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Thai gang attack on Laotian 'gik' - graphic violence caught on tape


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I would like to see these lowlifes out on the town trying to do the same in Wolverhampton/ Dudley where i grew up

i know its never going to happen but the thought of seeing them get knocked into the middle of next week and back and begging for buddha or Mommys help makes me smile

Hope the girl recovers quickly and something particularly nasty happens to the wife who arranged it

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What is caught on tape is just 0.5% it happens all the time. And the guys were carrying guns, no surprise bystanders evaporate quickly, I would too honestly. This country is, and will be more and more in the future in the hands of this gentlemans

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Just typical Thai scummy cowards. When you have a country with a tradition of being taken over at gun point because legal methods would see them never get their cowardly and inept snouts back in the trough, what message or example do you think this sends to the populace ?

Until the corrupt elite are seeing being taken to court and strung up for their heinous crimes they have perpetrated against the poor and defenceless for decades then nothing will change for the better.

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Another case of uneducated, gutless pigs who have to form a gang to beat senseless one 20 year old Laotian girl.

What heroes! I will be happy to give their leader a free one way ticket to my home in New Jersey. One on one. PM anytime. But I forgot,

he can't understand 1 word of English!

As I have written earlier, Thailand has changed dramatically over the past 10 years and for the worse.

If a foreigner has an argument with a Thai, the Thai threatens to call immigration like a cry baby.

The justice system is so lop sided , it is truly laughable.

I have had enough of these uneducated, gutless cry babies.

Agree! But not only Thailand has changed for the worse over the past 10 years. I am still happy I am here.

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I would like to see these lowlifes out on the town trying to do the same in Wolverhampton/ Dudley where i grew up

i know its never going to happen but the thought of seeing them get knocked into the middle of next week and back and begging for buddha or Mommys help makes me smile

Hope the girl recovers quickly and something particularly nasty happens to the wife who arranged it

This 'gang' would last less than 10 minutes, pulling this stunt in Dudley.

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Another case of uneducated, gutless pigs who have to form a gang to beat senseless one 20 year old Laotian girl.

What heroes! I will be happy to give their leader a free one way ticket to my home in New Jersey. One on one. PM anytime. But I forgot,

he can't understand 1 word of English!

As I have written earlier, Thailand has changed dramatically over the past 10 years and for the worse.

If a foreigner has an argument with a Thai, the Thai threatens to call immigration like a cry baby.

The justice system is so lop sided , it is truly laughable.

I have had enough of these uneducated, gutless cry babies.

About the immigration you are so right. I had a Thai man living in America threaten me with an immigration check because he was annoyed at my view on double pricing!

Actually thought i was teaching here, hence the immigration check threat. And finished by telling me to go home!

So dam funny, i told him to check away and be man enough to apologise when he was found wrong. He never replied!

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Typical behavior of gangs anywhere in the world.

A gang of men going to beat 1 small young woman. No, that doesn't happen everywhere, sorry.
The farangs who apologise for all the evils of Thai thugs will say this happens everyday in every city across the globe. They have a love an affection for Thais and this sort of behaviour
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So instead of dealing with her husband, the cheating rat that he his, she sends a mob around and viciously attack a defenceless girl ...that says a lot about thai culture ...

Edited by rmacee
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Didn't the Mistery of tourism just state that as is the case with the elderly foreign couple and their son being brutally attacked that it was an isolated incident.

That's complete and utter bullshit.

Savage attacks such as this a complace in LOC.

In case you're wondering why I chanded tue S to a C it's because Thailand needs to change from Land of smiles to land of cowards.

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Ah wonderful Thailand. My son just told me one of the attackers of the British family has got off without any charges, seemingly because he said he was sorry and wouldn't do it again. <deleted>.

This is why I tell all my friends and family to avoid the country like the plague.

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No point in trying to put a western comparison to this. T.I.T and it is how the people behave. The fact that no-body bats an eye shows that in Thai "culture" this is perfectly acceptable. Hard for us foreigners to walk by but if you live in their country you have to accept their ways. Choice is yours.

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This country is no longer safe for any foreigner.

I have been here a long time, and recall several Thai politicians state publicly that they do not want foreigners staying here

more than a 2 week holiday.

Reading about these gang brutal attacks on defenseless foreigners tells me a lot about Thai mentality and a strong hint.

I would never bring more money here than is necessary to live. Never buy a property under any circumstances. You will lose.

And extremely difficult to wire money out of this country.

History does repeat itself. Just ask the Jewish people who fled Germany just when Hitler was rising to power.

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I was recently attacked by a Thai man. The police prosecuted me because when the man tried to hit me, he hurt his little finger when I put my arm up to protect my face.

I won as self defense in court. But then I was not allowed to prosecute him as the time frame had run out.

This is in the same area. The girl that ordered the attack not being arrested, does not surprise me. And this poor girl trying to go through the courts, where nobody speaks English is going to suffer greatly. She would have to spend thousands on lawyers to follow the case.

Would not surprise me if they all walk free.

Why in your wildest dreams do you think this will make it to court?

Also, why would this girl care if English is spoken in the Thai court system or not? Laotians don't speak English, they speak Laotian, which is close enough to standard Thai to be mutually intelligible. For this reason, no translator would be required.

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I don't understand what all these TV members are talking about.

None of these thugs will go to court.
None of these thugs will ever see a jail from the inside.

Same for the thugs that beat the British couple.

Court and jail is reserved for foreigners and low range Thais.
Middle and high range Thais only need to say "Sorry" and "Wai".

Police don't lik

e so much work.

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The reason why they're doing things like this with no thought or concern is because they're all Yabba (Crystal Meth) addicts... There is a huge problem with this all over Thailand from the bottom to top of society, it is well known for being one of the most addictive drugs as well as turning people completely psychotic very quickly. So while the police & army are throwing the full weight of the law against Marijuana & Opium, (because guess what? they can't make any cash out of drugs anyone can grow in their backyards) Influential people are making fortunes out of Yabba, Funny how its only ever the small guys who get caught for it...

If you are wondering why Thai society is being destroyed, look no farther,,,,,

Edited by zyphodb
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This country is no longer safe for any foreigner.

I have been here a long time, and recall several Thai politicians state publicly that they do not want foreigners staying here

more than a 2 week holiday.

Reading about these gang brutal attacks on defenseless foreigners tells me a lot about Thai mentality and a strong hint.

I would never bring more money here than is necessary to live. Never buy a property under any circumstances. You will lose.

And extremely difficult to wire money out of this country.

History does repeat itself. Just ask the Jewish people who fled Germany just when Hitler was rising to power.

How good is your Thai? I don't think any politician has ever said anything like that. If you have a link (it can be in Thai) please send it to me to prove me wrong.

Politicians don't want criminal foreigners here and that's understandable. However, the very fact they have started issuing long-term tourist visas and continue to issue retirement visas etc. means they are happy to have foreigners here, because it's an easy way for them to contribute to the economy. That's why Thailand is SO obsessed with tourism numbers (like no other country in the world) because 10% of the country's GDP (and growing) comes from tourism, with hotels, restaurants etc. combined it's 25% of the economy. If Thailand hated foreigners there would be no migrant labourers (aka guest workers), foreign tourists or expats. It'd be like Cambodia under Pol Pot. Or then Burma under Ne Win after the military took control of the country in 1962.

As for asking the Jewish people who fled Hitler - ummm, most of them have already died because that was like what 75 years ago? Please give us a more recent example...ah yes, I already gave you one - Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia. Although even that's too long ago.

Then again, let's not bring up ancient history - if you want to gauge the psyche of the people in Thailand and their attitudes towards foreigners etc. please ask them directly. What happened 75 years ago, 40 years ago etc. is not going to give an accurate prediction of what current attitudes are.

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