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SURVEY: Brexit, do you support it?


SURVEY: Brexit, do you support it?  

454 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you support the UK leaving the EU?

    • Yes, I am a UK national and I support leaving the EU.
    • Yes, I support the UK leaving the EU, but I am not a UK national.
    • No, I am a UK national and I do not support leaving the EU.
    • No, I do not support the UK leaving the EU and I am not a UK national.

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I would like to see the U.K. stay in the E.U. I am a U.K. citizen and on a purely personal view there are many reports that the British pound would tank by approx. 20% which would be extremely detrimental to my financies .

By the same people who predicted the pound plummeting if we didn't join the Euro single currency..... wake up and smell the coffee.... The In campaign were pointing to the weakening of the pound being a result of the EU vote, but at the same time the FTSE was rising but they didn't mention that and they soon shut up when the pound recovered.

You should anticipate a weakening of the pound after the UK vote to leave the EU because of uncertainty but it will bounce back and be even stronger when the dust settles and even stronger still when the EU starts to fall apart completely.

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For 500 years Germany and France, and to a lesser extent the Dutch and Spanish wanted to dominate Britain but failed by war like means. Along comes the EU membership, something we were conned into by the way, and ever since the Germans and the French have been dominating the Brit's in just about every walk of life.

We are an Island People's and we don't even think on the same plateau as mainland Europeans, so there are more reasons than one why we should leave and go it alone. There is nothing to be afraid of out there in the big wide business world, we've done it all before and we could do it all again. Those who talk of Scottish Independence, the reunification of Ireland,( and do i hear Welsh Independence?) make me laugh. Just how are they going to pay for these dreams other than expecting dear old England to cough up....which would never happen.

"For 500 years Germany and France, and to a lesser extent the Dutch and Spanish wanted to dominate Britain but failed by war like means." - can i just stop you there for a moment? ....... thanks ......... now come back when you've got your facts straight.

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For 500 years Germany and France, and to a lesser extent the Dutch and Spanish wanted to dominate Britain but failed by war like means. Along comes the EU membership, something we were conned into by the way, and ever since the Germans and the French have been dominating the Brit's in just about every walk of life.

We are an Island People's and we don't even think on the same plateau as mainland Europeans, so there are more reasons than one why we should leave and go it alone. There is nothing to be afraid of out there in the big wide business world, we've done it all before and we could do it all again. Those who talk of Scottish Independence, the reunification of Ireland,( and do i hear Welsh Independence?) make me laugh. Just how are they going to pay for these dreams other than expecting dear old England to cough up....which would never happen.

Amazing - is this representative of the "exit" campaign?

It is without doubt the most facile and ill-informed post on this thread so far....just about EVERY word is incorrect. The poster should be ashamed of parading such nonsense.

I would hope that at least some people who campaign to leave are basing their argument on something better than this.

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What if I said, it would not make a huge difference? Even if the UK withdrew politically, economically, militarily, etc, it would still be closely tied to the continent. Also, just what does exit mean? Exactly what would change? Not the biggest problem facing the UK.

"What if I said, it would not make a huge difference?" Right ! Any one has the right to say anything...But

inter alia

UK cars exported to Europe10% taxe

Food exported to Europe 20% taxe

UK citizen would need a visa to stay in European countries

UK citizen would need a work permit in European countries

Scotland declared Brexit would be a casius beli so will have a new referendum for independance

In the city some banks and financials circles said they would move to Paris or Francfort

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Thread update. laugh.png

OUT 70

IN 34

Single white males probably ?

All 104? Bizarre comment!

I was alluding to the apparant correlation between Brexit supporters and aTrump supporters which is indeed bizarre

So you reckon just under 70% of the people on this forum are single white males - I doubt you're even close.

And as for Trump, he's just a complete <deleted> wit who spouts nonsense in order to avoid dealing with any real issues. There, Trump supporters and me are poles apart and I will definitely be voting to Leave the failing EU. And when the UK leaves, the EU will crumble within two or three years.

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Remember too - it won't be "Britain" outside the EU, it will be a "mini-UK" England and maybe Wales.

say goodbye to your freedom to live work and travel in Europe without excessive paperwork.

Say goodbye to cheap food and booze.

say good bye to your property rights in EU

Say good bye to your workers rights and benefits

Say goodbye to new roads and civil engineering projects

and say goodbye to car manufacturers and other industries who have been using UK to export to EU.

say good bye to the transport companies that have shipped goods to EU because it was so easy.

Say good bye to your Polish maid/hairdresser etc

Say goodbye to your local delicatessen.

Say goodbye to safe workplaces......

feel free to add your own......

Yeah Ok but sorry l must consult my crystal ball reader as well first. whistling.giffacepalm.gif

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Some very narrow minded views. A Brexit may well lead to the independence of Scotland who would obviously end up in the EU.

The knock on effect could be the reunification of Ireland, also in favour of being part of the EU. How would England fare in the event of multiple amputations, with great difficulty I suspect.

What would 'British' actually mean if there is no longer a Great Britain, but you can always blame the government for the breakup, nothing to do with you.

Be careful what you wish for.

I think we may even see many Scots decide to vote for Brexit given that would mean a second referendum in Scotland following which they would then apply to join the EU having been instrumental in getting the UK out. The term Little Englander is going to take on a more realistic meaning.

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Thread update. laugh.png

OUT 70

IN 34

Single white males probably ?

All 104? Bizarre comment!

I was alluding to the apparant correlation between Brexit supporters and aTrump supporters which is indeed bizarre

So you reckon just under 70% of the people on this forum are single white males - I doubt you're even close.

And as for Trump, he's just a complete <deleted> wit who spouts nonsense in order to avoid dealing with any real issues. There, Trump supporters and me are poles apart and I will definitely be voting to Leave the failing EU. And when the UK leaves, the EU will crumble within two or three years.

Don't know why I put single! I meant white males, probably without tertiary education

But, as for the correlation with Trump supporters based on opinions expressed, that still stands...

BTW it is interesting to note that Peterborough and Cambridge, similar size and about same distance from London are at the extremities of pro and anti Brexit. Can you guess which is which? Why do think that is?

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England (or mini UK) will have 2 years to negotiate their exit under EU rules. In this 2 years they will have to re-negotiate every trade agreement and treaty, not just with the EU but all the countries we signed as a member of the EU. We will be negotiating from a position of weakness a population of about 50 million instead of 500 million, with no financial backing out side our own. People who do treaties with the UK like to because they get access to the huge EU market......not only will they not have that, neither will we. those who think we can carry on as a "close neighbour" will like Norway will need to think again; Norway (and Scotland) are small countries that can quickly negotiate deals and have much less impact on the EU and will be viewed as "friends".

at the end of the day the negotiations between EU and UK will NOT be friendly as the EU will consider that we have let thwm down.......if anyone thinks any good will come from exit (apart from a war against Germany, according to the lesser cognitive amongst us) I fail to see it.

actually one good thing will happen if we leave - cameron will have to resign. ...then we get a Labour government? ...and they are pro EU........maybe even if the referendum votes "out" it won't actually have any effect -
BTW - the results aren't binding.

Edited by cumgranosalum
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Thread update. laugh.png

OUT 70

IN 34

Single white males probably ?

All 104? Bizarre comment!

I was alluding to the apparant correlation between Brexit supporters and aTrump supporters which is indeed bizarre

So you reckon just under 70% of the people on this forum are single white males - I doubt you're even close.

And as for Trump, he's just a complete <deleted> wit who spouts nonsense in order to avoid dealing with any real issues. There, Trump supporters and me are poles apart and I will definitely be voting to Leave the failing EU. And when the UK leaves, the EU will crumble within two or three years.

Don't know why I put single! I meant white males, probably without tertiary education

But, as for the correlation with Trump supporters based on opinions expressed, that still stands...

BTW it is interesting to note that Peterborough and Cambridge, similar size and about same distance from London are at the extremities of pro and anti Brexit. Can you guess which is which? Why do think that is?

"white males, probably without tertiary education" - or secondary?

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In the long run it will make little difference economically, but I believe will inspire a new generation of entrepreneurs that will regenerate the UK and put the Great back in Great Britain. When the electorate finally wakes up we will also have the opportunity to dump neo-liberal economics for the empty suit that they are, and will be able to renationalize key industries and services.

As opportunities diminish slightly in the EU, there will be other opportunities opening up around the globe. Europe is headed nowhere but stagnation.

The biggest danger to the financial health of the population is not Brexit, but TTP which is the US's attempt to overcome sovereignty of nations and to impose rule by corporations ie a corporatocracy.

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I would like to see the U.K. stay in the E.U. I am a U.K. citizen and on a purely personal view there are many reports that the British pound would tank by approx. 20% which would be extremely detrimental to my financies .

So was Draghi's decision to "inject" the union with a lot of printed money.

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I am and always have been against the EU. It is a corrupt and rotten organisation from top to bottom. It only serves the non elected thieves that are in it for themselves and their zionist NWO bankster mafia bosses. The UK which has the best and proudest history of all the countries in europe that has repelled all invaders since 1066, implemented the Magna Carta in 1215


went through the reformation which removed the oppressive catholic church from power, went through a bloody civil war, started the industrial revolution, the first country to abolish slavery and with our allies defeated three tyrants that virtually destroyed the rest of europe, Napoleon, Kaiser Wilhelm II and Hitler. We stood firm in the cold war against the jewish communists of the USSR who brutally controlled and subjugated many of the countries that are now part of the EU. The EU want more power, their own military force, new member states such as Turkey and the Ukraine. They destroyed Greece by bankrupting it so the filthy paymasters could buy up all of the public services at rock bottom price while subjecting the people and those of Portugal, Italy, Ireland and Spain to severe austerity measures with threats from the ECB and IMF if they didn't comply. They've rode rough shod over democratic vote after democratic vote and showed their contempt for the people of europe, most lately, the Dutch. Well a Brexit vote is one they can't ignore and it will bring down the whole Sorros backed house of cards. The UK will be able to hold it's head high again, remove the self serving pig Cameron from power, bring democracy back and be a free nation that can set sail on its own corse once again. Rule Britannia. I love my country and served 22 years as a soldier. I just want my country back for the sake of the British people.

The points I mention above barely scratch the surface as to my reasons for wanting out.

Hear hear....i wish there were more like you and me, we could take over the world again...5555

Good post mate....watch the link i posted (post #37) gives me goosebumps...555

Ok I hear you.

You want out because you don't want to be bossed around and with the same breath you say "we could take over (boss around) the world again".

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Some very narrow minded views. A Brexit may well lead to the independence of Scotland who would obviously end up in the EU.

The knock on effect could be the reunification of Ireland, also in favour of being part of the EU. How would England fare in the event of multiple amputations, with great difficulty I suspect.

What would 'British' actually mean if there is no longer a Great Britain, but you can always blame the government for the breakup, nothing to do with you.

Be careful what you wish for.

Well if Scotland and both parts of Ireland were to secede and join the EU they would become like many of the poorer nations of the EU who contribute nothing by expect equal treatment and incoming funds to support them.

England would no longer have to support Scotland and there would be no Scottish MPs in the English government. The same would apply to Northern Ireland who have been financially supported by the English for many years,

IMHO no matter what the SNP, Nicola Sturgeon or Alex Salmond want (or how they change the referendum rules to admit oyunger voters) they too are bound by the voters. If a second referendum were called and they lose, as they did last time, what will the SNP and its leaders do then?

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I don't care about Brexit either way.

I know my president, the honorable Barack Obama, has come out against it.

I wonder if that will help the brexit cause.

I doubt British people appreciate any intended influence on the matter from a nation not even in Europe.

Whatever the choice, I hope the British make the right decision, and wish y'all the best.

Another bloody "socialist"

I have never heard any nation except for the capitalist USA folks talk about the bloody socialists.

And that Obama is so honorable is just your opinion.

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I would like to see the U.K. stay in the E.U. I am a U.K. citizen and on a purely personal view there are many reports that the British pound would tank by approx. 20% which would be extremely detrimental to my financies .

Deckard, All you think about is money ! There are more important things, like not being dictated to by france (note small case) or germany (ditto) smile.png

The poor people living in 5000 baht rooms and never, ever switch on the air-con, have spoken out on BREXIT. 'There are more important things than money.....' Oh purrrlease!

Funny how you should mention poor people living in 5,000 baht rooms and never turn on the air conditioning.

I live on 15 rai and yes the a/c is turned on plus I DO have a vote in the UK.

I made my decision a long time ago to vote for a Brexit.

How about you?

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I would like to see the U.K. stay in the E.U. I am a U.K. citizen and on a purely personal view there are many reports that the British pound would tank by approx. 20% which would be extremely detrimental to my financies .

By the same people who predicted the pound plummeting if we didn't join the Euro single currency..... wake up and smell the coffee.... The In campaign were pointing to the weakening of the pound being a result of the EU vote, but at the same time the FTSE was rising but they didn't mention that and they soon shut up when the pound recovered.

You should anticipate a weakening of the pound after the UK vote to leave the EU because of uncertainty but it will bounce back and be even stronger when the dust settles and even stronger still when the EU starts to fall apart completely.

is this rats leaving a sinking ship? Mind you, what do rats know?

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Remember too - it won't be "Britain" outside the EU, it will be a "mini-UK" England and maybe Wales.

say goodbye to your freedom to live work and travel in Europe without excessive paperwork.

Say goodbye to cheap food and booze.

say good bye to your property rights in EU

Say good bye to your workers rights and benefits

Say goodbye to new roads and civil engineering projects

and say goodbye to car manufacturers and other industries who have been using UK to export to EU.

say good bye to the transport companies that have shipped goods to EU because it was so easy.

Say good bye to your Polish maid/hairdresser etc

Say goodbye to your local delicatessen.

Say goodbye to safe workplaces......

feel free to add your own......

It will still be Britain outside of the EU

Of the 65,039,319 people of the UK actually live and work in the EU?

Why will food and booze be more expensive as there will be a larger market that the UK can buy from?

Why will you loose your property rights in the EU in the case of a Brexit?

Workers rights and benefits will still be there.

Have you seen the state of the roads in the UK lately under the EU. Civil engineering projects will still go on.

bla bla bla

I am fed with trying to answer your questions.

Why don't YOU put some facts along with your statements?

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Remember too - it won't be "Britain" outside the EU, it will be a "mini-UK" England and maybe Wales.

say goodbye to your freedom to live work and travel in Europe without excessive paperwork.

Say goodbye to cheap food and booze.

say good bye to your property rights in EU

Say good bye to your workers rights and benefits

Say goodbye to new roads and civil engineering projects

and say goodbye to car manufacturers and other industries who have been using UK to export to EU.

say good bye to the transport companies that have shipped goods to EU because it was so easy.

Say good bye to your Polish maid/hairdresser etc

Say goodbye to your local delicatessen.

Say goodbye to safe workplaces......

feel free to add your own......

Absolute rubbish,unless of course you can prove your predictions.

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The EU is just one big scam presented to us years ago by the banking and other mafia,

and we went for it because at the time perhaps it was a good thing (or not).

The noblest thing for the English would be to go for a brexit. Oh yes, it will hurt for a while.

In the end all independent European nations will win after we all have turned our backs on the crooked EU doctrine.

We all did great before the EU came to life, but the invisible and greedy for control mafia wanted more.

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Some very narrow minded views. A Brexit may well lead to the independence of Scotland who would obviously end up in the EU.

The knock on effect could be the reunification of Ireland, also in favour of being part of the EU. How would England fare in the event of multiple amputations, with great difficulty I suspect.

What would 'British' actually mean if there is no longer a Great Britain, but you can always blame the government for the breakup, nothing to do with you.

Be careful what you wish for.

I think we may even see many Scots decide to vote for Brexit given that would mean a second referendum in Scotland following which they would then apply to join the EU having been instrumental in getting the UK out. The term Little Englander is going to take on a more realistic meaning.

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I am and always have been against the EU. It is a corrupt and rotten organisation from top to bottom. It only serves the non elected thieves that are in it for themselves and their zionist NWO bankster mafia bosses. The UK which has the best and proudest history of all the countries in europe that has repelled all invaders since 1066, implemented the Magna Carta in 1215


went through the reformation which removed the oppressive catholic church from power, went through a bloody civil war, started the industrial revolution, the first country to abolish slavery and with our allies defeated three tyrants that virtually destroyed the rest of europe, Napoleon, Kaiser Wilhelm II and Hitler. We stood firm in the cold war against the jewish communists of the USSR who brutally controlled and subjugated many of the countries that are now part of the EU. The EU want more power, their own military force, new member states such as Turkey and the Ukraine. They destroyed Greece by bankrupting it so the filthy paymasters could buy up all of the public services at rock bottom price while subjecting the people and those of Portugal, Italy, Ireland and Spain to severe austerity measures with threats from the ECB and IMF if they didn't comply. They've rode rough shod over democratic vote after democratic vote and showed their contempt for the people of europe, most lately, the Dutch. Well a Brexit vote is one they can't ignore and it will bring down the whole Sorros backed house of cards. The UK will be able to hold it's head high again, remove the self serving pig Cameron from power, bring democracy back and be a free nation that can set sail on its own corse once again. Rule Britannia. I love my country and served 22 years as a soldier. I just want my country back for the sake of the British people.

The points I mention above barely scratch the surface as to my reasons for wanting out.

Hear hear....i wish there were more like you and me, we could take over the world again...5555

Good post mate....watch the link i posted (post #37) gives me goosebumps...555

Ok I hear you.

You want out because you don't want to be bossed around and with the same breath you say "we could take over (boss around) the world again".

Another one that cannot see i was joking....555 means hahaha, means i was J.O.K.I.N.G, don't be so freakin' serious mate...go on, let it all out, have a good chuckle.
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The EU is just one big scam presented to us years ago by the banking and other mafia,

and we went for it because at the time perhaps it was a good thing (or not).

The noblest thing for the English would be to go for a brexit. Oh yes, it will hurt for a while.

In the end all independent European nations will win after we all have turned our backs on the crooked EU doctrine.

We all did great before the EU came to life, but the invisible and greedy for control mafia wanted more.

That's the thing, we din't vote for the EU in 1975, we voted in support of a trading agreement (EEC)between Western European countries. Unfortunately we were deceived by Heath and Co. If you don't believe me ask Jeremy Corbin, "oh" hang on a minute, he amazingly changed his mind after becoming leader of the Labour Party in Sep 2015, even though he had voted against the Maastricht treaty of 1993 that called for further integration. Again in 2008 re the Lisbon treaty, he voted against it,as did the people of Ireland and France before they were threatened with dire consequences unless they changed there mind,which subsequently they did.

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Remember too - it won't be "Britain" outside the EU, it will be a "mini-UK" England and maybe Wales.

say goodbye to your freedom to live work and travel in Europe without excessive paperwork.

Say goodbye to cheap food and booze.

say good bye to your property rights in EU

Say good bye to your workers rights and benefits

Say goodbye to new roads and civil engineering projects

and say goodbye to car manufacturers and other industries who have been using UK to export to EU.

say good bye to the transport companies that have shipped goods to EU because it was so easy.

Say good bye to your Polish maid/hairdresser etc

Say goodbye to your local delicatessen.

Say goodbye to safe workplaces......

feel free to add your own......

Absolute rubbish,unless of course you can prove your predictions.

And the UKIP predictions came true? The "out"ers have little more than their anti foreigner bile to use in their attempts to scare us.

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