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British couple vows to return to Hua Hin despite brutal attack

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What was the price for the change of heart ? Even in todays Bkk post its still that they will never return, so why change your story overnight ? Smell a rat.

TAT and the junta have made comments to the international media that they have vowed to return, this is a ploy to save tourism. The actual victims state the opposite.
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They vowed never to return. But as you know Thais love to speak for others.

But as you know Thais love to speak for others....But they are beaten by ThaiVisa members believe me tongue.png

ThaiVisa members, speak for all the world, especial when its hatred for Thailand ! coffee1.gif

Why do you do that? I am a member and why are you speaking for me?
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The way the media was spinning this story right from the start was completely wrong - it was all based on a lie that this was an "unprovoked" attack which it certainly was not! lol

This is a serious slap in the face of people who were victims or the actual unprovoked attacks in Thailand, because their stories never got as much of international attention as this story did, and many of them didn't even manage to walk out alive!

But in this case - three drunk Apes from Wales start a fight with Thai gangs high on drugs in the middle of Songkran - get their brains smashed out of them - and this requires the attention of the world media? Are you kidding me or something?

This is precisely why I think this whole story had a political underpinning right from the start - it was definitely based on a lie and emotions alone so this has nothing to do with violence in Thailand, but rather the Brits looking for a "license to kill" wherever they please to land and get themselves smashed with alcohol. This is a rather cynical self-centered drive by the Brits trying to assert their voice in this country despite the fact that they are the one's acting like violent drunk apes much more than anybody else does in this country... Or in any other country where they happen to visit for that matter... Lol I've seen this in a few other countries wherever Brits happen to show up - they act the same way everywhere.

It all started with rumours that "Thai gangs are going around attacking and targeting farangs in Hua Hin" or whatever... Now we know it was all complete bull and this is a really lame way for Brits to drag all other Farangs into something which is always an exclusively British problem... If you want sympathy from me - you are not going to get a lot, I mean maybe you should at least learn to tell the truth for starters - i.e. Who started the fight? What do other farangs have to do with Brits going to foreign countries, getting themselves pissed drunk and the going around attacking people?

As a Brit myself I am ashamed to say I agree wholeheartedly

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Amazing what Thais will do to try and get good publicity after damage done by this news in UK press. If it had not been in News there be no punishment for perps and the old couple would have had to dealt with problems on their own!

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Have they found the 'foreigners' responsible for this terrible crime. By 'foreigners' I mean Burmese, Laos, or Cambodian scapegoats. I'm sure they will beat that information out of the 'innocent' thais they caught who happen to look like the foreigners.

Edited by lapd
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Didn't I read that they vowed NEVER to return?

Ja right that is also what I did read.

Now what is this visit at Hue Hin Hospital didn't the news report she left the hospital a day or so ago never to return???

This whole affair has become putting lipstick on a Pig.

Watched in-depth that ruckus video a few times, having been associated with George Wimpey Limited Construction Welsh laborers in my maintenance engineer working live preparing oil exploration drilling sites in Papua New Guinea, my take is this: not exactly a middleclass trio. More like a George Wimpey Limited construction labor like trio from Welsh.

It is the press release that has prompted this action by authorities, As far as the local police were concern they just handled it as a daily occurrence of a Thai/Farang drunken bar brawl after all the majority of farang coming on their sex tours are not exactly the cream the la cream of their own country, it is only through the use of their string of credit cards that they are able to come to Thailand.

I hope they get it into their heads that it is not the news that is wrecking Thailand’s image it is the incident itself and the fact that it was reported in an open and transparent way, efforts to handle these incidents as daily occurrences and keep them out of the domain is actually more damaging than the incident itself, there is a lesson to be learned namely, to knock these occurrence in the head well before they have a chance to become a brawl, starting with the bar tenders who must be held accountable at loss of liquor license to stop serving anyone seeming to have had enough firewater for the time - I hope they got it. But as usual GREED will stop them from getting it. So Thailand will keep slipping further and further down the slippery slope of destroying their, what one time some half century ago, a beautiful people but couple of offspring down the road got the better of them in the GREED VICEGRIP.

As for the RTP you have to feel sorry for them having to put up with the multi thousands Farang tourist element by the local bourgeoisie money grabbers, the RTP already have their hands full trying to control the locals, 43% Thai the other 57% are the mixing bowl of Laotians (Ishaan), Cambodian Khmer (Buriram), Burmese, Malays, Indians, Pakistanis, Chinese, sorry if I missed some.

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of course they will return now, after PM involvement, all expenses paid and police protection.

happy they have made a full recovery and hopefully return to enjoy the true Thailand

I wonder what was in that gift box.

Maybe a round trip ticket back to thailand, a wad of cash, hotel reservations...and a gun?

A much coveted double-entry Tourist Visa.

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The woman looks like your typical battleaxe, who I guess got the surprise of her life. The fact that they had been coming to Thailand for such a long time and still decided to go toe to toe with the Thais in the way they did proves they learnt nothing from all their previous trips. As for the Thais they need to put their house in order! Be it these type of incidents or Koh Toi type murders, tourists lives seems to be viewed as highly expendable. Well I have news for the Thais, were not expendable and if your tourist industry has to go down the toilet before you wake the <deleted> up so be it!

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No investigation into why this was not reported in the Thai media until 2 weeks after it happened only because a video went viral and the British press made it headline news.

It was reported in the Thai Daily news on 17/04/16, 4 days after the assault.

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But in this case - three drunk Apes from Wales start a fight with Thai gangs high on drugs in the middle of Songkran - get their brains smashed out of them - and this requires the attention of the world media? Are you kidding me or something?

5555 ..that's about the size of it!

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Dimple Joe, first warm greetings to a very NEW Thaivisa member!

Agree with Jblood?! No surprise there, it is an excellent attack post. Why bother trying to apologize for something there can be no apology for. Better to turn the tables and blame the victim. WooHoo!

As this video has indeed gone viral worldwide, many of our resident professional troll team brigade are clocking heavy hours what with running from Forum to Forum, deflecting, distracting, intentionally confusing, it can be tough so why not just come out and attack the victims.

It has even made it to American sites like FOX. As The US news sites rarely bother to divert its gaze from its own navel, this is an event. Our Troll team has been busy Dimp, theyve been a rash of new signings on over at say FOX, but what is cool, no apologies there either. Blame those crazy mean vicious old British couple for violently instigating this incident, getting beat half to death and then having it defame Thailands thugs and gang members.

Say what you will, its a pretty impressive performance

PS - J Blood, didn't mean to leave you out, Greeting's and welcome to Thaivisa also.

Edited by LomSak27
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The court please l am trying not to laugh... A Thai court Thai vs Falang. If he killed your husband he may walk free with 10000 fine suspended sentence.....lf was a falang your finished. They are corrupt, racist and unjust.

This is simply ignorant and not true. Thai courts are NOT racist. They may be unjust and it depends on how much 'influence' the person has. Believe it or not but some foreigners have influence and many Thais don't. But don't believe it is Thai v farang, a common myth as most farang have no influence, poo yai due to deliberate separation from Thai culture.

Have you had a xperiance of the Thai justice system?

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of course they will return now, after PM involvement, all expenses paid and police protection.

happy they have made a full recovery and hopefully return to enjoy the true Thailand

Where did you get that info from? If untrue the authorities would be very interested in your claim. Good luck.

Where have you been under a rock.

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So now they will vow to come back to Thailand after enduring such a savage attack because the TAT and the prime minister's office were nice to them?

Come on, is Thailand the only country in the world open to tourism? Or the only country worth travelling to? These people must seriously be boring if they always do the same thing, always coming to Thailand. Their son lives in Singapore. How about they check that country out a little bit better? How about Malaysia, right next door? Or perhaps Indonesia, which is literally also just a stone's throw away? Or maybe Vietnam or Myanmar? Or the Philippines?

What's wrong with any of those countries? Why always Thailand?

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Blame those crazy mean vicious old British couple for violently instigating this incident,

Is that not exactly what happened?

The British family got angry, attacked several Thai people and tried to use violence to settle a dispute with the locals in a foreign country....consequently they got their asses kicked in return.

Does your timeline of events differ from mine?

Simple cause and effect!

Edited by Brizo
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Dont upset him, i recon from his rantings, he could be dangerous.

Couple of trolls basically. Probably typing with one hand. I think most of us have got better things to do than to enter into a discussion with the mentally challenged.

I only joined this forum recently but if this is an example of "advanced" members, I don't think I'll be a regular visitor.

Edited by Mark123456
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Also what is the reason that in all these years they have never visited him in Singapore? Is it the reason that he liked them so much that he would never let them visit in the place where he actually lived? That's a very odd thing. It's a thing you would do with a business partner that you don't necessarily trust - i.e. meet them on a neutral ground... And since this guy is only interested in getting drunk at local pubs - I'm sure there are plenty of pubs in Singapore - what was the reason for all of them to meet in Hua Hin, when Singapore is just 30 minutes flight away?

Was it perhaps that he prefered to visit Thailand for reasons other than just meet his parents and get drunk at a local pub?

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So now they will vow to come back to Thailand after enduring such a savage attack because the TAT and the prime minister's office were nice to them?

Come on, is Thailand the only country in the world open to tourism? Or the only country worth travelling to? These people must seriously be boring if they always do the same thing, always coming to Thailand. Their son lives in Singapore. How about they check that country out a little bit better? How about Malaysia, right next door? Or perhaps Indonesia, which is literally also just a stone's throw away? Or maybe Vietnam or Myanmar? Or the Philippines?

What's wrong with any of those countries? Why always Thailand?

They loved Hua Hin they said,they've been going there for 20 years.I assume they like drinking which rules out a considerable part of Malaysia and for Singapore,are the beaches any good?

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