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Exit Strategy from Thailand


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I can only assume if one takes their children to be bought up in the the UK one has limited resources and has "no other choice".

Wow we've gone from Thai bashing to brit bashing.

I'm nor poor by any stretch of the imagination however I don't think the poor should be slated the way they are.

If you know the UK you will know that the haves are screwing the have nots.

It's just not that simple that the vulnerable and needy are just leeches

Edited by Apiwan2
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I can only assume if one takes their children to be bought up in the the UK one has limited resources and has "no other choice".

You would be assuming wrong, very wrong.......

It would be much easier to stay in Thailand but in our case that would not be doing the best for our child. It has cost us a large amount to get back and restart our life but I have not had a minutes regret and can honestly hand on heart say it is something we should have done even sooner, it was only fear of the unknown keeping us there and the positives about being in a first world country massively outweighs anything Thailand has to offer.....

Edited by mark131v
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I'm hoping on Thailand's historical ability to "re-set," as they've been able to do over the last 17 or 18 constitutions and similar numbers of regime changes--all over a period of a little less than 100 years.

Just another cycle? I'm willing to wait it out.

Single guy here.

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I'm interested to know all the guys moving back to the UK regarding accommodation

Will they be renting buying already own a place or staying with Mum and Dad ?

If you haven't been back to the UK for a while just the last few years things have changed dramatically in the housing market whether buying or renting

I have a share in a house, with my sibling, which is currently being rented out. We'll live there until I can afford to buy/rent.

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Welfare in Norway is also very good , one of the best in the world, people stop working and live on welfare alone.

It's terrible really but what can you do ? No wonder immigrants are lining up to get their share of this.

Hard working people pay a lot of tax just to see their country being invaded by people from Eastern Europe looking for easy money .

I have no problems with refugees that are in desperate need for help , but the rest of them should be returned.

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Newsflash: Europe is way worse off than Thailand in terms of future.

- Hidden poverty that could lead to civil war:

Spanish women are now so poor that they resort to sell their hair which is unheard of.

French butchers are regularly victims of arm robberies, people are just hungry they rob butcheries instead of banks.

In England women cannot afford sanitary pads and tampons anymore and use newspapers instead.

Sales of cat/dog food are plummeting people cannot just afford petfood anymore.

- Banks are about to collapse: Signs such as

. negative interests - you now have to pay to keep you money in the bank, which is unheard of.

.Banks now refuse you to withdraw "big" amounts like 5000 Euros even if you have it,

500 Euros note was taken out yesterday to prevent people from using cash,

Like they did in Argentina and Greece, the banks will shut down and they will run away with our cash and mayhem, will follow.

- Increased risk of Civil war because of Immigration which is still pouring in huge numbers

Sweden and Germany attitude is changing and despite the multiculturalism propaganda, people are vastly against it, especially after the Cologne and Ikea events.

Raise of right wings parties in Austria, UK Britain First, France National Front, Germany pegida etc

500 ISIS soldiers are now infiltrated in Europe ready to plan attack

- 3rd world war is coming

Putin was clearly a CIA target with Panama Papers.

Missiles are in place in Europe all around Russia

Nuclear weapons are now in the hands of ISIS.

What a nut job. I do hope you do not place your life decisions on this.

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Newsflash: Europe is way worse off than Thailand in terms of future.

- Hidden poverty that could lead to civil war:

Spanish women are now so poor that they resort to sell their hair which is unheard of.

French butchers are regularly victims of arm robberies, people are just hungry they rob butcheries instead of banks.

In England women cannot afford sanitary pads and tampons anymore and use newspapers instead.

Sales of cat/dog food are plummeting people cannot just afford petfood anymore.

- Banks are about to collapse: Signs such as

. negative interests - you now have to pay to keep you money in the bank, which is unheard of.

.Banks now refuse you to withdraw "big" amounts like 5000 Euros even if you have it,

500 Euros note was taken out yesterday to prevent people from using cash,

Like they did in Argentina and Greece, the banks will shut down and they will run away with our cash and mayhem, will follow.

- Increased risk of Civil war because of Immigration which is still pouring in huge numbers

Sweden and Germany attitude is changing and despite the multiculturalism propaganda, people are vastly against it, especially after the Cologne and Ikea events.

Raise of right wings parties in Austria, UK Britain First, France National Front, Germany pegida etc

500 ISIS soldiers are now infiltrated in Europe ready to plan attack

- 3rd world war is coming

Putin was clearly a CIA target with Panama Papers.

Missiles are in place in Europe all around Russia

Nuclear weapons are now in the hands of ISIS.

What a nut job. I do hope you do not place your life decisions on this.

I'm still concerned about the threat of "arm robbery" in France!! There must be lots of armless butchers!

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Op asked "Are we paranoid/stupid?"

No. No matter what the political situation here is, the schools aren't very good. There are certainly better places to raise kids. Thailand is going backwards in many ways and the generals and their cronies really only care about brainwashing their own ideas into the minds of the kids and people. And of course those who go against the junta are facing jail terms. Thailand isn't at peace at all if you look at the big picture. The future may be better but as it is now, things don't look too good in my view. If your wide is up for it, enjoy a better life.

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Not momentum at all for me. Realistically, if I had enough cash, I would probably only be here for about half of the year and avoid the late March to late September weather. But, as long as one is willing to pay the price of running the AC all day, and all night, the place can be quite delightful.

Right, if you are lucky enough not to live near barking dogs, music blasting away from neighbors who get all offended if you ask them to keep it down, nearly having an accident on the roads almost daily, the crap TV and the immigration obstacle course. Like you I think half the year would be about right.

Well, many of us have to establish workarounds. One needs to scout the home base carefully, before committing to buying or renting. One must scout the location early morning and late evening, several times, before committing. Are there noisy neighbors? Ridiculous dogs? Soi dogs? Nearby bars? Many of us have been fortunate enough to find places where that is not an issue.

The True platinum package is not bad, though a bit overpriced, for what it is. Between that and downloads, I have as much to watch as I can handle. I enjoy a 20MB fiber optic connection, so downloads and streaming, are fast and easy.

As far as traffic goes, you are right about that. Always wear the best helmet you can afford, if on a motorbike, and keep eyes in the back of your head. There is nothing here, in the way of traffic safety. The police could not possibly be less competent.

And immigration surely could be alot easier, if only there were men and women possessing any sort of vision, in power. Unfortunately, I do not think there is a single one on the national level. They should not only be offering those of us that can afford to live well, visas of two, five or ten years, but also multiple entry, and come and go as you please, without ever having the need to leave the country for renewal. That is a scam, and we all know it. That would be visionary. So, in the absence of visionary policy, just get a long term visa if you can.

COX Internet where we lived in Arizona, USA was 5 gb. Your 20mb seems quite inadequate.

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We exited Thailand about 2 years ago to Florida USA.

Climate much like Thailand but high temp only around 94F which is not too bad.

Lots of Palm trees, coconut trees, mangos, etc. Much like Thailand without all the dirt, pollution, crime etc.

Live in a nice beach retirement area 1600' from the ocean which is very nice.

Main reason was our sons education.

Only a piss poor parent would sentence their kid to an entire life in Thailand making 15,0000 thb a month after graduation uni.

No thanks.

Our son has excelled here in the USA school system with all the additional help to transition that was provided.

Made a spot on the Dean's List.

In Florida, if kids graduate high school with 3.0 GPA or higher they can go to Florida public uni free.

Our son will have the chance to be whatever he wants to be.

When you can place your kids future before your own, you have done an excellent job as a parent

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I can only assume if one takes their children to be bought up in the the UK one has limited resources and has "no other choice".

Why on earth would you 'assume' such a thing? There is not a lot cheaper in Thailand than the UK/France: Gas/Water? Gas in Europe is now c.55B a litre. However there are some clearly greater expenses: Taxes on property-Thais are amazed we have to pay 6000B a month tax on an empty house. Electric is more expensive than aircon, however you look at it. For the most part good quality food is cheaper in the UK and France, as are clothes. Wine, of course, is cheaper. Travel is stupidly expensive. 2 tickets CNX to BKK on Air Aia to be had at 1000B.each 800 km. i hour 2 tickets on the train to London 3000B each 400km. + 80km to the station. 4 hours. However, too, the kids don't have to buy a different uniform for every day of the week. If we had to pay housing costs then UK/France would be double the cost so :"no other choice?" I think not

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Our son has excelled here in the USA school system with all the additional help to transition that was provided.

Made a spot on the Dean's List.

In Florida, if kids graduate high school with 3.0 GPA or higher they can go to Florida public uni free.

Our son will have the chance to be whatever he wants to be.

When you can place your kids future before your own, you have done an excellent job as a parent

Great -- do you still get a bumper sticker like this for your car(s)?


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I know a French guy whose children go to the French international school in Bangkok for free courtesy of the French government.

As for drug related violence . . . that sounds like an excuse to me. I mean, I just can't see why you would have to move half way across the world just to escape some drug addled hoodlums unless you're actually involved with those hoodlums in some way. If it is really a problem in your neighbourhood then just change neighbourhoods. Thailand isn't that small.

Do a very careful audit of you and your wife's thoughts, feelings, attitudes and outlook on life in general. They will follow you around wherever you go unless you change them. You've seen foreigners who thought that they could escape their problems by coming to Thailand only to find that their problems (or problematic mindset) have managed to sprout here in Thailand too.

That's just my 2 satang though. Good luck!

Edited by Trembly
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I know a French guy whose children go to the French international school in Bangkok for free courtesy of the French government.

Maybe, but we can't all work in the French embassy... Or can we????

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Our son has excelled here in the USA school system with all the additional help to transition that was provided.

Made a spot on the Dean's List.

In Florida, if kids graduate high school with 3.0 GPA or higher they can go to Florida public uni free.

Our son will have the chance to be whatever he wants to be.

When you can place your kids future before your own, you have done an excellent job as a parent

Great -- do you still get a bumper sticker like this for your car(s)?


JL. Now that's funny right there ^. I used t laugh at all the tool parents that would plaster that sticker all over their cars. They even issued them in 1st grade when they do not even hand out grades. The US education system rewards for accomplishing very little. Its all that PC crap. Just say they are doing OK, don't really hold them accountable.

As for placing your Kids future in front of your own as a way to show you have done an excellent job as a parent is really quite silly. Its WAY bigger than that. I guess everyone has their own way of judging themselves on parenting.

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Our son has excelled here in the USA school system with all the additional help to transition that was provided.

Made a spot on the Dean's List.

In Florida, if kids graduate high school with 3.0 GPA or higher they can go to Florida public uni free.

Our son will have the chance to be whatever he wants to be.

When you can place your kids future before your own, you have done an excellent job as a parent

Great -- do you still get a bumper sticker like this for your car(s)?


JL. Now that's funny right there ^. I used t laugh at all the tool parents that would plaster that sticker all over their cars. They even issued them in 1st grade when they do not even hand out grades. The US education system rewards for accomplishing very little. Its all that PC crap. Just say they are doing OK, don't really hold them accountable.

As for placing your Kids future in front of your own as a way to show you have done an excellent job as a parent is really quite silly. Its WAY bigger than that. I guess everyone has their own way of judging themselves on parenting.

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Newsflash: Europe is way worse off than Thailand in terms of future.

- Hidden poverty that could lead to civil war:

Spanish women are now so poor that they resort to sell their hair which is unheard of.

French butchers are regularly victims of arm robberies, people are just hungry they rob butcheries instead of banks.

In England women cannot afford sanitary pads and tampons anymore and use newspapers instead.

Sales of cat/dog food are plummeting people cannot just afford petfood anymore.

- Banks are about to collapse: Signs such as

. negative interests - you now have to pay to keep you money in the bank, which is unheard of.

.Banks now refuse you to withdraw "big" amounts like 5000 Euros even if you have it,

500 Euros note was taken out yesterday to prevent people from using cash,

Like they did in Argentina and Greece, the banks will shut down and they will run away with our cash and mayhem, will follow.

- Increased risk of Civil war because of Immigration which is still pouring in huge numbers

Sweden and Germany attitude is changing and despite the multiculturalism propaganda, people are vastly against it, especially after the Cologne and Ikea events.

Raise of right wings parties in Austria, UK Britain First, France National Front, Germany pegida etc

500 ISIS soldiers are now infiltrated in Europe ready to plan attack

- 3rd world war is coming

Putin was clearly a CIA target with Panama Papers.

Missiles are in place in Europe all around Russia

Nuclear weapons are now in the hands of ISIS.

What a nut job. I do hope you do not place your life decisions on this.

He raises some valid points

Ask people in Greece and Cyprus if a "bank holiday" is a joking matter. Their banks shut for more than a week - €100 maximum withdrawal at ATMs - queues round the block everywhere

Ask the Cypriots to explain the near-50% "haircut" they took on anything over €100,000 they had on deposit at the country's 2nd biggest bank in return for the bailout of their banking system.

If you had €500,000 in that bank, the EU simply reached into your account and took €200,000 and there was absolutely nothing you could do about it because it was 100% lawful.

It could happen in the UK, the US, anywhere

There is a war on cash. Governments don't want you using cash because they can't track it and, given all the benefits they're paying out, they want to make sure everyone's paying their "fair" share

I don't know about 500 ISIS operatives in Europe but there are definitely homegrown sympathisers who aren't averse to blowing themselves up

Right wing parties are on the rise in Europe Front Nacional, BNP, AfD

Dunno about a 3rd world war but Russia is being ever more belligerent toward the West; China is flexing its muscle in South China Sea; how long before Western boots are hopping all over Syria and Iraq fighting ISIS

Right now, there's far worse places to be in the world than Thailand

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Op asked "Are we paranoid/stupid?"

No. No matter what the political situation here is, the schools aren't very good. There are certainly better places to raise kids. Thailand is going backwards in many ways and the generals and their cronies really only care about brainwashing their own ideas into the minds of the kids and people. And of course those who go against the junta are facing jail terms. Thailand isn't at peace at all if you look at the big picture. The future may be better but as it is now, things don't look too good in my view. If your wide is up for it, enjoy a better life.

Like going to France will solve problems:


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I know a French guy whose children go to the French international school in Bangkok for free courtesy of the French government.

Maybe, but we can't all work in the French embassy... Or can we????

Not necessary. The French government is paying for students at French International schools in Thailand. I know a few here as well, and some of them are even not French but Belgium. Incredible.

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I know a French guy whose children go to the French international school in Bangkok for free courtesy of the French government.

Maybe, but we can't all work in the French embassy... Or can we????

He most definitely does not work at the French embassy! Since his kids are French they are entitled to state educational benefits to pay the school fees at the French government funded school in Bangkok.

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I know a French guy whose children go to the French international school in Bangkok for free courtesy of the French government.

Maybe, but we can't all work in the French embassy... Or can we????

He most definitely does not work at the French embassy! Since his kids are French they are entitled to state educational benefits to pay the school fees at the French government funded school in Bangkok.

Well that sounds like nonsense. I know people who actually do work at the embassy, and pay for their kids to go to an international school. So either they're stupid or you're talking rubbish.

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The French government definitely doesn't pay for this on a general basis.

He might have been sent to Thailand by a company or even a government agency, and part of the deal might have been that the French international school is paid for. Such things do happen.

Edited by Lannig
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I know a French guy whose children go to the French international school in Bangkok for free courtesy of the French government.

Maybe, but we can't all work in the French embassy... Or can we????

He most definitely does not work at the French embassy! Since his kids are French they are entitled to state educational benefits to pay the school fees at the French government funded school in Bangkok.

Well that sounds like nonsense. I know people who actually do work at the embassy, and pay for their kids to go to an international school. So either they're stupid or you're talking rubbish.
No, French government is really paying for French international school education. I know a few people also getting their kids education for almost free.
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Lots of guys saying goes back to your country for a better education, however if you want to send your kids 2 a normal state school then I agree having said that there are many good schools in Thailand not just International

St Joseph's silom assumption to name a couple there are also state schools which far exceed some international schools of which the wealthy Thai people send their kids to.

Many are knocking the Thai education system but I have to disagree because many of my friends who were educated in state schools and went on to university and now are in good jobs or own their own companies.

As an example I know one guy who finished university in Thailand done his Master's in London and now he's working in Bangkok as an architect and earning six figures Plus

If we take the UK my city London as an example the education is good however disco children in London have little or no respect for anyone especially the parents most carry knives at the age of 13 plus they are in gangs dealing drugs not saying this does not happen in Thailand for anyone from the UK will agree the police are so soft the judicial system will not prosecute the whole system in the UK has gone to rack and ruin so not an easy decision to make whether to take your children to the UK or to stay in Thailand

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Lots of guys saying goes back to your country for a better education, however if you want to send your kids 2 a normal state school then I agree having said that there are many good schools in Thailand not just International

St Joseph's silom assumption to name a couple there are also state schools which far exceed some international schools of which the wealthy Thai people send their kids to.

Many are knocking the Thai education system but I have to disagree because many of my friends who were educated in state schools and went on to university and now are in good jobs or own their own companies.

As an example I know one guy who finished university in Thailand done his Master's in London and now he's working in Bangkok as an architect and earning six figures Plus

If we take the UK my city London as an example the education is good however disco children in London have little or no respect for anyone especially the parents most carry knives at the age of 13 plus they are in gangs dealing drugs not saying this does not happen in Thailand for anyone from the UK will agree the police are so soft the judicial system will not prosecute the whole system in the UK has gone to rack and ruin so not an easy decision to make whether to take your children to the UK or to stay in Thailand

"disco children"??

"most carry knives by the age of 13"???

What the hell are you talking about? What do you mean "most"? Stop talking crap

Oh and by the way, please let me know where you went to school.

If you learned grammar there, I want to make sure my kids don't go anywhere near it

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