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Muslims for Trump, though few, see past rhetoric, bluster


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Muslims for Trump, though few, see past rhetoric, bluster

DETROIT (AP) — As a Donald Trump supporter, Nedal Tamer feels he's in the minority among Muslim-Americans, comfortable with his choice yet somewhat confounded that he doesn't have more company.

Small numbers of Muslims find comfort, not concern, in Trump's strong stance on immigrants. They see it as proof that the Republican presidential front-runner could better contain extremists than other candidates.

"People have the wrong idea, even Arabs and Muslims," said Tamer, 40, who works in real estate and construction and lives in the Detroit suburb of Dearborn, which is known for its large Arab and Muslim population. "I like the fact that he's a little nuts. He's got the good heart, he cares about America."

The discomfort that many Muslims have with the outspoken billionaire businessman comes from his suggestion that Muslims be banned from entering the United States. Trump also has said the U.S. should stop the flow of refugees from countries where the Islamic State group has a significant presence. For some, it's hardest to reconcile Trump's statement that "Islam hates the West."

The Associated Press spoke to a number of Muslims who back Trump, some of whom declined to be interviewed.

Tamer was born in Lebanon and immigrated to the U.S. in the late 1990s from the United Arab Emirates. He said Trump is speaking about extremists, such as the Islamic State group and those it inspires, not all followers of the religion.

"Many times, Trump has said, 'Not all Muslims' — he's not talking about all Muslims," said Tamer, a Republican. "He says there are certain people. ... We've seen what's happening. I don't think anybody would agree with what ISIS is doing," Tamer said, using an acronym for the extremist group. "He says, 'We have to stop ISIS now, immediately.'"

In heavily Arab and Muslim Dearborn, many support Democrat Bernie Sanders, and people in those communities helped turn the tide toward him last month in the state's primary. Sally Howell, an associate professor at University of Michigan-Dearborn and author of several books on Arabs and Muslims in Detroit, described them as a small demographic overall but certainly a factor in Sanders' Michigan victory over rival Hillary Clinton. It helped that he came to Dearborn to court them.

"It's not all about the Middle East (issues) — it was young people, people who care about bread-and-butter issues: the economy, health insurance, quality of schools and policing," she said. "They were the swing vote in Michigan. Any group can claim that, but I think Arabs and Muslims considered themselves to have really made the difference."

That's not stopping some Muslims from organizing on behalf of the GOP and, by extension, Trump. Last fall, Saba Ahmed founded the Republican Muslim Coalition in the nation's capital and seeks to establish a presence nationwide.

"We will be supporting whoever the Republican nominee ends up being. And we are hopeful of Trump's business background, and that he would be able to use that to turn the economy around," she said.

Ahmed, a lawyer, said she has a lot of Muslim friends who are Democrats. But in her view, "Islamic values align with Republican values," and her list includes opposing abortion and backing traditional marriage. She acknowledges that coalition members are "very much concerned" by some of Trump's "very absurd comments," but counters that some of what he says is "overblown."

"Trump knows he can't win the general election with that type of hatred and those types of comments," she said. "So going forward, things will look different."

Some Arabs and Muslims not in the Trump camp have expressed tentative support for his comments related to the decades-long Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He has said he would attempt to be "neutral," though he recently told a gathering of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee that he is "a lifelong supporter and true friend of Israel."

Osama Siblani, publisher of the influential Arab American News, said Trump's supporters — Muslim or otherwise — believe he is an "independent thinker" who "will do the right thing at the end of the day." Siblani added that Trump has business enterprises all over the world, including in Arab Gulf nations, which supporters believe should mute concerns over Islamophobia.

Still, Trump is neither Siblani's personal preference nor his paper's. The Dearborn-based publication, which supported George W. Bush in 2000, has endorsed Sanders.

"I believe Trump is playing on ignorance and cashing in on fear," Siblani said.

Both Ahmed and Tamer said their pro-Republican or pro-Trump positions have led to disagreements and even arguments with other Muslims, but Ahmed said that merely speaks to wide diversity among followers of Islam.

"We can have differences of opinion in the upcoming election, but it's important for all Muslims to get involved," she said. "We are the 1 percent that can shift the outcome of the presidential election. We need more engagement."

Associated Press writer Noreen Nasir contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-04-25

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How dumb do you have to be to be a Muslim voting for Trump? Most Republicans vote against their own self-interest so I guess you'll be able to find that rare, extremely low-info Muslim out there to go along with the same numb women and minority Trumpeteers. Black people voting for Republicans? Women? Mexicans? Republicans embrace only old white men.

Anyone making under $250k a year and voting Republican is voting against their own self interest, anyway. Forget the xenophobic politics and the hate for everything not white male, strictly on a financial basis voting Republican is for the financial elite 10%.

Trump is going to get crushed in the general election if he makes as the nominee.


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How dumb do you have to be to be a Muslim voting for Trump? Most Republicans vote against their own self-interest so I guess you'll be able to find that rare, extremely low-info Muslim out there to go along with the same numb women and minority Trumpeteers. Black people voting for Republicans? Women? Mexicans? Republicans embrace only old white men.

Anyone making under $250k a year and voting Republican is voting against their own self interest, anyway. Forget the xenophobic politics and the hate for everything not white male, strictly on a financial basis voting Republican is for the financial elite 10%.

Trump is going to get crushed in the general election if he makes as the nominee.


I just wonder if Muslim supporters of Trump realize they can't attend his rallies....because they'll probably get the crap beat out of them.

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Trump is the only candidate that supports working people over bankers, the only candidate not beholder (i.e. bought) by the monied classes. Bernie seems like a populist, but is actually a socialist whose ultimate object is government control of everything.

Don't pretend that Trump is good for rich people. Rich people almost universally hate Trump because he threatens to cut off the flow of ill-gotten gains. Rich people, particularly bankers, support Hillary because they have her in their pocket.

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How dumb do you have to be to be a Muslim voting for Trump? Most Republicans vote against their own self-interest so I guess you'll be able to find that rare, extremely low-info Muslim out there to go along with the same numb women and minority Trumpeteers. Black people voting for Republicans? Women? Mexicans? Republicans embrace only old white men.

Anyone making under $250k a year and voting Republican is voting against their own self interest, anyway. Forget the xenophobic politics and the hate for everything not white male, strictly on a financial basis voting Republican is for the financial elite 10%.

Trump is going to get crushed in the general election if he makes as the nominee.


Mexicans? Republicans embrace only old white men.

Would you happen to be a member of black lives matter? Trump received over 50% of the Hispanic vote in New York city.

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A Muslim for Trump is no doubt secular and wants to live in the 21st century and not the ninth. If female no doubt wants a career and freedom to choose who they marry. Perhaps they are gay, perhaps the are Not religious but afraid to be vocal about their opinions for fear of being murdered by their co-religionists. Perhaps they realize that thousands of new Muslim immigrants fresh from the third world will make their own lives that much more dangerous.

I'll warrant there are a lot more Muslims for Trump than there are those who will admit it.

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Trump is the only candidate that supports working people over bankers, the only candidate not beholder (i.e. bought) by the monied classes. Bernie seems like a populist, but is actually a socialist whose ultimate object is government control of everything.

Don't pretend that Trump is good for rich people. Rich people almost universally hate Trump because he threatens to cut off the flow of ill-gotten gains. Rich people, particularly bankers, support Hillary because they have her in their pocket.

Trump's proposed tax plan heavily favors the 1% giving them the by far the biggest tax break. Hillary's plan is the exact opposite, increasing the taxes for the highest earners.


Please get your facts straight...


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Trump is the only candidate that supports working people over bankers, the only candidate not beholder (i.e. bought) by the monied classes. Bernie seems like a populist, but is actually a socialist whose ultimate object is government control of everything.

Don't pretend that Trump is good for rich people. Rich people almost universally hate Trump because he threatens to cut off the flow of ill-gotten gains. Rich people, particularly bankers, support Hillary because they have her in their pocket.

Trump's proposed tax plan heavily favors the 1% giving them the by far the biggest tax break. Hillary's plan is the exact opposite, increasing the taxes for the highest earners.


Please get your facts straight...


Directly quoted from your link: "Donald Trump’s Tax Plan

Love him or hate him, Trump wants to make your paycheck bigger. His tax plan would increase take-home pay for all Americans by significantly cutting taxes."

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On Topic: I think all real American-Muslims should support Trump and his immigration ban. If the terrorists can't get in, they'd benefit greatly because without any terrorist attacks, there would be no reprisals against them in the states. Attacks by extremists are vilified and sensationalized by the media without making any sort of distinction. This raises fear which leads to hate which then gets directed towards the nearest thing (people) resembling the initial cause.

Anyone remember the hatred and the hunt for "commies" in the 50s and 60s? Same principle applies here.

If they would create their own public rallies supporting Trump AND be very publicly vocal in support of the Muslim Ban from known ISIS countries, most people in America would be in shock and many would stand shoulder to shoulder with them instead of casting a wery eye sideways at them.

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Trump is the only candidate that supports working people over bankers, the only candidate not beholder (i.e. bought) by the monied classes. Bernie seems like a populist, but is actually a socialist whose ultimate object is government control of everything.

Don't pretend that Trump is good for rich people. Rich people almost universally hate Trump because he threatens to cut off the flow of ill-gotten gains. Rich people, particularly bankers, support Hillary because they have her in their pocket.

Trump's proposed tax plan heavily favors the 1% giving them the by far the biggest tax break. Hillary's plan is the exact opposite, increasing the taxes for the highest earners.


Please get your facts straight...


Directly quoted from your link: "Donald Trumps Tax Plan

Love him or hate him, Trump wants to make your paycheck bigger. His tax plan would increase take-home pay for all Americans by significantly cutting taxes."

Selective quoting. Here is the rest of the paragraph :

"This is true for all Americans regardless of income level, but unsurprisingly the ones who would benefit most are most are the wealthiest."


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On Topic: I think all real American-Muslims should support Trump and his immigration ban. If the terrorists can't get in, they'd benefit greatly because without any terrorist attacks, there would be no reprisals against them in the states. Attacks by extremists are vilified and sensationalized by the media without making any sort of distinction. This raises fear which leads to hate which then gets directed towards the nearest thing (people) resembling the initial cause.

Anyone remember the hatred and the hunt for "commies" in the 50s and 60s? Same principle applies here.

If they would create their own public rallies supporting Trump AND be very publicly vocal in support of the Muslim Ban from known ISIS countries, most people in America would be in shock and many would stand shoulder to shoulder with them instead of casting a wery eye sideways at them.

OnTopic rebuttal:

Complete low-information nonsense. The chances of an American being killed in a terrorist attack by an immigrant from a Muslim country is 20,000,000 to 1.

Be more worried about a Sharknado. cheesy.gif

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On Topic: I think all real American-Muslims should support Trump and his immigration ban. If the terrorists can't get in, they'd benefit greatly because without any terrorist attacks, there would be no reprisals against them in the states. Attacks by extremists are vilified and sensationalized by the media without making any sort of distinction. This raises fear which leads to hate which then gets directed towards the nearest thing (people) resembling the initial cause.

Anyone remember the hatred and the hunt for "commies" in the 50s and 60s? Same principle applies here.

If they would create their own public rallies supporting Trump AND be very publicly vocal in support of the Muslim Ban from known ISIS countries, most people in America would be in shock and many would stand shoulder to shoulder with them instead of casting a wery eye sideways at them.

OnTopic rebuttal:

Complete low-information nonsense. The chances of an American being killed in a terrorist attack by an immigrant from a Muslim country is 20,000,000 to 1.

Be more worried about a Sharknado. cheesy.gif

Be more worried about the Police

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How dumb do you have to be to be a Muslim voting for Trump? Most Republicans vote against their own self-interest so I guess you'll be able to find that rare, extremely low-info Muslim out there to go along with the same numb women and minority Trumpeteers. Black people voting for Republicans? Women? Mexicans? Republicans embrace only old white men.

Anyone making under $250k a year and voting Republican is voting against their own self interest, anyway. Forget the xenophobic politics and the hate for everything not white male, strictly on a financial basis voting Republican is for the financial elite 10%.

Trump is going to get crushed in the general election if he makes as the nominee.


Mexicans? Republicans embrace only old white men.

Would you happen to be a member of black lives matter? Trump received over 50% of the Hispanic vote in New York city.

Nice try of a stat SPIN...

you aslo might want to consider that trump won 50% of the REPUBLICAN hispanic vote in new york city which was a whopping 5% of the GOP voters...so in other words trump got 50% of the 5% of Hispanic REPUBLICAN voters..........and any muslim that would be a GOP supporter is not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer to begin with...

"data from exit polls as only 5% of GOP voters were Hispanic;

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A Muslim for Trump is no doubt secular and wants to live in the 21st century and not the ninth. If female no doubt wants a career and freedom to choose who they marry. Perhaps they are gay, perhaps the are Not religious but afraid to be vocal about their opinions for fear of being murdered by their co-religionists. Perhaps they realize that thousands of new Muslim immigrants fresh from the third world will make their own lives that much more dangerous.

I'll warrant there are a lot more Muslims for Trump than there are those who will admit it.

Critical thinking skills among the electorate are frowned upon in today's media driven political theater.

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