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Englishman 'arrests' ladyboy pickpocket in Pattaya


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Truely no matter how dilligently a non-white conforms to the mannerisms and characteristics of a "proper Englishman", they will not be accepted by some. Even though street chavs are derided by the same, the authenticity of their Englishness would never be questioned, though they hardly differ from punks in Baltimore or Paris. The one-drop rule, the true fallacy of racism. Suggested reading "Memoirs of a Black Englishman" by Paul Stephenson.

And who even cares, is there any benefit to being considered "English" these days? I think the only benefit is that you are more likely to be harassed and deliberately provoked by visible minorities on public transport - and that's about it. A lot of people look down on the English these days, not like "the good old days"... for you at least... Being English won't even get you laid for free these days, so what's the point? Those days are over guys, you need an update...

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English Man ??????????????????? the 3 grand is maybe UK allowance for holiday, but there again cannot be if your really English you wouldn't qualify. My opinion just another with a "BRITISH PASSPORT" maybe these passports now available in SPAR or CO-OP shops!!!!!!!

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Many people slagging this (English, if he was born in England) man for being so stupid for carrying that amount of money on a Baht bus,

Methinks, if he was able to catch and arrest the culprit, that makes him a lot less stupid than a guy who has 100 Baht stolen from him and doesn't know how or when it happened.

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I guess none of you people spend anytime in the big cities of England these day's.

If you did you would realize there are far more people with names like his, than Smith or Jones.

Welcome to the new England.

I have not lived there for years, but I do watch UKTV over here.

Just watching a lot of programmes, confirms your point, especially Crimewatch.

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Don't look very English to me, and he may be insulted if you call him that, your race goes by your parentage, if your parents are English but you were born in China, that does not make you Chinese. His passport says he is British not English. Rod Stewart was born in London, England but will tell you he is Scottish, because his parents were Scottish, and he might biff you on the nose for calling him English. Try and get a Thai passport here, no chance because you are not Thai, in Britain they give them away like sweets.

What you are saying is that he may be a National but NOT a Citizen

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I have some doubts also if this bloke is really English.

For one, all the Englishman in Pattaya that I have met don't have much money, this bloke obviously has plenty.

Secondly, the poms I know wouldn't be capable of arresting anyone, more likely just go and complain to the police.

It occurs to me than the English in the past were happy to invade other countries, then enforce their language, religion and laws on other people, the whole British empire/ commonwealth/ sun never sets on the British empire thing, but are somewhat touchy about some of these people now living in England.

I just explained this to my girlfriend who replied som nam naa!

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I have some doubts also if this bloke is really English.

For one, all the Englishman in Pattaya that I have met don't have much money, this bloke obviously has plenty.

Secondly, the poms I know wouldn't be capable of arresting anyone, more likely just go and complain to the police.

It occurs to me than the English in the past were happy to invade other countries, then enforce their language, religion and laws on other people, the whole British empire/ commonwealth/ sun never sets on the British empire thing, but are somewhat touchy about some of these people now living in England.

I just explained this to my girlfriend who replied som nam naa!

Presumably as an Ozzie you are descended from English criminals so you have little room to judge. Oz is a very xenophobic country, just look at the Menzie era

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No, it doesn't.

The 'indigenous' English are a mixture of Brythonic, Roman, Anglo-Saxon, Danish, Norman and Dutch, with other bits of DNA thrown in along the way. Like mongrels, their mixed heritage is one of their strengths, and it's sad to see them pretend otherwise.

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If I were sitting inside that baht bus , I would probably be more scared of the big man with the beard than the LB. whistling.gif

Exaclty. Only a lady boy would have the balls to pickpocket anybody that looked like that!

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No, it doesn't.

The 'indigenous' English are a mixture of Brythonic, Roman, Anglo-Saxon, Danish, Norman and Dutch, with other bits of DNA thrown in along the way. Like mongrels, their mixed heritage is one of their strengths, and it's sad to see them pretend otherwise.

You forgot Norwegians. The Vikings raped your women 1200 years ago. One of the reasons you'll still see people with blue eyes and blond hair in Britain. Edited by balo
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No, it doesn't.

The 'indigenous' English are a mixture of Brythonic, Roman, Anglo-Saxon, Danish, Norman and Dutch, with other bits of DNA thrown in along the way. Like mongrels, their mixed heritage is one of their strengths, and it's sad to see them pretend otherwise.

You are right but name one country that has a pure blood line?

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No, it doesn't.

The 'indigenous' English are a mixture of Brythonic, Roman, Anglo-Saxon, Danish, Norman and Dutch, with other bits of DNA thrown in along the way. Like mongrels, their mixed heritage is one of their strengths, and it's sad to see them pretend otherwise.

You forgot Norwegians. The Vikings raped your women 1200 years ago. One of the reasons you'll still see people with blue eyes and blond hair in Britain.

A true-born Englishman’s a contradiction,

In speech an irony, in fact a fiction.

A banter made to be a test of fools,

Which those that use it justly ridicules.

- excerpt from The True Born Englishman by Daniel Dafoe written in 1701


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A "class A" Englishman thumbsup.gif Really looks like one too coffee1.gif

who goes on a Baht bus trip with £3,000 in his pocket? blink.png

interesting to see that 80%+ of the crime in Pattaya is done by Lady-boys.....

How times gave changed.

This so-called Englishnen would have years ago been cherged for identity theft masquarading as a British subject but now considered the norm to wear a long beard with that Mid-Easten swalthy look of our home-produced children of today.

In years to come 'the world we live in' will be adorned full of such like clones of this unavoidable trait inflicted on us by these unruly people.

Rabbits have been left well behind having lost thier title to create famine amongst it's siblings.

Just saying ..........

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No, it doesn't.

The 'indigenous' English are a mixture of Brythonic, Roman, Anglo-Saxon, Danish, Norman and Dutch, with other bits of DNA thrown in along the way. Like mongrels, their mixed heritage is one of their strengths, and it's sad to see them pretend otherwise.

You forgot Norwegians. The Vikings raped your women 1200 years ago. One of the reasons you'll still see people with blue eyes and blond hair in Britain.

I used to have ( now nearly all gone ) blonde hair and I have grey/blue eyes so maybe I have a Norwegian blood line. I don't think Imran Mohammed has the same blood line his eyes are too black.

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Place of birth is irrelevant, but place of registration of birth is!

Hundreds of 'English' children were born in Germany to forces families stationed there.

There is also that little thing known as 'dual nationality', you know, like Boris Johnson, and Pierce Brosnan, who portrayed the quintessential Englishman James Bond despite being Irish and holding US citizenship.

Very good post ThaiKneeTim well put,

" It's worth remembering that the word “English” is derived from the Angles, of Anglo-Saxon fame. When the Romans cleared out of Britain in AD 410, a range of

German, Danish, and Dutch tribes that we sloppily call the Anglo-Saxons moved in from across the Whale Road. That’s not forgetting the Vikings either, who brought

Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish blood to swathes of Britain. So, to be honest We should take a long look at ourselves, too, and acknowledge that the UK has

had the most profound and close genetic and cultural ties with the people of Germany and Scandinavia for over 1,500 years."

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