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Thailand attack: British family 'vow never to return' after savage street attack


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I don't normally post here on TV with all of the trolling, flaming et al that goes on here, but here is a point which people may have missed. The son of the British family involved, who lives in Singapore(and is a graphic designer there), made this comment(which may be untrue)in the Mirror article which few people seem to have been reading, “It was just out of the blue. None of us were drunk – we had just had a merry night and were going home.” Many have been saying that these people were drunken lager louts based on the video, but if this statement is true, than all the Thais involved were drunk and none of them. I guess only actual witnesses to the event or the hospital staff can have an accurate opinion on this point (although the family did look unsteady).

The family certain made a number of egregious mistakes here that people who have long experience here would know not to do and escalated the situation, but for people to say that this was some lesson that they should learn is appalling. Yes, they should have walked away, but based on their limited experience here as tourists, they didn't realize what grave and deadly danger they were actually in (all for lightly pushing past a drunken man in the streets) and it all must have happened so quickly for them( in 2 minutes my god). The vile drunken Thai louts who savaged them should also have walked away rather than brutalize people who could be their parents and grandparents. The fact they couldn't based on losing face, etc. exposes many sad truths about Thailand and Thai culture.

Over my 18 years experience in Thailand, there were 3 occasions when I could have been in serious trouble here. Thankfully, I had the presence of mind and walked away, and if I said anything it was as I beat a hasty retreat rather than get a lead pipe or whisky bottle in the head. For whatever errors these people made, they did not deserve this beating and the fact that only 1 or 2 Thai persons(both women-women in red who tried to save the striped shirt guy and woman in black who tried to stop the head stomps at the end) stepped in to try and break things up also says a lot about the country. The people came and helped them after the fact. If the perpetrators in this instance had made up their mind to kill these elderly people, I believe that no one would have lifter a finger to stop it.

Certainly having audio of all of this would really help to clarify the actions of everyone.

They were out celebrating the father's 68th birthday. Happy Birthday (and Songkran) from Thailand.

Your post is very well written, I appreciate it. But the video does not lie. The Brits escalated a situation, and their ignorance does not excuse them. In fact, I bet they would not have acted in the same manner toward young men out and about in a partying area in their home town- Clockwork Orange Town or something like it.

They thought the carefully constrained and gracious manner of their Thai hotel staff could be counted upon in every situation- and they were wrong. They should come out and say it.

"We were wrong, we are lucky to be standing, and we have learned a lesson about taking advantage of the usual good manners of Thai people while we were behaving as louts. Go to Thailand, it a great travel destination..."

Instead they are encouraging news media, who are not showing the entire video- to basically lie about the incident to show Thailand in as negative a view as possible.

Now the lads have been rounded up, pointed at and paraded publicly looking properly chastised, and will most likely face some serious fines and punishment and will have this on their records. It is not like they got away with it.

Poor Thai 'lads' - shall we have a whip round and pay their fine? Nasty Brits deserved all they got eh? Kicking a 65 yeard old woman who is already on the floor is fair game in anyone's book and the Thai 'lads' should be commended for their restraint in not killing at least one of the Brits. After all the Brits had it coming and deserved all they got. Maybe they should be thanking the 'Thai lads' for sparing their lives? Such gentle and nice people need to be thanked. Better still, let the victims of this brutal bashing apologise to the Thai 'lads' and pay their fines. - or if they get a custodial sentence lock the family up and do their time for them, after all we don't want to provoke or upset anymore sensitive 'Thai lads' in the future.

Edited by SpeakeasyThai
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I don't normally post here on TV with all of the trolling, flaming et al that goes on here, but here is a point which people may have missed. The son of the British family involved, who lives in Singapore(and is a graphic designer there), made this comment(which may be untrue)in the Mirror article which few people seem to have been reading, “It was just out of the blue. None of us were drunk – we had just had a merry night and were going home.” Many have been saying that these people were drunken lager louts based on the video, but if this statement is true, than all the Thais involved were drunk and none of them. I guess only actual witnesses to the event or the hospital staff can have an accurate opinion on this point (although the family did look unsteady).

The family certain made a number of egregious mistakes here that people who have long experience here would know not to do and escalated the situation, but for people to say that this was some lesson that they should learn is appalling. Yes, they should have walked away, but based on their limited experience here as tourists, they didn't realize what grave and deadly danger they were actually in (all for lightly pushing past a drunken man in the streets) and it all must have happened so quickly for them( in 2 minutes my god). The vile drunken Thai louts who savaged them should also have walked away rather than brutalize people who could be their parents and grandparents. The fact they couldn't based on losing face, etc. exposes many sad truths about Thailand and Thai culture.

Over my 18 years experience in Thailand, there were 3 occasions when I could have been in serious trouble here. Thankfully, I had the presence of mind and walked away, and if I said anything it was as I beat a hasty retreat rather than get a lead pipe or whisky bottle in the head. For whatever errors these people made, they did not deserve this beating and the fact that only 1 or 2 Thai persons(both women-women in red who tried to save the striped shirt guy and woman in black who tried to stop the head stomps at the end) stepped in to try and break things up also says a lot about the country. The people came and helped them after the fact. If the perpetrators in this instance had made up their mind to kill these elderly people, I believe that no one would have lifter a finger to stop it.

Certainly having audio of all of this would really help to clarify the actions of everyone.

They were out celebrating the father's 68th birthday. Happy Birthday (and Songkran) from Thailand.

Your post is very well written, I appreciate it. But the video does not lie. The Brits escalated a situation, and their ignorance does not excuse them In fact, I bet they would not have acted in the same manner toward young men out and about in a partying area in their home town.

They thought the carefully constrained and gracious manner of their Thai hotel staff could be counted upon in every situation- and they were wrong.

They should come out and say it.

"We were wrong, we are lucky to be standing, and we have learned a lesson about taking advantage of the usual good manners of Thai people while we were behaving as louts. Go to Thailand, it a great travel destination..."

Instead they are encouraging news media, who are not showing the entire video- to basically lie about the incident to show Thailand in as negative a view as possible.

Now the lads have been rounded up, pointed at and paraded publicly looking properly chastised, and will most likely face some serious fines and punishment and will have this on their records. It is not like they got away with it.

If you read carefully, you will see that I said they escalated the situation (1st sentence 2nd paragraph). I still do not think that what was done to them can at all be excused. It was just way over the top. You don't do this to people who could be your grandparents, and you don't allow it to take place if you are bystander. Any good Thai person would probably say this as well.

Tourists are guests in the country. Hosts protect their guests even when they make mistakes ( as these people clearly made). Of course, with the huge numbers, it can be seen why people no longer care.

I could see the woman slapping a young man in the face in her own town if he said something horrible to her (as probably happened here). They could also have stood up to people who were threatening them in their own town as well because people would not stand idly by while this took place one way or another, whoever was at fault, especially if you read the nice things that people, who are from their home town, say about them in the mirror article(if, of course, you believe them).

There were no good manners being shown by the people who did this to them, and I can understand most probably their shock that no one lifted a finger to stop it. I can completely see why they have chosen to leave and never come back. It is also true that there are many good Thai people who are justifiably outraged by what was done to this family and have expressed remorse for it.

Until we see what actual punishment takes place we don't know what really will happen to the perpetrators.In many worse cases, people have gotten off completely or just received a slap on the wrist.

I respectfully disagree with your assessment. This video does show that they made some big mistakes, but it also shows some very negative things about Thailand. Have a good day.

PS I have also watched the video many times.

Edited by vermin on arrival
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"According to the account, "gangs of Thai youths were priming themselves to start punching Westerners" in the area before the attack."

This wasn't a "walk away" situation. The Thais wanted blood and they got it.

I would disagree with that. There would not have been the length of pre-assault discussion as shown on the CCTV clip if they were just out for blood as alleged.

it is not "alleged", it is a fact. A farang man in Hua Hin who stepped in to help stop the fight was interview by many western press and also told the story first hand here in Hua Hin. He was warned by his Thai girlfriend who heard the gang members saying they were there to attack Farangs. And they did.

That of course is fine.

I wouldn't (and i very much doubt you would) like the evidence against me, in a court of law, to be based on what a Thai lady thought she heard, translated to the boyfriend and then relayed to the media/social media by him.

Please don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to make a big issue over this, nor am i saying the witness was wrong, but until it is proven, then in my book it will remain alleged.

I do like to question what i read, always have, always will, maybe one of a dying breed.......................wink.png

The farang men in Hua HIn who stepped in to help stop the fight did not see how it started.. So his account is misleading. The title of the news sounded like a gang was looking for trouble for no reason which isn't the case. Gf of the farang who told him she heard the thai men to beat the tourist up, this was during the heated argument after the tourist grandma slapped the Thai drunk.

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The dad didn't punch black shirt #1, he punched the guy that got slapped.

Yeah, he got pushed, then slapped, then punched and he never retaliated, yet he's photographed sitting in cuffs and a flak jacket!

What's wrong with this picture?

My advice to farang that wish to abuse and assault Thais: Great, don't come back!

He stomped on the son's head near the end of the video.

Here it is again for those who need to look again, particularly at 1:13 when the father punches the slapee. That's when it really kicked off.


For the hard of thinking among you, and there do seem to be rather a lot populating this thread, I do not condone violence of any kind, least of all against people prostrate on the ground.

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I'd say the tourists started it and I'm not an idiot.

I beg to differ

I agree with him, however the Thai's response was absolutely disgusting behaviour that is totally unjustifiable.

The tourists certainly did themselves no favours at all.

What started out as an argument between the Thai in the white shirt and the Thai in the black t-shirt with red square (the same guy that floored all three tourists) escalated when the white shirt walks into the son, who literally pushed him out of the way - at 23 seconds - but apart from being pushed, stumbling and smashing his face into the step, no punches were thrown up to this point.

When the mother confronted white shirt, black t-shirt was out of the picture having a conversation with friends letting a farang walk through their group without a second thought. This farang stopped to watch the exact moment the mother slapped white shirt - at 55 seconds - and smartly decided to walk away.

Black t-shirt walks back of to put his arm around white shirt—the same time as son gets to his feet and joins his mother—and the mother went straight for him - even though up to this point he had been uninvolved and was not even aware the mum had slapped white shirt.

The son walks around and grabs black t-shirt while a little weed appears to headset mum. The dad then punches black t-shirt to the face while son holds him - at 1:18. At this stage a black cap wearing farang intervenes and appears to try to advise the mum to let it go. By this stage, it was too late; son had let black t-shirt go and he walks around the group coward-punching the dad, the knocking mum to the ground followed by the son.

I'm certainly not saying the tourists deserved to be set upon, but they're definitely not the innocents most people are making them out to be.

Edit: before I get flamed, let me just reiterate nothing justifies kicking someone to the head and stamping on people while they're down, especially to an elderly lady.

"nothing justifies kicking someone to the head and stamping on people while they're down".

Yes it does, if someone attacks you unprovoked, and you put them down, you make sure they stay down, even if it means

kicking them in the head to do that. If they are able to get back up, they could pull a weapon on you. If you want to take that chance

then you are in idiot.

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Who is paying the hospital bill?

Not the victims I hope.


What some drunken cowardly Thai men can do to a 65 year old woman.

Get well soon ma'am.

@Bangkokken, ever heard of travel insurance? It's this type of insurance that every sane westerner has when they travel outside of their usual place of residence. Anyone stupid enough NOT to have travel insurance (especially elderly people) can only hope nothing happens to them while they're on holiday.

Only a really stupid person would travel without insurance of some sort.

"especially elderly people" are the people that can NOT get insured because of their age! I tried to get health insurance in Thailand a few years ago (I am now 70), and it was going to cost app 3000 British Pounds annually, and excluded some pre existing conditions e.g. high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. But this topic has been well covered before, so no need for any further debate.

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I'd say the tourists started it and I'm not an idiot.

I beg to differ

I agree with him, however the Thai's response was absolutely disgusting behaviour that is totally unjustifiable.

The tourists certainly did themselves no favours at all.

What started out as an argument between the Thai in the white shirt and the Thai in the black t-shirt with red square (the same guy that floored all three tourists) escalated when the white shirt walks into the son, who literally pushed him out of the way - at 23 seconds - but apart from being pushed, stumbling and smashing his face into the step, no punches were thrown up to this point.

When the mother confronted white shirt, black t-shirt was out of the picture having a conversation with friends letting a farang walk through their group without a second thought. This farang stopped to watch the exact moment the mother slapped white shirt - at 55 seconds - and smartly decided to walk away.

Black t-shirt walks back of to put his arm around white shirt—the same time as son gets to his feet and joins his mother—and the mother went straight for him - even though up to this point he had been uninvolved and was not even aware the mum had slapped white shirt.

The son walks around and grabs black t-shirt while a little weed appears to headset mum. The dad then punches black t-shirt to the face while son holds him - at 1:18. At this stage a black cap wearing farang intervenes and appears to try to advise the mum to let it go. By this stage, it was too late; son had let black t-shirt go and he walks around the group coward-punching the dad, the knocking mum to the ground followed by the son.

I'm certainly not saying the tourists deserved to be set upon, but they're definitely not the innocents most people are making them out to be.

Edit: before I get flamed, let me just reiterate nothing justifies kicking someone to the head and stamping on people while they're down, especially to an elderly lady.

"nothing justifies kicking someone to the head and stamping on people while they're down".

Yes it does, if someone attacks you unprovoked, and you put them down, you make sure they stay down, even if it means

kicking them in the head to do that. If they are able to get back up, they could pull a weapon on you. If you want to take that chance

then you are in idiot.

even a 65 year old grandmother on holiday?

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R.I.P Thailand. This could be the last nail in the coffin for western tourists. Its a shame because these folks were regular visitors to the Kingdom. Thailand, you can enjoy the low rent Chinese mobs from now on. There's billions of them.

well deserved Thailand. Only asian tourists. Western tourist number have been falling as total of visitors. Under 10% soon!

Figures from TAT say that incoming tourists up 15%, But they were not up to saying where they are coming from......I wonder ? whistling.gif

Umm...Asian tourists are coming mainly because they are from one country: China. Russians are also coming back, as are Indians. All three categories of tourists come for cheap, cheap cheap, beaches, hookers etc. the sort of things that they may be able to find back home, but usually only one or two categories combined, not all of them. For example, Russia has hookers, but they're expensive. So does China, but they're not cheap either. China has a small number of beaches but they're overcrowded and relatively expensive.

These tourists are coming because they have money that they didn't have 10-15 years ago - westerners aren't coming so much more because of economic woes at home and in some cases, a desire to visit new places. Let's face it, how many westerners back home haven't been to Thailand? Even 10-15 years ago, every other day someone on the streets of Sydney would be talking about going to Thailand, what they did in Thailand etc. Every second westerner has already been here at least once. With 200+ countries in the world, why not visit somewhere new? Thailand, like any other country, gets boring if you visit it too many times. I know I get bored here hence my desire to visit places/countries I haven't been to and why I rarely spend more than a weekend here going to the beach. Every other tourist place in Thailand I've been to already...probably more than once.

I doubt one or two violent incidents is keeping them away. Besides, do you know how many Indians have fallen victim to the jetski scams in Pattaya? A hell of a lot more than westerners, if YouTube, this website and other news sources are anything to go by. Yet Indians are still coming.

Also, could it perhaps be that westerners appear less visible because in their home countries, they are falling as a percentage of the population? In recent times I've seen small groups of "western" travellers here, which consisted of say 2 white Germans and 1 Indian or other non-white person speaking German. Is that guy a westerner or an Indian? If he were walking alone, away from his German friends, you'd probably mistake him for an Indian anyway.

Edited by Tomtomtom69
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an utterly disgraceful attack on elderly tourists by angry young Thais who lose some 'face' I can understand some anger and abuse but to carry on the cowardly attack after the couple were on the floor was beyond any explanation or apology and any Thais try and help?

Totally agree.

But you know as well as us that the Thai temper is on a short fuse even when sober; that foreigners are looked down on and despised by many who are jealous of their perceived wealth; and that once violence erupts they don't know when to stop. Even Thai on Thai takes violence to extremes.

Push a drunk, who was already aggravated, slap his face, sucker punch another guy from the gang is never going to end well in any country. But in most countries they won't carry on stamping on and kicking heads after people are unconncious apart from in exceptional circumstances. Here, that's the norm.

Only saw a couple of farangs try and help. One walked away flapping his arms as his attempts to diffuse things weren't being listened to, by anyone; and the other got a walloping for his trouble. Thais normally just stand and watch or film it.

Either the reporting is getting more coverage or the violence is increasing - but their seems a lot more incidents now.

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I'd say the tourists started it and I'm not an idiot.

I beg to differ

I agree with him, however the Thai's response was absolutely disgusting behaviour that is totally unjustifiable.

The tourists certainly did themselves no favours at all.

What started out as an argument between the Thai in the white shirt and the Thai in the black t-shirt with red square (the same guy that floored all three tourists) escalated when the white shirt walks into the son, who literally pushed him out of the way - at 23 seconds - but apart from being pushed, stumbling and smashing his face into the step, no punches were thrown up to this point.

When the mother confronted white shirt, black t-shirt was out of the picture having a conversation with friends letting a farang walk through their group without a second thought. This farang stopped to watch the exact moment the mother slapped white shirt - at 55 seconds - and smartly decided to walk away.

Black t-shirt walks back of to put his arm around white shirt—the same time as son gets to his feet and joins his mother—and the mother went straight for him - even though up to this point he had been uninvolved and was not even aware the mum had slapped white shirt.

The son walks around and grabs black t-shirt while a little weed appears to headset mum. The dad then punches black t-shirt to the face while son holds him - at 1:18. At this stage a black cap wearing farang intervenes and appears to try to advise the mum to let it go. By this stage, it was too late; son had let black t-shirt go and he walks around the group coward-punching the dad, the knocking mum to the ground followed by the son.

I'm certainly not saying the tourists deserved to be set upon, but they're definitely not the innocents most people are making them out to be.

Edit: before I get flamed, let me just reiterate nothing justifies kicking someone to the head and stamping on people while they're down, especially to an elderly lady.

"nothing justifies kicking someone to the head and stamping on people while they're down".

Yes it does, if someone attacks you unprovoked, and you put them down, you make sure they stay down, even if it means

kicking them in the head to do that. If they are able to get back up, they could pull a weapon on you. If you want to take that chance

then you are in idiot.

I assure you if someone attacks me unprovoked, I'll be the one going down; but the smart people are never in that situation - especially in Thailand. I'm no hero, and my actual face is more important than a concept... coffee1.gif

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Who is paying the hospital bill?

Not the victims I hope.


What some drunken cowardly Thai men can do to a 65 year old woman.

Get well soon ma'am.

@Bangkokken, ever heard of travel insurance? It's this type of insurance that every sane westerner has when they travel outside of their usual place of residence. Anyone stupid enough NOT to have travel insurance (especially elderly people) can only hope nothing happens to them while they're on holiday.

Only a really stupid person would travel without insurance of some sort.

'Only a really stupid person would travel without insurance of some sort.' - There is one born every second.

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EGO on both sides

should have just walked away

Just like all the Thai bystanders who could have stopped it.

They mind their own business if u haven't learned that by now about Thai people I fear u re better of home. Its how they are brought up. They don't understand either we are brought up wiping our ass with paper, or like putting our feet on our desk (what I love to do btw). That woman hit the Thai guy first. Normal in Drunkenshire perhaps but moronic here. End of story for me.

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I used to think that Thailand was a relatively safe place, but I don,t any more sad.png I truly believe that the disgusting behaviour of these "heroes" is caused by the fact that they are spoiled rotten from birth and led to think (apparently correctly) that they can get away with anything !

I still say that Thailand is in general a safe place, Thai people are very unconfrontational by nature, I can walk around Bangkok and Pattaya with no problem, but

then I am always sober, but I would not feel safe walking around alone in any big city in the UK after dark.

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"If found guilty, the perpetrators of this incident will face full justice under Thai law...'The men say they are sorry and that they wouldn’t have done this if they weren’t drunk.' "

Well, they apologized. All is forgiven. That IS full justice under Thai law...Even if the victims weren't farang.

What? You were expecting someone to take responsibility and be accountable for their actions? TIT....The land of "It wasn't me".

In the video, there is a savage sucker punch thrown by the Thai perp. He winds up about 3 meters from his target, who doesn't see it coming. ....and then kicking the old folks while they're passed out on the pavement. And about 55 Thais standing around doing nothing to assist for a full minute after the perps trot off, feeling victorious.

Worse than despicable. Absolutely no excuse. Minimum 15 years for each perp, with no chance of parole or early release. With over 30 yrs experience in Thailand, I know they'll get the minimum, and get early release. Thai officialdom absolutely hate to discipline their own.

Yes...should be charged with attempted murder

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Vermin on arrival. "even a 65 year old grandmother on holiday"?

No, of course not, if you get attacked unprovoked by a sixty five year old granny, which is never going to happen, all you do is stop her, you don't need to put her down.

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Police refused to show the video because it was "too violent".... this from an organisation that routinely publishes mug shots of murders, beatings, rape victims, arrests. Bit rich! What baffled me was not so much the attack but rather the gawking mob of onlookers. Not one reached out to help or stop these brutal thugs. There must be 200 of them watching 6 thai guys beat up an old couple and a kid. Bizzare. Amazing thailand.

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"nothing justifies kicking someone to the head and stamping on people while they're down".

Yes it does, if someone attacks you unprovoked, and you put them down, you make sure they stay down, even if it means

kicking them in the head to do that. If they are able to get back up, they could pull a weapon on you. If you want to take that chance

then you are in idiot.

That is exactly the Thai mindset in every fight I've ever heard of or seen, they don't know when to stop because they don't want to be attacked in return, doesn't matter who is involved, sadly..

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In 25 years of living working and visiting Thailand I nor any of my family have ever got into trouble,could it be that we don't go to bar areas ,at 2 in the morning ,get drunk and get into situations that can escalate,? But just live normal every day lives ,if they just shut up and moved on this would not of happened. However the Thai guys that carried it to these extremes are scum and should do time

Correct, I've been coming here, just about every year for the past 20 years and have spent 80% of that time in non-touristy areas, specifically Isaan and have had no trouble. The closest I got to trouble was a few weeks ago when a smart ass Aussie referred to a Lao prostitute as 'It' and I objected and he objected that I objected. Too many Westerners have an air of superiority that riles the locals, not all, their are some fantastic farangs here, but it seems the 'spitoons of Thailand, Pattaya and Phuket in particular, and now Hua Hin that are getting this sort of trouble on a regular basis. Having said that, it would be great if the authorities could come down hard on this riff-raff and set an example, if only to restore Thailand's image to what it should be.

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I telll all my friends and family not come here because the place is full of savages that should be put down

If you are from the UK, I would bet that there are a lot more of these savages in your nearest city than there are in any Thai city.

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One thing that is typical and not surprising is how people nearby were watching arms folded. I seen it before in Thailand. When someone is in distress and attacked its a case of "nothing to do with me"

And thats true of women and children attacked. Says something about the place!

Spot on!

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Thank goodness the British media and others have well publicized this tragic and brutal attack.

Yes. Let this be a warning to tourists not to push, slap and punch Thai guys because they can be brutal when provoked.

Really? ......not to Push, slap and punch Thai guys......?? Where did u get that from???

The men arrested confess to being drunk & violent when they set up 3 harmless British tourists who were strolling past.

Try not to sound anal.

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"nothing justifies kicking someone to the head and stamping on people while they're down".

Yes it does, if someone attacks you unprovoked, and you put them down, you make sure they stay down, even if it means

kicking them in the head to do that. If they are able to get back up, they could pull a weapon on you. If you want to take that chance

then you are in idiot.

That is exactly the Thai mindset in every fight I've ever heard of or seen, they don't know when to stop because they don't want to be attacked in return, doesn't matter who is involved, sadly..

Maybe so, but the word here is "unprovoked", if a person attacks you unprovoked, he thinks he is going to win some way, you make sure he doesn't.

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I'd say the tourists started it and I'm not an idiot.

I beg to differ

I agree with him, however the Thai's response was absolutely disgusting behaviour that is totally unjustifiable.

The tourists certainly did themselves no favours at all.

What started out as an argument between the Thai in the white shirt and the Thai in the black t-shirt with red square (the same guy that floored all three tourists) escalated when the white shirt walks into the son, who literally pushed him out of the way - at 23 seconds - but apart from being pushed, stumbling and smashing his face into the step, no punches were thrown up to this point.

When the mother confronted white shirt, black t-shirt was out of the picture having a conversation with friends letting a farang walk through their group without a second thought. This farang stopped to watch the exact moment the mother slapped white shirt - at 55 seconds - and smartly decided to walk away.

Black t-shirt walks back of to put his arm around white shirt—the same time as son gets to his feet and joins his mother—and the mother went straight for him - even though up to this point he had been uninvolved and was not even aware the mum had slapped white shirt.

The son walks around and grabs black t-shirt while a little weed appears to headset mum. The dad then punches black t-shirt to the face while son holds him - at 1:18. At this stage a black cap wearing farang intervenes and appears to try to advise the mum to let it go. By this stage, it was too late; son had let black t-shirt go and he walks around the group coward-punching the dad, the knocking mum to the ground followed by the son.

I'm certainly not saying the tourists deserved to be set upon, but they're definitely not the innocents most people are making them out to be.

Edit: before I get flamed, let me just reiterate nothing justifies kicking someone to the head and stamping on people while they're down, especially to an elderly lady.

"nothing justifies kicking someone to the head and stamping on people while they're down".

Yes it does, if someone attacks you unprovoked, and you put them down, you make sure they stay down, even if it means

kicking them in the head to do that. If they are able to get back up, they could pull a weapon on you. If you want to take that chance

then you are in idiot.

NONSENSE. Bet you'd be singing a different tune if this was your mama. There was no longer any remotely possible threat from Granny and Pops. Both were already beaten senseless and had no idea what planet they were on.

The death kicks were attempted murder, plain and simple. post-4641-1156693976.gif

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