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Andyfletch RIP :(


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It is with deepest regret that I have to announce the sudden and totally unexpected death of my close friend Andy Fletcher (andyfletch).

Andy suffered a massive heart attack on sunday morning only hours after his final post on ThaiVisa, sadly he died before reaching hospital.

My heart goes out to his partner Nid and all the family and friends he leaves behind.

Rest in Peace my dear friend.

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my condolences to all who knew him .

its always sad to hear of the death of a forum member , even though they are only known by their user name , whether you have agreed with them or fought with them on the forum , you build up a mental picture that you think might be that person , and you come to know them.

rip andyfletch.

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Though I don't really remember reading any of andyfletch's postings, my heartfelt condolences to his family.

Same here.... I never met Andy or had any forum conversation with him.... but from his last postings he sounds like a chap I could have happily shared a beer with .... please pass on my condolences to his family.

Edited by Thaddeus
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I'm so sorry Crossy, to hear about the sudden death of your friend. What a shock it must have been for you, his family and other close friends.

My deepest sympathy.

He must have been a fun guy and let's remember him with one of his last posts....

this one: on August 20th 2006.

May he rest in piece and with respect:

LaoPo :o

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44 is young for a heart attack. Did Andy have a problem before with his heart or was it totally unexpected?

I'm approaching that age and it makes me think about making some lifestyle changes.

Was Andy a big lad? Did he drink a lot?

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44 is young for a heart attack. Did Andy have a problem before with his heart or was it totally unexpected?

I'm approaching that age and it makes me think about making some lifestyle changes.

Was Andy a big lad? Did he drink a lot?

He wasnt really what you would call a BIG lad. I do know he liked a few beers or 10. Best to see what Crossy has to say as he knew him better than most. RIP

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We'd like to add our condolances and respectfully suggest to the OP (or another of the departed's real-life friends) that he could be of great service to the family. If they aren't computer savvy, perhaps you might offer to help them sort out the deceased's electronic and online affairs. This could include:

- Maintaining electronic communications with overseas family.

- Notifying other online communities of the death.

- Changing the account details for any online banking or brokerage.

- Making printouts of any important files relating to relationships or finance.

And (not meaning to cast any unwarranted aspersions) generally clean-up any files that might leave an unfavorable impression of the departed.

We'd also suggest that steps be taken to permanently preserve the hard-drive's content by burning the files to CD or another method. If the family are computer neophytes they could accidentally delete something that may be crucial in the future.

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