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Do you pay her a salary? (I do.)


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my missus does not work.

On the first of every month I transfer to her account 80k. From this she pays all the household bills (rent/electric/water/internet/cable tv etc etc) and makes sure there is always fresh bread, milk, beer in the fridge and ciggies in my office and covers any other miscellaneous expenditure (this month we had all the AC's serviced).

What ever is not spent is hers.

How much is the rent?

less than 80k.

Ok, so I know now, where you stand, Don Mega.

Good to hear, dancealot

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So you want everyone to believe that every guy you know that married a prostitute is having a great marriage. But you can't believe that my wife put 1 million of her own money for sinsod? Just goes to explain how screwed up the average poster is here.

Btw, times change buddy. Even women in Thailand have a career and a choice so they don't have to prostitute themselves. Has nothing to do if ones wife is hiso or not.

And btw I accept your challenge or anyone for that matter. I can prove it that my wife put sinsod and also transferred money to my account for marriage visa. I can also prove I live rent free in her house. Since this proof would require my identity to be exposed I am willing to do a bet. Say 5 million baht. Do you accept?

May I ask what is your contribution to your marriage?

I would feel very unhappy and uncomfortable in your situation ..

My GF is a Loso from Isan and after reading all these posts I get the message I live with a parasitical hooker. It may all be true but after 16 very happy years together I wonder what I did wrong/right?

I always paid a "salary", with this money she does what she wants, I know that the biggest part goes to her family which gave them a better life as well. To those who like to use this post to insult other members I would like to point out that this forum allows personal opinions which can defer from yours. Calling other members GF or wife a hooker is in my opinion not in line with this forum etiquette.

Another hypocritical post.

You all pretend to be non judgmental, but you always judge people who seem to find women that don't require a payment to be in a relationship. I understand it is an envy thing.

So, my question to you is what do you care what my contribution to the marriage is? What's your wife's contribution?

And guys like you are always quick to be offended, but what is actually offensive is that you put my wife in the same category as a prostitute by constantly claiming that "everyone pays for sex" in Thailand. Therefore, I will keep emphasizing that my wife is not a hooker and requires no monthly payment. Further, she actually helped me financially to settle in Thailand as I mentioned in many previous posts. Live with it.

I am also glad that many "Farang" love their wife's family more than their own. This is why you get no respect. Your family should come first, but you are paying your wife's family to be loved and accepted. Who does that?

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Shock horror! 70 million people in Thailand and it's possible for a westerner to meet one who isn't among the 250,000 girls in the sex industry????

So it should also be very possible to meet one who does not need to be sent money while you are away then.

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So you want everyone to believe that every guy you know that married a prostitute is having a great marriage. But you can't believe that my wife put 1 million of her own money for sinsod? Just goes to explain how screwed up the average poster is here.

Btw, times change buddy. Even women in Thailand have a career and a choice so they don't have to prostitute themselves. Has nothing to do if ones wife is hiso or not.

And btw I accept your challenge or anyone for that matter. I can prove it that my wife put sinsod and also transferred money to my account for marriage visa. I can also prove I live rent free in her house. Since this proof would require my identity to be exposed I am willing to do a bet. Say 5 million baht. Do you accept?

My, we woke up on the bed the wrong side this morning?

Just about my whole social circle knows about your story. I think just about every member on Thai Visa now knows it as well as you bring this up very often. I am not joking, all my mates that are here on Thai Visa know your story, and we have sat down having coffee discussing this. Many people posting here do know me (if you're from CM).

Yes, my partner has a career as well, and it is for Thai standards, successful. I live also rent free in our house, have a work permit and help out the needy. I can speak average Thai. If you read my reply correctly, you will have noted something that was important. I was talking about a time 25 years ago; a time you were not even here and life compared to now was different. Some of my friends have bar wives. Most have children and life for them has been good. Most now are in their late 70's to early 80's and will die here with family around them, living here for over 25 plus years.

That is a normal life.

No, not every guy has a great marriage, and some have had a terrible time as well, but we have the same issues as well in the West. The only difference between you and I is I do not have to say I had someone pay a million baht for Sin Sod and for someone to pay for my marriage visa. If I could not do that myself, I would not be in Thailand as I would consider myself not to have enough funds to live here comfortably. Like I said, I have many questions; did your wife give the million baht to her parents and not get it back? Did she have to pay or was if for her, just 'flash money' to show on the day to impress friends? I have been to many weddings and seen such flash money, but it has always gone back to the married couple. If the money went back to the parents, these days, unless you're destitute, some may see it as an affront to them.

No, I believe you, but you sure seem proud of it. I am different to you and would be very humble about such an issue. You are lucky if you have such a loving wife, yet to be so boastful about it on a public forum, just makes me scratch my head. I am certainly not having a go at you as to date, after being around Thailand for 25 plus years, I have only heard of one other Thai Girl paying Sin Sod for her Thai boyfriend secretly, not telling her parents about it. Sure, in the elite world it is entirely different to us mere mortals.

I have been here long enough to know how this place works. We have all sorts of people here; some that will pay, some that will won't and like another poster said, there are millions of single girls here not working in the industry but for the average two-week male tourist, they will not meet them.

I wish you the best.

With all due respect, you have no clue how this place works.

I always scratch my head when an old timer comes and proclaims this.

Times change. Things are not the same as 25 years ago.

You are older and stuck in your ways. It's normal.

The reason I bring it up so often is because I like to stick it up to other posters who proclaim that "we all pay for sex".,

So, I got my schtick and I am sticking to it. It will be mentioned many, many more times.

It's all the more fun because it's true.

I wish you all the best too.

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So you want everyone to believe that every guy you know that married a prostitute is having a great marriage. But you can't believe that my wife put 1 million of her own money for sinsod? Just goes to explain how screwed up the average poster is here.

Btw, times change buddy. Even women in Thailand have a career and a choice so they don't have to prostitute themselves. Has nothing to do if ones wife is hiso or not.

And btw I accept your challenge or anyone for that matter. I can prove it that my wife put sinsod and also transferred money to my account for marriage visa. I can also prove I live rent free in her house. Since this proof would require my identity to be exposed I am willing to do a bet. Say 5 million baht. Do you accept?

Times have changed? Seems to me you pay the cost to be the boss.

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So you want everyone to believe that every guy you know that married a prostitute is having a great marriage. But you can't believe that my wife put 1 million of her own money for sinsod? Just goes to explain how screwed up the average poster is here.

Btw, times change buddy. Even women in Thailand have a career and a choice so they don't have to prostitute themselves. Has nothing to do if ones wife is hiso or not.

And btw I accept your challenge or anyone for that matter. I can prove it that my wife put sinsod and also transferred money to my account for marriage visa. I can also prove I live rent free in her house. Since this proof would require my identity to be exposed I am willing to do a bet. Say 5 million baht. Do you accept?

May I ask what is your contribution to your marriage?

I would feel very unhappy and uncomfortable in your situation ..

My GF is a Loso from Isan and after reading all these posts I get the message I live with a parasitical hooker. It may all be true but after 16 very happy years together I wonder what I did wrong/right?

I always paid a "salary", with this money she does what she wants, I know that the biggest part goes to her family which gave them a better life as well. To those who like to use this post to insult other members I would like to point out that this forum allows personal opinions which can defer from yours. Calling other members GF or wife a hooker is in my opinion not in line with this forum etiquette.

Another hypocritical post.

You all pretend to be non judgmental, but you always judge people who seem to find women that don't require a payment to be in a relationship. I understand it is an envy thing.

So, my question to you is what do you care what my contribution to the marriage is? What's your wife's contribution?

And guys like you are always quick to be offended, but what is actually offensive is that you put my wife in the same category as a prostitute by constantly claiming that "everyone pays for sex" in Thailand. Therefore, I will keep emphasizing that my wife is not a hooker and requires no monthly payment. Further, she actually helped me financially to settle in Thailand as I mentioned in many previous posts. Live with it.

I am also glad that many "Farang" love their wife's family more than their own. This is why you get no respect. Your family should come first, but you are paying your wife's family to be loved and accepted. Who does that?

So....you are the hooker in your relationship?
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So you want everyone to believe that every guy you know that married a prostitute is having a great marriage. But you can't believe that my wife put 1 million of her own money for sinsod? Just goes to explain how screwed up the average poster is here.

Btw, times change buddy. Even women in Thailand have a career and a choice so they don't have to prostitute themselves. Has nothing to do if ones wife is hiso or not.

And btw I accept your challenge or anyone for that matter. I can prove it that my wife put sinsod and also transferred money to my account for marriage visa. I can also prove I live rent free in her house. Since this proof would require my identity to be exposed I am willing to do a bet. Say 5 million baht. Do you accept?

May I ask what is your contribution to your marriage?

I would feel very unhappy and uncomfortable in your situation ..

My GF is a Loso from Isan and after reading all these posts I get the message I live with a parasitical hooker. It may all be true but after 16 very happy years together I wonder what I did wrong/right?

I always paid a "salary", with this money she does what she wants, I know that the biggest part goes to her family which gave them a better life as well. To those who like to use this post to insult other members I would like to point out that this forum allows personal opinions which can defer from yours. Calling other members GF or wife a hooker is in my opinion not in line with this forum etiquette.

Another hypocritical post.

You all pretend to be non judgmental, but you always judge people who seem to find women that don't require a payment to be in a relationship. I understand it is an envy thing.

So, my question to you is what do you care what my contribution to the marriage is? What's your wife's contribution?

And guys like you are always quick to be offended, but what is actually offensive is that you put my wife in the same category as a prostitute by constantly claiming that "everyone pays for sex" in Thailand. Therefore, I will keep emphasizing that my wife is not a hooker and requires no monthly payment. Further, she actually helped me financially to settle in Thailand as I mentioned in many previous posts. Live with it.

I am also glad that many "Farang" love their wife's family more than their own. This is why you get no respect. Your family should come first, but you are paying your wife's family to be loved and accepted. Who does that?

So....you are the hooker in your relationship?
Tho the Mods, sorry I deleted this comment but it appeared anyway.
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So you want everyone to believe that every guy you know that married a prostitute is having a great marriage. But you can't believe that my wife put 1 million of her own money for sinsod? Just goes to explain how screwed up the average poster is here.

Btw, times change buddy. Even women in Thailand have a career and a choice so they don't have to prostitute themselves. Has nothing to do if ones wife is hiso or not.

And btw I accept your challenge or anyone for that matter. I can prove it that my wife put sinsod and also transferred money to my account for marriage visa. I can also prove I live rent free in her house. Since this proof would require my identity to be exposed I am willing to do a bet. Say 5 million baht. Do you accept?

My, we woke up on the bed the wrong side this morning?

Just about my whole social circle knows about your story. I think just about every member on Thai Visa now knows it as well as you bring this up very often. I am not joking, all my mates that are here on Thai Visa know your story, and we have sat down having coffee discussing this. Many people posting here do know me (if you're from CM).

Yes, my partner has a career as well, and it is for Thai standards, successful. I live also rent free in our house, have a work permit and help out the needy. I can speak average Thai. If you read my reply correctly, you will have noted something that was important. I was talking about a time 25 years ago; a time you were not even here and life compared to now was different. Some of my friends have bar wives. Most have children and life for them has been good. Most now are in their late 70's to early 80's and will die here with family around them, living here for over 25 plus years.

That is a normal life.

No, not every guy has a great marriage, and some have had a terrible time as well, but we have the same issues as well in the West. The only difference between you and I is I do not have to say I had someone pay a million baht for Sin Sod and for someone to pay for my marriage visa. If I could not do that myself, I would not be in Thailand as I would consider myself not to have enough funds to live here comfortably. Like I said, I have many questions; did your wife give the million baht to her parents and not get it back? Did she have to pay or was if for her, just 'flash money' to show on the day to impress friends? I have been to many weddings and seen such flash money, but it has always gone back to the married couple. If the money went back to the parents, these days, unless you're destitute, some may see it as an affront to them.

No, I believe you, but you sure seem proud of it. I am different to you and would be very humble about such an issue. You are lucky if you have such a loving wife, yet to be so boastful about it on a public forum, just makes me scratch my head. I am certainly not having a go at you as to date, after being around Thailand for 25 plus years, I have only heard of one other Thai Girl paying Sin Sod for her Thai boyfriend secretly, not telling her parents about it. Sure, in the elite world it is entirely different to us mere mortals.

I have been here long enough to know how this place works. We have all sorts of people here; some that will pay, some that will won't and like another poster said, there are millions of single girls here not working in the industry but for the average two-week male tourist, they will not meet them.

I wish you the best.

With all due respect, you have no clue how this place works.

I always scratch my head when an old timer comes and proclaims this.

Times change. Things are not the same as 25 years ago.

You are older and stuck in your ways. It's normal.

The reason I bring it up so often is because I like to stick it up to other posters who proclaim that "we all pay for sex".,

So, I got my schtick and I am sticking to it. It will be mentioned many, many more times.

It's all the more fun because it's true.

I wish you all the best too.

Lol... old timer.... I am 47. I came to Thailand when I was 17. I moved here permanently when I was 38. I have been lucky enough to live a significant percentage of my youth here.

No, it is not an envy thing on my behalf, but I am trying to work our what makes you tick? I would be very uncomfortable living off someone's help, even if it was my wife. It would be the same if you were living here or also residing in the West. I suppose I am just an old school guy; go to work, make money and just live off the sweat of your brow. If I had to rely on my significant other, I would be wretchedly unhappy within myself.

We are all very different, and I do not think you understand that. Many of us were brought up to be as providers. I mean, do you work here? Do you make a contribution from a part of just being 'house husband?"

Of course, if your elderly, I could understand but in all honesty, I do not.

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No I do not pay my wife to be with me, you pay a hooker or someone who works for you, anyway she has a good job and earns white a good salery

So how she get money?

Ask yo evry time: Please give me money(10-30000b) for tampon, cosmetics, icecreame, bag, shoes... etc?

or you just give She acces to you account(s) in bank and she spend money how much she need?

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No I do not pay my wife to be with me, you pay a hooker or someone who works for you, anyway she has a good job and earns white a good salery

So how she get money?

Ask yo evry time: Please give me money(10-30000b) for tampon, cosmetics, icecreame, bag, shoes... etc?

or you just give She acces to you account(s) in bank and she spend money how much she need?

Reading between the lines there ardokano I suspect i claudiius wife has a job and does not need to ask for money.

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Lol... old timer.... I am 47. I came to Thailand when I was 17. I moved here permanently when I was 38. I have been lucky enough to live a significant percentage of my youth here.

No, it is not an envy thing on my behalf, but I am trying to work our what makes you tick? I would be very uncomfortable living off someone's help, even if it was my wife. It would be the same if you were living here or also residing in the West. I suppose I am just an old school guy; go to work, make money and just live off the sweat of your brow. If I had to rely on my significant other, I would be wretchedly unhappy within myself.

We are all very different, and I do not think you understand that. Many of us were brought up to be as providers. I mean, do you work here? Do you make a contribution from a part of just being 'house husband?"

Of course, if your elderly, I could understand but in all honesty, I do not.

I make more money than my wife. I won't say what, but it's all perfectly legal and I pay taxes. I am not relying on anyone but myself. However, I am able to save a lot thanks to her working and helping me settle in Thailand.... specifically not throwing away money on sinsod and marriage extension. She understands the currency fluctuations and even though sinsod money would be returned to me (as it was returned to her in full) she didn't want me to lose money on the exchange rate. Very nice of her. What's wrong with that? If we ever move to Canada I will help her like she helped me. She is not rich.

What makes me tick is the hypocrisy, especially from the guys who claim to be non judgmental. Sometimes it's funny, but sometimes it's annoying.... like in this thread.

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My wife is a middle class BKK hottie 7 years younger with an absolute heart of gold.

Four years and we are still well smitten.

She has a business and pays for all.

I can pay but she won't have it.

I've found the guys with the upcountry lo-so girls (or equivalent) pay the stipend.

I guess it's 'whatever it takes' for many hey.

Prove it!!

Pictures are in order to back up your claim of having a "hottie" that pays for all.

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So my GF is a hooker because I pay her? What does this makes you in your particular relationship?

It depends what you're paying her to do. If you're paying her for sex, she's a hooker. If you're paying her to cook, she's a chef.

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So my GF is a hooker because I pay her? What does this makes you in your particular relationship?

It depends what you're paying her to do. If you're paying her for sex, she's a hooker. If you're paying her to cook, she's a chef.

I had a friend who lived in Thailand and married a go go dancer. He continued to pay her for sex after they got married. No allowance only paid her for sex and they had a price for everything much like the price list at that place with the yellow line. A price for one lady and two ladies and toys and uniforms and well..... everything.

He had a great life and marriage. She was always wanting sex because she always needed money for something.

There is an old proverb about treating a hooker like a wife and a wife like a hooker....... I'm sure no one here has tried doing this because it makes too much sense. Think about it......

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Wow, this thread turned in ...well..****

So basically we are arguing about whose gf is the biggest hooker?

Doesn't seem to be much mention of kids, first 5 years at least, someone has to watch them every second. That is the job.

Guys in this thread, Guys on this forum, Guys everywhere always seem more concerned about how much sex they are getting and whether they are paying for it or not

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Wow, this thread turned in ...well..****

So basically we are arguing about whose gf is the biggest hooker?

Doesn't seem to be much mention of kids, first 5 years at least, someone has to watch them every second. That is the job.

Guys in this thread, Guys on this forum, Guys everywhere always seem more concerned about how much sex they are getting and whether they are paying for it or not

And don't forget how much they are paying. Some pay a house expenses for a family for 18 years each and others pay a drink and the cost of the hotel room. Some get a volume discount and others get a volume surcharge.

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So my GF is a hooker because I pay her?

You said it, mate

Although it was a short sentence, you didn't notice the "?" ? Many frustrated people on this forum and the moment a member mentions his relation with an ex bar girl it's like the dogs get fresh meat. It's funny how some try desperately to keep up their appearances. Do you think it makes you a better or more important person if you are married to a graduate or a hiso? It's like the less you give to your wife the higher you climb in the rankings.
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So my GF is a hooker because I pay her? What does this makes you in your particular relationship?

It depends what you're paying her to do. If you're paying her for sex, she's a hooker. If you're paying her to cook, she's a chef.

I had a friend who lived in Thailand and married a go go dancer. He continued to pay her for sex after they got married. No allowance only paid her for sex and they had a price for everything much like the price list at that place with the yellow line. A price for one lady and two ladies and toys and uniforms and well..... everything.

He had a great life and marriage. She was always wanting sex because she always needed money for something.

There is an old proverb about treating a hooker like a wife and a wife like a hooker....... I'm sure no one here has tried doing this because it makes too much sense. Think about it......

Was this written in a sarcastic manner?

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So my GF is a hooker because I pay her? What does this makes you in your particular relationship?

It depends what you're paying her to do. If you're paying her for sex, she's a hooker. If you're paying her to cook, she's a chef.

I had a friend who lived in Thailand and married a go go dancer. He continued to pay her for sex after they got married. No allowance only paid her for sex and they had a price for everything much like the price list at that place with the yellow line. A price for one lady and two ladies and toys and uniforms and well..... everything.

He had a great life and marriage. She was always wanting sex because she always needed money for something.

There is an old proverb about treating a hooker like a wife and a wife like a hooker....... I'm sure no one here has tried doing this because it makes too much sense. Think about it......

That's what I would call a healthy relationship.

Better to have sex with the wife if she wants and pay the hooker for sex you want. thumbsup.gif

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Wow, this thread turned in ...well..****

So basically we are arguing about whose gf is the biggest hooker?

Doesn't seem to be much mention of kids, first 5 years at least, someone has to watch them every second. That is the job.

Guys in this thread, Guys on this forum, Guys everywhere always seem more concerned about how much sex they are getting and whether they are paying for it or not

Well, let's see .. paying 10k/month would be the starter level, I suppose. To achieve a more advanded degree in hookery, you'll need a larger salary. Hence, the level of honess is directly proportional to the price for services rendered.

Everybody knows homemaking is priceless, so housewives should easily top the ho scale. On the lo-ho end of the honess scale are the virtuous sluts who give out their services for free.

That seems to be the logic in play here.

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Shock horror! 70 million people in Thailand and it's possible for a westerner to meet one who isn't among the 250,000 girls in the sex industry????

Well according to WHO, or maybe it was Amnesty, there are more like 5 million sex workers in Thailand, I can hunt up a link if someone needs it, but I dont think you'd believe there are only 250K

Life expectancy in Thailand 74 yrs, population follows a natural growth parttern so there are more younger people

Rough calculation, lets say all sex workers are 15-40, 90% female, just under 30 million people in that age range, 16 million females

4.5 million / 16 million,

1 in everty 3.5 girls in thailand a sex worker of sorts

Not forgetting most falangs dont really have much of a clue what goes on between thais

1 in 3.5 no doubt over inflated, but I dont think 1 in 6 would be that much of a stretch, which would cover most of the hot ones

You want to meet a hot girl in Thailand, that at least hasnt had a whole bunch of thai and foreign men throw money at her....Shock Horror Exclamation Mark, dont think your chances are all that favourable

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5 million sex workers? That's a ridiculous figure.

According to wikipedia, estimates seem to vary in the range of around 200,000-300,000.

And your wife won't let you meet any of them.


She just makes sure I have no need to.

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