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Activists File 'Nepotism' Complaint Over Prayuth's Nephew


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Activists File 'Nepotism' Complaint Over Prayuth's Nephew
By Teeranai Charuvastra
Staff Reporter

An August 8, 2014, file photo of Gen. Preecha Chan-ocha.

BANGKOK — A group of activists today petitioned the National Anti-Corruption Commission to investigate the brother of junta chairman Prayuth Chan-ocha for appointing his son to an officer position in the army, an action they said amounts to nepotism.

Srisuwan Janya, leader of a pro-transparency group called Defense of Thai Constitution Association, said the appointment exposes the junta’s hypocrisy as it has previously pledged to root out corruption and favoritism in the wake of the May 2014 military coup.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1460963116

-- Khaosod English 2016-04-18

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As a Junta they have license to do what they want. They can employ who they want when they want how they want. If they were working under a democratic system this would be highly unethical and is ironically in a small part why the Junta stepped in. Democracy allowed nepotism to flourish unabated.

Pertinent questions by rational people before commenting would be, Is this person the best person for this position? Does he have the qualifications for this role? How many officers are appointed positions? One, hundreds, thousands? If he is but one officer appointed into 10 000 available positions then this is a non news story.

If it is a position as general of combat forces then it is another story.

With this mindset no relative of any govt official can have any job in Thailand that is govt or military related without it being construed as nepotism.

Of course the doom and gloom media will contort this and omit important and critical facts to suit their means while the gullible will lap it up like new born pups on their mothers teat.

Edited by djjamie
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As a Junta they have license to do what they want. They can employ who they want when they want how they want. If they were working under a democracy this would be highly unethical and is ironically in a small part why the Junta stepped in. Democracy allowed nepotism to flourish unabated.

Is this person the best person for this position? Does he have the qualifications for this role? How many officers are appointed positions? One, hundreds, thousands? If he is but one officer appointed into 10 000 available positions then this is a non news story.

If it is a position as general of combat forces then it is another story.

With this mindset no relative of any govt official can have any job in Thailand that is govt or military related without it being construed as nepotism.

Of course the doom and gloom media will contort this and commit important and critical facts to suit their means while the gullible will lap it up like new born pups on their mothers teat.

You are babbling on this one.

The Junta holds themselves up as an example of higher standards. Precisely for this reason, they should decry nepotism.

"With this mindset no relative of any govt official can have any job in Thailand that is govt or military related without it being construed as nepotism. "

No, there is a simple, well known solution. Simply follow an unbiased selection process that permits competition among qualified persons, and excludes decision makers who have a conflict of interest.

Of course the doom and gloom media will contort this and commit important and critical facts to suit their means while the gullible will lap it up like new born pups on their mothers teat.

Psychological projection.

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As a Junta they have license to do what they want. They can employ who they want when they want how they want. If they were working under a democratic system this would be highly unethical and is ironically in a small part why the Junta stepped in. Democracy allowed nepotism to flourish unabated.

Pertinent questions by rational people before commenting would be, Is this person the best person for this position? Does he have the qualifications for this role? How many officers are appointed positions? One, hundreds, thousands? If he is but one officer appointed into 10 000 available positions then this is a non news story.

If it is a position as general of combat forces then it is another story.

With this mindset no relative of any govt official can have any job in Thailand that is govt or military related without it being construed as nepotism.

Of course the doom and gloom media will contort this and omit important and critical facts to suit their means while the gullible will lap it up like new born pups on their mothers teat.

Who are the rationale Thai people who would dare to ask pertinent questions?

And so the meddling do gooders flail around precisely because an aloof junta has the expanding license to do whatever they want.

Power corrupts. Absolute power does so absolutely. It's just a matter of time before it all blows up in their face. If it weren't them, it would be somebody else. Taking sides is merely choosing which flavor of shit you like over another. Nothing to gloat or lecture about. You sound ridiculous every time you do.

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As a Junta they have license to do what they want. They can employ who they want when they want how they want. If they were working under a democratic system this would be highly unethical and is ironically in a small part why the Junta stepped in. Democracy allowed nepotism to flourish unabated.

Pertinent questions by rational people before commenting would be, Is this person the best person for this position? Does he have the qualifications for this role? How many officers are appointed positions? One, hundreds, thousands? If he is but one officer appointed into 10 000 available positions then this is a non news story.

If it is a position as general of combat forces then it is another story.

With this mindset no relative of any govt official can have any job in Thailand that is govt or military related without it being construed as nepotism.

Of course the doom and gloom media will contort this and omit important and critical facts to suit their means while the gullible will lap it up like new born pups on their mothers teat.

From what I can tell no other applicants with similar or better qualifications was given a chance.

The other problem is the one you mention of relatives of those in government of military being able to work in those areas. Of they should be able to do that but it needs to be handled transparently. This wasn't. Also having your dad give you the job just because you have the qualifications isn't on.

In some ways this is worse than before. At least with Thaksin it was open and flagrant.

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As a Junta they have license to do what they want. They can employ who they want when they want how they want. If they were working under a democratic system this would be highly unethical and is ironically in a small part why the Junta stepped in. Democracy allowed nepotism to flourish unabated.

Pertinent questions by rational people before commenting would be, Is this person the best person for this position? Does he have the qualifications for this role? How many officers are appointed positions? One, hundreds, thousands? If he is but one officer appointed into 10 000 available positions then this is a non news story.

If it is a position as general of combat forces then it is another story.

With this mindset no relative of any govt official can have any job in Thailand that is govt or military related without it being construed as nepotism.

Of course the doom and gloom media will contort this and omit important and critical facts to suit their means while the gullible will lap it up like new born pups on their mothers teat.

nonsense in and nonsense out with djjamie

Any corporation in the developed world has corporate governance procedures. Now we have his brother and now his nephew to go with his wife as Army Wives President right? it's obvious you have never managed anything of consequence (even your conscience).

There should be transparent procedures and appraisals/selection criteria but the facts have never bothered your defence of the Junta before have they?

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Even if this guy is perfectly suited to the job, you simply can't employ him.

The Junta say people need to keep their opinions to themselves in order to maintain and reconcile national unity; yet, they go and do stuff like this. How is this helping keep or restore people's faith? It isn't.

One rule for us and another for them will never work. If they have to eat s***, then so do you! You made your bed..........

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As a Junta they have license to do what they want. They can employ who they want when they want how they want. If they were working under a democratic system this would be highly unethical and is ironically in a small part why the Junta stepped in. Democracy allowed nepotism to flourish unabated.

Pertinent questions by rational people before commenting would be, Is this person the best person for this position? Does he have the qualifications for this role? How many officers are appointed positions? One, hundreds, thousands? If he is but one officer appointed into 10 000 available positions then this is a non news story.

If it is a position as general of combat forces then it is another story.

With this mindset no relative of any govt official can have any job in Thailand that is govt or military related without it being construed as nepotism.

Of course the doom and gloom media will contort this and omit important and critical facts to suit their means while the gullible will lap it up like new born pups on their mothers teat.

"Of course the doom and gloom media will contort this and omit important and critical facts to suit their means while the gullible will lap it up like new born pups on their mothers teat."

Are YOU accusing junta opponents of being gullible???


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As a Junta they have license to do what they want. They can employ who they want when they want how they want. If they were working under a democratic system this would be highly unethical and is ironically in a small part why the Junta stepped in. Democracy allowed nepotism to flourish unabated.

Pertinent questions by rational people before commenting would be, Is this person the best person for this position? Does he have the qualifications for this role? How many officers are appointed positions? One, hundreds, thousands? If he is but one officer appointed into 10 000 available positions then this is a non news story.

If it is a position as general of combat forces then it is another story.

With this mindset no relative of any govt official can have any job in Thailand that is govt or military related without it being construed as nepotism.

Of course the doom and gloom media will contort this and omit important and critical facts to suit their means while the gullible will lap it up like new born pups on their mothers teat.

Or the really gullible and naive will try and justify it by any means when we all know his only relevant qualification is his surname. Edited by Reigntax
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I'm always amazed by the some on this forum seem to think there are good and bad guys here. Do you actually live here???

The ruling elite of whatever persuasion live and operate by the same rules. If they (Red, Yellow or Green) are in power the 'system' is theirs to exploit.

The military have throughout all regimes operated exactly as they do today. Civilian administrations have allowed them to do what they do, since there is always the threat of intervention.

The only reason this one has surfaced because the letter 'ordering' his appointment from his Father went viral on social media.

They really need to work harder on that Chinese censorship system.....people spreading 'difficult' documents, troublesome to say the least

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As a Junta they have license to do what they want. They can employ who they want when they want how they want. If they were working under a democratic system this would be highly unethical and is ironically in a small part why the Junta stepped in. Democracy allowed nepotism to flourish unabated.

Pertinent questions by rational people before commenting would be, Is this person the best person for this position? Does he have the qualifications for this role? How many officers are appointed positions? One, hundreds, thousands? If he is but one officer appointed into 10 000 available positions then this is a non news story.

If it is a position as general of combat forces then it is another story.

With this mindset no relative of any govt official can have any job in Thailand that is govt or military related without it being construed as nepotism.

Of course the doom and gloom media will contort this and omit important and critical facts to suit their means while the gullible will lap it up like new born pups on their mothers teat.

Jamie, even by your standards, this is nonsensical self-protecting drivel.

The letter being circulated in social media seems to show an order to hire. It had nothing to do with his fitness for the job.

Lest we forget his father had a still unexplained very large amount of money in his personal bank account a couple of years back. I understand that you have painted yourself into an unenviable corner as a blind flagwaver for this junta, but surely even you can understand why this is so very wrong.

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As a Junta they have license to do what they want. They can employ who they want when they want how they want. If they were working under a democratic system this would be highly unethical and is ironically in a small part why the Junta stepped in. Democracy allowed nepotism to flourish unabated.

Pertinent questions by rational people before commenting would be, Is this person the best person for this position? Does he have the qualifications for this role? How many officers are appointed positions? One, hundreds, thousands? If he is but one officer appointed into 10 000 available positions then this is a non news story.

If it is a position as general of combat forces then it is another story.

With this mindset no relative of any govt official can have any job in Thailand that is govt or military related without it being construed as nepotism.

Of course the doom and gloom media will contort this and omit important and critical facts to suit their means while the gullible will lap it up like new born pups on their mothers teat.

I can't even understand how you can say suchthings. I mean you criticize the past governments for their nepotism, populism, grafts, and yet when the Junta do exactly the same, you praise them.

I really start to think you re living under the River Kwai Bridge like a siamese troll

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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As a Junta they have license to do what they want. They can employ who they want when they want how they want. If they were working under a democratic system this would be highly unethical and is ironically in a small part why the Junta stepped in. Democracy allowed nepotism to flourish unabated.

Pertinent questions by rational people before commenting would be, Is this person the best person for this position? Does he have the qualifications for this role? How many officers are appointed positions? One, hundreds, thousands? If he is but one officer appointed into 10 000 available positions then this is a non news story.

If it is a position as general of combat forces then it is another story.

With this mindset no relative of any govt official can have any job in Thailand that is govt or military related without it being construed as nepotism.

Of course the doom and gloom media will contort this and omit important and critical facts to suit their means while the gullible will lap it up like new born pups on their mothers teat.

I believe this is what Australians now call the Essendon excuse. When caught red handed go into denial, obfuscation, bluff, bluster, and blame someone else.

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Gen. Preecha defended the appointment of his son, saying the letter was in compliance with all regulations and was common practice in the military.

The General should be told that something being "common practice" in the military is not a justification, but rather a good reason to investigate.

Pompous moron. ... whistling.gif

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As a Junta they have license to do what they want. They can employ who they want when they want how they want. If they were working under a democratic system this would be highly unethical and is ironically in a small part why the Junta stepped in. Democracy allowed nepotism to flourish unabated.


"Democracy allowed nepotism to flourish unabated. "

Why are you blaming Democracy - do you have something against this principle?

It's unethical people operating in a complacent culture that enables corrupt practices.

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As a Junta they have license to do what they want. They can employ who they want when they want how they want. If they were working under a democratic system this would be highly unethical and is ironically in a small part why the Junta stepped in. Democracy allowed nepotism to flourish unabated.

Pertinent questions by rational people before commenting would be, Is this person the best person for this position? Does he have the qualifications for this role? How many officers are appointed positions? One, hundreds, thousands? If he is but one officer appointed into 10 000 available positions then this is a non news story.

If it is a position as general of combat forces then it is another story.

With this mindset no relative of any govt official can have any job in Thailand that is govt or military related without it being construed as nepotism.

Of course the doom and gloom media will contort this and omit important and critical facts to suit their means while the gullible will lap it up like new born pups on their mothers teat.

"Meet your new boss, he's the same as the old one."

Twist and turn it all you like. You are supporting a hypocritical regime but the difference is this one answers to NO ONE. Such a typical attutide of a foreign junta supporter "Thaksin the dirty crook he can't appoint his sister to lead the party! Neoptism Grrr. Oh brother O-cha has appointed his son to a high ranking position? Well that's ok because it they are a junta" cheesy.gif pathetic excuse.

Us traditional elites can so corruption, dirty politicians can't. Pure hypocrisy.

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It shows how shameless they are!

Due to his high position in the network, this guy only needed to give a few phone calls to get a job for his son in CP, Kasikorn or wherever. But no, he chose to recruit him in the army, and even in the same unit he commanded until 2014.

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Better watch out! Those green hummvies are just around the corner for the magical mystery tour! gigglem.gif

A magical mystery tour to the nearest immigration holding pen, for a Rambo style hosing down and beating, you bet yer! 1434830088292265505.gif Edited by Wilsonandson
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