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Exit Strategy from Thailand


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Read every post on this thread and have to say it's 50/50 stay or go.

Having said that myself included lots of parents on here seriously thinking about the future if their kids.

My main worries are they are in a good school and the eldest is 13 next year.

If we decided to move back to the UK and he had problems with only 5 years left of normal education then he wouldn't get a leaving cert in Thailand but also wouldn't do well in GCSE'S in UK.

Like to hear from guys who have made the move and it turned out well or not.

Not an easy decision to make

Don't envy you that one mate and because mine was so much younger I probably cannot offer too much real advice but what I would say is that if you and the family (especially your eldest!!) want to give it a go then you should give it serious thought

I thought my sprog was in a good school and most people who know it agree it is one of the better ones but as I stated earlier she did have a few short term snags but that was easily sorted within a month or so of getting in the English school, that said she has been brought up with an English school program right from the start and English has always been spoken as the main language

What you cannot deny is that a Thai education is only really of any use if you and the daughter are going to stay in LoS, if your daughter is motivated and happy in written and spoken English then 5 years is a long time and she will have the opportunity to get a decent education but truth is all we can do is to try to give them the best oppertunites we can, up to them if they take it

Good luck whatever you decide to do!

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I am fairly happy here. But, if I had the funds, and a substantial income, that would allow me to live anywhere, I doubt I would be living here. There are just too many problems and issues. Some of the areas that would be a huge concern to me if I was raising children, would be:

the fabulously inferior educational system, and the inability for children to question their teachers.

the inability for the kids to learn much about the world. geography, history, geopolitics, thailand's true place in the world, etc.

the nearly complete lack of positive role models for the kids here. how many Thai's have recently won Nobel Peace prizes, Pulitzers, Peabodys, Oscars, etc?

the ridiculous and outdated class system.

the utter refusal of the elites, and the government to acknowledge the need to improve education.

the succession of one incompetent government after the next.

the seeming unwillingness of the current regime, to let go of power.

the lack of law and order. the lack of traffic safety. the lack of regard for public safety.

the corruption, and the unwillingness of anyone in a position of power to do anything about it.

the human trafficking and slave trade issues.

the potential for the Thai economy to really take a bath, over the next decade.

the erosion of Thailand's standing within SE Asia.

the complete and utter lack of progressive minds, here in the LOS.

the complete lack of vision, when it comes to the future.

the lack of sustainable environmental and developmental policies.

the presence of a nationalist attitude and agenda. it holds the country back on so many levels.

lastly, my favorite peeve. face. the extreme level of cowardice, that an entire nation engages in, when they practice this act of shameful weakness on a daily basis. talk about the utter refusal to look within for the source of a problem. it is an abomination.

I could go on and on. But, I won't. Needless to say, there is tremendous room for improvement. No need to address the issues of the countries that are being considered. Just venting about some local frustrations.

where would you go if you had the money and why?

forgot to mention having to look at and live around sex tourist scum

I would seriously consider Spain. I would be able to take advantage of a cultured people, the access to great music, dance, theatre, fine art, fine cuisine, great wine, and more. So many things that Thailand does not have. And did I mention a nice climate most of the year, instead of living inside an oven?

It would be refreshing to be away from a lot of stunning level of ignorance that pervades this nation, on so many levels. And a nationalism, that is so hollow, that the sheer weight of it is less than that of a feather. Absolutely no substance behind the nationalist drivel. I could understand it if the local people had been winning a string of nobel peace prizes, oscars, pulitzers, peabodys, and other forms of recognition from the outside world for it's excellence and continued contribution to mankind. And if the local billionaires had been contributing to building their society, and giving away their fortunes, in the way giants like Gates, Turner, Buffett, and others are doing in the US. Or if they had visionary leaders who were really working to make the society great. Or if their athletes were winning gold medals at the Olympics and getting selected by teams worldwide for their outstanding performance. Anything. But, in the absence of this kind of recognition, just tone down the drivel. All but a percentage of the local population buy into it. The entire world considers it to be sheer foolishness, and a demonstration of a fabulous degree of ignorance.

Just venting a bit today. That's all.

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Your wife is wise. Thailand isnt a place to raise children. if they arent Thai of course.

I wouldn't even raise Thai children here. I can only assume that those who do dont have the means to do so elsewhere.

Why do you think so many Thais send their kids overseas to be educated?

Why do you think so many Thais living overseas cant understand why I live here?

Why do you think my Thai mrs cant wait to leave here?


Every Thai person I knew in California ( and I knew a lot since my Thai wife was there with me ) said they would only stay in America long enough to earn and save enough money to live a comfortable live back in Thailand.

Yes, they all preferred life in Thailand and planned to return as soon as they could.

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I am fairly happy here. But, if I had the funds, and a substantial income, that would allow me to live anywhere, I doubt I would be living here. There are just too many problems and issues. Some of the areas that would be a huge concern to me if I was raising children, would be:

the fabulously inferior educational system, and the inability for children to question their teachers.

the inability for the kids to learn much about the world. geography, history, geopolitics, thailand's true place in the world, etc.

the nearly complete lack of positive role models for the kids here. how many Thai's have recently won Nobel Peace prizes, Pulitzers, Peabodys, Oscars, etc?

the ridiculous and outdated class system.

the utter refusal of the elites, and the government to acknowledge the need to improve education.

the succession of one incompetent government after the next.

the seeming unwillingness of the current regime, to let go of power.

the lack of law and order. the lack of traffic safety. the lack of regard for public safety.

the corruption, and the unwillingness of anyone in a position of power to do anything about it.

the human trafficking and slave trade issues.

the potential for the Thai economy to really take a bath, over the next decade.

the erosion of Thailand's standing within SE Asia.

the complete and utter lack of progressive minds, here in the LOS.

the complete lack of vision, when it comes to the future.

the lack of sustainable environmental and developmental policies.

the presence of a nationalist attitude and agenda. it holds the country back on so many levels.

lastly, my favorite peeve. face. the extreme level of cowardice, that an entire nation engages in, when they practice this act of shameful weakness on a daily basis. talk about the utter refusal to look within for the source of a problem. it is an abomination.

I could go on and on. But, I won't. Needless to say, there is tremendous room for improvement. No need to address the issues of the countries that are being considered. Just venting about some local frustrations.

Reading this it makes me wonder why you came to live in Thailand in the first instance. Its not as if your list didn't exist before you arrived.

It also makes me laugh a little when people have a good old rant about everything bad in Thailand, then call it LOS.

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The problem with Spain is the taxes, if you buy a house or condo and stay over 6 month a year, you are considered a resident. The taxes are higher than in the UK.

I agree with the guys liking of Spain, but would not go there currently for tax reasons. I looked at Cyprus, which is quite favourable, but was put off when they confiscated money from people's bank accounts ... but if i have enough cash stashed away then Spain it will be.

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I am fairly happy here. But, if I had the funds, and a substantial income, that would allow me to live anywhere, I doubt I would be living here. There are just too many problems and issues. Some of the areas that would be a huge concern to me if I was raising children, would be:

the fabulously inferior educational system, and the inability for children to question their teachers.

the inability for the kids to learn much about the world. geography, history, geopolitics, thailand's true place in the world, etc.

the nearly complete lack of positive role models for the kids here. how many Thai's have recently won Nobel Peace prizes, Pulitzers, Peabodys, Oscars, etc?

the ridiculous and outdated class system.

the utter refusal of the elites, and the government to acknowledge the need to improve education.

the succession of one incompetent government after the next.

the seeming unwillingness of the current regime, to let go of power.

the lack of law and order. the lack of traffic safety. the lack of regard for public safety.

the corruption, and the unwillingness of anyone in a position of power to do anything about it.

the human trafficking and slave trade issues.

the potential for the Thai economy to really take a bath, over the next decade.

the erosion of Thailand's standing within SE Asia.

the complete and utter lack of progressive minds, here in the LOS.

the complete lack of vision, when it comes to the future.

the lack of sustainable environmental and developmental policies.

the presence of a nationalist attitude and agenda. it holds the country back on so many levels.

lastly, my favorite peeve. face. the extreme level of cowardice, that an entire nation engages in, when they practice this act of shameful weakness on a daily basis. talk about the utter refusal to look within for the source of a problem. it is an abomination.

I could go on and on. But, I won't. Needless to say, there is tremendous room for improvement. No need to address the issues of the countries that are being considered. Just venting about some local frustrations.

Reading this it makes me wonder why you came to live in Thailand in the first instance. Its not as if your list didn't exist before you arrived.

It also makes me laugh a little when people have a good old rant about everything bad in Thailand, then call it LOS.

I agree with many of his points. I think he was referencing 'bringing up kids in Thailand'. If you are single with no kids then you only have to look after yourself. I just try to organise my stay in Thailand in such away that the negatives don't affect me and I take advantage of the positives, of which there are many. As for LOS, i think many posters are using sarcasm ... a smiley face and a dark heart.

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The problem with Spain is the taxes, if you buy a house or condo and stay over 6 month a year, you are considered a resident. The taxes are higher than in the UK.

I agree with the guys liking of Spain, but would not go there currently for tax reasons. I looked at Cyprus, which is quite favourable, but was put off when they confiscated money from people's bank accounts ... but if i have enough cash stashed away then Spain it will be.

Apparently quite a few people are moving from Spain to Malta, could be worth looking into.
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The problem with Spain is the taxes, if you buy a house or condo and stay over 6 month a year, you are considered a resident. The taxes are higher than in the UK.

I agree with the guys liking of Spain, but would not go there currently for tax reasons. I looked at Cyprus, which is quite favourable, but was put off when they confiscated money from people's bank accounts ... but if i have enough cash stashed away then Spain it will be.

Apparently quite a few people are moving from Spain to Malta, could be worth looking into.

I might actually do that ... i'm trying to find a location where you don't pay capital gains tax on share sales or dividends. I've been to Malta before. I thought it was a bit pricey for property but at least you have property rights there, so you feel safer. One possibility is Gibraltar, but it might be more expensive to stay. The Isle of Man does not tax capital gains but does have income tax, all be it at a lower rate than the UK.

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I understand your concerns and while we all have our opinions about the current situation, Europe is not where i would be heading right now. Parts of the U.S.A, New Zealand, Australia or Viet Nam perhaps, depending on your passport & money. My daughter just moved from Phuket to Bali. We will see how the family (they have 3 kids & independent income) like that. They have lived all over the world & stayed longest in LOS.

Education for the kids is your biggest genuine issue. Everything else I think you are being a bit pessimistic and perhaps a bit paranoid over, and everywhere else could easily go belly-up just as quickly as here, or quicker, in some cases (Sweden, Belgium, France, Germany etc). It is still not a bad place to live, here if you have the money. There is lots worse. I am considering my options and returning home is one, staying put is another and moving to a different location here is a third. As I said, your kids' education is your biggie. Everything else is either not as bad as you perceive it or negotiable. Don't let the Thai bashers get to you. Most of them don't live here anyway, even when they say they do, and if they do, most of them have no intentions of leaving anyway. They just like to moan and wouldn't be happy anywhere.

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I think us as parents worry too much generally, can't our kids be happy here on a say 60k per month income?

Not all kids are skilled for a university degree but will have to aim a bit lower than that but it seems most TV posters assume their kids will.

In Denmark it's hard to qualify for university, the scores have to be over a certain level or you are not getting in.

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I am fairly happy here. But, if I had the funds, and a substantial income, that would allow me to live anywhere, I doubt I would be living here. There are just too many problems and issues. Some of the areas that would be a huge concern to me if I was raising children, would be:

the fabulously inferior educational system, and the inability for children to question their teachers.

the inability for the kids to learn much about the world. geography, history, geopolitics, thailand's true place in the world, etc.

the nearly complete lack of positive role models for the kids here. how many Thai's have recently won Nobel Peace prizes, Pulitzers, Peabodys, Oscars, etc?

the ridiculous and outdated class system.

the utter refusal of the elites, and the government to acknowledge the need to improve education.

the succession of one incompetent government after the next.

the seeming unwillingness of the current regime, to let go of power.

the lack of law and order. the lack of traffic safety. the lack of regard for public safety.

the corruption, and the unwillingness of anyone in a position of power to do anything about it.

the human trafficking and slave trade issues.

the potential for the Thai economy to really take a bath, over the next decade.

the erosion of Thailand's standing within SE Asia.

the complete and utter lack of progressive minds, here in the LOS.

the complete lack of vision, when it comes to the future.

the lack of sustainable environmental and developmental policies.

the presence of a nationalist attitude and agenda. it holds the country back on so many levels.

lastly, my favorite peeve. face. the extreme level of cowardice, that an entire nation engages in, when they practice this act of shameful weakness on a daily basis. talk about the utter refusal to look within for the source of a problem. it is an abomination.

I could go on and on. But, I won't. Needless to say, there is tremendous room for improvement. No need to address the issues of the countries that are being considered. Just venting about some local frustrations.

where would you go if you had the money and why?

forgot to mention having to look at and live around sex tourist scum

I would seriously consider Spain. I would be able to take advantage of a cultured people, the access to great music, dance, theatre, fine art, fine cuisine, great wine, and more. So many things that Thailand does not have. And did I mention a nice climate most of the year, instead of living inside an oven?

It would be refreshing to be away from a lot of stunning level of ignorance that pervades this nation, on so many levels. And a nationalism, that is so hollow, that the sheer weight of it is less than that of a feather. Absolutely no substance behind the nationalist drivel. I could understand it if the local people had been winning a string of nobel peace prizes, oscars, pulitzers, peabodys, and other forms of recognition from the outside world for it's excellence and continued contribution to mankind. And if the local billionaires had been contributing to building their society, and giving away their fortunes, in the way giants like Gates, Turner, Buffett, and others are doing in the US. Or if they had visionary leaders who were really working to make the society great. Or if their athletes were winning gold medals at the Olympics and getting selected by teams worldwide for their outstanding performance. Anything. But, in the absence of this kind of recognition, just tone down the drivel. All but a percentage of the local population buy into it. The entire world considers it to be sheer foolishness, and a demonstration of a fabulous degree of ignorance.

Just venting a bit today. That's all.


You whine about the country's apparent lack of culture and the things it doesn't have yet absolutely fail to appreciate the irony and stupidity of your sentiment.

If Thailand had all those things - a sports education program capable of rolling out gold medal-winning athletes, an education system that could nurture Nobel laureates in medicine, science and the arts, then in all likelihood, you wouldn't be able to afford to come here and shag women far above you in the attractiveness tables for a pittance so why not pipe down and pull your head out of your ass.

Their culture and their achievements may not score highly by your measure but there's nothing wrong with having a sense of national pride in what they have achieved given they're still developing

While there's nothing wrong with a little healthy skepticism, there's no call for your kind of contempt

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what have they achieved? I'd love to know. We all know they were never colonised but what apart form that is there to be proud about in being Thai? it's just an accident of birth.

Edited by thai3
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I think us as parents worry too much generally, can't our kids be happy here on a say 60k per month income?

Not all kids are skilled for a university degree but will have to aim a bit lower than that but it seems most TV posters assume their kids will.

In Denmark it's hard to qualify for university, the scores have to be over a certain level or you are not getting in.

This is very true. My mate's son earns about £40,000 a year and lives in London. He can just about to afford to buy a house there and he is now in his early 30's

If you have an average job in London you can forget about ever owning a place there.

And again everyone living in Thailand with kids all seem to think those children will be doctors, scientists or noble prize winners if they move overseas.

Giving your child the best chance you can give him/her, doesn't mean you have to take them away from their friends their home, their country and sticking them in a pressure cooker situation whereby its win at all costs and watch the losers get swept away.

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what have they achieved? I'd love to know. We all know they were never colonised but what apart form that is there to be proud about in being Thai? it's just an accident of birth.

Being never colonized was quite an achievement when all those countries around them were.Surviving the Cold War was another, look at Indo-China and how it was torn apart And the sheer improvement in the standard of living for millions over the last 40 years.When my wife was young there wee only laterite roads, the nearest hospital was 80 km away, now the nearest is 9 km on a tarmac road.Her nieces, typical Issan kids,finished high school and now all 3 are happily married with their own houses and cars.

Yes, there are major problems of pollution,urban issues, breakdown of family values but many are better off than they were in the past and have more opportunities.

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Countries normally to compare themselves to their neighbours, so Thais will typically not compare their lot to Switzerland or Monaco residents, more likely Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar. In that respect it is a fair comment that Thailand has improved a great deal in the last 40 years. I suspect that might be one reason to be proud of the progress made, and therefore proud of your country.

However, those neighbours, particularly Vietnam, are catching up fast whilst Thailand is stuck in a political quagmire. I do hope it sorts itself out soon.

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I am fairly happy here. But, if I had the funds, and a substantial income, that would allow me to live anywhere, I doubt I would be living here. There are just too many problems and issues. Some of the areas that would be a huge concern to me if I was raising children, would be:

the fabulously inferior educational system, and the inability for children to question their teachers.

the inability for the kids to learn much about the world. geography, history, geopolitics, thailand's true place in the world, etc.

the nearly complete lack of positive role models for the kids here. how many Thai's have recently won Nobel Peace prizes, Pulitzers, Peabodys, Oscars, etc?

the ridiculous and outdated class system.

the utter refusal of the elites, and the government to acknowledge the need to improve education.

the succession of one incompetent government after the next.

the seeming unwillingness of the current regime, to let go of power.

the lack of law and order. the lack of traffic safety. the lack of regard for public safety.

the corruption, and the unwillingness of anyone in a position of power to do anything about it.

the human trafficking and slave trade issues.

the potential for the Thai economy to really take a bath, over the next decade.

the erosion of Thailand's standing within SE Asia.

the complete and utter lack of progressive minds, here in the LOS.

the complete lack of vision, when it comes to the future.

the lack of sustainable environmental and developmental policies.

the presence of a nationalist attitude and agenda. it holds the country back on so many levels.

lastly, my favorite peeve. face. the extreme level of cowardice, that an entire nation engages in, when they practice this act of shameful weakness on a daily basis. talk about the utter refusal to look within for the source of a problem. it is an abomination.

I could go on and on. But, I won't. Needless to say, there is tremendous room for improvement. No need to address the issues of the countries that are being considered. Just venting about some local frustrations.

Reading this it makes me wonder why you came to live in Thailand in the first instance. Its not as if your list didn't exist before you arrived.

It also makes me laugh a little when people have a good old rant about everything bad in Thailand, then call it LOS.

probably because its much better on vacation then it is to live here.

also considering spain and portugal. easy border hops and 3 month visas. taxes are a non issue for me since i wont be buying property anywhere outside my home country, just renting, and dont need to stay in country more then 6 months at a stretch (why would you?)

as to the question why are you still here in thailand, its just momentum at this point and laziness.

its easy to just get stuck here in a rut drinking and wasting time. i figure thats what happens to many as they age here.

the heat makes you extremely tired during the day, a few beers at night, the constant 'love bombing' and neediness of the women, turn around and 10 years have gone by.

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I am fairly happy here. But, if I had the funds, and a substantial income, that would allow me to live anywhere, I doubt I would be living here. There are just too many problems and issues. Some of the areas that would be a huge concern to me if I was raising children, would be:

the fabulously inferior educational system, and the inability for children to question their teachers.

the inability for the kids to learn much about the world. geography, history, geopolitics, thailand's true place in the world, etc.

the nearly complete lack of positive role models for the kids here. how many Thai's have recently won Nobel Peace prizes, Pulitzers, Peabodys, Oscars, etc?

the ridiculous and outdated class system.

the utter refusal of the elites, and the government to acknowledge the need to improve education.

the succession of one incompetent government after the next.

the seeming unwillingness of the current regime, to let go of power.

the lack of law and order. the lack of traffic safety. the lack of regard for public safety.

the corruption, and the unwillingness of anyone in a position of power to do anything about it.

the human trafficking and slave trade issues.

the potential for the Thai economy to really take a bath, over the next decade.

the erosion of Thailand's standing within SE Asia.

the complete and utter lack of progressive minds, here in the LOS.

the complete lack of vision, when it comes to the future.

the lack of sustainable environmental and developmental policies.

the presence of a nationalist attitude and agenda. it holds the country back on so many levels.

lastly, my favorite peeve. face. the extreme level of cowardice, that an entire nation engages in, when they practice this act of shameful weakness on a daily basis. talk about the utter refusal to look within for the source of a problem. it is an abomination.

I could go on and on. But, I won't. Needless to say, there is tremendous room for improvement. No need to address the issues of the countries that are being considered. Just venting about some local frustrations.

Reading this it makes me wonder why you came to live in Thailand in the first instance. Its not as if your list didn't exist before you arrived.

It also makes me laugh a little when people have a good old rant about everything bad in Thailand, then call it LOS.

There are many, many things I love about this place. I could probably create a considerably longer list of things that I love here, than this list. What makes me laugh, is the percentage of guys here who are completely intolerant of dissent. Reminds me a bit of Israel. A supposed democracy, (not that Thailand is anywhere near a democracy) and yet little to no room for dissent or dialogue.

Regardless of where any of us live, we are going to have some issues with the place. That does not mean we are not content, and we are not enjoying wonderful lives. If one looks around objectively here in the LOS, it is not difficult to see areas in need of improvement. There is absolutely nothing wrong with pointing those areas out, and discussing them. Those of us with thicker skin take no offense in that practice.

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I am fairly happy here. But, if I had the funds, and a substantial income, that would allow me to live anywhere, I doubt I would be living here. There are just too many problems and issues. Some of the areas that would be a huge concern to me if I was raising children, would be:

the fabulously inferior educational system, and the inability for children to question their teachers.

the inability for the kids to learn much about the world. geography, history, geopolitics, thailand's true place in the world, etc.

the nearly complete lack of positive role models for the kids here. how many Thai's have recently won Nobel Peace prizes, Pulitzers, Peabodys, Oscars, etc?

the ridiculous and outdated class system.

the utter refusal of the elites, and the government to acknowledge the need to improve education.

the succession of one incompetent government after the next.

the seeming unwillingness of the current regime, to let go of power.

the lack of law and order. the lack of traffic safety. the lack of regard for public safety.

the corruption, and the unwillingness of anyone in a position of power to do anything about it.

the human trafficking and slave trade issues.

the potential for the Thai economy to really take a bath, over the next decade.

the erosion of Thailand's standing within SE Asia.

the complete and utter lack of progressive minds, here in the LOS.

the complete lack of vision, when it comes to the future.

the lack of sustainable environmental and developmental policies.

the presence of a nationalist attitude and agenda. it holds the country back on so many levels.

lastly, my favorite peeve. face. the extreme level of cowardice, that an entire nation engages in, when they practice this act of shameful weakness on a daily basis. talk about the utter refusal to look within for the source of a problem. it is an abomination.

I could go on and on. But, I won't. Needless to say, there is tremendous room for improvement. No need to address the issues of the countries that are being considered. Just venting about some local frustrations.

Reading this it makes me wonder why you came to live in Thailand in the first instance. Its not as if your list didn't exist before you arrived.

It also makes me laugh a little when people have a good old rant about everything bad in Thailand, then call it LOS.

probably because its much better on vacation then it is to live here.

also considering spain and portugal. easy border hops and 3 month visas. taxes are a non issue for me since i wont be buying property anywhere outside my home country, just renting, and dont need to stay in country more then 6 months at a stretch (why would you?)

as to the question why are you still here in thailand, its just momentum at this point and laziness.

its easy to just get stuck here in a rut drinking and wasting time. i figure thats what happens to many as they age here.

the heat makes you extremely tired during the day, a few beers at night, the constant 'love bombing' and neediness of the women, turn around and 10 years have gone by.

Nah, for some of us, it is quite good living here. If you are fortunate enough to find an outstanding woman, who has alot of the lovely qualities that make some Thai women very special and unique, and are able to live on savings, or money earned overseas, one can enjoy a lovely life here. As for me, I rarely drink, so whiling away the hours while getting drunk, is just not an interesting pastime for me, on any level. There are far more interesting things to do with my time.

Not momentum at all for me. Realistically, if I had enough cash, I would probably only be here for about half of the year and avoid the late March to late September weather. But, as long as one is willing to pay the price of running the AC all day, and all night, the place can be quite delightful.

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Not momentum at all for me. Realistically, if I had enough cash, I would probably only be here for about half of the year and avoid the late March to late September weather. But, as long as one is willing to pay the price of running the AC all day, and all night, the place can be quite delightful.

Right, if you are lucky enough not to live near barking dogs, music blasting away from neighbors who get all offended if you ask them to keep it down, nearly having an accident on the roads almost daily, the crap TV and the immigration obstacle course. Like you I think half the year would be about right.

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Not momentum at all for me. Realistically, if I had enough cash, I would probably only be here for about half of the year and avoid the late March to late September weather. But, as long as one is willing to pay the price of running the AC all day, and all night, the place can be quite delightful.

Right, if you are lucky enough not to live near barking dogs, music blasting away from neighbors who get all offended if you ask them to keep it down, nearly having an accident on the roads almost daily, the crap TV and the immigration obstacle course. Like you I think half the year would be about right.

Well, many of us have to establish workarounds. One needs to scout the home base carefully, before committing to buying or renting. One must scout the location early morning and late evening, several times, before committing. Are there noisy neighbors? Ridiculous dogs? Soi dogs? Nearby bars? Many of us have been fortunate enough to find places where that is not an issue.

The True platinum package is not bad, though a bit overpriced, for what it is. Between that and downloads, I have as much to watch as I can handle. I enjoy a 20MB fiber optic connection, so downloads and streaming, are fast and easy.

As far as traffic goes, you are right about that. Always wear the best helmet you can afford, if on a motorbike, and keep eyes in the back of your head. There is nothing here, in the way of traffic safety. The police could not possibly be less competent.

And immigration surely could be alot easier, if only there were men and women possessing any sort of vision, in power. Unfortunately, I do not think there is a single one on the national level. They should not only be offering those of us that can afford to live well, visas of two, five or ten years, but also multiple entry, and come and go as you please, without ever having the need to leave the country for renewal. That is a scam, and we all know it. That would be visionary. So, in the absence of visionary policy, just get a long term visa if you can.

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Not momentum at all for me. Realistically, if I had enough cash, I would probably only be here for about half of the year and avoid the late March to late September weather. But, as long as one is willing to pay the price of running the AC all day, and all night, the place can be quite delightful.

Right, if you are lucky enough not to live near barking dogs, music blasting away from neighbors who get all offended if you ask them to keep it down, nearly having an accident on the roads almost daily, the crap TV and the immigration obstacle course. Like you I think half the year would be about right.

No problems with dogs or neighbors here. I don't drive. Any TV you want is right there on the internet. And a couple hours in a plastic chair once a year seems a fair deal to be allowed to stay in the country.

I guess different people have different experiences. Don't blame the whole country for not enjoying yours, though.

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Only dogs that bark are mine (when someone is around)

Very little traffic here, except in the city.

Dont really have any neighbours, they are about half a mile away, and the only time I hear music is a funeral or wedding.

TV as said by others, wide variety available via other means (internet)

Immigration has never been a problem if you affairs are in order, 20 minutes once a year and quarterly postage, no big deal.

As with most things its the attitude toward a situation, not neccesarily the situation or the problem itself. If you are a "half empty" approach and want to find fault you can quite easily. BUT If you approach it positively, adapt to your surroundings and accept the way things are and adjust accordingly it can be a marvellous place to live.

Read my signature line, says it all really.

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My exit strategy has begun and I'm looking at returning to the UK after 11 happy years here. My 14-month old son is my primary consideration and many of the points raised in this thread are also factors. I hope to take my wife-to-be with me, so will be starting the Settlement visa process.

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Well, we are off on Sunday! Thanks to everyone for some great, honest and thoughtful comments. I am very fond of Thailand. I would not have lived here so many years, otherwise. Many of the problems that posters like Spidermike detail can be found in many places. And I, too, could compile a long list of positives.I think that what both I and the children have found increasingly difficult is actually Thainess. I see no problem in being proud of one's country; but not to the extent that no other culture is of any value and the possibility of diversity and dissent from Thainess is denied. Huge numbers of people living here are not even "Tai" at all!

Good Wishes!

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Bon Voyage !

Would say that "Thainess" has noticeably increased over the recent years. Often difficult to tell how deep it really goes though.

Although people in the UK seemed to have changed too. Whereas the Thais seem to have no recognition of being on a sinking ship , the Brits seemed to be forever resigned to being on one !

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My exit strategy has begun and I'm looking at returning to the UK after 11 happy years here. My 14-month old son is my primary consideration and many of the points raised in this thread are also factors. I hope to take my wife-to-be with me, so will be starting the Settlement visa process.

same situation, but we chose to put our son the next 3 years in a bilingual kindergarten, before returning back to Europe.
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I'm interested to know all the guys moving back to the UK regarding accommodation

Will they be renting buying already own a place or staying with Mum and Dad ?

If you haven't been back to the UK for a while just the last few years things have changed dramatically in the housing market whether buying or renting

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Been talking, since we came,to the children about "how it is?"

Main observations:

1. How relaxed and orderly and clean life is in France by comparison with LOS.

2. People entirely tolerant of, to the point of disinterest, as to who we are ethnically. We are just us!

3. Everything works and does not break

Might be a bit different, maybe, if we did not speak the language?

PS Thainess and colonisation. The wikipedia entry on"Thainess" summarises it! In the case of Thailand, of course, never mind being not colonised in the traditional sense by a European power (Thailand was negotiated as a buffer state between France and the UK), it was the Thai who were colonisers.

For us the interesting question is why Thais are so insecure and defensive/aggressive about Thailand. It was like so many people had their arrns folded all the time in front of them in defence.

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