edited by Johnyo
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I am English and proud to be.

I am also a Yorkshireman and proud to be.

Way down on my list is feeling like I am a European.

Europeans in the main do not think like we do. We are an island race made up from our own indiginous people as well as white (historic) invaders from Scandinavia and northern Europe.

My father and many relatives fought in WW2 to keep the Nazis and others at bay from this wonderful land of ours. Victory came with a high price from many nationalities (never forgetting the commonwealth citizens) who died for peace, freedom and to free us from the shackles of tyranny.


That is what the unelected people in the E.U. want, not only for us in the U.K. but also for others in the E.U.

The E.U. want to rule over us.

The E.U. already have too much say in our daily lives from the power of vacuum cleaners through to what our courts can and cannot do. The E.U. says who we can and cannot deport. We have terrorist, rapist, murderers, muggers and many others who cannot be deported thanks to E.U. meddling.

Our Steel industry cannot be saved thanks to E.U. rules.

Many small business are being stifled by rules, regulations and red tape.

Then there are the refugees economic immigrants.

We are being TOLD what we can and cannot do with regards to them. And if the U.K. votes to stay in the E.U. we will have less say on the matter.

Millions of Turks are waiting to invade. (let Merkel keep them).

Poles and many others coming here to the U.K. claiming benefits and having money sent back for their children who are in their own countries.

The health service is floundering under the weight of these invaders. Doctors surgeries cannot cope.

In some schools there are over 20 languages spoken.

Luckily, we still have some small say in keeping these invaders out but that will no longer be the case if we stay in the E.U.

Sweden, Germany and other countries report rapes of six year old children and others by these Syrian / Afghani and other immigrant invaders. They defacate in swimming pools. They treat our women like dirt. Sharia law courts operate here.

Many european invaders cannot be sent back home after rape / murder and other serious crimes because we have no power to do so.

The economy.

We can trade with ANY country we wish, as we wish, when we leave the E.U. Right now, we cannot. And if the misguided vote to stay IN the E.U. we will have further restrictions laid at our door. Our businesses will have to do as they are told.

Oh, dear, some people seem to believe the £ will tank. (Maybe in the short term it will), but the U.K. economy is the strongest in Europe.

Australia, Canada and other Commonwealth countries have said they will be happy to trade with us.

Europe in general will also trade with us if we leave.

So much more, but I am stopping except to mention the billions of £ we will save by leaving.


You know it makes sense.

The Daily Mail, Daily Express and Breitbart London (on the web) are at least trying to tell the people the truth.

I would agree that both sides have their arguments however the leave group should be happy you are not their spokesman . You lost all credibility after the UK is the strongest economy in Europe....and the Daily Mail tells the truth lol

At least The Mail and Breitbart along with the Express are not pandering to the governments wishes in telling Cameron's version of the truth with his vote fear campaigns. You get to hear what IDS, Boris, Gove and others have to say.

Unlike, for example, the BBC who hardly ever give the public a broad spectrum. The BBC pander to the governments wishes.

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It's worth pointing out that foreign banks resident in the UK are passported to operate within the EU. If however the UK is no longer a member state that passport becomes void and the banks will have to relocate to a member state in order to continue to do business there - the impact of that could be enormous.


Your link to the FT gives a rather balanced view with as many of the city institution's saying brexit would be good as those saying it would be bad.

I did see that the banking sector is about 10% of our GDP.

My thought has to be that Switzerland in the middle of Europe has a massive banking sector and are doing very well without being in the EU, so your comment sounds to me like another scare story.

Can you give me an unbiased link to where it says the banks will have to relocate.

Edit, ok just reread the link JP Morgan boss was the quote, next paragraph imply's a maybe to his qoute.


I haven't seen any later rallying call on that 6 month old piece of journalism.

The banks' can simply change their HQ - HSBC did it after the takeover of Midland in 1992; it gave them a bolthole from Hong Kong just in case the Chinese handover went tits up.

The banks aren't saying much for fear of being seen to influence the vote, too bad Cameron didn't adopt the same policy:


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Is't it now obvious enough,if you read through this entire thread that the case for exiting this corrupt organisation has surely been proven. The only argument put forward by the remain crowd, is the Scary propaganda of the establishment.

Let's look at other reasons to escape this nightmare. Firstly "democracy"

Let's give back to Our Parliament the right to make laws in the interest of the British people, and if we don't like any particular law or government, then we can toss them out.

We must not forget that Jean Junker has already accused our MEP's of "listening to their voters too much". He of course would prefer that we pandered to the interest of the Brussels elite,mainly their desire for more federal centralization. This of course could include controlling many aspects of the British way of life,including pensions.

The remain side will not even discuss the TTIP agreement between the EU and the USA. This so called agreement will enable the giant American corporations to sue any EU countries that tries to protect the rights of it's people.

It's all quite simple- we want our country back.

You appear to be in denial on this issue, just as you were on the issue of the Pound falling or rising on Brexit. I have read the thread again and I can find precious little fact to support Brexit but I see lots of emotion and I can see hardly any rebuttal of the financial impacts that have been set out, other than the Brexit camp saying no, it wont, it'll be OK later, Boris knows about these things! So no, the case to Brexit is far away from having been made and it's getting further if the polls are to be believed.

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Very odd, he recognises that the EU is undemocratic, uncountable and does not necessarily follow the wishes of the people it dictates to

But, he rejects brexit on the grounds that he disagrees with the policies of Boris and Michael Gove.

Surely the point is that any democratic government can be voted out whereas the unelected European commission can't be.

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Very odd, he recognises that the EU is undemocratic, uncountable and does not necessarily follow the wishes of the people it dictates to

But, he rejects brexit on the grounds that he disagrees with the policies of Boris and Michael Gove.

Surely the point is that any democratic government can be voted out whereas the unelected European commission can't be.

It can but would be difficult to do in that period leading up to a Brexit since conservative party still have that mandate to lead and labour are too disorganised to put up a fight at the moment. His argument is that the right wing of the conservatives would be able to take control during a withdrawal from Europe and lay the groundwork for a future Britain.

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I am English and proud to be.

I am also a Yorkshireman and proud to be.

Way down on my list is feeling like I am a European.

Europeans in the main do not think like we do. We are an island race made up from our own indiginous people as well as white (historic) invaders from Scandinavia and northern Europe.

My father and many relatives fought in WW2 to keep the Nazis and others at bay from this wonderful land of ours. Victory came with a high price from many nationalities (never forgetting the commonwealth citizens) who died for peace, freedom and to free us from the shackles of tyranny.


That is what the unelected people in the E.U. want, not only for us in the U.K. but also for others in the E.U.

The E.U. want to rule over us.

The E.U. already have too much say in our daily lives from the power of vacuum cleaners through to what our courts can and cannot do. The E.U. says who we can and cannot deport. We have terrorist, rapist, murderers, muggers and many others who cannot be deported thanks to E.U. meddling.

Our Steel industry cannot be saved thanks to E.U. rules.

Many small business are being stifled by rules, regulations and red tape.

Then there are the refugees economic immigrants.

We are being TOLD what we can and cannot do with regards to them. And if the U.K. votes to stay in the E.U. we will have less say on the matter.

Millions of Turks are waiting to invade. (let Merkel keep them).

Poles and many others coming here to the U.K. claiming benefits and having money sent back for their children who are in their own countries.

The health service is floundering under the weight of these invaders. Doctors surgeries cannot cope.

In some schools there are over 20 languages spoken.

Luckily, we still have some small say in keeping these invaders out but that will no longer be the case if we stay in the E.U.

Sweden, Germany and other countries report rapes of six year old children and others by these Syrian / Afghani and other immigrant invaders. They defacate in swimming pools. They treat our women like dirt. Sharia law courts operate here.

Many european invaders cannot be sent back home after rape / murder and other serious crimes because we have no power to do so.

The economy.

We can trade with ANY country we wish, as we wish, when we leave the E.U. Right now, we cannot. And if the misguided vote to stay IN the E.U. we will have further restrictions laid at our door. Our businesses will have to do as they are told.

Oh, dear, some people seem to believe the £ will tank. (Maybe in the short term it will), but the U.K. economy is the strongest in Europe.

Australia, Canada and other Commonwealth countries have said they will be happy to trade with us.

Europe in general will also trade with us if we leave.

So much more, but I am stopping except to mention the billions of £ we will save by leaving.


You know it makes sense.

The Daily Mail, Daily Express and Breitbart London (on the web) are at least trying to tell the people the truth.

I would agree that both sides have their arguments however the leave group should be happy you are not their spokesman . You lost all credibility after the UK is the strongest economy in Europe....and the Daily Mail tells the truth lol

So says a Spaniard.

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I am English and proud to be.

I am also a Yorkshireman and proud to be.

Way down on my list is feeling like I am a European.

Europeans in the main do not think like we do. We are an island race made up from our own indiginous people as well as white (historic) invaders from Scandinavia and northern Europe.

My father and many relatives fought in WW2 to keep the Nazis and others at bay from this wonderful land of ours. Victory came with a high price from many nationalities (never forgetting the commonwealth citizens) who died for peace, freedom and to free us from the shackles of tyranny.


That is what the unelected people in the E.U. want, not only for us in the U.K. but also for others in the E.U.

The E.U. want to rule over us.

The E.U. already have too much say in our daily lives from the power of vacuum cleaners through to what our courts can and cannot do. The E.U. says who we can and cannot deport. We have terrorist, rapist, murderers, muggers and many others who cannot be deported thanks to E.U. meddling.

Our Steel industry cannot be saved thanks to E.U. rules.

Many small business are being stifled by rules, regulations and red tape.

Then there are the refugees economic immigrants.

We are being TOLD what we can and cannot do with regards to them. And if the U.K. votes to stay in the E.U. we will have less say on the matter.

Millions of Turks are waiting to invade. (let Merkel keep them).

Poles and many others coming here to the U.K. claiming benefits and having money sent back for their children who are in their own countries.

The health service is floundering under the weight of these invaders. Doctors surgeries cannot cope.

In some schools there are over 20 languages spoken.

Luckily, we still have some small say in keeping these invaders out but that will no longer be the case if we stay in the E.U.

Sweden, Germany and other countries report rapes of six year old children and others by these Syrian / Afghani and other immigrant invaders. They defacate in swimming pools. They treat our women like dirt. Sharia law courts operate here.

Many european invaders cannot be sent back home after rape / murder and other serious crimes because we have no power to do so.

The economy.

We can trade with ANY country we wish, as we wish, when we leave the E.U. Right now, we cannot. And if the misguided vote to stay IN the E.U. we will have further restrictions laid at our door. Our businesses will have to do as they are told.

Oh, dear, some people seem to believe the £ will tank. (Maybe in the short term it will), but the U.K. economy is the strongest in Europe.

Australia, Canada and other Commonwealth countries have said they will be happy to trade with us.

Europe in general will also trade with us if we leave.

So much more, but I am stopping except to mention the billions of £ we will save by leaving.


You know it makes sense.

The Daily Mail, Daily Express and Breitbart London (on the web) are at least trying to tell the people the truth.

I would agree that both sides have their arguments however the leave group should be happy you are not their spokesman . You lost all credibility after the UK is the strongest economy in Europe....and the Daily Mail tells the truth lol
So says a Spaniard.
And your point? Is the UK the strongest economy in Europe? Is the Daily Mail the wholly grail of truth? Edited by Johnyo
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I have just been looking at a quote for car hire when we go to Malta in a few weeks.

Drivers with a licence from outside the EU must be in possession of a valid International Driving Permit.

Just a touch of reality

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The economy.

We can trade with ANY country we wish, as we wish, when we leave the E.U. Right now, we cannot.

Perfectly true but short on specifics. The UK would have to trade as a WTO member subject to the WTO tariff structure.

The only way to avoid tariffs with the EU would be for UK to become a member of EFTA which would entail free movement of goods and free movement of labour.

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OK I can see that but it still does not make sense to reject self determination forever because you don't agree with short term governmental policies that can be corrected if it is the will of the electorate.

Forever is a long time. I think Europe is in a mess now and, as the article points out, there is a rise in right wing political groups across the EU that are far more aligned with UK aspirations. There could well be an opportunity to work with them in the future to reshape Europe into something more palatable. It is also strongly possible that the EU will continue its consolidation despite this rise of more nationalistic tendencies which will make the UK more of a thorn in its side particularly if they push the euro down our throat or insist we join the schengen area. Should that happen they would probably be happy to see us go putting us in a far better negotiating position with some sort of norwegian style arrangement offered to us on a plate.

I am no fan of europe and it decimated my business years ago when the trade barriers came down however i did see how much it benefitted the economy in general and a reimposition of some of those barriers now would have serious implications in my view.

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Interesting poll, with sharp differences berween those polled on the phone and the internet poll. Either way, I believe it will be very close which probably means whichever side wins, it won't be fully resolved (especially as the procedure for leaving will take years!).


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I respect both sides of the argument but I can't see any compelling argument for Brexit. Stay in.


And this does not include the Democratic benefits, from leaving the corrupt EU

And restoring the supremacy of our Parliament.

Edited by nontabury
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This might be worth taking a peep at:-



at least for anyone who is genuinely interested

The debate in Berlin has the full spectrum of German politicians and an audience putting the questions. Dimbleby in the chair

Excellent, rational discussion - in perfect English naturally

Actually, as a Brit, I was shamed by the way German humanity and decency shon through. Quite unlike our own typical discourse

An earlier episode from Brussels is also good. They have a far right Swede on this one. But just listen to his logic and polite discourse and compare with the UKIP ape shouting out from the audience

Next episode this weekend from Birmingham

Edited by Grouse
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I hope Poland will quit.

Look what happens, polish right wing wins elections in huge majority.

Poland says they will not accept any refugees at all, after Paris attacks.

Remember EU quotas?

EU parlimet starts procedure of observing democracy in Poland.

Fine them, and says for every refused refugee we pay 250k eur.

They really hate on nationalists, want to destroy every country like Germany etc.

They have problem smile.png

You folks just don't get it do you.

I guess not old enough to remember or could not be bothered to read the history

I am telling you that a fundamentally benign organisation is far preferable than competing nationalistic nation states in Europe.

Terribly dangerous situation.

and you sign off with a smiley. Jesus

Just b cuz you says so mr. Leftist smile.png

Go and tell that to them:

Dont worry about it we know our and euro history pretty well, we are nacionalists remember? smile.png

And you should be thankfull cuz if it was not our King Jan III Sobieski you all would be muslims now smile.png

And dont get it wrong, right ppl are welcomed, and there is a lot.



You want people treated the way you Poles were treated following the Molotov/Ribbentrop pact?

Tell me, who was worse? Stalin or Hitler?

What ARE you saying

Life in Poland has been pretty damn good after the end of the Warsaw pact

You've had massive support from us

Instead of going after the Germans and the EU why don't you get back the 50% of your country still occupied by Russia?

BTW it was the Americans who sold you out after the war. Gave Stalin half your lands without a murmur much to Churchill's disgust

check ur facts sir we were betrayed by west and thrown under stalin communism Yalta conference 1945 https://www.google.co.th/search?q=yalta&oq=yalta&aqs=chrome..69i57.2213j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=yalta+conference+betrayal+poland

And poles dont blow themself, and most works too.

Poles were fighting for Britain and polish RAF 303 had most shootdown, after they were not even invited for a defilade in london.

I fully agree with you

The Poles got it worse than anyone then had to be under communist rule

What I don't understand is why you want to bite the hands that helped you to the way Poland is now!

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Is't it now obvious enough,if you read through this entire thread that the case for exiting this corrupt organisation has surely been proven. The only argument put forward by the remain crowd, is the Scary propaganda of the establishment.

Let's look at other reasons to escape this nightmare. Firstly "democracy"

Let's give back to Our Parliament the right to make laws in the interest of the British people, and if we don't like any particular law or government, then we can toss them out.

We must not forget that Jean Junker has already accused our MEP's of "listening to their voters too much". He of course would prefer that we pandered to the interest of the Brussels elite,mainly their desire for more federal centralization. This of course could include controlling many aspects of the British way of life,including pensions.

The remain side will not even discuss the TTIP agreement between the EU and the USA. This so called agreement will enable the giant American corporations to sue any EU countries that tries to protect the rights of it's people.

It's all quite simple- we want our country back.

You, sir, have clearly failed to read all the expert advice

You are still drawing silly conclusions from populist press.

OK, your choice. But please do not tell us the case for Brexit is proven. It is not. Far from it.

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Is't it now obvious enough,if you read through this entire thread that the case for exiting this corrupt organisation has surely been proven. The only argument put forward by the remain crowd, is the Scary propaganda of the establishment.

Let's look at other reasons to escape this nightmare. Firstly "democracy"

Let's give back to Our Parliament the right to make laws in the interest of the British people, and if we don't like any particular law or government, then we can toss them out.

We must not forget that Jean Junker has already accused our MEP's of "listening to their voters too much". He of course would prefer that we pandered to the interest of the Brussels elite,mainly their desire for more federal centralization. This of course could include controlling many aspects of the British way of life,including pensions.

The remain side will not even discuss the TTIP agreement between the EU and the USA. This so called agreement will enable the giant American corporations to sue any EU countries that tries to protect the rights of it's people.

It's all quite simple- we want our country back.

You, sir, have clearly failed to read all the expert advice

You are still drawing silly conclusions from populist press.

OK, your choice. But please do not tell us the case for Brexit is proven. It is not. Far from it.

That would be your opinion.

As this a TV thread the 78% who have indicated favouring an exit suggests that the case for BREXIT is indeed proven.

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I am English and proud to be.

I am also a Yorkshireman and proud to be.

Way down on my list is feeling like I am a European.

Europeans in the main do not think like we do. We are an island race made up from our own indiginous people as well as white (historic) invaders from Scandinavia and northern Europe.

My father and many relatives fought in WW2 to keep the Nazis and others at bay from this wonderful land of ours. Victory came with a high price from many nationalities (never forgetting the commonwealth citizens) who died for peace, freedom and to free us from the shackles of tyranny.


That is what the unelected people in the E.U. want, not only for us in the U.K. but also for others in the E.U.

The E.U. want to rule over us.

The E.U. already have too much say in our daily lives from the power of vacuum cleaners through to what our courts can and cannot do. The E.U. says who we can and cannot deport. We have terrorist, rapist, murderers, muggers and many others who cannot be deported thanks to E.U. meddling.

Our Steel industry cannot be saved thanks to E.U. rules.

Many small business are being stifled by rules, regulations and red tape.

Then there are the refugees economic immigrants.

We are being TOLD what we can and cannot do with regards to them. And if the U.K. votes to stay in the E.U. we will have less say on the matter.

Millions of Turks are waiting to invade. (let Merkel keep them).

Poles and many others coming here to the U.K. claiming benefits and having money sent back for their children who are in their own countries.

The health service is floundering under the weight of these invaders. Doctors surgeries cannot cope.

In some schools there are over 20 languages spoken.

Luckily, we still have some small say in keeping these invaders out but that will no longer be the case if we stay in the E.U.

Sweden, Germany and other countries report rapes of six year old children and others by these Syrian / Afghani and other immigrant invaders. They defacate in swimming pools. They treat our women like dirt. Sharia law courts operate here.

Many european invaders cannot be sent back home after rape / murder and other serious crimes because we have no power to do so.

The economy.

We can trade with ANY country we wish, as we wish, when we leave the E.U. Right now, we cannot. And if the misguided vote to stay IN the E.U. we will have further restrictions laid at our door. Our businesses will have to do as they are told.

Oh, dear, some people seem to believe the £ will tank. (Maybe in the short term it will), but the U.K. economy is the strongest in Europe.

Australia, Canada and other Commonwealth countries have said they will be happy to trade with us.

Europe in general will also trade with us if we leave.

So much more, but I am stopping except to mention the billions of £ we will save by leaving.


You know it makes sense.

The Daily Mail, Daily Express and Breitbart London (on the web) are at least trying to tell the people the truth.

I would agree that both sides have their arguments however the leave group should be happy you are not their spokesman . You lost all credibility after the UK is the strongest economy in Europe....and the Daily Mail tells the truth lol

At least The Mail and Breitbart along with the Express are not pandering to the governments wishes in telling Cameron's version of the truth with his vote fear campaigns. You get to hear what IDS, Boris, Gove and others have to say.

Unlike, for example, the BBC who hardly ever give the public a broad spectrum. The BBC pander to the governments wishes.

What nonsense!

Do you listen to any serious Radio 4 programs?

You should

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The leaked memos between Soames and Cameron, give a pretty good picture of things. FTSE companies being encouraged to scaremonger in their quarterly reports. The stay camp obviously has "hired" Dave to be well on board. It will be good for those in big business and govt contracts, that is about all.

Meanwhile they hope 90 + % of the population sit at home, pay taxes and watch Big Brother (oh and vote for the UK to stay in the EU, to keep filling their pockets).

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