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Mass killer Breivik wins court case over 'inhuman' prison conditions


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Mass killer Breivik wins court case over 'inhuman' prison conditions


OSLO: -- Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik has partly won a court case against the Norwegian state, in which he claimed his human rights were violated in prison.

Breivik, who appeared in court last month giving a Nazi salute, is serving a 21-year jail term for killing 77 people five years ago in a rampage in the capital Oslo.

The court ruled his jailing conditions violated the European convention on human rights, which prohibits inhumane and degrading treatment.

“The prohibition of inhuman and degrading treatment represents a fundamental value in a democratic society. This applies no matter what – also in the treatment of terrorists and killers,” judge Helen Andenaes Sekulic said in her ruling on Wednesday (April 20).

The ruling also said, however, that the Norwegian state had not violated Breivik’s right to a private life and a family life.

It ordered the state to pay Breivik’s legal fees.

Breivik is convicted of killing eight people in a bombing in Oslo and then murdering another 69 in a rampage at a left-wing youth camp in 2011.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-04-21
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Breivik wins case on civil rights what a joke.

Wants 5 star treatment in prison.

He is a mass murderer, and does not deserve any respect/ comforts.

Has NORWAY justice lost the plot???

When he when on his murderous spree did he think about the human rights of his victims.

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This is a joke......

He should spend 21 years in a Thai monkey house, then he would not complain...

Listen to this

" Breivik had access to three cells – one for living, one for studying, and a third for physical exercise – as well as a television, a computer without internet access and a games console, and that he was able to prepare his own food and do his own laundry.
While he is allowed no contact with other inmates, also for security reasons, he interacts with guards and professional staff, the attorney general’s office said."
Edited by torpedo1970
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The epitome of irony, he's complaining of 'inhuman' treatment, the mass murderer, nice, very nice

Sweden.... what next, to compensated for being incarcerated and ' loss of freedom' ?....

Sweden? Sweden?

Well, the two countries used to be a union in the past ;)

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The way I see this going is that when he starts mingling with the rest of the prisoners and he realizes that some of them could tear him in pieces for what he has done, he will request to be placed under house arrest due to fears for his life. So within a year he should be back home wink.png

Edited by kotsak
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This is a joke......

He should spend 21 years in a Thai monkey house, then he would not complain...

Listen to this

" Breivik had access to three cells – one for living, one for studying, and a third for physical exercise – as well as a television, a computer without internet access and a games console, and that he was able to prepare his own food and do his own laundry.
While he is allowed no contact with other inmates, also for security reasons, he interacts with guards and professional staff, the attorney general’s office said."

Where must I sign up for this great deal ? ( well , maybe no internet is kind of a deal breaker).

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Norwegian court: Mass killer Breivik's rights were violated

STAVANGER, Norway (AP) — Norwegian authorities have violated the human rights of mass killer Anders Behring Breivik by holding him in solitary confinement in a three-cell complex where he can play video games, watch TV and exercise, a court in Oslo ruled Wednesday.

In the surprise decision, the Oslo district court said the isolation that Breivik faces in prison for killing 77 people in a bomb-and-gun massacre in 2011 is in breach of the European Convention on Human Rights.

"The prohibition of inhuman and degrading treatment represents a fundamental value in a democratic society," the court said. "This applies no matter what — also in the treatment of terrorists and killers."

The court ordered the government to pay Breivik's legal costs of 331,000 kroner, about $41,000. However, it dismissed Breivik's claim that his right to respect for private and family life was violated by restrictions on contacts with other right-wing extremists.

Breivik, 37, had sued the government, saying his isolation from other prisoners, frequent strip searches and the fact that he was often handcuffed during the early part of his incarceration violated his human rights. During a four-day hearing last month at Skien prison in southern Norway, where he is serving his sentence, he also complained about the quality of the prison food, having to eat with plastic utensils and not being able to communicate with sympathizers.

The government rejected his complaints, saying he was treated humanely despite the severity of his crimes and that he must be separated from other inmates for safety reasons.

"We are surprised," government attorney Marius Emberland told The Associated Press after the verdict. "We are not in agreement with the court."

He said his team would study the verdict carefully before deciding whether to appeal.

Breivik has been held in isolation since the July 22, 2011, attacks. The court said it couldn't see why he can't be allowed to meet other inmates in the high-security section under the supervision of prison guards and why he cannot see his lawyer without a glass wall separating them. The court noted that Breivik has behaved in a "peaceful, courteous and accommodating" manner, despite a 2013 letter in which he wrote he knew how to "neutralize" prison guards and how to make 10-15 deadly weapons from materials in his cells.

It also said authorities hadn't given enough attention to his mental health when determining his conditions in prison.

"After an overall assessment of the facts of the case, the court has reached the conclusion that the imprisonment regime represents an inhuman treatment of Breivik," the court said.

Breivik's lawyer, Oystein Storrvik, told the AP his client was satisfied with the ruling and that prison authorities must now lift some of his restrictions.

"I expect them to do something about isolation and allow him to meet other people," Storrvik said. "I am confident that he will not do any violence in the prison."

Bjoern Ihler, who survived Breivik's shooting massacre on Utoya island, said he respects the court's decision, though he thought other survivors might be angry and upset.

"It is important that we stick to the principles of the Norwegian system," Ihler told the AP.

After months of meticulous preparations, he set off a car bomb in 2011 outside the government headquarters in Oslo, killing eight people and wounding dozens. He then drove to Utoya, where he opened fire on the annual summer camp of the left-wing Labor Party's youth wing. Sixty-nine people there were killed, most of them teenagers, before Breivik surrendered to police.

International observers were stunned by how far Norwegian authorities went in accommodating him during his 2012 trial. He was even allowed to use the stand as a pulpit to profess his extremist views.

He was convicted of terrorism and mass murder and sentenced to 21 years in prison, Norway's maximum sentence. However, the sentence can be extended for as long as he's considered a menace to society.

At the time of the attacks, Breivik claimed to be the commander of a secret Christian military order plotting an anti-Muslim revolution in Europe. Investigators found no trace of the group. He now describes himself as a traditional neo-Nazi who prays to the Viking god Odin, saying his earlier crusader image was just for show. He made a Nazi salute to journalists at the start of his human rights case in March.

Professor Kjetil Larsen of the Norwegian Institute of Human Rights said he expected the verdict to be met with "considerable surprise" both internationally and in Norway. Larsen said he thought it was clear from the start that Breivik's treatment doesn't violate his human rights.

"I thought that what came out during the trial made that even clearer," he said.

Larsen said the government will probably appeal the ruling and that prison authorities won't be obliged to change Breivik's imprisonment conditions until there's a final judgment.

Only a handful of survivors and victims' family members followed the proceedings. Others ignored the case, saying they didn't want to give Breivik any attention.

Breivik has three cells to himself in the high-security wing of Skien prison. The cells are equipped with video game consoles, a television, a DVD player, electronic typewriter, newspapers and exercise machines. He also has daily access to a larger exercise yard. He is allowed visits from family and friends, but hasn't received any except for his mother before she died.

The court that convicted him in 2012 found him criminally sane, rejecting the prosecution's view that he was psychotic. Breivik didn't appeal his sentence. He has been trying to start a fascist party in prison and reached out by mail to right-wing extremists in Europe and the United States. Prison officials seized many of those letters, fearing Breivik would inspire others to commit violent attacks.

Karl Ritter reported from Stockholm.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-04-21

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So this is thee 1st world system you all tell about your civilized system you wish was in Thailand !!!!!! What a joke

At least he was tried and convicted although this civil rights nonsense is ridiculous.

Here, if rich, connected etc he would likely never even have appeared in court.

Your trolling isn't up to much.

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Breivic is serving about three months for each of his victims, and I am sure that 77 grieving family will be delighted to see how effective the prison rehabilitation system has been thus far.

Prison life has its own moral rules, and he would be a marked man. But as he is in solitary confinement, he may survive his 21 years term in one piece.

But, I bet there a more than a few members of the community who are prepared to wait two decades to greet him upon his release.

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So this is thee 1st world system you all tell about your civilized system you wish was in Thailand !!!!!! What a joke

Democracy and human right's laws decree that he must be treated humanely irrespective of the crimes he committed!!

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This is a joke......

He should spend 21 years in a Thai monkey house, then he would not complain...

Listen to this

" Breivik had access to three cells – one for living, one for studying, and a third for physical exercise – as well as a television, a computer without internet access and a games console, and that he was able to prepare his own food and do his own laundry.
While he is allowed no contact with other inmates, also for security reasons, he interacts with guards and professional staff, the attorney general’s office said."

solution, let him out into the general populous and see how he gets on with other inmates

The Bangkok Hilton........it seems the Norway version is actually the Hilton

This animal slaughtered children, what a strange world we live in

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So this is thee 1st world system you all tell about your civilized system you wish was in Thailand !!!!!! What a joke

Democracy and human right's laws decree that he must be treated humanely irrespective of the crimes he committed!!

"Democracy and human right's laws decree that he must be treated humanely irrespective of the crimes he committed!!"

Humanely? Please cheesy.gif

Breivik had access to three cells – one for living, one for studying, and a third for physical exercise – as well as a television, a computer without internet access and a games console, and that he was able to prepare his own food and do his own laundry. RI DI CU LOUS !

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So this is thee 1st world system you all tell about your civilized system you wish was in Thailand !!!!!! What a joke

Democracy and human right's laws decree that he must be treated humanely irrespective of the crimes he committed!!

"Democracy and human right's laws decree that he must be treated humanely irrespective of the crimes he committed!!"

Humanely? Please cheesy.gif

Breivik had access to three cells – one for living, one for studying, and a third for physical exercise – as well as a television, a computer without internet access and a games console, and that he was able to prepare his own food and do his own laundry. RI DI CU LOUS !

Not saying that I agree with it, but the prison authorities have deemed this the best way to deal with him and the defence lawyer is only doing his job in obtaining the most for his client.

I assume that you would have executed all of the German prisoners of war in WWII because they were shooting at and killing our soldiers.

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So this is thee 1st world system you all tell about your civilized system you wish was in Thailand !!!!!! What a joke

Democracy and human right's laws decree that he must be treated humanely irrespective of the crimes he committed!!

"Democracy and human right's laws decree that he must be treated humanely irrespective of the crimes he committed!!"

Humanely? Please cheesy.gif

Breivik had access to three cells – one for living, one for studying, and a third for physical exercise – as well as a television, a computer without internet access and a games console, and that he was able to prepare his own food and do his own laundry. RI DI CU LOUS !

Not saying that I agree with it, but the prison authorities have deemed this the best way to deal with him and the defence lawyer is only doing his job in obtaining the most for his client.

I assume that you would have executed all of the German prisoners of war in WWII because they were shooting at and killing our soldiers.

" I assume that you would have executed all of the German prisoners of war in WWII because they were shooting at and killing our soldiers."

What a stupid totally exagerated and off topic remark...

Normally I should not answer to insulting assumptions like that, plus in your example, comparing the actions of those soldiers in war time confronted to the death daily themselves and this cold murderer of innocent people, speak volume on your intellectual honesty! But OK we are on ThaiVisa so it's not inusual.

I am certainly not for the death penalty, but treating this criminal like a VIP is simply ridiculous I persist and sign. Imagining the perception of the victims family members, never did I said to torture him or kill him, simply in a cell without any favouritism, like every inmates simple as that.

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Nicely measured retort.

That he is being treated this way implies that there is something wrong with the human rights argument that everyone is entitled to, well, their human rights. Now I'm a big advocate for taming these 'human rights' organisations, as in their eyes everyone is equal and should be considered as so, which is, too often for my liking, clearly not the case.

I have NEVER been a fan of Amnesty International as they are prepared to fight for terrorists and murderers (as it's considered their right (by them) to be supported) and I also consider the Geneva convention to be flawed in certain areas - as does the British government and America to some degree I should add.

He is allowed this favouritism because he has the means (and rights) to obtain it. The prison authorities has the mandate to protect their prisoners from harm at all times and they are simply carrying their duties out in keeping him in isolation, as if he was integrated with other prisoners then that would put his life in extreme danger and this situation is not permitted by the rules as they stand, no matter how much the majority would seemingly support this action to put him 'amongst the lions'.

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So this is thee 1st world system you all tell about your civilized system you wish was in Thailand !!!!!! What a joke

Democracy and human right's laws decree that he must be treated humanely irrespective of the crimes he committed!!

Indeed, disgusting as it is and we'd all like to see him burn, he is appealing to the law and so would anyone else in his shoes. Other murderers in the same prison are doubtless on 22-hour lock-down. / That's the last thing he wants because he won't die a martyr then.

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