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Was thinking about people that suggested a 100K per annum with no benefits would be attractive. Normally when you do not pay for something in cash up front there is interest or additional fees. So what about an annual card with no limos, banking assistance and other help, and costs 120,000K a year? This would seem to me a fair deal for those that don't have the lump sum. 24 limos per calendar year has to be worth around 24,000 Baht if you use them all. So I can understand why they wouldn't want to offer that service based upon a base fee of 120,000 Baht per annum.

I think I heard that the elite program is or may be accepting credit card payments so it seems that you can pay the membership and finance it on your own anyway. Just a few random thoughts. You could get hotel rewards and FF miles using a card. Maybe TE doesn't need to offer another plan and they can just let your credit card company handle it in this sense.

Maybe this is a win-win for everybody?


Was thinking about people that suggested a 100K per annum with no benefits would be attractive. Normally when you do not pay for something in cash up front there is interest or additional fees. So what about an annual card with no limos, banking assistance and other help, and costs 120,000K a year? This would seem to me a fair deal for those that don't have the lump sum. 24 limos per calendar year has to be worth around 24,000 Baht if you use them all. So I can understand why they wouldn't want to offer that service based upon a base fee of 120,000 Baht per annum.

I think I heard that the elite program is or may be accepting credit card payments so it seems that you can pay the membership and finance it on your own anyway. Just a few random thoughts. You could get hotel rewards and FF miles using a card. Maybe TE doesn't need to offer another plan and they can just let your credit card company handle it in this sense.

Maybe this is a win-win for everybody?

I am pretty sure the credit card payment option is only for renewals and other services offered by TE.

  • 2 weeks later...

To me, who has not yet reached "the magic" 50 years of age, the visa "function" of TE membership is well worth the money. Being able to avoid visa runs at least once a quarter is a boon. If I wen´t on bi-monthly or quarterly "visa runs" I would not only lose time but given the way I want to travel and spend my time in any of the neighbouring countries, I would not expect paying significantly less than the 100k a year.

So once my METV runs out, I will sign up for TE.

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Even if I did all the runs on the cheap (for what I would personally consider cheap as chips no-thrills trips), I would at least spend 50k for 4 runs. If I then ad the cost for the extensions and, most importantly, the time and (subjectively perceived) hassle of doing so many extensions and visits to regional embassies and consulates then the remaining 50k for TE is a no-brainer and money well spent. And I don´t take into consideration any of the other perks which TE brings with it, since I have no idea if and when I will take advantage of those.

But this discussion about individually perceived value is taking us back to "the dark ages" of the TE discussion and I will try to refrain from making more comments on why I personally regard 100k p.a. as good value.

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Here is the reply from the member service center...

"Greetings from Thailand Elite Member Contact Center.

Please be informed that Thailand Elite Visa Holders are able to claim VAT Refund at the airport before leaving the country. Please kindly see conditions as in the link provided below:


Should you need to do VAT refund on your departure, please kindly inform us as well. Therefore we cann arrange the car to drop you at Gate 10 for Vat Refund.

Any further inquiry you may have, please do not hesitate to let us know.

Best Regards,"

So hold onto your receipts because if you have stayed in the country for a long time, you may be able to get a bit of money back. I normally don't bother with doing this but if I am in the country for a year this might be worth my time. For example I just bought a 100,000 Baht MacbookPro and a 27,000 Baht s7 Edge. So that theoretically is 8,890 back right there. If I start to hold the receipt for every purchase I buy that qualifies over here, this could get interesting.

Can this be done on other types of visas such as retirement, marriage or for people with work permits?

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I also just asked about fixed term deposits and they simply gave me the original information about opening accounts. so am not sure if this is a definite yes, but they certainly are not saying no.


Thank you anotheruser for the information your finding out. TE members appreciate it.

You should know by now how the Haters hate the TE program and how easy we live and travel to and from LOS.

They would love to see it stopped as they need fresh blood on them 12hr minibus visa runs and the stimulating conversation of how they saved 32bt by shopping in 7/11

Well, there are faults on both sides. Some of those who 'hate' TE are irrational. And some of those who hate the haters have some grave misconceptions. Such as the continuous impression that those who do not choose TE must be poor or cheap and will endure any levels of uncomfort to save a few baht.

That's simply not the case.

Also, it could simply be pointed out that those who have TE are too poor to get investment visas or fly chartered planes.

I encourage discussions on TE that are fair from *both* sides (those who have and those who do not have). But jumping to the position of 'If you don't have it you must be poor' is not a very contributive stance.

And given that this is Thailand, its also useful to understand the true costs and reasons behind the TE visa versus other options, and trying to understand the rationale behind those decisions.

It is a fair point, especially in this thread, to understand the privileges afforded to TE members especially beyond the PE aspect and to frame that into the context of its cost.

For example, you could purchase 10M THB 30-Year bond with about 2.5% return (enough to cover inflation). This would also mean after 5 or 20 years you could sell back the bond and get your original 10M back. Since this would grant you a visa it would actually have a total net cost less than a TE visa.

Of course, for those who can not afford to invest 10M into Thailand there is the TE visa option.

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Thank you anotheruser for the information your finding out. TE members appreciate it.

You should know by now how the Haters hate the TE program and how easy we live and travel to and from LOS.

They would love to see it stopped as they need fresh blood on them 12hr minibus visa runs and the stimulating conversation of how they saved 32bt by shopping in 7/11

Well, there are faults on both sides. Some of those who 'hate' TE are irrational. And some of those who hate the haters have some grave misconceptions. Such as the continuous impression that those who do not choose TE must be poor or cheap and will endure any levels of uncomfort to save a few baht.

That's simply not the case.

Also, it could simply be pointed out that those who have TE are too poor to get investment visas or fly chartered planes.

I encourage discussions on TE that are fair from *both* sides (those who have and those who do not have). But jumping to the position of 'If you don't have it you must be poor' is not a very contributive stance.

And given that this is Thailand, its also useful to understand the true costs and reasons behind the TE visa versus other options, and trying to understand the rationale behind those decisions.

It is a fair point, especially in this thread, to understand the privileges afforded to TE members especially beyond the PE aspect and to frame that into the context of its cost.

For example, you could purchase 10M THB 30-Year bond with about 2.5% return (enough to cover inflation). This would also mean after 5 or 20 years you could sell back the bond and get your original 10M back. Since this would grant you a visa it would actually have a total net cost less than a TE visa.

Of course, for those who can not afford to invest 10M into Thailand there is the TE visa option.

All very good information and a further choice to stay long term in Thailand. Is a long term Bond for me? No. Can I afford it? Yes, very easily. Would I knock anybody for choosing that option? No, up to them. Fact is, I see the TE Program as doing what I want it to do for me. I don't see it as being expensive but I do it see it as an easy way to live with no hassle and no problems. Good luck to the Visa runners if that is how they choose to live but again, it isn't for me but don't knock the program at every given opportunity for sake of doing it. I pay my money and I am sorted. That's how I like to roll.

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60 days to reclaim, leaving by airport only with the goods on you. So it seems that pretty much only people on tourist visas (via an airport therefore eliminating all visa hoppers going via land borders) or TE would in theory be able to claim it. Everybody working, retired or married is likely to be in the country more than 180 days in a year. Obviously it is likely anybody on a TE visa would also be in Thailand more than 180 per year as well, but the possibility exists that some may not be.


Theguy you are certainly welcome to post anywhere you want but your posts are borderline trolling and not intended to continue a meaningful discussion of any kind here. You are a mere hinderance to some of the meaningful posters that have enriched this topic through their input. Much in the way an unruly child is a nuisance when speaking at the adult's dinner table.

Also if I may point out this thread has been started by a paying sponsor to TV about membership privileges. I am sure ThaiElite is delighted at the current discussion designed to sabotage what is their right as a paying sponsor to discuss and advertise their product here without basically being heckled. These kind of threads in the past have chased away advertisers and dissuaded potential people from advertising on this website.

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Concerning the VAT refund.

Just another angle... As a Thailand Elite member, I cannot get a refund in Thailand because I registered with my embassy and my passport is issued in Bangkok.

However, for those who do the same, the advantage is that when you buy something abroad, you can get the refund on the way back to Bangkok.

Same same but reverse.

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Concerning the VAT refund.

Just another angle... As a Thailand Elite member, I cannot get a refund in Thailand because I registered with my embassy and my passport is issued in Bangkok.

However, for those who do the same, the advantage is that when you buy something abroad, you can get the refund on the way back to Bangkok.

Same same but reverse.

Well I am not elite member, I am on Non O 1 year multiple entries visa, I am registered with my embassy in Bangkok and my passports have always been issued in Bangkok for the last 20 years. My residence address which is in Thailand is on my main passport page and I have a notification of alien registration attached in my passport. I am not much concerned about VAT claims but I do it sometime especially when I purchase some expensive items in Thailand such as laptop...and I get VAT refund at the airport without any question. The last time was few weeks ago when I purchased a 30+k phone in Thailand and got VAT refund in Phuket airport while I was on my way to Myanmar. I got back few tousand bahts.


If you actually reside in Thailand what you are doing is illegal. I am trying to keep this discussion to what membership privileges are legal. There are many things said in this thread about dodgy work arounds. I think we should actually limit the discussion to what is actually legal under the TE program.

You are right. I am not a TE program hater. I am following this thread because I believe TE program has some good point. For me the main point is that it give the option of hassle free when you are stuck to get any others visa option. You pay and you get it. In my opinion, the others perks are not a great value if you are able to get a non O 1 year multi entry such I have. I am travelling a lot, getting my year visa multi entry cost me half day per year and 200USD but I am in a situation that make it easy for me to get my visa. I will switch to the TE program only if 1 day it become more complicate to obtain my current visa or if I decide to stop travelling and go to the extension route.

But my point above was more that by reading all the thread about TE, I don't see much the advantages except the facility to get a long term visa. As long as you can afford the 5 years payment, that's it.

I read about Elite advantages but for me things such as opening a bank account, getting credit cards in Thailand, is something that I am getting easily without TE.

As for the VAT refund, yes probably illegal. But for me, it started 1 time when i purchased something and the shop was asking me if I want the VAT refund. I explained that I didn't believe i was eligible for that showing my visa, my address in Thailand...but they insisted. I thought no problem. I filled the docs and will be most probably denied when i will present it at the airport. But no questions asked and they just refund it. But as I said earlier, i don't really bother about that.

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Yeah there are plenty of threads on all of the alternative options for sure. Also for the record I know how to plan a trip. TE just makes the planning much easier and makes it actually cost less.

I am convinced that you - and all other Thailand Elite members - are indeed very much able to plan whatever trip. We are not as silly as some may want to portray the ones who opt for convenience (at a fee), after all.

The interesting thing is that - and I think you already said that - Thailand Elite members have the great privilege to be able to plan their trip whenever they want, as their schedule is not dictated by any requirement to leave the country.

Some members travel a lot, at their chosen dates, and feel welcome back in the country each time they fly in (with a fresh 1 year stamp in their passport each time they come back).

Other members take full advantage of the 1 year stamp, and extend the stamp once per year as long as they don't feel the need for a vacation abroad... till the end of the 5or 20 years' membership.

That flexibility is priceless.

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Let's just all agree that the visa situation here is one of the most complex to retire in / stay long term and be friends :-)

We all have our ways of trying to stay here...TE Visa / O Visa / Retirement Visa / Visa waiver...all painful but we love Thailand ...Jai Yen Yen :-)

so let's stay happy here in this piece of paradise. I can see myself buying this soon once my work situation stops. I value my time and quietness ...not for everyone but yes i will pay for that piece of mind.

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