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Four arrested for attack on British family in Hua Hin as first photos of the victims are released


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All well and good these four goons have been arrested but what will their punishment be? A friend of mine was attacked by 3 Thai guys with large pieces of wood. They beat him unconscious and put him in hospital with multiple injuries. After months of dancing around in Thai courts, ...they each got a 2,000 baht fine, ...... Welcome to Thailand! A farang gets charged half that for smoking in Lumphini Park!! 2000 baht for attempted murder, ..hhmmm .... I will be curious to see what these guys get for this latest attack on foreigners

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On one evening when I was 14 years old riding my bike on a road in England I cut up a man riding his bike on the same road. He chased after me down the road and caught up with me. Instead of saying sorry I gave him some lip and then he gave me an almighty great slap around my face then he cycled away leaving me stunned.

5 years later I saw the man having a drink in a pub. Approached him and offered my sincere apologies and asked if I could buy him a drink? He refused to accept my apology that made me feel even worse for my bad attitude and stupidity 5 years earlier. Here`s the thing about this: at the time the man was in his 30s, big built with a beard, I was only a kid and thought he`ll never do anything to a kid, but I misjudged and how wrong I was that made me realise I`m no David able to take on a Goliath. Lesson learned.

Somethings when caught up in certain situations we have to be able to judge when the odds are against us and know when to back off, when it`s better to lose face than our teeth or maybe even our lives, remembering that not everyone shares our same moral standards.

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An angry Thai is worse than an angry bull. The anti-foreigner feeling here is getting worse. Not only with cheating, lying and double pricing but also with edicts from the General himself. The land of smiles? Not really. Here they kick the heads in of grandmothers. Ah well, it's worse in Syria - there they chop your head off. Message to the tourists: Stay away. Lao is much more pleasant.

Yes the generals anti west sentiments certainly aren't going to help things. He has shown his hatred of the west and his thugs will follow him.
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What a pity someone can't hit (with force) and kick (with force) the slimy culprit that attacked this elder lady.

Where is the 'Asian' pride of respecting your elders?

Sadly, these types of acts are becoming too common (and anyone disagreeing must walk with their eyes closed), and it is not only in Thailand,although this act of violence must be the worst we have seen involving elders.

The excuse of being drunk shouldn't even be looked at.

I hope they get the full possible charge and punishment without any leniency for all four men.

Good on the man who tried to help out.

Shame on the rest of you 'cowards' that stand around laughing with your cameras in hand. Due to your cowardly act, you are helping to provide a lawless future.

A group of 10, 20, 30 people standing up together against this group of four, would of helped.

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While staying two winters in Hua hin, I was warned by neighbours not to walk down certain soi s at night ! There had been a lot of break ins, a few murders, and the soi s where popular restaurant hang outs for expats were quite dangerous.

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BOYCOTT HUA HIN until there is justice !

I like this quote. Never mind the detective work here, never mind the call for Thai justice and goading or bashing. Never mind the suspicions of TAT. Never mind who was drunk.

We need to unite in a way just like Thais unite for a fistfight. I'm not sure how to utilize social media, but boycott sounds like the way to justice. Take a victimless proactive approach and wait for no one to do their "job".

Whatever it takes. Donation to an organization that organizes a boycott. Should it be only Hua hin? Surely the problem exists at least in all tourist spots. A demonstration in the streets perhaps? Every weekend? On appropriate Thai holidays? Buddha days? In different cities?

I'm there.

My arse may be skinnier now but I still know when to get off it!!

What say you guys??

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An angry Thai is worse than an angry bull. The anti-foreigner feeling here is getting worse. Not only with cheating, lying and double pricing but also with edicts from the General himself. The land of smiles? Not really. Here they kick the heads in of grandmothers. Ah well, it's worse in Syria - there they chop your head off. Message to the tourists: Stay away. Lao is much more pleasant.

Yes the generals anti west sentiments certainly aren't going to help things. He has shown his hatred of the west and his thugs will follow him.

What a pile of crap!

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Seems to me, after 14 years of living here, that there are many Thai's who care about foreigners - like the big guy in the stripped shirt (video) who tried to intercede but had to retreat . But there is an ugly underbelly of Thai's who resent foreigners and will not pass up an opportunity to punch and kick the "hand that feeds them" . This is the old 80/20 principle once again .... 80% of Thai's care about how foreigners see them and make an effort to be friendly and welcoming. But 20% are too lazy to make their own way in life and lash out at those who they envy. But that 20% gets 80% of the news coverage and gives Thailand a Black Eye (pardon the pun).

And the "20%" is why i minimize any and all contacts with thai men in tourist areas.

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Seems to me, after 14 years of living here, that there are many Thai's who care about foreigners - like the big guy in the stripped shirt (video) who tried to intercede but had to retreat . But there is an ugly underbelly of Thai's who resent foreigners and will not pass up an opportunity to punch and kick the "hand that feeds them" . This is the old 80/20 principle once again .... 80% of Thai's care about how foreigners see them and make an effort to be friendly and welcoming. But 20% are too lazy to make their own way in life and lash out at those who they envy. But that 20% gets 80% of the news coverage and gives Thailand a Black Eye (pardon the pun).

This may be true. I say again. Do we as a group have a response? Do we have a responsibility to take care of our own.

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It is their first offence. Even they did a terrible thing. A first offence for assault does not carry a prison sentence. Not only in Thailand, but all western countries also. So when everyone hears that they got a fine and a 4 month suspended sentence, don't be complaining that they got special treatment, because victims were foreigner. This is the standard sentence, including in our countries.

I can promise you that assaulting someone like this will lead to a prison sentence in most western nations. It wont be long but it most definately wont be suspended.

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PM, TAT, police and other officials in charge - don't send stupid fruit baskets, flowers, teddy bears...

DO SOMETHING useful and that would be to parade these thugs openly in public and set an example for the world to see by sentencing them to LIFE IN PRISON without possibility to appeal and no possibility for parole for criminal assault with INTENT TO KILL!

This, and only this, would be the only move possible to bring justice, restore tourists' trust in this god forsaken country, and the only action that could bring at least some feeling of peace, being cared for and being taken seriously to the victims.

Posing with flowers in the hospital next to the victim will not make you (TAT, officials in charge) look any better, nor will it help the victims!!!

Can't you see that Thailand is losing its footing??? Can't you realize that your people are getting more and more aggressive??? When will you finally admit to yourselves that the once glaring luster of "Thainess" and "Land of Smiles" has faded beyond recognition??????

When will you people (officials in charge) wake up????????

Stop fiddling tourism statistics and cracking down on anything that is co-owned by foreigners, reset your priorities, and then ACT for Pete's sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by MockingJay
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hm, there is nothing criminal in this situation as i see in this video, two drunk thai men just argued about something, ((as you can see at the end the guy in black shirt just came back to fight)) and another drunk British just came by and accidentally grabbed the arm of a thai guy, the thai guy as he was very drunk easily pushed the British back, BUT!!! BUT!!! this old woman helped him to fall !! cause they were drunk like all Brits do...

and that's how it all started, this old woman she dropped the Briton, then grabbed the thai mens shirt, began to shout at him, and at the 0:52 sec we see how she gave him a slap in the face !!!

this is all happened on the street, so i guess street rules applies.... you slapped me in the face, so be prepared for the fight...

obviously these Brits are complete idiots... they get what they deserve that night... nothing wrong here...

guys if someone drunk will slap you in the face you will do the same, the severity depends on your level of alcohol,, that's it...

Edited by powerdude
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Sorry for the British family attacked in Hua-Hin, but i don't give a generalized view on all Thais. British learn how to speak few Thai words, and to learn how to smile to people, and greet them or apologize when there is situation.

Life is not just you expect somone behave good to you, first you keep yours right first. Even bad person will think twice doing something bad on you.

Songkran is bad timing for anything including finding food to eat. No wonder Police are out of service on that day. Most Thai's are friendly and care foreigners during Songran celebrations for sure.

In my 12 years of stay, this is first time heard foreigner attacked during Songran.

If it's the first time you heard in 12 years then maybe you should open your Internet browser more often than once a decade?

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Again the word "farang" was used in above news article. This, in itself, is an insult.

Also noticed no specific charges mentioned. As mentioned before, repeatedly kicking someone in head is attempted murder, drunk or not drunk.

I have found over the years, a number of Thais are very confrontational when it comes to foreigners. They seem to wish to fight. I have started to

see on the roads, windows go down and middle finger comes out. Never saw this before.

I have lived in many countries and never seen foreigners mistreated like they are here, from immigration, dual pricing and many other matters.

I do not like this situation and have actively started to seek another country once my employment tenure ends here.

l'm actively looking for somewhere else too.

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hm, there is nothing criminal in this situation as i see in this video, two drunk thai men just argued about something, ((as you can see at the end the guy in black shirt just came back to fight)) and another drunk British just came by and accidentally grabbed the arm of a thai guy, the thai guy as he was very drunk easily pushed the British back, BUT!!! BUT!!! this old woman helped him to fall !! cause they were drunk like all Brits do...

and that's how it all started, this old woman she dropped the Briton, then grabbed the thai mens shirt, began to shout at him, and at the 0:52 sec we see how she gave him a slap in the face !!!

this is all happened on the street, so i guess street rules applies.... you slapped me in the face, so be prepared for the fight...

obviously these Brits are complete idiots... they get what they deserve that night... nothing wrong here...

guys if someone drunk will slap you in the face you will do the same, the severity depends on your level of alcohol,, that's it...

"power"dude - reading your lines, I can clearly see why your old account had been deleted and you had to start again from scratch... A slap in the face justifies that someone not involved in the initial incident kicks you in the face while you are semi unconscious on the ground? What sewer did you crawl out of???

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Again the word "farang" was used in above news article. This, in itself, is an insult.

Also noticed no specific charges mentioned. As mentioned before, repeatedly kicking someone in head is attempted murder, drunk or not drunk.

I have found over the years, a number of Thais are very confrontational when it comes to foreigners. They seem to wish to fight. I have started to

see on the roads, windows go down and middle finger comes out. Never saw this before.

I have lived in many countries and never seen foreigners mistreated like they are here, from immigration, dual pricing and many other matters.

I do not like this situation and have actively started to seek another country once my employment tenure ends here.

The word "farang" just means "caucasian". It is no more insulting than the word "asian" is in our language.

Asian can mean arab, indian, kazakstanian, japanese, aboriginal etc. Closest word for farang comparably would be "negro".

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This is a worse case scenario/outcome as to why you should NEVER get into an argumment with Thais. Usualy they know when they are in the wrong, as they go all quiet and say nothing. They don't do 'sorry' as it's not in their DNA. Reasoning? Forget it.

I would suggest this awful incident would have never happened if alcohol was banned at future Songkran celebrations.

I live in CM and stayed indoors over the Songkran as i can see the writing on the wall if things go pear shaped. Btw some Thais don't like Songkran and have told me they stay indoors to prevent a 'problem'.

Ban booze (during the Songkran - where there are large gatherings) and this would have not happened.

I hope the guttersnipe responsible for this get long custodial sentences (they would have lost millions of baht in revenue for Thailand's tourism industry as the images are flashed around all four corners of the globe). Maybe they should spend the rest of thier lives getting full time employment and paying back the lost revenue to their country? Although Thai men aren't what you would call hard workers, so i can't see them being employed.

So almost all much suffer from a ban booze because there is a small minority of idiots in Thailand? My followup question: what other authoritarian ideas do you like?

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PM, TAT, police and other officials in charge - don't send stupid fruit baskets, flowers, teddy bears...

DO SOMETHING useful and that would be to parade these thugs openly in public and set an example for the world to see by sentencing them to LIFE IN PRISON without possibility to appeal and no possibility for parole for criminal assault with INTENT TO KILL!

This, and only this, would be the only move possible to bring justice, restore tourists' trust in this god forsaken country, and the only action that could bring at least some feeling of peace, being cared for and being taken seriously to the victims.

Posing with flowers in the hospital next to the victim will not make you (TAT, officials in charge) look any better, nor will it help the victims!!!

So you didn't like the flowers then?

Personally I think they were just trying to make the best of a bad job. But, I'm pretty sure behind those Thai ladies smiles were the underlying thoughts: 'what was a woman your age doing out on the p*ss in a red light area, slapping Thai men around at 2am in the morning?'

I wonder, in the interests of fair play, was she also tested for alcohol? And will she also be charged with assault, along with the husband and son?

I do hope you realise the long term consequences of all this negativity towards Thai people. I mean, look at the message you’re all sending:

Attention all Thais. We are superior farang and you should feel privileged that we choose to spend our money in your little country. Being superior, we can insult you, insult your religion, insult your government, in fact we can do what we want, we can even get pissed up and slap you around and you must just accept this, Wai us and say Kob Khun Krup!

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BOYCOTT HUA HIN until there is justice !

i wonder why the attempted cover up ? did the police not understand how inept a 3 monkey cover up would make them look ? heck it would of been better for to just pull a sargent schultz on everyone .... oh ?.. they did that already ?

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I have seen foreigners attacked in the street by Thai young men when I lived in Bangkok around the Sukhumvit area. Usually the target was single drunk men and easy targets. Once the victim hit the ground people would suddenly run forward to get a kick in before laughing and walking away.

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The full force of the. Thai law will be down on them like a tone of bricks with a hefty 500 Baht fine and if they try that again the fine could almost double now on your way and I don't want to see you in my court ever again

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In my country, when a foreigner is robbed or beaten. Someone from an organisation will go to visit the victim. All medical expenses are paid by the government. Victims are given any assistance they need by finance or amenities. There are often gifts of flowers or chocolates .this process helps victims with a nice last memory of the country. It also can counterbalance a little bit of their horrible memory. This is actually very beneficial to their healing.

Well done tat for helping these guests in your country.

anyone seen anyone from the BRITISH EMBASSY

If the British Embassy have to get involved with every case that involves British people in Thailand, then they will need to employ a lot of people. The embassy are not there to interfere in Thai law nor are they there to pick up the pieces when holidays go wrong...

Exactly. The British Embassy is there to advocate for British business and political interests. Having to help out Brits in the country is nothing but an irritation.

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It is their first offence. Even they did a terrible thing. A first offence for assault does not carry a prison sentence. Not only in Thailand, but all western countries also.

Wounding/causing grievous bodily harm with intent, contrary to section 18 Offences Against the Person Act 1861

This offence is committed when a person unlawfully and maliciously, with intent to do some grievous bodily harm, or with intent to resist or prevent the lawful apprehension or detainer of any other person, either:

  • wounds another person; or
  • causes grievous bodily harm to another person.

It is an indictable only offence, which carries a maximum penalty of imprisonment for life.

For the definition of wounding and grievous bodily harm, see the section in this Charging Standard on Unlawful wounding/inflicting grievous bodily harm, contrary to section 20 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861

The distinction between charges under section 18 and section 20 is one of intent. The gravity of the injury resulting is not the determining factor, although it may provide some evidence of intent.

Factors that may indicate the specific intent include:

  • a repeated or planned attack;
  • deliberate selection of a weapon or adaptation of an article to cause injury, such as breaking a glass before an attack;
  • making prior threats;
  • using an offensive weapon against, or kicking the victim's head.


Just to clarify, this is from the UK Crown Prosecution Service website. So under UK law the man who kicked the old lady in the head would be charged with GBH with Intent (to kill); this carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.

Edited by GanDoonToonPet
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Gotta be the last nail in the coffin of the Thai tourist industry, I took a visitor to Walking Street last night, seen nothing like it, the street was busy but only with Korean and Chinese tour groups shuffling along behind pratts holding up little flags, just taking photo's, not spending a baht, all the bars along the street were empty, this is the result of the Thais trying to attract these 'quality tourists' and keeping out the big spending sex/fun time falang tourists. Sad to see what has happened to Pattaya, streets clogged up with non spending tour groups and roads clogged up with giant tour buses.

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I've watched the video very carefully a few times now. "Son" was falling down pissed when everything began. I'm in NO WAY condoning any aspect of the event but I see where it started. This isn't UK or the western world, especially during Songkran. How you move about, the things you say, the things you do, even hand/arm gestures.., it's different here.

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Thai people do not have a seething rage for Westerners, foreigners or any other. Some abuse alcohol and drugs. Others are simply worn down by the stress of life in Thailand without any hope of ever getting anything better. the lack of education; lack of real work opportunities; and the simple hopelessness of existence causes an inner rage. In addition Thais are taught from birth to avoid confrontations and adopt the Mai Pen Rai attitude. It really takes a lot to provoke a Thai person and the video does show the Thai man even after being slapped, not fight back against the foreign woman. However, fueled by alcohol in this case; the pack mentality sets in. I am not trying to dismiss what happened as insignificant. I am trying to understand and explain the Thai psyche. They indeed should be punished for their over reaction and injury to others.

I am actually amazed at how many posters on this board show their hatred towards the Thai people and utter lack of any insight into how Thai people think and live. They rant and rave about everything bad in Thailand . They do not have to adapt to us- we have to adapt to their culture. If there is any animosity inside a Thai person towards a foreigner, it is based on the foreign attitude that 'we are better than you' and can do whatever we want. There are too many expats and foreigners with chips on their shoulders. All one has to do is watch the behaviors of foreigners towards Thais to understand why they may feel some resentment. The way foreigners talk and comport themselves turns me off so you can imagine how Thai people feel. Thailand is still the LOS- I see it daily. I also believe that Thailand is not the same now as it was 50 years ago when i first came, but neither is America, Europe or Australia. Everyone is chasing the Baht; Dollar, Euro or Aussie Dollar. The majority do it to survive- the rest are greedy.

This incident should cause a wide introspection into how not to act towards others. In other posts I have mentioned how everyone has to share guilt. The widespread portrayal in the foreign media and on this board that it was all one sided, is just not true. While there is plenty to complain about in Thailand, it is not an unsafe country; Thai people do not dislike foreigners, and the government has no vendetta against the foreign/expat community. When you are out and about treat everyone with dignity and respect. If you drink too much- go back to your residence. Try and assimilate into the local culture and understand Thailand and its people. There is just too much negativity and animosity in this World and Thailand is not immune. At times, all of this makes me want to move further away from so called 'civilization".

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im going to contact my friend in HH ask her what the outcome of investigation is or court actions in future. her family are well placed in HH so she will know what is happening probably more than on here, ill keep you updated as i,ll be following this myself.

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Gotta be the last nail in the coffin of the Thai tourist industry, I took a visitor to Walking Street last night, seen nothing like it, the street was busy but only with Korean and Chinese tour groups shuffling along behind pratts holding up little flags, just taking photo's, not spending a baht, all the bars along the street were empty, this is the result of the Thais trying to attract these 'quality tourists' and keeping out the big spending sex/fun time falang tourists. Sad to see what has happened to Pattaya, streets clogged up with non spending tour groups and roads clogged up with giant tour buses.

I agree with most of your intelligent and insightful post,though I don't know about 'the last nail' but certainly another.....

This non-spending is the one key factor that these apologistas who keep sneering when someone mentions 'a nail in the coffin of the Thai tourism' industry and quoting spurious TAT's gerrymandered figures that tourists are still coming/flooding in.

They conveniently fail to mention that the majority of these are just numbers of sheep following an umbrella, shooting their money at global hotel/retail chains, or elite owned businesses while the small, regular businesses which rely on tourism see little, if any of the 'NE Asian 'Quality Tourist' money....

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"If found guilty, the perpetrators of this incident will face full justice under Thai law."

(quote from main story)

Lets hope that means several years in jail and not just a mere fine.

Say sorry (Already done) Slapped wrist - "don't do that again!" - 500 baht please - bye bye

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