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Germany: hundreds arrested as anti-immigrant AfD congress starts


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Germany: hundreds arrested as anti-immigrant AfD congress starts


German police arrested some 400 protesters trying to block access to a conference being held by an anti-immigrant party on Saturday.

Clashes broke out despite a tight security presence around the congress hall in Stuttgart.

Feelings are running high over the meeting by the the AfD or Alternative for Germany party.

It entered three state parliaments last month by attracting votes from those opposed to Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to welcome mainly Muslim refugees fleeing war in Syria.

Founded three years ago, the party says Islam is incompatible with Germany’s constitution and is expected to adopt an openly anti-Islamic manifesto this weekend.

A leader of German Muslims has likened the AFD’s attitude towards his community to that of Hitler’s Nazis toward Jews.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-04-30

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Germany wants EU border controls extended
Germany and five other states are to ask the EU to prolong inter-Schengen border controls for a further six months. Passport-free travel between several EU countries has been suspended owing to the migrant crisis.


Europe is toast. Should've Built a Wall.


Edited by NeverSure
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Germany wants EU border controls extended
Germany and five other states are to ask the EU to prolong inter-Schengen border controls for a further six months. Passport-free travel between several EU countries has been suspended owing to the migrant crisis.


Europe is toast. Should've Built a Wall.


Perhaps they can build it with the pieces left over from the last wall. (kidding)

Donald Trump might help them out....we can airdrop leftover material from the one he is going to build. (Not kidding)

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Germany wants EU border controls extended
Germany and five other states are to ask the EU to prolong inter-Schengen border controls for a further six months. Passport-free travel between several EU countries has been suspended owing to the migrant crisis.


Europe is toast. Should've Built a Wall.


Perhaps they can build it with the pieces left over from the last wall. (kidding)

Donald Trump might help them out....we can airdrop leftover material from the one he is going to build. (Not kidding)

Better still, suggest adopting the Trump strategy and claim that they will make Syria and Saudi Arabia pay for it. It will work just as well there.

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hundreds arrested

as usually the minority has the loudest voice

good the police did their job - probably they know the character of muslims very well from experience

Edited by sweatalot
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Germany wants EU border controls extended
Germany and five other states are to ask the EU to prolong inter-Schengen border controls for a further six months. Passport-free travel between several EU countries has been suspended owing to the migrant crisis.


Europe is toast. Should've Built a Wall.


Of lately you seem to enjoy it all.

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Germany wants EU border controls extended
Germany and five other states are to ask the EU to prolong inter-Schengen border controls for a further six months. Passport-free travel between several EU countries has been suspended owing to the migrant crisis.


Europe is toast. Should've Built a Wall.


Perhaps they can build it with the pieces left over from the last wall. (kidding)

Donald Trump might help them out....we can airdrop leftover material from the one he is going to build. (Not kidding)

Better still, suggest adopting the Trump strategy and claim that they will make Syria and Saudi Arabia pay for it. It will work just as well there.

not quite the same scenario...however.

Trying to find similarities between Syrian Refugees fleeing war versus Illegals from Mexico homesteading in the USA, and sending money back to Mexico. Refugees are not handled by the same rules as illegal immigrants.

I didn't come up with anything, but I am sure you are prepared to present your ideas.

I stand by, awaiting for enlightenment.

Edited by slipperylobster
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It is going to get lot worse. Merkel is going to drive Europe into oblivion no matter what the costs. Luckily there is internet so they can not sensor all the news. However, they are trying even that now. In Finland they are going to make new laws against "hate speech" limiting basically any critical opinion about illegal immigrants. Sweden has that already in place. In Germany Facebook is cleaning, on Merkels orders, all critical views...

Then, to keep all demonstrations in check:

EU military police carry out ‘extremely WORRYING’ civil unrest crisis training

I'll add these two in the end...

REVEALED: Inside the 76-page guide handed to migrants to evade borders through EU

A COMPREHENSIVE handy guide is being dispersed among migrants giving them tips on how to evade borders to travel through the promised land of Europe.

Shocking photos show petrol station overrun with refugees

THESE outrageous photos show how migrants have taken over a petrol station on the Greek-Macedonian border.

Edited by FinChin67
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Whatever happened to the saying "when in Rome do as the Romans do"?

I believe that Europe has been far too complacent, to the detriment of their own citizens, be they unemployed or senior citizens. I believe that Sweden is contemplating taxing their senior citizens even higher who already live with meagre pensions even more in order to help with the ever increasing costs of refuges/immigrants.

Indeed, it is noble to assist others, but your own "family" should be taken care of first. Citizens are (rightly) feeling that they are being shunned by their own government.

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The AFD will go the way of all the other far right parties we've seen come & go, like Republikaner, Freiheit, Pro-NRW, etc..

In-fighting is pre-programmed while they struggle to define themselves as more of an Anti-(EU & foreigner)party.

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Muslims in Europe have a legitimate concern about being discriminated against but to suggest an equivalence to Nazi genocide of Jews is obscene.

Just as many europeans are being discriminated against for peacefuly or otherwise speaking or acting in any way against the destruction of their society by others who are openly supported by european governments.

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Whatever happened to the saying "when in Rome do as the Romans do"?

I believe that Europe has been far too complacent, to the detriment of their own citizens, be they unemployed or senior citizens. I believe that Sweden is contemplating taxing their senior citizens even higher who already live with meagre pensions even more in order to help with the ever increasing costs of refuges/immigrants.

Indeed, it is noble to assist others, but your own "family" should be taken care of first. Citizens are (rightly) feeling that they are being shunned by their own government.

"feeling they are being shunned" They ARE being shunned. It is the same everywhere, the liberal do-gooders want the help everyone but only end up hurting their friends and neighbors. The do-gooders are the ones that should be taxed heavily to pay for the onslaught.

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Whatever happened to the saying "when in Rome do as the Romans do"?

I believe that Europe has been far too complacent, to the detriment of their own citizens, be they unemployed or senior citizens. I believe that Sweden is contemplating taxing their senior citizens even higher who already live with meagre pensions even more in order to help with the ever increasing costs of refuges/immigrants.

Indeed, it is noble to assist others, but your own "family" should be taken care of first. Citizens are (rightly) feeling that they are being shunned by their own government.

Governments have become the enemy.

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Muslims in Europe have a legitimate concern about being discriminated against but to suggest an equivalence to Nazi genocide of Jews is obscene.

AfD political representative had previously voiced support for killing Muslim refugees on German territory. AfD proposes to also ban Jewish traditional practices in Germany, not just Islamic, though stepped away from a proposed ban on religious circumcision.

Anyone who believes those of the Jewish faith will not be negatively impacted if a far right party gains power are deluded.

Edited by simple1
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Germany wants EU border controls extended

Germany and five other states are to ask the EU to prolong inter-Schengen border controls for a further six months. Passport-free travel between several EU countries has been suspended owing to the migrant crisis.


Europe is toast. Should've Built a Wall.


Perhaps they can build it with the pieces left over from the last wall. (kidding)

Donald Trump might help them out....we can airdrop leftover material from the one he is going to build. (Not kidding)

Better still, suggest adopting the Trump strategy and claim that they will make Syria and Saudi Arabia pay for it. It will work just as well there.

not quite the same scenario...however.

Trying to find similarities between Syrian Refugees fleeing war versus Illegals from Mexico homesteading in the USA, and sending money back to Mexico. Refugees are not handled by the same rules as illegal immigrants.

I didn't come up with anything, but I am sure you are prepared to present your ideas.

I stand by, awaiting for enlightenment.

Most of the "refugees" (70%) coming into Europe are not actually from war zones but from other countries using the situation to get into Europe and are actually illegal immigrants posing as refugees.

If EU had a proper border they could refuse them entry into Europe.

Reducing the numbers by 70%.

Even the loony left BBC no longer uses the name "refugees" for these ppl.

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Most of the "refugees" (70%) coming into Europe are not actually from war zones but from other countries using the situation to get into Europe and are actually illegal immigrants posing as refugees.

If EU had a proper border they could refuse them entry into Europe.

Reducing the numbers by 70%.

Even the loony left BBC no longer uses the name "refugees" for these ppl.

20 minutes and worth watching:

With Open Gates: The forced collective Suicide of European Nations
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Heiko Maas, the German Federal Minister of Justice, was unable to finish his Labor Day celebration speech on the 1st of May as he was loudly booed and chased off the stage by the German people. The people repeatedly shouted "Traitor", "Leftist Rat", "Get out!", "We are the People" and "Maas must go!", eventually getting him to cancel his speech and flee to his armored vehicle escorted by his armed bodyguards.
Maas is considered one of the biggest proponents of expanding censorship laws, demanding persecution, fines and jail-time for everybody posting "hate speech" on social media.
He also does not acknowledge the existence of the German people, backing his party, the Social Democrats, in the opinion that Europe was always made up of immigrants and Germany's only chance of redemption for the eternal guilt of World War 2 is inviting as many Muslim immigrants as possible.

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hundreds arrested

as usually the minority has the loudest voice

good the police did their job - probably they know the character of muslims very well from experience

Those protesters where not Muslims, they were left-wing fascist Antifa. At least there have been no reports of any Muslim protesters. And they somehow got hold of alist woth the names, addresses and contact details of some 2000 AFD members and published them on their Indymedia terrorist blog already calling for each and everyone of those AFF members to be " visited" at home and at best be killed.

No reaction by justice minister Maas to this, while he otherwise bellows he'd be hitting the " right-wing haters" with the full force of the law, the little weasel. Served him right what he got in Zwickau. His Facebook page presently is a mess with gloating.

That's what this country is coming to.

Edited by Saradoc1972
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