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Soi Bukahao.Water throwing violence


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As with all the other dangers in Thailand "forewarned is forearmed".

A friend of mine has just spent his first Songkran in a village in the North, rather than Pattaya, as a result of my and more experienced foreigners description of what it gets like. (I have spent one Songkran in Pattaya).

All one can do is tell the world what it's really like, and allow it to make an informed choice.

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This is not even Songkran yet - they'll be at this for days and days.

Isn't the Songkran holiday the 13th,14th,15th April every year? Why oh why, do some citys in Thailand extend beyond these days, especially this year with the water shortage.

The Songkran holiday actually MOVES, from north to south. In BKK this year, it was the 13th. The official holiday in Pattaya is the 19th. That's when you'll see Sukhumvit at a virtual stand still with row after row of pickup trucks loaded with barrels of water, continuously spraying every vehicle and person within reach. That will be the worst day for water madness in this area.

The holiday is a couple of days later in Rayong.

The dates don't move - they are fixed and the same every year. Pattaya starts early and continues until 19th. It continues with relentless intensity from 13th - 19th, with pockets starting as early as 11th.

Overall this year will be worse than last year as last year Songkran Day fell on a Sunday. This year all the Bangkok diehards would have been down to join festivities over the weekend after their Songkran finished on Friday - then all set for the the worst 2 days Monday and Tuesday.

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That looks nasty, where was it?

Google translation (forgive me):

By shooting on April 14, when the central register two groups of youths causing a spat. Then use firearms Came out firing nearly 20 shots in the crime takes longer than 20 minutes is throwing and destruction of enemy property to be damaged. And the pain was sharp until the gun three people were injured. Hundreds of people are now cause for Songkran water splashing each other playfully. The cause is the main street of the Songkran of Kamphaeng Phet. The man ran away dead rabbit gun Hgalahwaen.

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I had my breakfast ruined while eating at seaside cafe just off soi7 early in the morning a few years back, its was 8 30am and the idiots next door was still playing from the night before drunk as skunks, when one decided it would be fun to wet us while eating.

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I had my breakfast ruined while eating at seaside cafe just off soi7 early in the morning a few years back, its was 8 30am and the idiots next door was still playing from the night before drunk as skunks, when one decided it would be fun to wet us while eating.

That was a candidate for a knuckle sandwich. He didn't pay your bill?

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Violence is no answer, but it's hard not to sympathize when you're on a moving bike and a mass of water, no matter how small, heads your way. Instantly, your attention is distracted and you might swerve just a few inches to avoid it - which in that area could put you into the path of an oncoming vehicle, trap your front wheel on a slippery culvert, or land you in the lap of a bar katoey. All of which could have nasty outcomes. smile.png

IMO violence was the perfect answer here. I had a bucket of ice water tossed over me (by a Thai idiot) on a side Soi once at about 10pm on my way back from shopping at Foodland. I got off the bike and dunked his head into his water tank. It's hard for you people to understand the emotions involved unless you're there being attacked with the water after you've asked them not to.

What other solution would you suggest? There isn't any. Sometimes violence is the only answer. Next time that Farang or his friends decide to spray someone who asks not to be, they'll think twice, won't they?

a dog would!...depends on the memory span.

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Complete lack of education & respect for others. What kind of people are these? ....

As every year, Bouakao is low-life central. Go home you morons...... MS>


Bouakao is low-life all the year, not only on Songkran.

So do you live on Soi Bouakao?

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I had my breakfast ruined while eating at seaside cafe just off soi7 early in the morning a few years back, its was 8 30am and the idiots next door was still playing from the night before drunk as skunks, when one decided it would be fun to wet us while eating.

That was a candidate for a knuckle sandwich. He didn't pay your bill?
No mate but the restaurant replaced the breakfast that was ruined.
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Water gun/bucket warriors, second only to keyboard warriors in their quest for social cowardice. Scumbag tourists, teen thai's and greasy girl or tranny bar rats seem to corner the market on poor water judgment (water on obvious non-playing persons-elderly, babies,working attired).

That video of Air Con was rather tame.

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Water gun/bucket warriors, second only to keyboard warriors in their quest for social cowardice. Scumbag tourists, teen thai's and greasy girl or tranny bar rats seem to corner the market on poor water judgment (water on obvious non-playing persons-elderly, babies,working attired).

That video of Air Con was rather tame.

Great writing.....55555....MS>

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check these Bar rats out and make up your own minds .....


!..mature adult with safety in mind ?

2..mature adults with a IQ of a amoeba who don't give a rats <deleted> about the well being of bike riders .

I am going with number 2

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Same old story: Wanna be hard man intimidates regular folk, then he meets a fighter, and he claims injustice.

IMO you've got it the wrong way around. The cretin who sprayed the guy (who asked not to be sprayed) was the "wanna be hard man".

A good fighter probably doesn't need to throw water at passing motorcyclists to prove his manhood.

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The whole Songkram theme is hyped up by TAT and businesses like Bar Owners, Khaosan Road, Phuket, Pattaya, Chiang Mai etc.

They want the crazy Farang to appear with fist fulls of cash to spend on booze, food, accommodation, bar girls etc.

Then the Farang go away again.

If only they would just leave their money as soon as they land at the airport and get straight back on a plane!

Like Full Moon parties, only more intense!

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Violence is no answer, but it's hard not to sympathize when you're on a moving bike and a mass of water, no matter how small, heads your way. Instantly, your attention is distracted and you might swerve just a few inches to avoid it - which in that area could put you into the path of an oncoming vehicle, trap your front wheel on a slippery culvert, or land you in the lap of a bar katoey. All of which could have nasty outcomes. smile.png

Thanks for the "belly laugh"...just happened to need it at the time....nice one.

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Throwing water into the viewing area of ANY moving vehicle should be outlawed! Even in a car, when a large volume of water hits the driver's window, attention IS diverted. Often, instinct forces a person to close his eyes, and/ turn his head; as well as perhaps swerve a bit. As noted earlier, any off track movement in the traffic here is a serious danger!

This entire water madness during what was originally intended as a serious and serene religious "blessing" is outrageous. It has become the same thing as riot mentality. While there is no looting, and limited physical assault, the dangers it creates are nonetheless serious.

It's OK to have fun and games with water among pedestrians; but I strongly believe that it should be outlawed to throw anything, including water, at a moving vehicle. Then that law should be strictly enforced! "FUN" stops where danger begins!

IMO it's only OK to spray people who are actively, and obviously participating in festivities, and NEVER motorcycles.

Apart from the obvious visibility problems, in the case of ice water, it can really shock the body on a hot day and cause a person to lose control. Throwing ice water has only one purpose - to cause victims the greatest discomfort possible.

I agree. I posted this the other day that the purpose of modern Songkran seems to be to provoke violence. Chucking buckets full of dirty iced water at people, especially those on motorbikes can have no other purpose IMHO.

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IMO violence was the perfect answer here. I had a bucket of ice water tossed over me (by a Thai idiot) on a side Soi once at about 10pm on my way back from shopping at Foodland. I got off the bike and dunked his head into his water tank. It's hard for you people to understand the emotions involved unless you're there being attacked with the water after you've asked them not to.

What other solution would you suggest? There isn't any. Sometimes violence is the only answer. Next time that Farang or his friends decide to spray someone who asks not to be, they'll think twice, won't they?

pics or THAT didn't happen...

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Violence is no answer, but it's hard not to sympathize when you're on a moving bike and a mass of water, no matter how small, heads your way. Instantly, your attention is distracted and you might swerve just a few inches to avoid it - which in that area could put you into the path of an oncoming vehicle, trap your front wheel on a slippery culvert, or land you in the lap of a bar katoey. All of which could have nasty outcomes. smile.png

Violence is the answer on this occasion.

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Complete lack of education & respect for others. What kind of people are these? Complete lack of law-enforcement, where in the world could anyone throw "anything" unpunished in the faces of moving bike drivers, at cars etc.??? Totally ridiculous. Fully support anybody who gets of the bike and breaks these morons noses....Well done!!!

As every year, Bouakao is low-life central. Go home you morons...... MS>

I believe that is what a lot of Thais are thinking about you farang spoil sports. Please go home.

Include me in this comment and I am a bike riding farang who loves Songkran and all the stuff that comes with it.

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Violence is no answer, but it's hard not to sympathize when you're on a moving bike and a mass of water, no matter how small, heads your way. Instantly, your attention is distracted and you might swerve just a few inches to avoid it - which in that area could put you into the path of an oncoming vehicle, trap your front wheel on a slippery culvert, or land you in the lap of a bar katoey. All of which could have nasty outcomes. smile.png

Violence is the answer on this occasion.

Was the perp a farang or Thai.......might want to rethink your answer since you happily claim to distribute violence, or threaten to to all farangs, but strangely, become meek and mild to the Thai folk.

Trust me old son you will pick on the wrong farang one day.....and six will kick the $hit out of you.

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Most tolerant people probably draw a line, when literally thousands of people get hurt & hundreds die, due to excesses of a once pleasant cultural event. I don't call that winging or whining. Has noting to do with any of the other events you mentioned. It is rather expressing concern, participating in a public forum and hoping (in vain) for better times, where people respect each-other and use common sense.

Wonder, if a friend of mine, who lost 80% eyesight in his left eye, several years back, when we was driving home from Foodland one morning during Songkran and was blasted by one of the blue PVC water-guns by some xxx idiot (Farang), would agree with you and other apologizers and defenders. People who abuse such an event to take out their aggressions on (often elderly) victims do have some serious character issues and IMO are cowards with a low IQ, low education and little respect for human life. Unfortunately Pattaya attracts these kinds of people... Why don't they do some boxing training, paintball shooting or whatever cools them down? Certainly they would not be here, if it was all about splashing a bit of water from a bowl and painting some powder on faces. These people (often drunks..) get enjoyment of doing in a crowd what they could never do at home, without facing serious legal consequences.

But as you will probably say next: "Why not leave, when you don't like it?" I must agree with you there :-).... But this is another thread.... HAPPY Songkran MS>

Water fights are nothing new. Hell when I was a kid we had them almost every other night during the summer. The difference was that everyone that got wet was part of it or we apologized very quickly.

I like the idea of letting loose BUT think like a lot of people here that it like drinking and driving and other things has gotten out of hand.

In the 90's in BKK there were areas that you went to that were designated as water zones. Patpong, Kao san and a few others. Yes there was still the young Thai that would try to get you if you took a tuk tuk but that was it.

The bar areas of Thailand, as mentioned plus soi cowboy and RCA in Bkk and walking street and the beach road are areas that are built for tourists/drunks. Therefore it should automatically be off limits to people that do not want to get wet.

Think of it this way. If thee was a major football match or concert going on would you drive or try to get somewhere by driving past the stadium. Not likely.

That being said if you ask them not to before you go through they should allow you . I agree that the idiot that got him wet deserved punishment.

The other person that was walking through the area ad not smart enough to get a plastic bag at 7/11 deserved to get his laptop wet.

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