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Germany: Huge protest against EU-US trade deal on eve of Obama visit


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Germany: Huge protest against EU-US trade deal on eve of Obama visit


Tens of thousands of protesters marched in the German city of Hanover on Saturday to denounce a proposed EU-US free trade deal – on the eve of a visit by US President Obama who insists the pact would bring massive benefits.

Critics warn that it could drive down wages, undermine consumer rights and environmental protection.

“We are here to make it clear that we have concerns and that is true not only for the German and European population. Americans are worried too,” said German Green Party co-leader Simone Peter.

“We are standing on the side of civil society in the US and that is the message to Mr Obama.”

Activists also reject a free trade deal between Europe and Canada (CETA), which still needs final EU approval.

“Many people from NGOs have been able to look at the documents, for example in the English version of the CETA agreement, and there we can clearly see that these are not just fears,” said Hanni Gramann, of the ‘alter-globalisation’ organisation Attac.

She said it was a fact that companies will get special legal rights, that regulatory deals will be made and retirement provision hit.

As for the proposed EU-US deal, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is expected to discuss the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) with Obama when he opens a huge trade show in Hanover on Sunday and Monday.

He says the pact would create millions of jobs and billions of dollars of benefits on both sides of the Atlantic.

Merkel said in her weekly podcast that wrapping up a deal would be a “win-win situation,” adding that “it is good for us as we will be able to appraise our competitors”.

The United States is Germany’s biggest trading partner.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-04-24

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Again with the trade deals with the soon to be ex president. Is this guy and his entire administration so out of touch that they really don't realise that a trade deal which massively favours the US is really not something that's wanted in the EU.

The UK will tell him to go <deleted> himself, I'm pretty much sure of this. In just a few months it won't be his problem anyway.

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It is very revealing that Obama wants the UK to remain in the EU, as he would any other nation trying to leave it because the diminishing of local democratic clout that comes with the centralized EU makes it much easier to pass sweeping legislation benefitting multi-nationals at the expense of national interests.

The EU functions very much as the old USSR did, hiding in clear view under a paper thin veneer of democracy.

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It's always amazing how these deals are basically made in secret until someone spills the beans and then everyone finds out that someone, somewhere is going to get screwed. I have never figured out how the US makes these trade deals because we haven't had a positive trade balance since 1976 and for the most part we have, on the average, lost $500,000,000 per year on our trade over the last 15 years. Maybe we do need Trump to make some better deals.

I really wish the candidates running this election cycle could explain to me how the US can continuously operate with half trillion dollar trade deficits (I am thankful the Chinese to buy our bonds), continue of overspend 1.2 trillion per year, and how they still want to add more education, health, etc. benefits which they think they can pay for with tax increases on the "rich" (which can't begin to cover the increased spending) and never address the structural problem of overspending. How long can it go on before we become Greece? Ever notice how they propose programs with new taxes on the 1%, etc. and never address the serious overspending that occurs yearly?

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It is very revealing that Obama wants the UK to remain in the EU, as he would any other nation trying to leave it because the diminishing of local democratic clout that comes with the centralized EU makes it much easier to pass sweeping legislation benefitting multi-nationals at the expense of national interests.

The EU functions very much as the old USSR did, hiding in clear view under a paper thin veneer of democracy.

It is not even a democracy, it is in truth an autocracy. Viz a viz UK and the EU, one has to consider that UK is the fifth strongest economy in the World. 1st USA, 2nd China, 3rd India, non of which are in the EU. 4th is Germany, which makes it strongest in the EU, which if they enter, would make UK 2nd. The real question is; would a weak EU (which it is) drag down the UK if they joined, or would the UK prosper better outside the conditions set by the EU? Forget all the emotional diatribe about sovereignty and who can make up what laws. Laws will be developed who ever is in charge, because that is how man works. Do we want to fund this rather large and shaky club, because with the 2nd richest economy in it, who do you think will be paying more? Also forget about devalued security, we are still a member of NORTHAG, UN and NATO and in or out of the EU does not affect that membership. As for Immigration, I believe under the EU we would have more, rather than less liability to accept migrants - one needs only to look at the Schengen provisions and how that opens borders, not protects them. At the end of the day, residing in Thailand, it will probably not affect me a great deal, although I do worry about my three UK Pensions, but hey ho, My lovely Wife has a Thai income in excess of what I could ever earn, so one is inclined to say "pull up the anchor, I'm alright Jack", but I also worry for my children in UK and more importantly in Gibraltar!

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While the POTUS can negotiate trade treaties, it is the USA Senate that must ratify them to legally bind the USA in the treaty.

Ironically, Obama has enjoyed the majority Republican Senate support for TTP and TTPI while being opposed by some Democrat Senators such as Warren and Sanders. But at the end of the day it will be a simple majority up or down vote of the Senate that will individually decide the two trade treaties.

It is by far more efficient and practical for the USA to negotiate a single trade treaty with the 28-member EU than with each of the individual nations; the latter requiring 28 separate ratifications from the US Senate. On the other hand with combined economic power of the 28 member nations, the EU can negotiate from strength with an economy of scale advantage.

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"Free Trade Agreements" ie. Trade Agreements, as they are not "Free" They are give and

take with businesses winning and loosing on both sides. The only thing you know for sure

it is the businesses that win and the people who loose. Personally I believe they can be

a win-win with economies of equal living and environmental standards. Even in the EU

this is problematic. The north west economies vs. the south east economies. In North

America the deals are written by big business so they can ship manufacturing jobs

to third world countries with low/unenforced environmental standards and poorly paid

labour force. Companies win, the people loose. It is time that they were properly reviewed

and the people not just fed the business propaganda line that this was good for the country.

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TTIP, like TTP and all the other secret trade agreements are NOT trade agreements. They are corporate coups. There is nothing in any of them to benefit people in any country. In fact it gives corporations power of governments. The only people that benefit are plutocrats, CEO's, the 1% and multinational corporations. The US has bled jobs and companies and the pace will accelerate if the corporate give aways pass. Good for the people in Germany to rise up, I hope they make Obama very uncomfortable. Too bad the ill-informed sheeple of America haven't. Those that sponsor or support these corporate coups are border line traitors. Keep GitMo open for those that really belong. And damn right, tax the 1% and corporations, it's past time they paid their fair share, stop the unpaid for illegal, immoral wars, there is the money drain. There is not, nor has there ever been a "deficit" crisis. There is a revenue crisis.

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He says the pact would create millions of jobs and billions of dollars of benefits on both sides of the Atlantic.

The video of Genesis' "Land of Confusion" springs to mind. Just not with Mr. Reagan waking up sweat drenched. Wake up and smell the roses, right next to the lies.

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I wonder if anyone commenting here has actually read the TTIP and TPP agreements ... or we just playing back what we have heard in the media? The only bits that I have been able to get my hands on lead me to the conclusion that these agreements will shift massive amount of power away from people to companies (regardless of location). This will accelerate the already rapid global realignment of money any power back to the few and powerful ... welcome to the 19th century!

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